Kuba Powiertowski

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About Kuba Powiertowski

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  1. @Keryo Koffa thinking, especially thinking too much might be a big obstacle in every field of life. This advice is simple, and this is only an advice. Do whatever you want. By the way, everything might become a religion / obsession if you miss the point.
  2. @Leo Gura I appreciate Your style, Mr. Gura. Truly unique😘
  3. ...if not the wisest I've heard so far: "Love Everyone, serve Everyone, remember God, tell the Truth; it's All One." Quite hard to implement, but when You do - just works🙃
  4. Only here this spiritual bubble of confusion and unresolved problems exists. Here, and wherever mind is willing to create such stuff. In reality, who cares? It is what it is.
  5. @Husseinisdoingfine stop being dramatic, Brother. Listen to the wise advice from people here. Turning off your avatar, called suicide, will not end anything. Quite the opposite. You will experience frustration, anger, irritation on an incomparably larger scale. Here, as a human, you have the opportunity to work through it. And you have no way out. You will not escape from yourself anywhere. Get to work, Brother👊
  6. 😂😂😂 confirm. It's stubborn af.
  7. Let's put it a bit poetically and metaphorically. Freedom, like pleasure, are difficult concepts to define. Where pleasure ends and pain begins, is freedom ending and enslavement beginning? Or maybe the other way around? In the relative dimension, we will always get relative answers, if not paradoxical ones. I myself, struggle with this, as long as I struggle 😉😊. Lately, I have been discovering the blessing of not thinking beyond the bare necessity.
  8. @Breakingthewall Om Shanti Amen Brother🙏
  9. This earthly ride has bumpy roads. Each stage ends with a test, a checkpoint that exposes our weaknesses in a way, sometimes completely unexpected. Reality is not about doing good to the ego. It's a school of survival where your only enemy is yourself. The nature of earthly lessons is always the specific violence with which you defend yourself against what is outside and, even worse, what is inside. Nevertheless, over time you will recognize that the greatest battles you have already fought and those still ahead of you are true grace. This is where each of us has a chance to truly expand our inner kingdom, to grow. Only there. I learn from everyone. I follow the path of a warrior not because I am one, because everyone is one to a certain point. I stopped deceiving myself that there was another option. I'm sick of this new age cherry-picking spirituality and all this bullshit about things that the ego has no idea about because it can't have. The recipe is simple. Eat it as it is, don't feel sorry for yourself. Life doesn't revolve around you, you're not the fucking center of the world. Everyone here suffers in their own way. Understanding this helps awaken empathy. Don't compare yourself, don't judge others. The only person you can compare yourself with is yourself. Can I be better today than I was yesterday? Be honest with yourself, don't run away from your own crap, don't powder it with some idiotic narrative. Don't be afraid of falls. You are a human. You will fall again, you will harm yourself and others, not once. Maybe even today. You have fallen - get up. It will get a little easier over time. You will finally gain humility when you realize that the person you identify with really doesn't know shit. I won't write that I love you all, because it's not true. Not yet. I still have many falls ahead of me. The only thing I know is that the One I am will lift me up when I am ready to grab His hand, always stretched out towards me.
  10. @Someone here freedom from „freedom of suffering” is much better.
  11. …yes, our human games. Life can challenge us in toughest ways. Surrender to what is, is good. Sometimes very hard but still it’s the best option. What else can you do? Reality is way bigger than us. Stay strong Bro. It’s gonna be ok in the end, at least I hope so.
  12. What a nice and gentle exchange of ideas
  13. Life is this and that and much much more🏵💮🍁
  14. @Bazooka Jesus You very welcome, Bazooka Jesus✋️😊
  15. @Sugarcoat imagine a world without strict definitions of anything. If you like it, live in it