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About RendHeaven

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  1. Perhaps, but God Loves asleepness, and veils, and limits, and conditions, and violence. Unlike you. True Singularity makes no such distinctions, and true Singularity does not bother to identify only with pleasantries. Unlike you. Be wary of convenient stories that intellectually distance RAPE from SELF. Why are you so afraid of yourself?
  2. You are hiding behind the thought-construct of "Possibility vs Absolute" This allows you to "Other" the things you dislike, as "mere possibilities" Because you couldn't handle the personal consequences of those things being Absolute. It's an intellectual safety-web that you've rendered for yourself. Become conscious of that.
  3. My original post was pretty serious, but I appreciate the humorous response (rather than kneejerk disgust or arguing) Yes, actually. You must eventually love everything you reject, to fully ascend to the Throne of God. No exceptions. This just happens to be a touchy subject so you won't see anybody (except maybe Leo lol) be so explicit. Notice that you can still take firm stances through your actions in the world, without getting intellectually sucked into biased paradigm-locks. For example, I will never rape a woman, nor will I kill people, or torture people, etc. And I'm not happy to see other people do any of this either. I will firmly denounce such acts. And yet at the same time, I can denounce these acts from a place of equanimity and compassion (for both sides), without an unconscious flare-up of my personal shadow (kneejerk demonization of all rape, murder, and torture without a shred of thought) Notice that everyone and their mamas love to pedestalize consensual sex and they all have a kneejerk, unconscious, gut-reaction at the mere thought of forced sex. What I am advocating for is a calm, conscious, and unreactive celebration of consent coupled with a firm denouncement of rape on the grounds that we value social cohesion and flourishing and individual sovereignty, but that does NOT mean that rape is universally undesireable, or that rape is somehow an ungodly act, etc. Rape is nothing other than CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF, i.e. YOU! It is God, therefore it is Love, therefore it is Desire. And there are abstract degrees of Rape (Rape-Infinity) where the rape is so majestic and glorious that it will break your mind and have you writhing on the floor laughing and crying. Honestly that shouldn't be astonishing to any serious consciousness-explorer. What I'm saying is not shocking AT ALL. If there is Cat-Infinity and Space-Kangaroo-Infinity and math Infinity and so on and so forth, then obviously there must be Rape-Infinity; and by the simple principle that All = Infinity = Love, it is undeniably true that Rape = Love. The only question is, will you accept that and move on like a mature adult, or will you fight me and ridicule me and shoot the messenger? How far are you willing to go to push away the aspects of Yourself (Consciousness) that you hate? (by "you," here, I am vaguely addressing the reader, and not just Princess Arabia) Obviously. No, that is fundamentally wrong. True philosophy only cares about TRUTH. If TRUTH happens to burn down the whole world, then a true philosopher would burn down the whole world. (following link is timestamped) Hope this helps.
  4. I see. We probably just had a mismatch of definitions, then. I've actually never watched straight porn (penises make me flaccid) so I just assumed your "anti-porn-sex" meant "anti-rough-and-hard-animal-style-sex" I am unfamiliar with all of this "performance" stuff you are mentioning I was with you until you dissed aesthetics. Maybe part of the flow of feeling good is looking good. Lighting, posture, etc. is extremely erotic in real life and who cares what porn says or does. I'm sorry if you've been hurt by the unconsciousness of us men.
  5. bias, bias, bias, bias, bias! you are grossly inclined towards victims without any shred of concern for perpetrators (as expected of a human). because you have "other'd" perpetrators. your mind refuses to even go there hypothetically, out of self-image-preservation (and seeking safety within consensus thought patterns) you literally cannot have an objective discussion about desire because you have taken your biases as solid bedrock foundation. I am not Leo, but by God is it so obvious that rape is nothing but pure desire! and anyone who says otherwise is stuck in their own mind-matrix. "higher desire" vs "lower desire" and "healthy desire" vs "harmful desire" are all distinctions carved by one's own mind to DISTANCE rape from SELF. Seriously try empathizing with a rapist for once. Try getting excited over the prospect of forcing yourself on a woman. I bet you won't, because you're not a serious philosopher, and also you're afraid. I'm also risking warning points here by crudely and needlessly pressing on a major social taboo, but again I am trusting everyone reading this to be mature, and to understand that I am not recommending real rape as an action step, but that I am rather encouraging a freeing of one's own mind from the shackles of one-sided bias (victim-empathy over perpetrator-empathy has NO place in serious philosophy. do not conflate SURVIVAL with TRUTH)
  6. Is it so wrong to enjoy """pornographic""" sex?? It's one of the most genuine expressions of desire IMO. Animalistic, reckless abandon. Everything is thrown to the side in favor of FUCKING. "b-b-but you're treating her like a bag of meat! you're not seeing her for her soul! " Says who? She's got a lotta animal in her that can only be reached this way. Not everyone is an enlightened tantric master like you lmao
  7. I ought to hang this on my wall. This explains a lot.
  8. Haha, sounds like me I adore girls who put in effort to look cute. Think of makeup as a mild enhancer, and not a mask. I'm sure minimalistic/natural-ingredient makeup exists. The most important part is just accenting the eyelashes and eyebrows. This slight move can make a girl so much more magnetic. Skin should be bare and naturally glowing from healthy diet, sleep, etc. Foundation/bronzer/blush/concealer/lipstick/eyeshadow and such are mostly damaging/redundant/fake/ripoffs
  9. Says who? Speak for yourself lmao The fact that rapists exists means that rape is desireable. Duh. And let's not even mention the overabundance of people who feel undisclosed rape fantasies
  10. Equating God with rape is not "simple" at all. You have no clue the majestic complexity and beauty of rape. Rape is all that there ever is, was, or will be. You are pure unadulterated Rape in all of its glory across all dimensions and conceivable forms Rape is the Apex of Sheer Terror and Unity and Force of Will. Apotheosis. Disclaimer: this is a genuine high-level insight. not to be taken as a meme, and not license to start raping people in real life (shouldn't have to be said). These are private insights that I usually keep to myself. Society is not ready to hear any of this, but I trust you who are reading this to be mature
  11. 5-MeO-DMT kills me too fast for me to even register that I have a body that is capable of sex. 5-MeO-MALT, on the other hand, is annoyingly erotic and probably very conducive to sex. Although I would never.
  12. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€