
Is suicide the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?

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I’d like to see what you guys think about this. I hope it doesn’t get taken down, but wouldn’t that be the most total and quick way to transcend the ego and in turn everything that limits you?

Other than the time and effort required, how is this different from mahāsamādhi?

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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It's not the same. Notice that with suicide you are escaping from some place to go somewhere else. But enlightenment is being Here.

Here's a guarantee for enlightenment: Let go of your survival. Then if the body wants to do this or that, it's his problem. The body probably will keep surviving. It's just that "You" will be gone.

Edited by Javfly33

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You would just fall back into the dream of thinking that you need to kill the limited being to become unlimited. A cycle of discontent. A nightmare. 

You don't become enlightened after death. And with Suicide, its like throwing the gift away, hoping to receive a better gift.

An Enlightened being would have no need to kill the limited body to transcend its infinite mind. 

Thanks for the thought provoking question. :)

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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11 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

It's not the same. Notice that with suicide you are escaping from some place to go somewhere else. But enlightenment is being Here.

Here's a guarantee for enlightenment: Let go of your survival. Then if the body wants to do this or that, it's his problem. The body probably will keep surviving. It's just that "You" will be gone.

Isn't suicide the most direct way to let go of your survival, by definition? And wouldn’t the “You” be gone as well? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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5 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

You would just fall back into the dream of thinking that you need to kill the limited being to become unlimited. A cycle of discontent. A nightmare. 

You don't become enlightened after death. And with Suicide, its like throwing the gift away, hoping to receive a better gift.

An Enlightened being would have no need to kill the limited body to transcend its infinite mind. 

Thanks for the thought provoking question. :)

How would you fall back into this dream? Experiencing another lifetime? How do you know that you don’t become enlightened after death? If an enlightened being would have no need to do that, then why does mahasamadhi even exist? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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What is after death if not life? Death is just an illusion, a construct created to bring realness and structure to this limited reality.

Life is never ending. You will not awaken to the God Awareness by pretending you are part of the illusion. Or not knowing you are in an illusion. 

Mahasamadhi cannot be forced or pushed by an ego that thinks its time has come. Or wanting to become something more than what it already is. 

Mahasamadhi describes the moment when a being knowingly gives itself back to the earth. Its not a destination. It is just to show that this soul has already become infinite and all knowing in its yet limited form. Depending on your religious teaching, you will see that this final samadhi is not possible without achieving the many lower teachings. Therefore they have already died long before the physical body does. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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I am not an expert but my guess would be that death will not clear carma. By commiting suicide you will detatch from the body but problematic carma is still there - you still believe in your problems. You will be connected back to something which fits your imprint.

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2 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I’d like to see what you guys think about this. I hope it doesn’t get taken down, but wouldn’t that be the most total and quick way to transcend the ego and in turn everything that limits you?

Other than the time and effort required, how is this different from mahāsamādhi?

I've read that you can't reach perfection through the spirit world alone. You must do it here on the physical plane. The reason why is that in the afterlife everything is in transition. Meaning you can't keep your mind still enough to reach perfection.

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“...the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?”

Daily morning meditation until you are no longer believing the content of arising thoughts. You’ll begin to see these things you’re talking about aren’t things at all. It initially seems like there are separate things, and meaning is a separate thing. There is less over activity of the mind via meditation, and the applying thoughts to perception is more readily seen, and seen through. 



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according to this which i am watching now it is said that the ego remains if suicide is partaken 




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2 hours ago, Chakra Lion said:

You would just fall back into the dream of thinking that you need to kill the limited being to become unlimited.

On the other hand, becoming enlightened means other people will be enlightened after you die... oh wait no.

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Is there difference between a terrorist killing himself and bunch of people by bomb and Jesus killed by bunch of people on the cross?

Notice, both of them was completely fine with death. One person acts from full ignorance (Fear), another person acts from full realization of who he truly is (Love).

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Suicide is at the polar opposite of "enlightenment". You need to be very deep into the dream/maya to commit it.

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It is in a way a shortcut but totally boring and a pointless way of going about existence  

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"So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt
To justify the ending of life"


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7 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Is suicide the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?

I’d like to see what you guys think about this. I hope it doesn’t get taken down, but wouldn’t that be the most total and quick way to transcend the ego and in turn everything that limits you?

Other than the time and effort required, how is this different from mahāsamādhi?

 mahāsamādhi  is for old people. 
It is stupid for a young healthy person to attempt


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Do not confuse the lower death drive with consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Do not confuse the lower death drive with consciousness.

@BipolarGrowth As he said suicide is driven by the ego.  It derives from selfishness.   This is not to downplay the pain of depression.  But suicide ultimately comes from a point in which to appease the self.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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