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  1. Adyashanti and Thich Nhat Hanh are great teachers. They focus a lot of embodying "being'ness"
  2. lol nice one, and we are dreaming of people who claim psychedelic's don't work on them.
  3. Well politicians send young men to kill innocent people. When we have someone in society that is a mass murderer, particular a serial killer we sentence them to death. Someone that wages wars kill far more people than a serial killer so, there is some logic to exucuting people that kill hundreds of thousands of lives, or how about a company that releases a drug that kills or injures millions? Is their crime lesser than someone that kills 5 children, because of corporate laws limited liability?
  4. The only way to strengthen both parties is to give 2 alternative parties positions within the government. 1 Green Party` 1 Libertarian Both are very different and both can challenge the war machine Obama's main failure and all presidents, is they are not willing to call out their own party on BS
  5. Its interesting to see peoples perspective on things depending on if they like Musk or Lemon. Lemon's denial of his former bosses not favoring one party over the other was laughable.
  6. Despite of what people may think of her, they have to at least agree with her stance on not sending excessive aid to Israel and Ukraine. I think ever since she's had a child, shes been more anti war. Good for her
  7. He's 66 years old, not in the greatest shape. Probably doesn't do cardio, it should not be a surprise. I hope he recovers well.
  8. @Danioover9000 People can change and it seems he has changed. He at least has been open about his past and genuinely seemed apologetic. I was a shy boy growing up and would run away from girls when I was younger, even when I knew they liked me. If I had half of the confidence that he has in high school, I probably would have abused it. I was a good looking young man but not all and outgoing. Sweet, outgoing, respectful, and dedicated normally do not go together especially for men in their 20s. Which is why you don't see someone like Jeff Bezos also have the wisdom and kindness of someone like Dali Lama. We have idea's of how someone should be like but how many times in our lives we need someone so perfect. I was shy and the type of guy that wishes to marry the first girl he falls in love with. Outgoing and good looking men have more choices, what female would be worth a guys time if he had so many choices to choose from? What woman do you know that would be put on a pedestal like that? Sadly I became more popular with women after I came out of my shell and realized to not put them on a pedestal. That's when I met my life partner. Only 5-10% of men on dating apps get all the girls, is it their fault that the women on these apps are shallow and go after the small percentage of men? Why should these men limit themselves so to just 1 girl? Gorgeous smart successful women like Sara Blakely marry people like her husband who is also self made billionaire. Most of the men out there for her would be bums. Our experiences shape us from who we are today. It's hard to judge anyone when we keep this in mind. Yes thats the banner of her youtube channel. Before I listed to her I look at the channel, the videos she had on to get an idea of what her intention is.
  9. You don't have to agree with everything Russell says but its hard to deny his take on how power works and how its being abused. The image of this ladies channel explains her well, she's pretty much created a channel to go against the right which shows shes more interested to go against these figure heads rather than show interest in the truth
  10. @Alexop some people on onlyfans literally meet people in person for a fee.
  11. Daily cold plunges and breathe work would be the best way to deal with mitigating panic attacks.
  12. Its already legal. It's called onlyfans. When it's publicly listed it's A-ok 😉
  13. @Leo Gura I don't think he needed to wack the guy. Generally at a time of war, countries don't like to change leaders. That's why George W got a second term dispite of the hate he was getting within the country and around the world. Those were good times when the left was anti war and united. That guy that spoke against the war in Ukraine also got whacked. It seems these eastern European countries don't like dessent and like to ignore the wellbeing and treatment of jailed individuals.
  14. America and UK are blocked inside the Eqaudorian embassy and imprisoned Julian Assange since 2012. They also mishandled Epstein and allowed him to kill himself or so they say. All powerful governments have their dark-side and none of them are willing to admit it. Shamelessly Trump has admitted outloud on a press conference "we are all killers" in a way that is one of the reasons a majority of the politicians hate him. They cant forgive him for being honest on certain things.
  15. Open speech and dialog is important even if you don't like Tucker. I don't think any mainstream journalist has the desire to interview him. The people in Hawaii refer them more Hawaiian than American and more or less their land was and is taken over. I don't think America has as much grounds to critique Russia for wanting to take over Ukraine. The average Ukrainian wants to be part of the EU because of the opportunities they will get which is why they want independence and to move towards democracy of the west. When people in power want something nice, they have the power to take it so they try. Unfortunately all nations that have power think like this. The west already has taken they they can in the past which is why they can afford the higher moral compass. There really is no absolute wrong or right in these situations as any.