
No video this week????

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1 minute ago, Shin said:


Btw, saying it is slippery still means it could be grasped ?

Certainly not with oily hands xD 

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You couldn’t resist pointing that out either could you?  Me me me?  Look at you doing “look at me” too!  Mr. “I schooled Joseph”.  Haha.  The irony abounds with some of you with this pretending that you have no Ego.  Then you get to tisk tisk everybody forever right?  The problem is that tisk tisk never gets turned back around on the accuser himself.  I never said I have no Ego.  That’s your belief and standard, not mine.  I actually fully accept and love my Ego.  

I think the point wasn't necessarily about no ego. But about your conversational narcissism.

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12 minutes ago, Aimblack said:

I think the point wasn't necessarily about no ego. But about your conversational narcissism.

Hehe.  You guys are too much.  Look at you with your labels.  What the hell is conventional narcissism?   Lemme ask you, what is unconventional narcissism?  I’ve never heard of those terms.  Did you make them up?  I took a class in Abnormal Psychology at UCLA and the first half of the course was all about not diagnosing people with abnormal psychology labels without very careful consideration because of the room for abuse inherent in that.  One of the easiest ways to dismiss somebody is to call them insane or crazy or what have you.  It’s just a sh*tty kinda underhanded thing to do to somebody.  But then you point a bony finger at me not realizing you have 3 fingers pointed right back at yourself.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Im a narcissist too, obviously, Im not Enlightened so I have to be, Im the most important... cant lie, not a pathological narcissist though... but thats just a label isnt it

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 minute ago, Rilles said:

Im a narcissist too, obviously, Im not Enlightened so I have to be, Im the most important... cant lie, not a pathological narcissist though... but thats just a label isnt it

Who on here is not a narcissist?  That’s a better question haha.  I’m only sorta joking.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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13 minutes ago, Preetom said:

Certainly not with oily hands xD 


Yes or no ?





God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Joseph Maynor Hehe yea look at me making relevant points and shit :) conVERSATIONAL narcissism is when you manipulate a conversation to make the topic about you or something that you want to talk about. 


A: Did you hear about the recent shooting? 

B: Yea horrible I can only imagine how the gunshots must have sounded because I remember from my hunting trip when I shot my first gun I was surprised about the loudness of that gun...but well at least I got the deer.

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2 minutes ago, Aimblack said:

@Joseph Maynor Hehe yea look at me making relevant points and shit :) conVERSATIONAL narcissism is when you manipulate a conversation to make the topic about you or something that you want to talk about. 


A: Did you hear about the recent shooting? 

B: Yea horrible I can only imagine how the gunshots must have sounded because I remember from my hunting trip when I shot my first gun I was surprised about the loudness of that gun...but well at least I got the deer.

Weird commentary.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Who on here is not a narcissist?  That’s a better question haha.  I’m only sorta joking.

It's true tho if we are really honest.

Our lives are really only about US. Even our benevolence and charity is for us as well. How can it be otherwise?

These is only one knowing being presence. It can only pretend the otherness, something which is just not there.

me me me me me...that's all there is, whether enlightened or not~

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10 minutes ago, Preetom said:

It's true tho if we are really honest.

Our lives are really only about US. Even our benevolence and charity is for us as well. How can it be otherwise?

These is only one knowing being presence. It can only pretend the otherness, something which is just not there.

me me me me me...that's all there is, whether enlightened or not~

Bingo!  What’s a real hoot are the narcissists who think they have No Ego running around trying to correct others’ Egos.  That’s what we call a Spiritual Ego.  Many of these people (not all) are like covert narcissists.  There’s a term for ya!  I didn’t make that one up either.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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8 minutes ago, Shin said:


Yes or no ?





omg that face kills me everytime xD 

Does it always have to be yes or no?


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Just now, Preetom said:

omg that face kills me everytime xD 

Does it always have to be yes or no?


”Its counter-intuitive! Of course! Its a strange loop! Tada...”

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Enlightenment is really narcissism taken to it's full circle.

In advaita vedanta, this incomparable love for oneself above all else is called the bliss/love aspect of the Self/Enlightenment. But it gets delusionally facilitated by the separate self ego which breeds more suffering rather than bliss.

3 minutes ago, Rilles said:

”Its counter-intuitive! Of course! Its a strange loop! Tada...”

There is really no around. Where would you go? 9_9

''Not this...

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PLEASE...Not this...''

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8 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Bingo!  What’s a real hoot are the narcissists who think they have No Ego running around trying to correct others’ Egos.  That’s what we call a Spiritual Ego.  Many of these people (not all) are like covert narcissists.  There’s a term for ya!  I didn’t make that one up either.

Aren't you correcting them too by saying that ?

Why not saying nothing and just move along with your day ?

Why justificating yourself all the time ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Here’s a good question — When is “conversational narcissism” not present on this Forum?   I mean seriously!  The people who aren’t narcissists on here, you probably never heard of them.  The right word is not narcissism anyway it’s Ego, and we all have one.  Narcissism is different than Ego.  Think Donald Trump and you got narcissism pretty figured out on the Ego side.  But then you have narcissists on the No Ego side in the form of Spiritual Egos too.  Those are easy to spot as well, at least to me.  Narcissism is a much stronger word than Ego is.  Everybody has Ego but not every Ego is a narcissistic Ego.  Now obviously this comes in degrees.  Donald Trump is way on the extreme end of having a narcissistic Ego.  I’m kinda sorta joking around in these posts, but I’m actually not a fan of using abnormal psychology labels like “narcissist” flippantly.  I took a class on this stuff and I learned how these terms are routinely abused in rhetoric as way to demonize people and dismiss people.  It’s a cheap shot basically, like a kick to the balls or fingers in the eyes.  And then how do you respond?  No I’m not a conversational narcissist!   It’s ridiculous.  It’s a silly little game.  Chances are if you’re accusing me of being a narcissist you’re probably one yourself because that’s a pretty strong and underhanded thing to say about somebody without really good cause.  Of course due to the anonymity of the Internet, it’s a lot easier to say these kinds of things than in regular life which is one of the cons of Social Media and the Internet.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Here’s a good question — when is conversational narcissism not present on the Forum?   

It's always present but just like with most things it's a matter of degree. It's one thing to post your opinion on a topic another to start listing all the things you have to do over the holidays for work when the topic is about when the new video will be coming.


EDIT: And yes me pointing that out is also narcissistic because if it bothers me enough that I have to point then I'm trying to manipulate you to behave the way I want so I think I'll take my own medicine and stop now... ;)  

Edited by Aimblack

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can we go back to bitching abt not having our sunday dose of leo ?

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