Leo Gura

New Video Out Now!

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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OMG thanks. Watching. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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@Leo Gura I've completely backslided into old ways.

Watching a trading algorithm perspective video on youtube atm. 

Want to get back to the actualized life.

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Let’s gooo


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Thanks!! I will watch it soon

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@Leo Gura I love the new drawing style of the thumbnails (of this video and also the one about postmodernism). Do you do them yourself?

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Awesome! Thanks Leo B|

Words can't describe You.

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I always get a big hit of nostalgia every time I hear that intro tune 9_9

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Cool, i will watch that. 

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Watched 1 hour already. I was once one of those guys who belived God had put Dinossaurs bones in the earth to test our faith. Such a fool I was, of course was not God who did it, was the Aliens or Annunakis. Hehe..

Jokes apart, the episode is gold. I just came from  a Holotropic Breathwork and in the past I use to mock with some breathworkers as putting to much Hype into the Breathwork Approach. Well, I now can say something about the true nature of this work with Breath. Is amazing, the energy you feel in your body and the emotional release is liberating. There still some inner material coming for me to process. 

So,is true, better to not speak about stuff one never had direct experience or studied and inquired for long time and experience.

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@Leo Gura Great thanks Leo for your work .

Can you make episode in the future about dealing with existential crisis? 


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Oh we’re feasting today🥳

Sailing on the ceiling 


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About time. Love the topic, btw. Haven't watched yet, but I will wait until I can give it my undivided attention. Definitely not at night while preparing for bed as I will fall asleep on it and see you in my dreams. Hehe. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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