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About Rigel

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    Québec, Canada
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  1. Some people are even asexual. You are trying fit complex biological systems into a tight box. That’s never gonna work. We can’t even agree on being humans lol.
  2. I’d listen to that. Sounds interesting.
  3. I don’t drink it often. Caffeine agrees with my genetics a lot & I like it but I’ve had very tasty decaf. It’s definitely possible to make it right. It’s just a bit harder to source the top tier stuff. I love natural coffees and I haven’t come across a decaf version of that yet with my local roasters.
  4. Omg are you really wasting 800 euros on one of these?
  5. How do you clean the messy juicer afterwards? It’s the only thing preventing me from making stuff like this.
  6. Taking the subway & bus seem to be pretty low for most people. It doesn’t need to be though. It’s like consciousness could be conscious even on the bus.
  7. Couldn’t tell you what LSD micros are like to me I’ve never had LSD. It’s crazy how psychedelics affect people differently.
  8. Immediately. I get this restlessness from microdosing that is only quenchable through running faster, pulling harder & generally more motivation to exhaust myself. I am combining it with niacin for the vasodilation.
  9. It does not matter what people are « allowed » to do. Especially when it comes to an instinctive and unconscious drive like sex. People will have sex whenever they have sex and you cannot do anything about it. If you make it illegal they’ll just do it behind closed door and keep it to themselves. Just like drugs really.
  10. I don’t like microdosing when I have to use my brain power, it’s very distracting to me. Almost jittery. What I have found lately is that I really like it as a pre workout or before I am about to do something physical. I feel like I can use those extra vibrations then. When I need to focus on mind stuff I find it annoying to be honest. Mind stuff I reserve for macro dose.
  11. Depends on the way your specific body metabolizes it & the genetics of the mushroom itself. I feel like a broken record at this point but for some batches, 0,1g feels like 0,5g & for some other batches, 0,5g is barely noticeable. You will need to test & average out every single batch. 0,1g is a good starting point.
  12. Maybe you do need an external intervention. All I am saying is the possibility of it being a product of years of misuse. Which is why I asked all of those questions. It’s not so far fetched. Think of how years of misuse of the digestive mechanism does to a human body. Misuse in this case would be putting the wrong foods in it at the wrong time and in the wrong quantity. Everybody will agree on user error when it comes to obesity & everybody will agree that it’ll take a long time of training & rewriting of habits to change that situation. Same exact thing happens with the breathing mechanism. People that sink their tongue into the pharynx & fail to drop their jaw & lift their palate by activation of the mask muscles are misusing the mechanism in very foundational ways. Your whole upper body from the top of the head down is involved in the sound motion of this mechanism. Even your lower body to a lesser extent. I am serious do you notice any improvement at all when you are smiling & laughing? However slight edit: I mean a real smile with eyes and all. With joy included.
  13. Alright sorry for my misunderstanding. Did you take anything I said into account at all though? I used to always have one of them blocked as well by the way.
  14. Are you engaging the fine muscles behind the eyes, above the cheeks & keeping you soft palate lifted with proper tongue placement? Do you have a sparkle in your eyes at all time? It sounds silly but do you notice it gets a little better when you are laughing or smiling? Also what does your posture look like? Are you slouching? Is your rib cage open in the front and the back? Do you notice your rib cage collapsing when exhaling? Maybe your airways are collapsed from years of misuse of your face, neck & trunk muscles. Maybe that’s why doctor says you don’t look like you have anything but still can’t breath. It’s not obvious at all how to use the breathing mechanism functionally. I’d say most people are misusing it. I can hear it in their heavy voices that they don’t know how to breathe at all.
  15. I really don’t understand how people can drink alcool and not have the same visceral reaction you get from smelling some very old & rotten trash juice. You know that instinctual gag that tells you « don’t put that in your mouth or smell or touch or interact with in anyway other than throwing it the fuck out of your living space ». I admit I am being dramatic. I do value alcool for its antiseptic properties. But even then isopropyl is probably better. I am really not advising you anything here. That’s just how I feel about it.