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  1. Thats fair. I'm not aware of the fake FSD demo. I must also admit they also did some deceptive trickery with a recent acceleration speed test. Telsa showed a video of a Tesla vehicle accelerating faster and beating another very high-end sports car to the finish line. Turns out the finish line was only 60% of the standard drag race length, and actually the high end sports car beat the Tesla in the full-length race. I can't remember the correct terms or details. Videos online talking about it though. The deep problem of marketing, eh?
  2. This is definitely a bait but i'll bite. To say he's a con man is just simply and objectively untrue. I've heard this so many times, it's yet again another leftist talking point that gets parroted over and over again. Explain to me specifically what con he has engaged in. He's well known for making overly optimistic predictions about his businesses and products. Everyone knows this. But there's no 'con'. A 'con' is an intentional lie or deception. Elon's misjudgements are just optimistic inaccuracies and over-excitement at times. The Roadster V2 is the only product that had a massive launch and hype around it but has yet to be built. Every single other Tesla product is being mass produced. I can't actually think of any other product Elon has said will be built but hasn't. Do I need to write a list of every thing his companies have achieved? All of the impossible engineering, American space flight, reusable rockets, the best electric vehicles on the market that forced the entire auto market to transition into making electric cars. You think the legacy auto makers would be making electric cars if Tesla hadn't fucked up the market and proved it possible? Self-driving has certainly taken them much longer than Elon's initial intentions. But again, this was just a genuine misjudgement on behalf of Elon. How can you blame them for not being able to build the first ever autonomously driving vehicle on time? Just utterly absurd. You're blinded by bias. You can't see that what Elon has achieved is impossible. Do you understand what he has built?! He's the ultimate visionary. It just so happens that his visions have now become a little clouded and a bit twisted. His vision to 'eradicate the woke mind virus' is just another mind virus!!. The whole point of building X was because his son became a girl! He spent $44billion because he can't accept his son being a daughter. And Musk is deeply self-serving. But he has to be. Do you understand? Tesla, Space X, all of the other businesses, they simply cannot exist with deep selfish behaviour. He had to force his vision into existence no matter what. His personal life is a shamble. 4, 5 baby mothers? Most of them hate him. Even Grimes filing a lawsuit a believe. This is what people don't understand. They don't understand that Musk has to be the way he is. And he isn't going to let all that selfishness just go to waste. Hence why he supports Trump.
  3. Good that we can agree on something then! I don't think your perspective on Musk's vision are accurate or true. Although it seems you've argued your point enough already so I shall leave it at that.
  4. Musk isn't perfect, but as Leo said, you are blinded by bias. Tesla was basically nothing when Musk bought the company. I believe they had a couple of patents and that was about it. Barely a drivable car and a couple of employees. The success of the first Roadster was created under Musk's management and direction. That simply would not have existed without Musk. The Roadster was the catalyst for everything we see today. The foundation was already set for him? What foundation lmao? Whatsapp and Instagram were well established companies with hundreds of employees and fully working products when Facebook purchased them. You know its a stupid comparison. Musk can also be a very toxic, self-centred leader with somewhat dangerous conservative policies. This is also true. 'Consider multiple perspectives' doesn't mean agreeing with you or allowing you to spew bias without push back. We've considered it. And we've considered it deeply biased and a misguided interpretation of the events.
  5. I had to switch off his recent Free Tour videos after like 10 minutes. He was just ranting about how rich he is and demonising broke people. Reminded me of Scott Galloway - just awful. People aren't going to change from being demonised and belittled. I'm just always waiting for Owen to give some good practical advice, rather than it always being "do an audit on your life - and click the link!!"
  6. Others got caught after serious investigations, not Facebook gossip. If the 'victim' or accuser wants to file a formal complaint, either with Rupert's organisation or the police, then she is welcome to do so, and i'd encourage her to do that if needed. However, lets say these accusations are true, has Rupert done anything illegal here? Had sex with a student? Maybe they're in love. How do you know? The bottom line here is that this a stupid conversation. We know absolutely nothing of the subtleties, details and nuances of the situation. No idea what kind of relationships took place. No idea about Rupert's relationship with his wife. Literally nothing. This is also derailing from the threads topic.
  7. @Miguel1 Anyone can make up some accusations and post them on Facebook. Don't give them too much weight unless some more concrete evidence is provided. "He had lied to his wife about it for months. She left him, then he dumped the young student...". How would the accuser know this haha??
  8. This isn't about me. I have no attachment to non-duality or to any teaching. I don't ever consume non-dual videos, content etc. It feels super weak and watered down to me. But I don't go around hating on the teachers or their followers. Disband and dismantle non-dual ideology but without all the hate on the individuals trying their best to engage with spirituality.
  9. You definitely have developed a weird demonisation of non-dual teachers and non-duality over the past few months. It's something I've been quietly noticing through many of your posts. It comes off as a bit bitter and spiteful, even though it may just be playful and fun from your end. Go ahead and disagree with non-duality and anything any non-dual teacher says. I'm all for it. I'm excited about what else you have to say. But being bitter and weird about it actually devalues your ideas! You're falling into the trap of 'other-ising' them, which is just the same shit that any unconscious idiot is doing on a daily basis. Every non-dual follower is just trying to do their best. For most people its the highest and most useful spiritual teaching. Judging them does nothing.
  10. Awesome report. God, isn't this reality so bizarre and wonderful!
  11. I don't have recommendations for places to go, other than a remote Airbnb for the weekend. But this sort of spontaneous urge to move, shout or express in some way is quite common with 5-MeO. It happens when a large part of the ego structure has been dissolved and pure spontaneity is allowed to flow through you. It's such a profound and deeply healing experience. On my deepest 5-MeO trip I started to spontaneously speak in a sort of alien language, like I was releasing a bunch of tension in my throat and jaw. I just let it out and it subsided after a short period of time. I also have very spontaneous full body vibrations which is basically the same thing.
  12. @Husseinisdoingfine Elliot Rodger is an exception to the rule. There is literally no evidence showing that incels are violet, aggressive or vindictive. The reality is completely the opposite. This is a big misunderstanding that still permeates online discourse even today. It's not as prevelant these days but certainly used to be the leading narrative back in 2017 when the word was first being circulated. William Costello is an excellent, well-researched, source of information on the Incel community. He often explains how incels are, in fact, often very timid, shy, non-aggressive, and of course in extreme cases barely able to go outside, let alone go and commit some mass murder. They're also more likely to exhibit simp behaviour online, rather than be negative or toxic towards attractive women online.
  13. I deleted TikTok years ago, before it got a good hold on my brain. One of the best decisions I ever made. Saying that, I do indulge in a few Youtube Shorts in the evening sometimes. Which is basically the same thing, but they do feel slightly healthier, less toxic, somehow. But I block YT shorts and any short form content on my computer which also helps a lot.
  14. Yea no one will understand. I've never met anyone else, aside from maybe 2 enlightened people I've interacted with irl, that understands what this awakening, enlightenment, realisation stuff is about. Talked to so many people on retreats who have no idea why they're meditating, let alone what an actual shift in consciousness is.
  15. @Insightful27 Hmm, they're interesting but a bit vague. Some nice initial pointers I suppose.