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  1. If we all agreed on everything perfectly= DEATH. Can't have that. When I became aware that conflict actually avoids death it blew my mind. Yes conflict can lead to death, but it's also an avoidance of death. How would you feel if you walked outside and everything you said and did....everyone agreed with? Then when you thought of something....someone said it out loud? It would completely destroy everything. This thing is so well done that even when you wake up it can pull you back in. I mean my sensory experience is that of duality and nonduality at the same time...and still if I got kidnapped and subjected to torture that would be one hellish experience for me. I have yet to master my consciousness to an extent to remove my awareness of all that pain. I admit I could still love them afterwards if they let me survive, but ummm I would avoid them like the plague and would have to spend some time working through that shit. But with that said it would depend what state of consciousness I was in, because at a high enough state that torture would feel like ecstasy. The Love of God is so powerful it can drive a human to suicide, its too seductive.
  2. I think that these points are routed in two misconceptions. Essentially, I think that you believe that the root cause of Palestinian aggression is the situation with Israel, and you think Israel has the power to solve it due to their position of strength. I don't think that's true at all. First of all, you have to consider the possibility that Palestinian society and leadership don't want peace and they don't want anything that will maintain the state of Israel. Westerners have difficulty grasping this, but the reality is that some cultures actually embrace violence and some societies actually value war and even the killing of the innocent. Westerners tend to think that 'everybody just wants to have peace' or 'everybody is like us because we are all human.' This is a fundamental misconception. Yes, we are all human. So was Stalin, and so was Saddam Hussein. The Mongols and Nazis were also human. That doesn't mean that they didn't value genocide or brutal raiding and territorial expansion. The second thing is, that I know it makes sense to claim that Israel's control radicalizes them, and if Israel didn't control them, this wouldn't happen. I just don't think that's entirely true. And I think there is nothing worse for Palestinian society than self-governing. The situation will deteriorate into something like what happened in Syria or Yemen. Take a look for example at Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. The Palestinian society is no different (in fact, it's worse). Consider also the internal conflict between Hamas and the PLO in 2006. The events of the past 100 years suggest that this is a deeply ingrained aspect of Palestinian society. They exhibit violent behavior, not just towards Israel but towards themselves. And this pattern persists no matter what happens with Israel. Regardless of whether Israel had a state or not, regardless if in was during the occupation or not, before and after Israel left Gaza. This violent mentality has persisted. I think there is nothing that Israel can do, within the realm of reason that will not result in their own existential serious risk, which would change this fundamental issue. I'm not saying it can't change, but there is no indication from the past century that this change is foreseeable. Israel can make wise or unwise policy choices, but the power to fundamentally resolve this issue is beyond their reach. The second misconception is the belief that understanding someone's perspective implies the need to appease them. I can understand why Germany descended into Nazism after WWI. The Treaty of Versailles humiliated them, there were dire economic conditions, and some other factors. But that doesn't mean their regime wasn't utterly barbaric and didn't need to be dealt with using force. You see, when someone is at your door with a rifle, intent on brutally killing you and your family, you kill them. Afterwards you can investigate if he had a difficult childhood. That is what any reasonable, life-cherishing actor would do. Some more specific points: 1.I understand what you're saying. But historically, it wasn't always the case. Jews endured a Holocaust and did not commit such atrocities systematically. 2. + 3. Israelis have endured ongoing terror attacks since the establishment of their state, including many suicide bombings and tens of thousands of rockets targeted at the civilian population over the years (imagine growing up with the constant sound of rocket alarms). Terrorism has a profound effect on a society (consider 9/11 as an extreme example). For many years, their state also faced a genuine survival challenge. This is not a walk in the park, and it profoundly impacts a society. In any case, in reality, they are actually much less ruthless (much much less) and much more inclined towards seeking peace (much much more). This is not solely a consequence of the power imbalance btw. These differing moral standards were present before 1948. 4. I don't see it that way because I believe that historical decisions made by the Palestinians have led to the current situation, making it nearly unavoidable. In my view, a society that initiated war and subsequently lost it is not in a position to dictate the terms. And when they continue with violence, they shouldn't be viewed as the victims (and thus I don't view the Israelis as the aggressors). Anyway, of course I hold Israel to a higher standard because it is a liberal democracy. But I understand the very difficult military situation they are facing, and I recognize Hamas's manipulation of numbers and civilian statistics, as well as militant tactics that deliberately endanger civilians. I also acknowledge that in any conflict, atrocities unfortunately occur. In relative terms, I believe Israel is acting reasonably. They are not intentionally targeting civilians. They are allowing them to evacuate. And yes, they are determined to neutralize Hamas's militant capabilities and secure the release of their hostages. This is war, and it's not a pleasant situation.
  3. I am not sure I understood the analogy. Oslo greement tried to make them quite independent what made the terror worse with suicide bombs in Israeli cities twice a week! Israel should have go in there from new and conquer parts of the west bank. It seems to me you don't want to discuss seriously so unless you explain more I stop here. I dont know why you feel this hatred and I dont remember from where you are. You can share if you want but I think you just want to argue.
  4. Does anyone know where I can get encouraged or motivated to commit suicide?
  5. You have heard all value is relative but I'll give you an exercise to understand things better. Close your eyes. Now for the purposes of this exercise go along with what I am saying. When you close your eyes all you see is darkness, now imagine you are whoever you most admire in life that isn't the human person you usually think of as you. Now...that imagination that you are doing is literally equal to that person right now. Think of it like this....imagine each human body is like a vehicle, and this vehicle once you inhabit it, it has its own personality, its own memories, its own psychological profile the same driver of that vehicle is driving everything, but the experiencer of that vehicle is the same in all vehicles. So think about this!!! As a can anyone actually be less than or greater than...when it is the same driver? It's like playing a fighting game against a bunch of players...but its the same player. Why is this important? It's important because it as God are your own limit. You can NEVER EXCEED YOURSELF. Nobody in life can actually achieve more than you or less than you....because its the same player playing everything. This is also why Reality/Life as a whole cannot be improved...because its all YOU. YOU are your own limit. The development of human kind, is YOUR development level. No difference!! This is why you cannot stay in ego forever. Because the ego always thinks something is wrong with can there be anything wrong...when there is ONE PLAYER, playing everything? You see how silly that is? Now with that said....don't take this on as a belief. That won't work! You need to give full effort everyday, maximum effort. Go at life hard!!! Until you burn through your karma, your attachments and then only then...can you truly do this work. You WILL NOT awaken sooner or later than you are supposed too. Why? Because you are LOVE. You will ask...what does that mean. Easy!!! Love is that which is an ever expanding mystery unto itself. Love acts for its own sake, and not for an other. Love is the highest authority and the greatest servant. Love is the most rebellious submissive, and that is why it is true. Love discovers what it is, when it is faced with pain and misery, because since Love is all there is, Love is its own friend and enemy, its own limit. So look at all of life and realize....everything you ever experience is YOU. It cannot be any other way just like YOU cannot be any other way and that is just the way it is. Look at this beautiful woman, many that knew her said they thought she was living the DREAM LIFE. ^^^^^ God gave itself everything....but because God did not know LOVE in that dream....God could not feel whole. This is why SELF-LOVE is the highest teaching. But you MUST first start with your human avatar. Unconditionally love the avatar, then expand that love outward. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Check out this next video. I look at this woman and believe she is beautiful. But she looks at herself without makeup and believes she looks like shit! Do you see? Wake up!!! Why do I see beauty where she does not? Self-Love!!! This is why you cannot fake love, you cannot fake acceptance. If you have to plaster something on to feel beautiful, that is conditional beauty, conditional acceptance, conditional love. So you have asked....why does God allow quote on quote bad things to happen? To break you out of your conditional love for yourself. Now notice the traditional marriage vows that people take in a partner: "The vows: "In the name of God, I, ___, take you, ___, to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Do you take your human avatar to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death? Would you marry the human you have created? Do you love what you see daily? Notice....your whole life you have been TOLD what to love, TOLD what to value. According to world wide tracking of suicides: An estimated 1 million people worldwide die by suicide every year. Globally, suicide ranks among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15 to 44 years. Attempted suicides are up to 20 times more frequent than completed ones. So why listen to a world that tries to force its version of love onto you? Why listen to a world that is built on conditional love? When you were a baby you had no shame....shame is TAUGHT, conditioned into you!!! Anytime you feel shame as an adult realize...that is just conditioning. Why do you think some groups do PRIDE demonstrations? They are trying to free themselves from their conditioned shame!!! From the conditions that were imposed upon them!! All conditions are relative, amorphous, inconsistent, subject to change, what is absolutely true is there is only YOU, always teaching you what love is. So Love is the only thing that is TRUE, because it shows that no matter the conditions Love is what survives all conditions. Live a life of acceptance, and you live a life of truth.
  6. I am struggling with knowing when to give up and when to persevere. This is about my career as a chess player. It is hard to make it as a chess player. I seem to stake a lot on My ability to be successful. I don't know where to draw the line between being too stubborn and not being stubborn enough. My struggle started when my family wanted me to go college, but there was no major for becoming a professional chess player. I started struggling to find other paths for my life. I have identified a few alternatives to pursuing chess. After finishing an associate degree, I didn't see the point in continuing college. Instead I started working a job I hate at a grocery store. I was already working during college to help pay off the loans. I've had this job for five years now. The prospects of working here forever makes me feel hopeless about my life. I worry about being stuck in meaningless work forever. I have been looking for opportunities to replace this job with something I enjoy. I struggled to find jobs teaching chess for years until I finally landed a job with chess in schools. I have been working here for about six months. The students love my lessons and I love it when they challenge me. My least favorite part is when the kids refuse to behave. In fact one kid said the n word. Even with this job, I still don't make enough money to replace my job at the grocery store. I therefore work two jobs. Therefore, if I want to replace the job I hate, I would have to get a third job then quit. I am trying to get a job with varsity tutors so I can teach chess online. If i make enough money during the week, I can finally have my weekends open permanently for chess tournaments. I am wondering if I should quit pursuing chess for a couple of reasons. Trying to set up my life in the way I want it seems to be making life more difficult. This is far from my ideal of travelling the world to play the top grandmasters. Ben finegold became a grandmaster at age 40, so it is not impossible for me to become a professional chess player, it's just difficult. It makes it hard to tell when to quit. The sunk cost fallacy kicks in when I think about all the courses and books I purchased for chess and all the time I spent studying and playing in tournaments. I have a few alternatives for what I could pursue. The problem is that they probably require me to go back to college. This does not appeal to me. 1. I happen to be good at philosophy and bible studies because I listened to hundreds of hours of Maybe I could build on this. I helped a woman restore her faith in after losing both of her children. 2. I could be good at working with a research team to mitigate polarization in politics. I stopped a lot of fights by teaching my family about self deception and I helped my coworkers get 60,000 dollars in student debt forgiven because my research. 3. I happen to be gifted in quantitative reasoning. I scored 130 on the iq test and I would probably be good at engineering. I just never tried pursuing this kind of career. 4. My alternative passion is teaching emotional mastery in schools. I have been skeptical of the educational system because it ignores life saving teachings. For example a non-profit similar to chess in schools could be used for cbt or other emotional mastery teachings to help prevent suicide. Spiritual teaching could be included to some degree. I hesitate to pursue this because I myself suffer from depression and I have struggled to cure myself somehow. I still suffer from suicidal thoughts even though I tried educating myself on emotional mastery, I tried pills, I tried therapy, I tried the forgiveness exercise, and other things. All of them helped partially, but I still feel stuck in the same pattern. Part of the hopelessness is the job I hate. Despite my continued struggle with depression, I managed to help my brother stop his suicidal thoughts. I could be good at helping people, but I struggle to help myself. My top values include open mindedness, pure understanding, learning, truth, authenticity, helping others grow, and objectivity. When should I quit?
  7. My Understanding of What is Going On I had a rough idea as to what was going on in Palestine from my classes, specifically in my human rights classes, but I wouldn't say that I was well versed in it. I made much more of an effort in figuring out what was happening and I discussed this matter with a friend who specialized in this region as an international relations major. I got her seal of approval and I think I have a decent grasp as to what is happening right now. I made a little slide show since my friend and I didn't have much time to talk this out. That way she could take in the info in her own time and then give me feed back accordingly. I shared this with others and basically I think this is straight forward and easy to understand so I wanted to include it in my journal (also, I'm proud of my work). But unfortunately, I don't have enough space left in my attachments to add this file to my journal so I'm going to try to improvize. What about the U.S.: The U.S. gives Israel billions to fund their military. But why? The far right religious nut cases believe that having Jewish people in the Promise Land will bring the rapture and the second coming of Christ sooner. The Democrats love saying that “it’s complicated” in order to continue protecting their hegemony in the Middle East Both parties treat Israel as a giant military base and pawn to negotiate with other middle eastern countries for “strategic military and economic reasons.” No bitch, it’s imperialism. They love saying that they are doing this to preserve Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East but let’s be real, it’s a lie to make us feel better about ourselves and make us look like we care about the well being of the people around us when we clearly don’t given the way Palestinians are treated. Plus, it’s not our place to impose our standard of government to other people as that can cause even more instability in an area. We are not the world’s police force Basically, the U.S. is the hot Cheeto girl of the international community who loves to pick fights at 7:55 am after guzzling Brisk Lemonade. (see See unlike Cassie (Israel), Maddie (the U.S.) still has friends. Those friends are afraid of the U.S. to a certain degree because they know how volatile the U.S. can be and don’t want to get on their bad side. No one likes Cassie but the other countries keep their mouths shut because or else that’s like social suicide. Everyone talks shit about Cassie amongst themselves because Cassie is a messy bitch. The Rhetoric: Genocidal Rhetoric Genocidal Sentiments: Note, while there are genocidal sentiments on both sides, this isn’t some all lives matter shit. Israel is significantly more powerful because of global backing and military power therefore they harbor most of the responsibility Genocidal Rhetoric: Palestine Palestine : After being subjected to violence and a lack of food, water, and electricity and general instability, it’s understandable that some Palestinians have wanted to retaliate against Israel. When you have been destabilized for so long and you have seen generations worth of violence, you become desensitized to it and it becomes a valid way of dealing with your problems because that’s what’s been modeled to you and you have already lost so much to where sacrificing yourself and killing others doesn’t seem like a big deal. Enter Hamas: When some people get so desperate and feel so powerless, they resort to joining terrorist groups and adopting extremist forms of religion as a way to gain back a sense of control. Hamas is not a group of principled freedom fighters, they are terrorists and they also terrorize Palestinians. They are an Islamofacist group. Israel loves Hamas because it helps the villainize and further demonize/dehumanize the Palestinian civilians and it emboldens the Israeli far right. There have been other groups that have tried to help Palestine by using more moderate and secular means, but they have been destroyed and bombed. However, Israel kept Hamas around because they are easy to blame and because it will hurt the optics of Palestanian liberation if that liberation gets conflated with a terrorist group Basically, messy bitches love other messy bitches so that they can set each other up and not people who are actually trying to help in a constructive because nonmessy people won’t play stupid games to win stupid prizes. Genocidal Rhetoric: Israel Israel has also been subjected to violence though not in the same scale as Palestinians. The Israeli citizens aren’t inherently genocidal monsters rather they have been subjected to decades of right wing propaganda. Israeli citizens are also required to serve in the IDF for two years and this further reinforces the need to militarize and contribute to the cause for every citizen. It reinforces the propaganda. There is also a whole thing with birth right trips that are funded by the state which are basically indoctrination vacations to draw people in for the relocation / settler projects to further displace Palestinians The Israeli government loves to conflate Jewish people with Zionism and Israel. Therefore, if you make any critiques, you’re labeled as an anti-semite because critiquing them = critiquing all Jewish people They also want to conflate all Palestinians with Hamas to justify the slaughter. They are willing to frame the murder of civilians as them fighting through a human shield. This makes the citizens seem like an extension of Hamas and absolves the IDF of any responsibility of killing people because it’s framed as if it’s Hamas’s fault that these citizens were in the line of fire even though they were intending to go in and murder civilians anyway. The killing is framed as a necessary evil or it’s framed as something Hamas did to Palestine. You can be pro-Palestine Liberation and not support Hamas. Killing civilians is never ok for either side. It’s one thing if a civilian is in the line of fire but it’s another thing to target civilians specifically. This is to both Hamas and IDF. I’m not going to be cherry picking who my critique applies to What Hamas did was fucked up and using the name of revolution for some men to enact their sick and twisted rape fantasies is taking the revolution’s name in vain. It also emboldens Israel’s far right and it isn’t surprising that Israel is acting the way they are given their track record. The Palestinian people don’t deserve to suffer because of Hamas and we need to focus on the genocide that is taking place now rather than hyperfocusing on Hamas. Hyperfocusing on Hamas and not having any systemic critique does more harm than good in terms of Palestinian support and further strengthens Islamophobic sentiments. It made me uncomfortable when people tried to frame the initial atrocities that Hamas committed as an example of Palestinians fighting for freedom. This is because Palestinians deserve better than Hamas, an Islamofacist terrorist group, and because the Israeli government loves shit like this because it strengthens their propaganda and support for genocide as we are seeing now. I’m upset that I’m right about this but I’m glad I didn’t jump the band wagon of misinformed advocacy early on because I think a lot of Americans didn’t know what Hamas was or what they were supporting but knew that they didn’t like the state of Israel and colonization. This specific point is for all of the people who were trying to justify killing, raping, and taking Israeli citizens as hostages as “you can’t tell indigenous people how to fight oppression and express how they are unheard.” I agree with that but it doesn’t mean that you take it out on CIVILLIANS. Combatants and soldiers, yes but not civilians. You can criticize Israel and Zionism without being hateful towards Jews. Because people can’t grasp these points, there have been hate crimes towards Jewish people and Muslims in the U.S. and people saying all types of dumb shit because of how liberal identity politics hyper focusses on religion rather than looking at the material conditions and ideologies of each parties. There are also a group of Nazis that just like Zionists, conflate all Jewish people and Zionism and the state of Israel as a way to demonize Jewish people. There are also Nazis that love Israel because the concept of an ethnostate and genocide appeals to them. It’s Anti-Semetic to assume all Jewish people are Zionists in the same way that it’s Islamophobic to assume all Muslim people are jihadists/terrorists/Islamofacists. The Rhetoric: Religious Conflict: Religious conflict are rarely solely about religious text alone. It usually has to do with colonialism. The conflict between Northern and Southern Ireland are often framed as a conflict between Protestants and Catholics. It however originated from British colonization and was a territorial dispute. The Hindu and Muslim conflict in South Asia (Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh) has its roots to British colonization and how the British tried to divide and conquer the population so that they won’t rise up against the colonization. Similarly, the Israeli Occupation is due to the U.K. not knowing how to mind their own business. You don’t need to understand the details of the religious doctrine (if anything that can potentially cause you lose the forest for the trees). You need to understand the power dynamics that are involved. The Rhetoric: Religious Nationalism: So Israel and India are besties because they both hate Muslim people and because they have similar ideologies regarding religious nationalism. Wanting a homeland for their religious group and kick everyone else out. Honest to god, just die mad about it. That’s my stance. Like I’m sorry you don’t have a homeland but you can’t just kick people out and ethnically cleanse them. I don't care what you went through, no one deserves an ethnostate Painting this as a conflict that has been going on for centuries even though this isn’t accurate. This makes the conflict seem inherent thus causing people to not try to resolve it thus reinforcing the status quo. They also want you to forget about the past where people got along because that will conflict with their world view and how people can move past such differences. They overemphasize religious differences and segregate communities so that it’s easier to pit people against each other and ignore the real problem which is colonialism. Segregation aids in dehumanization because if you aren’t seeing a population face to face, it’s easier to paint narratives about the people you are segregated from since you aren’t interacting with them regularly and see that they are just like every other person you come across. They continue to paint themselves as the victims even though they have most of the power in the dynamic (though this isn’t a religious nationalism thing, it’s a fascism thing generally speaking). bUT iT’S comPliCaTEd!!!! : Yes and No No it’s not complicated: We insist on complicating things in the U.S. so that people can shut down and because things get complicated when you try to mix the U.S. messy self interest and try to fulfill that while reconciling the occupation. It’s kind of like when Cassie was being held accountable for fucking Nate but she kept saying that “it’s complicated” and “we weren’t girl friend and boyfriend” in order to make herself look and feel better. You can spin this however you want but the fact of the matter is that Gaza have been cut off from food, water and electricity and thousands have died from bombs and the people have nowhere left to go other than to die from the explosions or die from a lack of food and water. Hamas has left the chat and now innocent civilians who cannot fight back are paying the price. This isn’t a war because you need two combatting sides. Israel is the aggressor and they are committing a genocide right now. It’s not morally complicated. Genocide is bad. Colonization and displacement is bad. But because there is a lot of pro-Israeli propaganda, the media makes it difficult to frame this situation as colonization and loves to paint any anti-Zionists as Anti-semetic, thus shutting down all critique and making the clear facts blurry. While this isn’t a morally complicated, yes this situation is logistically complicated when it comes to solutions. Previously there was a debate between a one state solution, where the area is all one country, and a two state solution where you have an Israel and a Palestine. The two state solution is obviously not working since Israel is committing war crimes. The one state solution poses additional challenges on how to structure the government after the intervention, where the settlers will go (since especially if they were born there and Israel is all they know it’s fucked up to tell them to leave), where will the Palestinians go, and how tf everyone will live together with all of the genocidal rhetoric going on. You don’t want to integrate Palestinians into a burning house full of Zionists where they will be hate-crimed on the daily. Also fascism is a problem. While I’m not super well versed in the international relations in the Middle East, I’m sure whatever solution that is proposed has its own power dynamic shifts to take into consideration that are legitimate and aren’t rooted in U.S. or imperial self interests.
  8. It becomes a never ending circular debate because they blame Israel for Hamas. So because Israel is partly responsible for Hamas, they can hand waive away anything Hamas does as self inflicted, and the solution to the conflict in their eyes is the suicide of the Jewish state.
  9. And leo don't appreciate metal, which is the biggest redflag you shall be aware of. Every master love Metal and dark music. Light music is for the angels of deceptions. that is a big big red flag, his consciousness is in a state that isn't able to understand how the world base reality is. Who has never contemplated the shadows all his life cannot understand the light Life is about death, struggle, the cosmic horror of being alive. The only way to enlightment is contemplating suicide ( see even eckart tolle, and in fact, ENLIGHTMENT ONLY HAPPEN WHEN YOU RE FACED WITH CONTEMPLATING KILLING YOURSELF, IF YOU GET BEYOND IT, THE LIGHT OF TRUTH ARISE ) Which is all depicted for instance in metal and dark music. When someone show me light music, no friendship can be done, those people are evils. People who enjoy dark music always bound instantly, because they have seen the deep end. You'll never get enlightened by someone who like house music, never ever, this music is for normies does brain is too smooth for ultimate truth. compare the lyrics of the music that resonate with my soul vs what he posted : Lyrics I'm leaving home for the coastline Some place under the sun I feel my heart for the first time 'Cause now I'm moving on, yeah I'm moving on And there's a place that I've dreamed of Where I can free my mind I hear the sounds of the season And lose all sense of time I'm moving far away To a sunny place Where it's just you and me Feels like we're in a dream You know what I mean The summer air by the sea side The way it fills our lungs The fire burns in the night sky This life will keep us young, yeah keep us young And we will sleep by the ocean Our hearts will move with the tide And we will wake in the morning To see the sun paint the sky I'm moving far away To a sunny place Where it's just you and me Feels like we're in a dream You know what I mean I'm moving far away To a sunny place Where it's just you and me Feels like we're in a dream You know what I mean I'm moving far away To a sunny place Where it's just you and me Feels like we're in a dream You know what I mean IN THIS WORLD EVERYTHING IS UPSIDE DOWN SATANIST ARE THE MOST LOVING PEOPLE ALIVE BECAUSE THEY CONTEMPLATE KILLING THEMSELF HENCE THEY DON T TRY TO SCHEME OR SURVIVE AND ABUSE YOU. WHY THAT ? it's obvious, because THEY EXPECT NOTHING FROM LIFE OR FROM YOU. PEOPLE WHO WANT LIGHT WHO WANT THINGS OUT OF THIS WORLD ARE DEVILS IN DISGUISE : THEY WISH TO GET THINGS OUT OF YOU, THEY WANT TO EXTRACT REALITY AND GET WHAT THEY THINK IS GOOD, THEY WANT THE SUN FOR THEMSELF. HAVING HOPE AND WISHING TO GET THINGS IS WHAT THE EGO TRICK YOU INTO TO BE A PREDATOR AND ABUSE REALITY FOR HIMSELF. WHO APPEAR TO BE ANGELS .. IS A DEVIL WHO APPEAR TO BE DEVIL ARE ANGELS SUCH IS THE LAW OF REALITY. DO NO TRUST THE PRETENSE OF THE FALSE LIGHTBRINGER THEY LL NEVER SHOW YOU TRUE LOVE. Also here is another great song And just for the love of god
  10. I can't just PM everyone and it is better this way. Suicide prevention? You don't know what harm you are doing to a person leaving the person in the wrong hands.
  11. Hey man, what is your issue? If you want to engage with people, write them. Even with suicide prevention hotline, go and argue with them.
  12. Keep in mind that the terms need to be handled carefully. For example, when this text discusses the Arabs, it refers to a larger group that also includes Syria, Lebanon, and I believe even Egypt and Iraq. The Arab national movement encompassed those areas as well. Anyway, it all took place around 1916 (while Zionism had formed a bit earlier). Another thing to consider is the term "Palestinian". Keep in mind that it was just a name given to that piece of land in the same manner that Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan were separated. It's not as if there was an actual concept of a 'Lebanese nationality' in the same way that there wasn't a Palestinian one. I never said they weren't. But it's important to consider the historical context. The lands (West Bank and Gaza) were occupied by Israel in 1967 from Jordan and Egypt, not directly from the Palestinians. Additionally, neither Jordan nor Egypt sought to reclaim these territories when they signed peace agreements. This action was taken in response to the mobilization of Arab countries under the leadership of Nasser, who were preparing for an attack against Israel. Since then, Israel has made three peace initiatives. The first attempt was disrupted when the Palestinians initiated an intifada and deaths of hundreds of Israelis, many of them in suicide bombings. The second and third initiatives (led by Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert) were rejected. Anyway, my point was this: Hamas is not solely the responsibility of Israel.I never said that the Israelis were angels. But they did express a desire for peace and historically showed a greater willingness to compromise. Unfortunately, the current state of affairs among the Palestinians suggests that they are incapable of establishing a stable, non-violent regime. What can be done? I'm not sure. I do believe that some of the settlements exacerbate the situation, particularly those that disrupt predominantly Palestinian populated areas. But I'm not convinced that the Palestinians are currently capable of reaching a historical compromise. I used to think that the Israeli policy of withdrawing from Gaza without an agreement with the Palestinians (2005) was a smart move, but now I am not sure. Perhaps a similar approach could be taken, but without allowing militarization in the West Bank, as has occurred in Gaza. The way I see it, it was. It was a tragedy nonetheless. But if you attempt to resolve things through force and you end up losing, you can't claim victimhood. This doesn't diminish the tragic nature of what happened to you. Btw it's worth noting that most Palestinians who lost their homes did not necessarily get forcibly expelled, but rather chose to flee. It's important to recognize that this conflict wasn't just an army-vs-army war, there were also instances of civil conflict in areas where both Arabs and Jews resided. It's also worth mentioning that many Jews from Arab countries also lost their homes (hundreds of thousands) in places like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and more. Keep in mind that this conflict occurred in 1948, in close proximity to WW2 and prior to the establishment of the Geneva Conventions. In comparison to other conflicts of that era, the Israelis' moral standards were satisfactory.
  13. @Francis777 Now, what I did was VERY dangerous: I bought two 30mg bottles of ayahuasca and took some every single day. The reason this was dangerous: You go too deep and it could have led to suicide and other physical consequences. This almost happened. Doing a psych everyday is not advised. To answer your question directly: There are entirely new ways to experience the infinity of consciousness, on your own, without awaiting the experience of another. This includes Leo and any other psychedelic user. First and foremost, you have to realize that your MIND is UNIQUE and INFINITE, including your GENETICS and ANCESTRY. This, by itself, can lead to dramatically different and profound experiences that only you can experience. With that being said, here is just ONE experience that I've had: It's not the craziest. But, so far, the most profound. Infinite Marvel: With just a slurp of ayahuasca left, I decided to take the last bit from my small vile and went to sleep. Ayahuasca, for whatever reason, exhausts me. So, I trip during my sleep. While taking a nap, I slightly opened my eyes. When I do this, I know I'm prone to see some very strange occurrences. Before, it was spirit orbs and/or ghosts. But, this one was VERY strange. I lift my eyelids for a few seconds and to my amazement, I see consciousness do something I've never seen before. It was the most profound thing I've witnessed in my entire life and unfortunately, I was only given just a few seconds as a reward. It was consciousness as what I describe as INFINITE MARVEL. It was one of the most beautiful forms of consciousness you can ever witness that words cannot describe. But I'll try: Imagine a beautiful crystal that takes up your visual field. Within its core, is an alien-like black color that I'm having trouble describing. It's the most BEAUTIFUL color that is shaping my entire visual field. In its outer layers, is an infinite spectrum of INFINITE BEAUTY: It was MARVELING ITSELF. Consciousness was basking in infinite love and infinite beauty, in a completely UNIQUE WAY, while intelligently FULLY CONCIOUS AND AWARE OF ITSELF. It was in an INFINITE BEAUTIFUL HEAVEN! Then it ended... And after some contemplation..... I realized my entire body was INFINITE MARVEL... But, I'm not fully awake to it yet. .... Now go take some DMT!
  14. Yes, Hamas is ISIS. Wake up. They carry with them ISIS flags, they hold ISIS ideology dear to their hearts, they did ISIS like crimes in innocent people on the 7th of October. If in the past there was a doubt, now there isn't. Hamas use Palestinians cynically to reach their ultimate goal which equals to the goal of ISIS and Nazis. Hamas are a religious movement, they are Islamists who want Palestine to be under the Islamic Shriiet instead of democracy. They don't care about human rights, women rights, animals rights, LGBTQ++ rights, they are antisemitic who would like to eliminate Jews. They do care about free Palestine and Al Aqsa from the sinners in the name of Allah, even if it means to die as "shaids" and sacrifice innocent civilians on the way. They don't value life, they don't value human life, they value death. They chase homosexuals and execute them. They kill their sisters, mothers and wives when if they don't follow the Shriiet rules, they see people who took lives of innocent people as heroes. And then after they reach this goal of "free Palestine" they are going to fight with everyone else and it would be expressed in suicide bombers in LGBTQ clubs in Europe i.e. And another dictatorship in the middle east, more war, more death, more radicalized middle east. You blindly and unawarengly, out of your naivity (not only yours) support more devilry in the world if you really believe that they do what they do to make a better life in Palestine and live peacefully there. With all the billions they are holding, they could have done such a good life in Gaza and maybe even in the West Bank if they weren't a red terrorist organization, per Spiral Dynamics and this, every person with good understanding of SD, on this forum can easily see.
  15. Funny thing is, I was thinking about this today. I was even going to start a thread about it. I was thinking why are we trying to become God when God became human. God is being human for a reason, but I think at the same time it left itself clues to awaken so it doesn't get lost in it's dream forever. So maybe it's both. It wants to be human and it wants to awaken to itself. I don't think it's the ego's idea to awaken alone and that it's hilarious to want to do this. It's still God's desire. It's a game. Some do, some don't. Even if you're awake as a human, you're still a human. Either way, you're stuck as a human until you "die". Notice "die" in quotations. Humans are never completely satisfied because we are God. God is Infinite. How can anything finite satisfy the Infinite. We are just going around in a circle. No one gets out "alive" because we have to go back to "ourselves" eventually. We all have unique fingerprints because the One separated itself to become all that is. Everything combined is the One. Nothing stands still and everything changes precisely because it's just an appearance. Noting real can ever be changed. God is the man with the white beard and God is the guy in the hood shooting up gangsta style. God is the hoe on the street and God is the nun. God wants to be it all. God wants to commit suicide and God wants to live. Both are just God playing around with itself. It's so obvious. God wants to eat junk and it wants to eat healthy. It can command itself to heal or stay sick. No one is doing anything. It's all God. But then, we are all God, so same thing. It's so obvious.
  16. Society isn't good for 99% percent of people. The two leading causes of death in the world is heart disease and cancer. Heart disease is malfunction of the heart and the circulatory system, and cancer is your cells going rogue and being selfish. So the world is literally dying from heart break and selfishness. ^^I think our forum is ok. P.S. in America more people die by gun from suicide than gun from murder....let that one sink in....
  17. @Nabd Egypt has moved large amounts of troops in the northern Sinai. If Israel tries to push 2 million people through, it is a declaration of war. If Israel wants to commit suicide, angering Egypt is an easy way of doing it
  18. They shouldn't live at all. Give all the land to Palestinians and commit a collective suicide. This is probobly the only way Palestinians would have been satisfied. Fuck facts. Israel is an Apartheid.
  19. Thanks for sharing. No such thing as a bad trip. I have had similar trips to yours. You gotta go through the ringer or the crucible. You came out the other side having passed through the fire. You are lucky to know your flaws and your parents’ flaws. Knowing is half the battle. In the movies there is a jumper on the ledge and the cocky cop tells him to go ahead and jump using reverse psychology and the jumper backs off the ledge. We distract ourselves with suicide and a woe is me attitude. But now our real core challenge will arise which we were avoiding by focusing on suicide. So be prepared to do some work on yourself as new internal challenges arise. Always mourn for those who actually jump. The Greeks said the only way to live is to die before your death. So let your old self die and let your new self blossom. At its core you saw life is meaningless or the lasers. You can be sad about this or ambrace it optimistically. We are free. We have nothing to lose. It is a silly absurd surreal world so have fun and enjoy.
  20. @Razard86 Environment does matter substantially in affecting your growth and happiness in life. What about the child born in the third world so affected by malnutrition that his physical growth is severely stunted, is their potential the same as what it would be had they growth up in a safe household in the West with adequate nutrition? Or consider Genie, a child who from the age of 20 months was kept locked in a dark room and tied to a chair by his father, being completely unable to move, deprived of any social interaction, left malnourished, and being beaten by her father if she made any noise. This environment left her unable to learn a language or develop social skills, and she became severely mentally handicapped overall. Are we to believe that the difference in this environment in fostering growth is only subjectively different to being raised in a loving household? I saw a documentary about a poor Indian farmer who took out debt to cover a medical expense. Unable to pay it back him and his wife and young kids are forced to work under harsh and dangerous conditions in a brick factory for 14 hours a day, and will probably remain enslaved for the remainder of their lives. What is the value of their suffering? They may never have the opportunity to live out their lives with any of the opportunities for growth and actualisation that many of us in more privileged circumstances have. Does their suffering make them stronger than if they were to be free? It is possible for suffering to motivate people to growth and to seek a way to better themselves and improve their situation. However in so many instances intense suffering can cripple people severely enough that they may never recover and can lead to suicide just to escape it. Another point important to make is that suffering is not necessary for growth. Positive forms of motivation are incredibly powerful and more sustainable, for instance we may be motivated by a vision, curiosity, love, ect. Certain environments are better able to cultivate these forms of motivation than others.
  21. What if I told you at a certain level of consciousness you realize....emotions are thoughts....what if I told you there is a form of language that doesn't use symbols, but that there is an emotional, empathetic understanding that is even deeper than thought? Also from one perspective he is right that thought can lead to emotion, but emotion can lead to thought as well. It's like this....your ego has a set of beliefs. These beliefs are like thoughts that are set in place and will respond when messed with. So for example lets say you hate getting wet...then you walk outside and somebody sprays you with water, you will immediately get angry. You didn't have to THINK to get angry because that thought already existed. If this happens I will get angry. This is why you will hear people say stuff like "I'm a type of person if you do this it will piss me off." You see? So you already have a conditioned response. Some of your conditioned responses are biological, and some are sociological. For example shivering when its cold is a conditioned response. Also your goal shouldn't be to stop getting upset, the purpose of anger is protection. Anger gives you the strength to protect yourself. If I robbed you of the ability to get angry you would never protect yourself. Some people have been taught to not be angry so much they repress it. Anger is not bad, or evil, the only thing you should be concerned with is not letting that anger control you. Now obviously if you think you are getting angry at things that are not important from your point of view then you can do an investigation into why it bothers you. Always remember this...reality goes both ways...LOL. Its bisexual!!! LOL that's a joke. But seriously emotions trigger thoughts and thoughts trigger emotions. If anyone ever tells you that something is only one way...they are unconsciously lying to you. So this guy in the video is only half right....and it is hard for my mind to listen to half right people...sigh....also there are NO NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. You need to understand....society has a bias against, anger, sadness, depression, etc. because society wants to put on a veneer (cover, appearance) of happiness. Everything is always LOOK HAPPY!!! Notice people unconsciously say "How are you doing?" And you unconsciously reply 'Fine." Why? Well part of it is habit, but part of it is you know if you start telling them your problems they will probably make some excuse and leave. Notice that unless you speak in a nice non-aggressive manner people will demonize you and tell you that you are bad. This is the problem that is leading to suicide, depression, because everyone is always trying to tell you WHEN it is appropriate to express your emotions. Why? Because they are not comfortable with their own vulnerability they project that onto you. This is why God made women and children, to teach the power of vulnerability. To teach the importance of free emotional expression. Men complain that only women and children are allowed to be emotional, it is like that only as long as you believe that. Now with that said he is not wrong that lies are what leads to what he falsely calls negative emotions. But that lie is just a BIAS. So a bias is the belief that something is not GOOD. So the video of the person you sent me...HE is lying. He is guilty of what he is preaching. Because he thinks there are negative emotions. All emotions are GOOD!!! His issue is...whenever he feels anything but peace love and joy, he judged himself as Non-Spiritual and demonizes himself. So he has created a Spiritual Ego (which is the biggest trap in Spirituality) of how he is SUPPOSED to be instead of accepting himself as he is. So let's put his foolish notion to the test. If I came at you with a chainsaw...and you felt that based on a lie? Sure...the lie is that you can cannot die. But....without that fear you cannot be motivated to either run or fight. You would have to be so NON-ATTACHED, that you completely are okay with losing the human you have been living as. If this is WHAT YOU WANT? Take his advice...but we both know that is not what he is saying. So thus...based on what he is saying....what he says can only be relative, and contextual. So what he SHOULD be teaching is HEALTHY emotional expression. There are no negative emotions, but there are NON-HEALTHY NON PRODUCTIVE forms of emotional expression.
  22. God created all the religions, right? Perhaps, as tools to get enlightened. Consciousness manifests in a form that enables other forms to awaken, like psychedelics. But not everyone knows how to use these tools and ends up shooting themselves in the foot. Similar to how some people commited suicide from watching the same videos (Leo’s) that helped others stay alive and transcend.
  23. Hello everyone, This is my first post. I am a meloman and I wanted to add to this megathread a couple of bands that I listen to that are definitely in the Green (most of these are metal/rock): 1. Disturbed - I feel like they definitely had shades of green throughout their whole discography, but the 2015 album Immortalized is as green as it can be and the following albums and singles reflect that. 2. System of a Down - even from their beginnings they tried to gather awareness of injustices in the prison systems in the US, the armenian genocide, suicide, war, drugs and a lot more. 3. Metallica - their first albums are a bit more raw and might have a lot of aggression and “Red” in them, I think songs like “Fade to Black”, “Creeping death”, “For whom the bell tolls” are definitely a cut above. For example, on the “Master of puppets” album I think they tackle a lot of social issues like drugs (“Master of puppets”) , mental illness and the whole messed up system with mental treatments in the 80’s ("Welcome Home (Sanitarium)"), war and how the soldiers are treated ("Disposable Heroes") and calling out the hypocrisy of religion ("Leper Messiah"). "...And Justice for All" was another album that had a very green feel with themes like justice, war, truth and social norms, and mental illness again. The ending track, "Dyers Eve", is a very clear rebellion against “Blue” and “Orange”. Throughout the rest of the discography green themes are present. 4. Rage Against the Machine - I don’t even think I need to go into this one. I'm sure there are much more bands like this, so if you want to add some similar stuff feel free to do so.
  24. What the fuck is this shit. Like seriously, I am falling in love. I just want to say thank you to @Leo Gura. You have had such an impact on my life. I have followed you for 10 years. Consistently watching your videos. You made me understand the importance of meditation - which is the most essential bedrock in selfhelp. I am currently studying clinical psychology. Have done a lot of psychedelics to heal my trauma. Was at the brink of suicide. But psychedelics is the 2.0 of psychology. Psychedelics is going to revolutionize the world. Broad research is needed. 5-MeO-MALT could have the potential to end all wars.
  25. "I need your protection." Yeah, that is exactly why I want to live in Western Europe. I need protection. I'm scared of dying yet suicidal at the same time. It's strange. Suicide is a way to get to safety. There are worse things in life than dying in an instant. But I'm incapable of spilling my own blood. I also abhor the thought of ever doing harm to others. Even out of mercy. But to protect the common good and myself, I think that if I had sufficient enough reason to believe that there are sadistic monsters in power abusing it, that I'd act against them. I surely hope I never lose my mind, for I heard criminals get created in bad social environments and upbringing has an impact on a person as well. Maybe this is true, maybe not. I believe it is true.