Hello from Russia

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About Hello from Russia

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    Russia, Moscow
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  1. @Leo Gura Did you like Baldur Gates 3?
  2. Grooming and style can make up for a lot of this
  3. Maybe his body's accumulated too much crap living in a bad ecology of India
  4. There is a lot of "soft" conscious fitness nowadays in terms of yoga, tai chi and the like Do you guys get a lot of bodybuilding folk that are of a more conscious side in your information ecosystem? Please share some quality links if you have something to share I personally like yoga and tai chi, but they are kinda not giving me enough stimulation for my physical body. I despise mainstream gym environments, but I kinda like the bodybuilding style of training with weights/machines and so forth and I clearly see the potential on how to implement more awareness and body-spirituality type stuff in it I wonder if you guys share this sentiment with me and actually seen a lot of people doing it/teaching it in public or doing it yourself
  5. What I find fascinating is that these companies are already similar to small governments in a sense They can build their own cities from scratch (and they actively do), they can have complex care plans for their employees, they educate you, they feed you, they take care of your children (if needed), they give you meaning, they finance you, they lift you up socially if you deserve it from their pov and etc
  6. Saw a Leo's recent blogpost and this quote made me wonder and want to make a list for myself. Then I thought why not make it a public effort to get more ideas going Feel free to add ideas, discuss and contemplate what it actually takes for a product to be deserve a label "higher consciousness one" So what products we can deem as high consciousness? Some of my thoughts: It makes sense they should elevate the mankind in some way. They should preferably do so with as little as possible drawbacks and negative side effects. They should contribute as much as possible to your holistic well-being. They honour people's authentic values. They are not based on prevalent toxic values of today's society. They help you in your evolution and evolution of mankind. They touch you on deeper layers than "not so conscious" products. They contribute to your sense of purpose and life for life. They help you become a better, more developed version of yourself. Some products that come to mind Healthy foods, more ecological house stuff, more eco-friendly and healthy apparel, more quality self-development programs and courses, healing retreats, various workshops and various types of coaching, various therapies, meditation apps (some can be very nice), bioenergetic classes (tai chi and so forth), various more conscious social gatherings (women's/men's circles and etc), different type of restaurants (maybe vegan/vegetarian, or just overall more healthy types), ecommerce/brick and mortar shops with healthy stuff, healthy cosmetics, healthy furniture, healthy homes, healthy toys for kids, highly artistic videogames, deep art in general (art that makes you think in a deep way), hotels and centers where you can rest/heal on a deeper level Please, give your opinions on what is conscious and what is not to add to these lists!
  7. They are definitely not And those that are suffer from the same problem that hot girls face everywhere - they are typically very dumb I don't know why we have such a craze for russian girls on this forum. If you are fairly high in your development they are overrated
  8. What if she refuses to communicate with you about her goals? Says that it "doesn't matter" Though relationship itself is kinda good and there is love and everything
  9. /img an emiction cloud drinking pina colada emiction noun urination.
  10. You just all have a shadow about stage blue girls in the West, you crave them Hence you all get recommended porn with Russian girls
  11. Yes, but how it changes anything? We watch the same porn There are also a ton of amateurs from Russia on pornhub who enjoy expressing themselves in this artform too, yes But I don't really mean them
  12. How so? In most porn that I watch people are doing that as their life calling or artistic expression and they are deeply enjoying it
  13. Something along the lines big tits are good for breastfeeding?
  14. I've been thinking a lot lately about how people's ideas have been affecting me through my life. I notice I have/had some ideas about things which led me in completely horseshit directions in life or situations or made me do things that are suboptimal. Lately I've been doing a lot of "genealogy" of these ideas. And of course 100% of them came from other people. They came from random talks with random ordinary people or from me overhearing or somehow consuming other's people thoughts What I also noticed is how shitty and outright stupid all these ideas were, like they are pure stupidity. Even though I got some of them mostly from people who I was looking up to I couldn't help but wonder how come these people have such bad ideas about stuff And I just realized, dude, most people's ideas about anything are absolute garbage. It's like I take just any random ordinary person I know and do a mental experiment - how bad are their ideas about anything? I shuffle through many lenses and modalities, either big (like their ideas about politics, etc) or small (how to do small technical minutia in some topic) and I just see it's so bad It is so bad it makes me sick how wrong the ordinary person just about everything, it's just mind-numbing. And especially how stupid it is on me to give a lot of credence to their ideas without much consideration. It really costs you a lot in the long run and it's so hard to escape being infected by these ideas cause every day you get bombarded by them from everywhere even if you just sit at home
  15. Russia has improved quite a lot in terms of infrastructure, that's for sure But consciousness wise it is still super behind