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Posts posted by MsNobody

  1. I’m originally from Brazil but have been in US for 4 years, and to be honest I have not voted in a long time. 

    The political situation in Brazil right now is very intense and my knowledge in politics is below 0, given that if I was in Brazil I would be a Bolsonaro fan (Trump of the south) you would get a feeling of where I’m at. ?

    In Spiral dynamics I’m guessing since I left Brazil I embodied blue and I find myself now somewhere between orange and green, also have had turquoise experiences through psychedelics and am fascinated with Yellow stage. 

    My whole family is Bolsonaro, but my heart hurts just from seeing what he is doing with the indigenous people in Brazil and with Amazon itself, so I completely avoid any political conversations with my family and friends in Brazil. I’m aware of my ignorance in the subject and that’s why I come here to ask you guys for videos about politics for beginners, I consider myself a liberal but can’t say much since I don’t really know about the subject in depth, it’s difficult to find videos with a yellow stage POV where the subject is not being presented from only one POV, so I’m struggling to find good content, I also accept book recommendations.

    So far I found those: 

    I feel like I need a good foundation to be able to watch and understand Leo’s new video.

    halp! ?



  2. 14 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

    I'm just here to say: as if you have some thoughts which aren't spontaneous :P 

    Haha that’s cute!

    @Florian This is such an interesting topic.

    I’ve also been noticing that more and more, the masculine traits are the ones society values the most because the era we are in right now is the era of information and materialism, you aren’t being paid well if you have good social skills, if you are empathetic, warm hearted, have character, is a kind person, people don’t give a fuck about your personality, what they care about is agility, production, rationality, logic, everything needs to be fast, doesn’t matter much the quality as long as you keep it up with the capitalist system. 

    Of course there are exceptions but you are right, women are being encouraged to be more masculine (because it’s what materialistic society values) and men repressing their feminine side because they do t get anything out of expressing the feminine traits, which created an unbalanced society. 

    But I feel like things are changing, slowly but it’s happening, as stage green takes over little by little, more women are in power and people are becoming more aware of the impact of the masculine society in our minds and specially on the environment, the masculine society is not sustainable in the long run, as you see our “homo sapiens” (not that sapiens) specie is gonna go extinct if we keep doing what we are doing. 

    If you see the Egyptians were a feminine centered society, woman were honored because of their power of bringing life to earth, and most interesting is that you would think a feminine centered society would only value women traits and would consider feminine traits to be more important but no, part of being feminine means accepting, embracing, an honoring both, which values both masculine and feminine and creates a balanced society. 

  3. @Arcangelo Congrats!!! But I would drop the "I am an alcoholic" label too, it's gonna come back to hunt you if you keep reinforcing and telling it to yourself.

     @Hansu All addictions come from fear of emptiness, like Leo talks about in his video about addiction, and the best way to face the emptiness is to practice meditation, the more you practice the more you will become aware of how you are trying to fill that empty space with alcohol, sugar or whatever the addiction is. 

    I've been struggling with many addictions yourself and the harsh approach never really worked, if you hit the ego right in the head is gonna turn back even stronger to get you, I try to see the ego as a wild child, how do you treat a child? with violence or with a compassionate approach?

    I quit alcohol too, I realized I was just drinking to make everything more fun, my friends were not fun enough, they were not stimulating me enough, so I would drink alcohol like Hemingway said, to make other people more interesting, instead of realizing what I should actually change was my circle of friends. 

    I quit meat, weed, coffee, alcohol, buying and many other things, none of them I would be able to do with the cold turkey masculine approach, I'm aware I've gone through many things in my childhood and I have compassion with my inner child, when I quit meat I never said I was on a "diet" I didn't want to create the mindset that something was lacking, when you hear the word diet the first thing your mind thinks is that it will lose something, instead I just avoided eating meat and thought about what I was gaining with the new habit, better health, helping the environment etc. 

    With any thing I was taking out I would replace with something better, healthier, and not see it as a sacrifice, change your internal self talk, with no judgments, be the observer, every little thing you do has a reason behind it, if not traumas, society, but don't also get trapped in the victim mentality, things happened, but you have the power to change it, you have control, but do it through love and not hate, make the process something pleasant, that's how you know it will last.

    The biggest problem with addiction is not the quitting part, is when you fall back, and get trapped in the internal judgmental self talk "oh my god, I did it again, I'm not capable of doing anything, everyone can do it but not me, I'm terrible, I knew I wasn't gonna be able to do it, now fuck it I won't try anything else, I'm such a bad person bla bla bla", when you drink again, eat again, that's the moment you can be the observer, watch yourself with total detachment and if possible with compassion, start back again. This will happen many times, so learn a technique to get back up again, don't focus your attention too much in the beginning part, in days, in weeks, it's a lifestyle you are trying to build, it takes time, also don't focus on time, if it's a lifestyle and not a diet it's something for life, so take your time. 

    With all addictions you will have to go through your self talk so improve that main thing.

    Sorry for the long the post.

  4. Reminds me of something I read those days.

    I AM

    The One.

    All this is me.

    Fathom I mislaid

    this most precious jewel,

    and forgot,

    my Soul is

    forever free —


    When I think toward a time 

    when I was not,

    the mind melts.

    When I move within the place

    that once contained me,

    the body passes through.


    My ears are all hearing,

    yet I hear silences sing in unison.

    My vision is unobscured,

    still I see nothing.


    Now lost in knowing,

    too wise for wisdom,

    too holy to pray.

    I realize I am again 

    the no-thing.


    That mad, merciless


    And finally, at once,

    the nothing,

    is utterly me.


    So hold my hand,

    I shall take you nowhere.

    Trace my steps,

    I shall lead you toward emptiness.

    Listen to my words,

    I shall speak in silence.


    I sing a freedom song.

    I walk a victory march.

    I dance naked,

    and enter the void.


    Follow me—

  5. @Good-boy “banging” hard sounds like what I just said: men trying to prove their masculinity in bed, it seems like he is looking for a deeper connection, if he follows your advice she will most likely be scared ??

    I would say Tantra is like martial arts in bed, it isn’t related to strength or speed, but with technique and wisdom. If he wanted the regular western sex you just mentioned it would be similar to ufc, everything is allowed and the one who “bangs” harder is the winner, but in Tantra there is no winner, it’s a dance with total surrender where you melt into each other so there isn’t a self to win. 

  6. @Farnaby the key to surrender is to put your ego aside and get lost in the moment, I tend to get lost in whatever I do because I'm an emotional person but for rationals it can be a little hard.

    I love Osho teachings towards sex:

    Sex Is Your Life, Ego Is just Your Mind

    “Sex is the only energy that gives you hints that there is something which you cannot control. Money you can control, politics you can control, the market you can control, knowledge you can control, science you can control, morality you can control. Somewhere, sex brings in a totally different world: you cannot control it. And the ego is the great controller. It is happy if it can control, it is unhappy if it cannot control. So there starts a conflict between ego and sex. Remember, it is a losing battle. The ego cannot win it because ego is just superficial. Sex is very deep-rooted. Sex is your life; ego is just your mind, your head. Sex has roots all over you; ego has roots only in your ideas – very superficial, just in the head.”

    "People who are afraid of love are not afraid of sex. Love is dangerous; sex is not dangerous, it can be manipulated. There are now many manuals on how to do it. You can manipulate it – sex can become a technique. Love can never become a technique. If in sex you try to remain in control, then even sex will not help to reach the ultimate. It will go to a certain point and you will drop back, because somewhere it also needs a let-go.

    "That's why orgasm is becoming more and more difficult. Ejaculation is not orgasm, to give birth to children is not orgasmic. Orgasm is the involvement of the total body: mind, body, soul, all together. You vibrate, your whole being vibrates, from the toes to the head. You are no longer in control; existence has taken possession of you and you don't know who you are. It is like a madness, it is like a sleep, it is like meditation, it is like death."

    “When you follow Tantra you move through sex. And that is Tantra's path; you allow nature a total surrender. It is a let-go – you don't fight; it is not a path of a warrior. You don't struggle; you surrender to wherever nature leads. Nature leads into sex, you surrender to sex. You completely move into it with no guilt, with no concept of sin.

    “Tantra has no concept of sin, no guilt. Move into sex. Just remain alert, watching what is happening. Be alert, mindful of what is going on, but don't try to control it, don't try to contain yourself; allow the flow. Move into the woman, let the woman move into you. Let yourselves become a circle and remain the watcher. Through this watching and let-go, Tantra achieves a transcendence; sex disappears. This is one way to go beyond nature because going beyond sex is going beyond nature.”

    "Sex can give you the answer to what the reality of life is because sex is the most alive thing in you. Mind is the most dead thing in you and sex is the most alive thing in you. That is why mind is always against sex, and mind is always for suppressing it. They are enemies. Mind is a dead thing and sex is the life force; they go on fighting. And whenever you move into sex, the mind feels frustrated and the mind says, "This is wrong. Do not move into it again.

    "The mind becomes the moralizer, the mind becomes the puritan, the mind becomes the priest. The mind goes on condemning. All that is alive the mind goes on condemning and all that is dead the mind goes on worshipping. And sex is the most alive thing in you because life comes through it: you are born through it, you can give birth through it. Wherever there is life, aliveness, sex is the source."

    Some of my partners struggled with that too, and I would talk about it, that's how I ended up studying all of that, I take my responsibility and this is my approach but not everyone thinks the same.


  7. @Farnaby Just stop having sex thinking about the orgasm, orgasm is in the future, if you are in the moment connected to the other person you are busy with the connection, looking in the eye, feelings the sensations in your body, your ego is the one thinking if it's doing a good job, it's not much that you are concerned about her, men love to show their masculinity in bed, it's about themselves in the end, it's a manly thing to do so make sure you are not trying to prove anything, you are there for the connection not for the orgasm, also you need to communicate with her, this is very important.

    Another problem is that many woman don't do their 50% part in bed, it's just how we were culturally taught, we just lay down there and wait for the men do to everything, that's also the reason many woman experience pain during sex, the musculature of their vaginas are not even being used, it's relaxed instead of working and of course more vulnerable, like someone punching your abs while you are flexing, but if you are not flexing is gonna hurt a lot, don't think woman are all sensitive, a child is born from our vaginas so the "instrument" was very well built if you know how to use it, but going back to the point, they let the men do everything and their bodies are not in sync, woman also need to participate in sex and connect with their inner power, know about their bodies and what gives them pleasure, men's impulses are much stronger than women's, that's why we need foreplay to build it up, I always take responsibility if the men is cumming fast, it's not like I'm watching someone do their thing by themselves, I participate in the act and can't get mad at something I participated on, that's why it's important to communicate and see what he is thinking about all of it.

    Sex is like a dance, when you start thinking how well you are performing, when you are self conscious, too much in your head the dance is terrible, when you lose yourself to the dance, when you are lost in the act itself, when you are able to SURRENDER, then you dance beautifully and effortless.

    I realized that when I'm able to surrender and more concerned with my own pleasure the connection is much deeper and the sex better, I also need eye connection, I need to look in the eyes of the other person, while I think men are more into looking at the body etc, orgasm is called little death, when you have one you are not thinking anything, you are not thinking about the future, you are totally in the moment, the intensity of the female orgasm is measured by the amount of freedom she feels to express herself, and to surrender to the person she is with. 

    Try to connect with her body, get out of your head a little, and feel more your body, put the awareness in the other parts of your body besides your dick. This also requires practice, but it's fascinating when you are able to control your orgasm and the whole sex feels like you are having one, not only in the moment of the ejaculation. Also read up tantra.

  8. @kieranperez oh friends are such an important part, if the people around you are not on the same level it's gonna bring you down, my heart hurts because I don't have contact with my family (I talk to them maybe 4 times a month) but it was one of the things that had a big impact in my life. Many friends are from the forum, I have three people from here that I talk to, two of them I know in person. If you want to be big put big fishes around you, if you want to get smaller swim with the little ones, they will suck you until you become same size as them, misery likes company, and I strongly believe you are the 5 people you hang out with, once you don't let people who put you down surround you, then you will thrive. I was also very extroverted but it's been changing, I'm becoming more and more introverted, if Im talking to more than three people at the same time I start feeling anxiety, I think I'm becoming more sensitive too, it took me a year for the right people to approach me, it's like they were waiting me be still so then they would come, there is a book from Vipassana called the moon appears when the water is still, so just do the work and have faith that the universe works perfectly and knows what we need, if we need introversion let that be, if it's time to interact the right people will come. I suffered so much because of solitude, but it's such a blessing, I learned to enjoy my time by myself and learned so much about me, I learned not to resist what is coming, the moment I relaxed things started changing, when I gave up then it came, when I din't want friends anymore, then there they were. Life is a bitch.. xD

    γνῶθι σεαυτόν

    The Greek aphorism may have been adopted from Ancient Egypt: there are two parts of the ancient Luxor Temple, the External Temple, where the beginners were allowed to enter and the Internal Temple where a person was only allowed to enter after proven worthy and ready to acquire more knowledge and insights. One of the proverbs of the External Temple is "The body is the house of God." In the Internal Temple, one of the many proverbs is "Man, know thyself, and you are going to know the gods".

    Once you turn your gaze inward, “fix it there and keep it busy”, Advises Montaigne.

    “Everyone looks in front of him; as for me, I look inside of me; I have no business but with myself; I continually observe myself, I take stock of myself, I taste myself… I roll about in myself.”

    I reached rock bottom 5 months ago, and this was super important, I decided I needed radical changes, so after I hit the ground I got up and have been following my intuition since then, I moved into a new apartment and both of my roommates are on the path to enlightenment, the energy in the house is very peaceful and calm, one is a Yogananda devotee and the other practices Vipassana,  it's like I landed here on a parachute :ph34r: I was lucky, my energy levels lifted up so much, I had an insight one day when I woke up and the insight was that I needed to be close to the water, I'm pisces so it makes total sense, on that same day I found this perfect place, we set up a meeting and 15 min talking she says: you can move whenever you want, also I feel like I needed to work on my feminine side and spending time in nature is key for balancing this energy, being close to the water or at the beach really heals me. I also had a mushroom trip where I was told to go closer to nature and to connect with water.

  9. @Nahm Oh Nahm, the retreat was a waterfall of washing off my old self from my soul, so my new self could come to life :x I love those phoenix moments! I'm glad you liked it, I try to be very honest with my words. :)

    @Vinnie New Zealand, that's amazing! and beautiful video thanks for sharing. :) Do you have a big one too?

    @ivory Maybe around 5 years ago, by a therapist I went once, she recommended me ate a psychiatrist and I just stopped seeing her because I knew psychiatrist are not good, my mom used to take meds like rivotril to sleep and she was always depressed so since young I hate medicines, all of them, with the exclusion of psychedelics, plants are my favorite, along with mushrooms. 

    And only you know if you have, you can look it up pages about it on google, and watch those videos I posted above. My theory is that everyone has it, but in different levels.


  10. @Salvijus Because logical and practical are all traits of a very predominantly masculine mind, you see the world the way it is today, capitalism, environmental destruction, a lot of men like you in the power, functioning only though the level of the mind where everything is about taking actions, fast, efficient, logical, rational, everything needs to make sense, things are black and white, right or wrong, clean or dirty, beautiful and ugly.

    While the feminine is about receiving, feeling through the heart, having kindness and compassion, embracing all beings, it's about feeling, being empathetic, meeting people where they are at, not judging or criticizing, not labeling things, accepting what it is, the male mind always needs to understand, always in the mind, the feminine energy is about loving, and to love something you don't need to understand, you just love. 

    Don't try to understand me, I myself don't understand how I work, I just try to be honest with the energy I receive in my body, if I was like one of the women from the pictures you sent I would not be able to be happy because it wouldn't feel authentic, and I value authenticity a lot. 

    You are missing being in touch with your feminine side and you are repressing the emotions, the energy of sex and is the one of creation, if it wasn't sex you would not be here now.

    Also you should try nofap if you are really feeling all those sensations when you approach women, I have many male friends and they are all very wise and are not taken away by a woman's body because they've mastered their minds, I love the quote from Bukowski:

    "Any asshole can chase a skirt, art takes discipline." 

    I don't even approach men who are just interested in sex, if the people around you are like you described above lI will repeat what my therapist always says "you should visit other churches" xD I strongly believe like attracts like :ph34r:



  11. @Salvijus I'm open to discussion, what are the parts I misinterpreted it? I'm very passionate about this subject and am not taking it personal, I respect if you don't appreciate my art or the way I express myself, but also I would like to understand why you think it's just corpses and animal instinct? 

    And I love the word weird actually, I can't complain, it's only because of people like you, who disagree with me that I'm able to change myself and have more perspectives on life. Embracing the differences makes us grow, not much looking for the sameness

  12. @noselfnofun @Barna Thank you for your beautiful words and for having the capability of grasping my essence, like Matt Kahn says, you can only meet someone as deep as you ha've met yourself.

    Namaste ??

    @kieranperez Wow first of all congratulations for getting off of meds, it's so hard! I'm so glad you like the way I see ADHD, I trained myself to see it in a different way, we are the way we are, it's the universe expressing itself in different forms, we can call it flawed but if it's there, it's not a mistake, I feel like the ADHD came along with my awakening, the less domesticated by society I became the more the symptoms increased, our brains work differently, and it takes more time for us to get "trained" again, if that's a disease I'm fine with it, also I can't pay attention to things that do not interest me, but something I'm passionate about I will spend a night awake just to know more about the subject. 

    Try to see it this way too, I always see you here in the forum, you are always posting interesting stuff and is working hard to build yourself up, by your posts it seems like you have a lot of energy, I'm also a little hyperactive, but if I focus that energy in my passions and life purpose I get in a really nice flow state, and many things interest me, it's a matter of how to use this energy, don't get trapped in labels, in the last 5 months I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety (real doctors diagnosed me) and I know I have ADHD, but whatever, they've put all those labels, Im not taking any medication, just meditation and my life had never been better, I just did the Vipassana, am figuring out my life purpose, love the friends I have around me, if I had listened to those doctors I would be on antidepressants and my life would have taken a tooootal left turn, I had to recreate myself, It's been a process of three years since I left Brazil, the religion, dogmas, ideologies, of cleaning up, letting go of things, I didn't know who I was, I had to create my space, and let go of all the labels given to me, like Baldwin sad "The place which I will fit will not exist until I make it" or Anis Nin "I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me — the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That, I believe, is the reason for every work of art.” Build and rebuild yourself over and over again, or like Leo/ Rumi says be melting snow, wash yourself of yourself.

    We are not sick, we are the "normal" ones, the ones adapted and content with our currently reality are the mediocre ones, they are not up, not down, right in the middle where nothing exciting happens, doing what society wants them to do, following what others around them are doing, so don't listen to what people say, just go within you, and see that we are all different, and the labels are created to separate and put us into boxes, it's like a bunch of colored pencils spread around and they want you to be in the same color as others so they will put you in the right box. I love the quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Don't forget that, you are on your way to be healthier (mind and body), so you will be considered crazier, weirder and sicker by normal people, another quote I love "When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind" from Lewis, insanity is the new sanity xD, your body and mind and yours and only you know how they function, that's why we do meditation to go within. Aldous Huxley also knew this: “The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. "Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does." They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”

    In other words fuck ADHD and all the other labels given to us to make us feel smaller. B|

    Here are some stuff you might like:



  13. @Salvijus It seems like your vision of women is very limited because you probably have your image about how a woman should behave, it's like Leo always says, God is not only beautiful things, its also war, suffering and all the bad stuff, you can consider my way of expressing myself as weird, and 4 years ago when I was repressed by my culture and by abusive men's figures I would pretty much agree with you, with time I learned how to not be ashamed of my body and my curves, to be proud of being a woman in a society where the patriarchy has been in power for thousands of years, now I see my body as a temple and sacred, you talk a lot about the feminine energy being very inclusive and receptive, about it embracing all things around them, are you embracing your feminine side? Are you using of that inclusiveness you talk about to embrace all things and all forms o expression of the universe around you? To have love and compassion to all forms of expressions besides the ones you consider as right?

    I let go of the thought that women should behave in a certain way 3 years ago, it's been a process of cleaning myself from ideologies and social conditioning, I have a lot of masculine energy within me and this masculine energy gave me "balls" to face many men and even better gave me the freedom to express myself in an authentic way, this is key, I'm a very romantic person, I haven't had sex for a while, I believe in love, am very delicate, I cry a lot am very empathetic person, I'm very loving with all people around me, in my daily life I don't walk around naked, people respect me, I love reading and meditation, that's why I just wrote a report about my second Vipassana, if I was merely showing off I would get money out of it, trust me, I would be a stripper or become an instagram influencer, not judging who does that (some women do a great job) but I consider myself to be a smart person so if at some point I decide to use my body in the way you see it I would at least make money out of it :) 

    Also I'm glad you disagree with my POV part of doing what I do is exactly to fuck the mind of people who think my art is promiscuous, ugly, weird, wrong. There are people who see the beauty and artistic value of it, and there are people who see whatever they have within them, which most of the time is repressed feelings and emotions. I feel lucky to have strong men around me who lift me up instead of judging and criticizing, like someone said in one of the posts above, this is a forum with high consciousness people, who do not see the expression os a woman's body as idiocy, who don't see sex as "animal compulsive behavior", don't see a naked body as just a piece of meat and bones or as dirty. They mastered their mind and don't just get a boner seeing my pictures, they see my art not just as nakedness or sexual arousal. On the contrary, I've seen many beautiful posts of men describing their women or their relationship, of using sex for connection and even for enlightenment (that's he case of tantra)

    Anyways, all those words in bold I copied from your previous posts, and I will just live one of my favorite quotes here for you.

    “ People do not seem to realize their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character “

    And also Osho quote on sex:

    If I Say Anything About Sex, Immediately They Jump Upon It

    “Sex is raw energy. It has to be transformed, and through transformation there is transcendence. Rather than transforming it, religions have been repressing it. And if you repress it the natural outcome is a perverted human being. He becomes obsessed with sex.

    “The people who call me ‘sex guru’ are obsessed with sex. I have not talked about sex more than I have talked about meditation, love, God, prayer, but nobody seems to be interested in God, love, meditation, prayer. If I say anything about sex, immediately they jump upon it.

    “Out of my three hundred books only one book concerns sex, and that, too, not in its totality. The name of the book is From Sex to Superconsciousness. Just the beginning of it is concerned with sex; as you go deeper in understanding it moves towards superconsciousness, towards samadhi. Now that is the book which has reached to millions of people. It is a strange phenomenon: my other books have not reached to so many people. There is not a single Hindu, Jaina saint, mahatma in India who has not read it. It has been discussed criticized, analyzed, commented upon in every possible way. Many books have been written against it – as if that is the only book I have written!

    “Why so much emphasis? People are obsessed particularly the religious people are obsessed. This label of ‘sex guru’ comes from religious people.”