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About Salvijus

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  1. You'll never see Jesus sitting in lotus position in a cave. You'll always see him glorifying God like this. This imagery is not an accident, that's how it feels when the gates of love overflow. That's the difference between meditation and prayer. Prayer is a different dimension altogether. I belive it is only when you understand prayer experiencially will you truly begin to understand acim and everything that Jesus stands for and teaches in a way it was meant to be understood.
  2. Desire is the engine for prayer. Without desire there is no fire for prayer to exist. And there is one desire at the deepest core of every heart. The desire for god. Which comes not from the mind. This desire cannot be controled in any way. This desire can only be allowed to overflow you and replace every other desire that is not love. If you put your awareness on this desire inside your heart, your whole being will open up its gates for the rivers of love to flow through and you will know Christ conciousness. That's the significance of prayer and desire. Desire is Love. Desire is Life. Desire is the will of God. Desire is everything.
  3. There was something beautiful about it indeed
  4. Maybe. I share the same understanding that Rupert Spira has in this video where he talks about solipsism. Especially the last 2mins where he talks about the universal mind versus personal mind. I interpret acim, Ramana and the rest of them through the same understanding.
  5. There is a way to interpret those words where "the world is your hallucination" , and "other people exist" and "other people same as you, children of God " go hand in hand without contradiction.
  6. I just interpret those words slightly differently for a good reason. Because why would acim spend hundreds of pages talking about relationships and how your forgiveness will not heal only you but will heal others also. If others don't exist in a the way that you interpret those words.
  7. It's like a matrix movie. Neo goes back into the dream to release other dreamers. "in the world but not of the world"
  8. That's the problem with words. Prayer and meditation are two different states yet the instructions are the same, "I need do nothing". Meditation is to withdraw/detach from life Prayer is to infiltrate life with the light and glory of love. You're yet to enter the stage of prayer imo. Even tho you're following the instructions correctly. Nothing wrong with the practice of meditation tho. It's a necessary stage. 1. "miracles shorten the need for time" 2. "love is the mother of all miracles" 3. "A relationship is the breeding ground for love" 4. "prayer is a relationship with God and then a relationship with God in other people" Just felt like writing this for some reason. It's going to be funny day to meet someday and look back on this day haha.
  9. Peak entertainment.
  10. 😎 That does like like me, haha. But bro, unless you learn to see the perfect innocence of holiness in Agent Smith, you're not going to get free. For "every relationship is the means for your salvation" ~acim. That includes even your relationship with agents. Unless you embrace them, you'll not be able to transcend them. And what you fail to embrace, you fear. You should recognize these words from acim very well imo.
  11. @Nemra you're just gaslighting me with your gaslighting philosophy lol
  12. I'm not saying gaslighting doesn't exist. I'm saying truth is never gaslighting. In fact truth removes all gaslighting. It's antidote against all gaslighting.
  13. @Nemra what is the definition of gaslighting for you?
  14. honestly this is exciting because Nemra's intellect is so sharp. It's like mental jujitsu for me
  15. I was not asking a question. I was making a point.