Something Funny

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Posts posted by Something Funny

  1. @no_name you are the one who tagged me in the first place and called me names, so no deal with it.

    1 minute ago, no_name said:

    I don’t have enough narcissism and grandiosity to do a few psychedelic trips and then claim I am the only person alive to discover the truth.

    Sure but have you done anything worthwhile at all in your life? I am not necessarily talking about becoming an online guru. Anything at all? 

    You are 30+ years old. You are very emotional mature and intelligent compared to the rest of us, like you like to point out all the time. So do you contribute to the world in any positive creative way? Do you have any geniine passions? A life purpose?

    Where does all this intelligence and independence of yours shows besides shitting on other people?

    And once again I am asking you, when was the last time you posted something that didn't involve a tonn of drama, arguments, and complaining about others?

  2. @Inliytened1 oh right, that's what your end goal is...

    I wonder if you genuinely believe it, lol.

    If you really cared about helping Leo with anything, you would have PMed him and tried to have a genuine  respectful discussion with him. That would be a decent thing to do.

    Instead you decided to start making weird mock comments and critique him indirectly by responding to other people.

    Dude has an ego problem in the worst way because he doesn't have traditional good looks and can't get women without getting help.  So he tries to control this way.

    In what world is the above considered an okay thing to say when you are trying to help someone???

  3. 5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Oh really now.  Is that an Absolute for the enlightened one? That he may not traverse the forum of another? I would think again.   If it is the enlightened one's dream then he can do whatever he damn well pleases.  This was a weak attempt at gaslighting.  

    Your behavior is extremely petty, that's all. It is easier to critize than to create something on your own. 

    Please remind me, what other great spiritual teacher focused more on criticizing others than on his own work?  Any examples?

  4. @no_name and what are you teaching? Have you done anything worthwhile in your life yourself or is shitting on other people the only thing that you are good at? 

    When was the last time you posted something on this forum that didn't create a tonn of drama, arguments, and complaining about other people?

    @Inliytened1 and what about you? I suppose you think that you are very wise and enlightened. But real spiritual teachers don't spend their time on someone else's forum, criticizing other people. They do their own work.

    What work have you done? Leo has thousands of hours of exceptional content to back up what he is saying. What have you got? Why should anyone listen to you instead of him?

  5. @no_name 

    12 minutes ago, no_name said:

    Also, like I explained, I only commented here for people who find themselves confused with Leo’s behaviour. They are not alone, and they are right to be concerned/doubt Leo’s integrity and his claims to be enlightened.

    Yeah, and after Leo stopped responding to you you tagged like five people to start an argument again because you didn't get enough drama.

    13 minutes ago, no_name said:

    I am also not obligated to explain to you why and how I engage with this forum. 

    Sure, just pointing out your hypocrisy

  6. @no_name if I remember correctly you didn't want me to talk to you ever again. So please don't talk to me either. 

    You say you don't want to waste you time arguing here. But in reality you are really toxic and can't stop yourself from coming here for a hit of drama again and again.

    If you don't like Leo so much, why are you even here? Internet is big, go find yourself a community that you like...

  7. @Saraaa it will be really hard for people here to give you solid advise because for that they would need to go really in depth in your personal situation.

    I think you are the perfect case where working with a psychotherapist or a dating coach might help you a lot. Because you have something specific you want to work on vs just saying "I am sad and depressed, please help me".

    But please keep your head up. Not all men are like this that's for sure. Don't give up and don't  lower your standards and I think the chances are high that you will find who you are looking for.

  8. Authenticity and being real

    I really like that Leo doesn't try to hide behind a mask of being overly politically correct just to be safe. He says what he truly beliefs without being apologetic about it. He doesn't avoid uncomfortaable topics or questions.

    This is worth a lot in our world where most people are cold, closed off, and business like.


    Not promoting some shady nord vpn / protein powder / miracle nootropic kind of bullshit.

    Not doing some stupid black Friday course sales.

    Being open to criticism and actually responding to it.

    Veing extremely open about the way he does his business. 

    Basically,  with Leo you don't feel like he tries to screw you over at any opportunity he gets to squeeze a few extra dollars out of you. You know that when he publishes a video, he publishes it for its own sake and not to promote his upcoming new program which will only be available for 30 days and then will get a rerun in the next year.

    Putting his soul into his work

    No comments needed here, hands down the highest quality content on youtube.

    Kindness and compasssion

    I think this is something that many people look over and don't appreciate enough. But Leo is a really kind person.

    Whenever there is a person on the forum who is in a really bad place and needs help, Leo always tries to help them. Even if they are a total emotional mess and act in really stupid ways.


    His style

    Some might call it arrogant and unprofessional but I like it.

    Leo is funny and entertaining which is an especially big achievement considering the topics he talks about.

    I like the fact that Leo can sometimes be brutal in his video and say stuff like "you are not taking your life seriously enough" because it is motivating and it helps me get myself together when I feel depressed and a mess in general. Some of Leo's videos are like a nice cold shower.

    And omg, his costumes, how cana you not love his costumes. Him wearing this silly horned mask and complaining how much it hurts while talking about philosophy was pure gold, lol.


    Just felt like posting this...

  9. @Jannes well there is nowhere else where I can place them. I don't want to tire my muscles with deadlifts on a pull day as it's a priority for me.

    Also, I've trained like that before and didn't have much issues. 

    I don't have any specific goals. Just want to have strong, well developed legs.

    1 hour ago, Jannes said:

    You already train all of these muscles with squats and deadlifts roughly equally I would say but of course muscle activation varies from person to person.

    Yeah, I know that. But doing just them feels kind of too little I guess? 

    But I think adding lunges + running should do the trick.

    @Michael569 haha, thank you for the life hack :D

  10. @Mormegil yeah, I knowbthey are kind of repetitive,  Injust didn't have any better ideas :D

    Do you mean some explosive/jumping lunges or weighted lunges with a barbell/kettlebells?

    What do you think about the below:

    1. Threadmill running for 15 mins as a warmup

    2. Barbell Squats: 3-5 sets x 3-5 reps + 3-5 minutes rest

    3. Deadlifts: 3-5 sets x 3-5 reps + 3-5 minutes rest

    4. Lunges ???

    5. More running? Maybe mix faster and slower speeds and do that for 30 mins?