Optimized Life

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About Optimized Life

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  1. I'm now changing my password and forgetting it. Gone.
  2. With some silence, I have refound my connection to god. God is watching me. I will only live this life as a positive influence, positive energy and spread love to the world, and I'll do all this without holding back or fitting in, and still being a Top G & doing whatever the fuck I want in life. I am leaving here for good and I know that being on here for me specifically has stated to become al little cringe, I value my time and have self respect and dont want to waste any more of this precious life that I have. This forum is mostly not for me, neither is Leo or the majority of people on here but that is fine because I'm very unique & dont want to follow anyone else, no 1 indivdual on the planet can have the life I want becuse they're not me. There is no need for me to either push my agenda on others or have their agenda and personality impacting me. The purest feeling is to just be yourself and do what you want.TO have the exact lifestyle that is exactly unique to yourself, the exact amount of hours you want to work, whether that's 2 hours per day earning $100K/month and spending 90% of your time doing hobbies and meeting women and running a social circle, whatever the individual wants he can have, just have to build up to it, have to fight for it & never ever let anyone else try tell you what you should do have, or how to live. Happiness is individual, fulfilment is personal.
  3. @Princess Arabia You're literally out of your fucking mind, no logical or sane person take you seriously. Guys just don't even read her posts or comments, if you keep giving her attention you feed into the insanity. We ALL Know what's truly up with this one, everyone knows what you do. Accept your fate and the choices you made, don't bring your insanity and bullshit over to innocent people with a bright future. If no ones got any fucking balls then I'll come over here and say it straight, mods need to ban this fucking clown.
  4. I want to make another point that, I am (cringefully) regretful of making myself in the past, is that we need to drop this idea of "western girls", there may be a fragment of truth in this descriptive distinction since, yes there will be notable cultural differences and values between Europe/USA girls vs Asian girls, and ofc you're entitled to your preference and to move to Asia if you like, but other than that it's pretty meaningless. I mean, I see pickup and prank videos involving american girls from college campuses and tbh, most of them look remarkably chill and nice. So we try and just say "west" but american girls will be pretty different to Mediterranean girls, Scandinavian ect.. it's not all the same. You could have really bad and lame experiences with Finish girls but then have an amazing time in austin texas, but if you were so blindsided by this overegeneralized dinstincitiion of the "west" then you'dnever open ur mind up to going there. Now, I think more relevant is the actual city that you're in. Prejudices aside i'd probably rather meet girls from LA or Austin than Detroit, My main point is that I spent some time with these strange views of "western women" programmed into my head, but I think what matters much more is the country annd city you're in, where I live is quite shitty for game, yet I couldn't see myself getting any better results and being happier than in the USA, and it's supposedly the pinnacle of this so called collapse, "fall of the west"? But when I say that, I'm talking about within the best cities in the USA with the best weather assuming that I have more than enough money to afford the cost of living there too. I'm not talking about some Detroit hell hole ghetto I wouldn't have seen myself saying this a year/2 ago and I was obssessed with going to 3rd world countries to bang women.
  5. I can sense that you overthink stuff and your head's a bit fucked (been there a lot before). All this overthinking philosophical talk not helping you. There's nothing dumb about working out, especially if you enjoy the activity, just don't become too obsessed. Not everything we do needs to be advanced or sophisticated. Also the fact that you "have to lift weights in order to appear dedidacted to other "western" females" is not a good frame. Go gym because YOU want to go, otherwise just don't. Confidence isn't a "low consciousness" trait lool Leo has rotted your brain with this stupid consciousness lingo. Confidence is a pretty significant thing, and it will make or break a man. You could do with more of it.
  6. Change some to most. The majority of the wealth in the world is not deserved and is probably swindled. But it may actually be deserved, but it's still by causing harm. Macdonalds CEO works hard i'm sure. Ever looked at gambling and companies? They are never fucking poor. CEOS of gambling companies and casinos rake in billions yearly. But they will look back on their empty life in regret anyway I'm the realest "conservative" out there.
  7. As if being super pretty and feminine and having an easier life somehow makes girls more cruel and "scummy". Prettier girls are generally nicer and easier to talk to than the ugly masculine ones
  8. You settle for what? 6.5, 7, 7.5 ? Why settle when you've banged IG models and very hot girls before, why couldn't you just make 1 of those your GF? You said in your pickup series "my standards are very high, it can take me hours to find a hot girl to approach in the day" So your standards must be higher than 7 atleeast? .. Because in the day 6's, 6.5's & 7's aren't that rare at all, but yes 7+ can be hard to find depending on the city
  9. This is1 of my final legacy post but for the good and saviour of other guys on here I have to say don't waste your time and DONT follow diet advice on this forum unless it's promoting a high fat/diet without fibre and is based on personal experience and not academic bullshit. I previoulsyy praised the health forum which deserves praise for its stuff on toxins but a very wrong normie academic agenda is being pused on this forum and I fell for it for some time. "Big breakfast full of grains, fibre, whole meal pasta, oatmeal, eat lots of lentils .." NO NO NO NONONONONONONON THAT'S BULLSHIT. Eat quality meat, eggs butter ... and some fruits are fine DO NOT venture out of this. I've noticed the difference time and time again and it's always the same. Look at the anecotal side and i rarely ever see any guy complain about brain fog or concetration or mood problems because they consume quality meat or eggs Heavy useless fibre like sleepy lentils on the other hand? Oatmeal? Please GTFO This post hard for me to write because You know who I am talking about but tbh it has to be said well meaning nice people can be 100% ass backwards and you have to be honest about the truth that theyve wasted their entire career pushing some academic bs that does not apply in the real world no matter how kind of spiritual they are. No one gives a fuck about living until 95 instead of 89 or some obscure health metric, it's about feeling good now so you can live NOW. That's what the fat/protien based diet is for. That's not what fibre grains gluten and heavy carbs are for, nonononono.
  10. Whhen you watch videos of other peoples dark psychology and have that at the forefront of your mind, what do you think happens to your psychology? Gets dark. You chose how to perceive the world not anyone else
  11. @Leo GuraThis will be some of my last questions on this forum and leo/forum if you don't want to answer me that's fine however i think my questions will help clear up confusions for the other members so if you do do it for the other members if you want I don't doubt that looks mater, but I think a lot of us guys on here including myself are a bit coonfused at leos apparently sudden change of attiude after SOO many years, after 10+ years of doing pickup?, and after producing a whole series based off years of experience characterized by a core tennet of looks being secondary to game and confidence, personality? And now after all this time you randomly change your mind? I just don't understand why only now you produce this answer? And a theme you presented from the short/royal family wing example was that : Boldness/decisiveness and big bools outweighs looks and all else (minus celebrities) - so do you now just think that looks alone overpowers extreme boldness like your short asain wing had? * to add context, all this confusion im presenting is in regards to hot / 7+ girls, of course most guys can get laid with any girl if they try enough, this discussion is purely regards to how much game vs looks matter in regards to attracting 6.5-7+ girls and not just any girls Examples hinting of the apparent contradictions paraphrased from a fragmented amalgation of his qoutes in my memory : So this may sound autistic but I ithink many of us would prefer if you could precisely as possible distinguish to what extent you think looks matter relative to everything else in a numerical scale, and give your opinion on what a guys limits are based on his looks ... for example, does it only matter if you're ugly? or does not being a chad matter a lot too? if you're a 6/10 can you achieve what a chad achieves with enough game? If you're a 4/10 looks guy is chasing 7/10 girls shooting too high? ect.. Another point on status. You listed "celebrity/status" as just above looks... But does this only include extreme global status or more subtle local status - like being a boss at a random company, or the bar manager, or just power/status/approval/popularity in any context no matter how small, local ? And if this high status guy is also ugly does the status counteract his lacking looks and girls are still attracted do yhou think? .. on purpose of breeding You say "the purpose of sex is to breed with more attractive people - but what about all the ugly couples that exist? there's many ugly couples and ugly people born every day, perhaps many of them are even happy together? so people are clearly motivated to fuck without improving genes too ?
  12. Leo has had a shitty and depressing vibe for years. Guys, get some fucking initiative, you're not forced to only listen to leo and are allowed to find better influence. I get the impression that guys like the OP ONLY follow leo that's pretty dark for you His reality and feelings are biased towards someone cursed with genetic health problems. Maybe YOU are not cursed that way, no point absorbing his energy then, maybe YOU have health problems but they're not even gentic, maybe there's a solution ect... This why you can never inmediately discredit your potential until you've tried everything for many many years.
  13. @HMD then what is the holy grail of omegas? I would say that fish generally are not considering the toxicity, they would be my favourite food to eat if pollution didn't exist, such a lean brain food in the short term. I eat a ton of eggs (free range but not organic) it's certainly nutritious but sometimes I question whether it's holistically healthy exclusively eat eggs mostly. Nuts and seeds cause faltulence so that sucks
  14. Magnesium's probably a good starting point.