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About Jannes

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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I would be very interested to see Leo in a political debate as well because 1) Leos takes on the forum seem very intelligent (to me) I cant really critique them or see beyond them most of the time so I would like to see how strong they are in a debate situation 2) it makes Leo seem very grounded which would make the spiritual/ god part of the conversation seem more sophisticated for the average viewer. But I see how that can be counterproductive and a bad opportunity cost.
  2. YESSS!! Keep us updated!
  3. Although I really liked him back in the day I needed to think about that for some time because its some time since I watched him and I inhaled all the criticism I saw about him on the forum. But I have got some points: - The way JP explains concepts of psychology through archetypes is epic and simple. - He helps to integrate stage blue values - JP to some extend is a very nuanced stage yellow thinker and this is not very common. I have listened to his takes on feminism back in the day and was amazed by his nuanced thinking where he crushed stage green opponents who couldn't think in that sort of detail. Not sure if I would agree with all of his takes nowadays but they were certainly sophisticated. Sucks that he has a stage green shadow and (because of) that his political takes are so bad as I think there is much potential in JP.
  4. It's a spectrum. But I think making general distinctions makes sense.
  5. @Someone here I missed this kinds of threads. Seems a little extreme. Like you are on one extreme now with your strong horniness and avoiding foreplay and all that and now you want to go to tantric sex. Not sure if that's gonna work out for you like you may need some steps in between. Hmm when I learned about how to do foreplay right and the effect it has on girls I built quite an ego around that and the sex that I have now is always very long. Like you can be so creative in your foreplay so it's very fun if you like improvising.
  6. @spectra didnt work for me haha I needed to get louder. I think you need a base of respect for that to work. You are in your second year also so they know you better it gets easier then.
  7. To experience every part of itself because god is selfness and to experience relative love: But you could say that yeah that is nice and all but absolute love is way better then that so why entertain these little games when you could be in ecstasy "24/7" ? I dont know, I need to experience and contemplate gods mind more for that.
  8. Everything is Absolute Good from that POV I would assume. Thats territory that I cant answer from direct experience at all anymore. I haven't experienced enough of god to contemplate such questions. But to quote others: God is perfect, but god cant experience himself. He needs to take on a finite form (duality) to experience himself. So here we are.
  9. Because they dont appear to you as the same thing. Thats because you have a biased view on them. Thats because you have a limited consciousness and the need to survive which contextualizes your experience in a certain way. (creates duality)
  10. Because they are connected with each other they imply each other. What is a winner without a loser?
  11. Your primate brain makes you want to reproduce. When people dont question their beliefs are whole lot they might just think that what their primate brain want for them is what they want as well.
  12. Yes existence contain low states which is evident in your experience. You can experience metaphysical perfection but that doesnt have a form. If you want a form you need duality and the lows that come along with that.
  13. Sex at the metaphysical level: An Instagram post from Desiree Nicks Playboy shoot. She is the oldest German Playboy with an age of 66 (while shooting). I won't show any pictures of her here that's not what this post is about. What interests me is her developed understanding of sexuality at this age. And this post of her particularly struck me. It's often said that metaphysically the reason why sex feels so good is because it's the process of two opposite parts coming together and becoming whole. And that feels good because the universe wants to be itself/ united. Well doesn't this picture capture that just perfectly?
  14. To create things we want to have in our life. There are no highs without lows.