An young being

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About An young being

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  1. But most people are not contented with life, and hence at some point, they break inside because of suffering that is beyond their tolerance level and hence pursue spirituality to end it once and for all.
  2. I would say enlightenment's main effect is contentment, and if people are already content with life and accept the suffering associated with it, and are aligned with life's higher values, there's no need to pursue a special thing called enlightenment or awakening.
  3. Because without somebody to save, we can't be the savior.
  4. Exactly, and we have the choice to reduce suffering to a considerable extent by trying to be less selfish, less egoistic and less focused towards pleasures of the senses. There is no need to escape suffering entirely. It exists for a beautiful purpose called living. It becomes a problem only when we can't tolerate suffering, and we curse life and living.
  5. As long as there is karma, which is action done with a selfish intent, there exists suffering.
  6. For the sake of physical health, yes, we need to get out more, walk, do yoga, exercise etc. If we are sitting in a couch all day before the screen, eating junk foods, and doing mental masturbation in forum and physical masturbation outside it, and getting addicted to drugs and its pleasures, then we are in trouble. We need to get out. We need the body to be healthy if we want to use the mind, even if there is no love for it. But, we also have to understand that pondering every facet of existence is also living life, just like every other experience. We just need to make sure the body is alive for it. One tip to make the experience beautiful is to type with the intention of curiosity and helping tendency instead for our own pleasures such as validation, addiction, and revenge.
  7. I agree that Hindu religion has universal concepts applicable to everyone, and many ideas that help to reach our highest potential, but it includes too many beliefs, both good and bad, and such beliefs are not Sanatan, i.e. eternal. Things which were supposed to change with time, such as superstitious beliefs and ancient practices such as caste system has become non-removable part of the religion due to excess pride and fear, and non-questioning. Hence, it has become just another religion like Christianity, and Islam, and nothing too special. Yet, it has the potential to become a better religion when unnecessary beliefs and superstitions are removed, and the Sanatan part of the religion and Yoga is empathized more.
  8. Immortality is when you have an infinite memory.
  9. Religious pride may help people by strengthening their devotion and overcome inferiority complex, but for a person on a spiritual path, religious pride boosts our ego and acts as a hindrance. When it becomes too high, it can lead to excess selfishness and demonization of other religions as well as its followers.
  10. Few common examples that I consider to be near the lower spectrum of perspectives: Believing and teaching people that being selfish is good for you in the long run. Being proud of one's religion and culture instead of following its moral and spiritual principles and practices. Not doing any selfless, productive or passionate work, and indulging in higher forms of pleasures, such as masturbating to porn, eating fried foods, watching endless movies of violence, etc., and mistaking the pleasure for happiness. Taking and giving respect with respect to birth, nationality, wealth, power etc., instead of giving respect to one's hard work and selflessness. In short, any perspective that is ego-centric and encourages selfishness is of lower perspective, and the opposite is what people who wants to be of the highest perspective should be doing.
  11. That's a good thing then. If you love peace, that's the best thing you can have.
  12. Enlightenment in my opinion is all about being contended and being in a state free of attachment. It's about being in acceptance with what you are and experiencing life without being enslaved to the selfish tendencies of the ego and resistance to life. But generally enlightened people are blissful because they prefer the blissful nature of the union and egolessness over pleasures, simply because they know pleasures are costly and pushes us deep into the illusion, not because they hate them. The neutrality you are describing is a state of light bliss for a prolonged time period.When you are being neutral without being in a state of bliss, the feeling of peace will be overwhelmed by feeling of boredom and longing after desires, that could happen if you are inactive and egoistic at the same time. Do you want low levels of bliss for a prolonged time or intense bliss for a short period of time? You can choose to be highly blissful all the time, but that's rare and means you have to put more effort in the form of intense meditation, devotion or selfless activities. To live life peacefully, you don't need to do that.
  13. Money becomes god when you use it to bring joy to others.