Aaron p

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About Aaron p

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  • Birthday 03/01/1998

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  1. Have to ping this, such a high quality creation
  2. @Leo Gura I think most of us are aware that's truly insane people are locked up in padded cells but this doesn't address the actual question. The op is not asking what we do with insane people he is asking: how you would define what's qualifies someone as being mad or insane? Is it murder? Worse crimes? Or the internal mental state of a person regardless of their external actions. I have met people who are delusional, people who are ideological idiots, people with clinical psychopathy diagnoses (who are definitive psychopaths but are very much free and not locked up in padded cells) and people whose mental divergence is extremely difficult to describe and it basically manifests itself in a general strangeness with slights paranoia and occasional extreme outbursts of hopelessness where they might shit themselves for example. And what about the man locked in a padded cell because he killed his father out of pure emotional rage because his father killed his mother... Are these people insane? Do you not think the term sane or insane is a bit of an oversimplification...
  3. Did you by chance experience extreme striking fear and existential terror during this little awakening? I kind of think moksha is hitting the nail on the head here. What you're describing does not sound like awakening. While I don't think I've ever had a deep awakening of my own yet I have witnessed the impossible more times than I can count and am very acquainted with going into other dimensions. My intuition would tell me that awakening can be expected to induce unimaginable fear followed by unimaginable freedom/bliss/ecstasy. There could be other contributory factors to your emotional decline. Although I will say this, that if you have been doing spiritual work for two years it's very natural to notice parts of yourself shading like dead limbs as you progress on the path of maturity. This can be painful. However generally speaking you want to be holistic when you try to understand the root to your suffering and avoid spiritual dogma that everything must be related to mysticism. Your emotional decline could be as a result of any number of natural things. You could have a chemical imbalance (which is typically hereditary so look at your parents and their parents) you could be existentially bored you could just be depressed. Be mindful that the mind will adopt and misconstrue spiritual concepts like solipsism. Life and awakening are infinitely good positive and blissful when fulfilled correctly
  4. @James123 OK bro I can tell just from how you're speaking that you need to introduce much more calibration to your approach to chemicals of this level (dmt). Remember that this is a serious thing it's not small it's not minor these are very powerful drugs and the experiences they produce are extremely profound. You can't just take "two tabs" of LSD and hope for the best. First you have to test each batch of drugs you get with reagent test kits and also LSD is not measured in tabs it's measured in ug one tab could be 25 ug a different tab could be 325 ug. Fuck sake. Also I would not recommend trying to do a breakthrough dose of LSD as this will last 12 hours I mean unless you're some kind of extreme psychonaut master this is probably not a good idea. DMT is another beast entirely you also want to test each batch you get and dose very carefully using a 10 mg scoop from Amazon for DMT 50 milligrams is about the standard for a breakthrough the reason a breakthrough on DMT is probably not as dangerous as it breaks through on LSD is because if you have a very challenging experience you'll be back within 15 or 20 minutes however be aware of the power of this compound you will leave the earth and unless you have a really good track record of tripping hard and having minimal bad experiences there's a very real possibility that if you have a breakthrough dose of dmt you could be launched into any number of infinite hell dimensions. So start with low doses and work your way up very gradually there is no rush. Also according to my research it is basically safe to combine MDMA and nndmt and this is actually an extraordinarily good combination as it guarantees a good trip every time. I would personally not have tripped at all on DMT if I knew this combination was acceptable and safe I will definitely be trying the DMT / MDMA combination in the future the experiences this combination can produce our absolutely amazing visually stunning absolutely one of the best experiences of my entire life. If you in turned on taking MDMA also test that batch and dose carefully. You might want to have one or two experiences of MDMA before you do the combination so you can get an idea as to the correct dose for you. MDMA is also neurotoxic and addictive and is recommended to only be used once every three months which is what I recommend as well. You can actually combine MDMA and 5meodmt however this is more serious and requires additional care and lowering of both doses. There is a theoretical possibility of experiencing something called serotonin syndrome but this is very unlikely even with the 5meo / MDMA combination, there are many reports from the blue light.org harm reduction website about this combination. The only reason I mention it is because this particular combination is very interesting to me and to others because the fear of 5me-o-dmt is extreme and MDMA is reported to be insanely useful and efficient that simply removing that fear which is incredible it's like a hack but like I say you need to dose carefully. For long trips like with LSD or psilocybin you might also want to invest in some trip killers. Typical trip killers are simple benzodiazepines. You take them and they cancel the trip in a short period of time very useful in challenging experiences. Also be aware that benzodiazepines have an addictive potential and you are really want to use them scarcely.
  5. Leo says it's meant to feel like you're going literally insane. And the Buddhist call it no mind (they have definitively lost their minds) lol. Genius and mad are also just man made categories. But let's inspect them. We've obviously seen psychedelics go wrong before. People can lose their minds in a bad way too. I think the primary difference we can make for simplified sake is that one of the most distinguishing factors is calibration. It's a person mad? Might not be as easy as simple yes or no answers.. Awakening is very mad. Super crazy. And I suppose it also could go very right or very wrong. Typically a person who is closer to the line of genius is someone who exhibits similar mental flexibility to a mad man but with more calibration orientation information intelligence calculation and intention. Once again for simplicity sake I suppose we could make a broad distinction that both categories include a degree of outlandishness but a genius will have value knowledge and wisdom where a madman will probably be more interested in discussing stupid conspiracy theories or random topics of complete pointlessness. I might add that the madman is a person I find quite entertaining
  6. Kinda funny cuz when viewed through a logical-mystical perspective curses and gods and devils are all real. They have real power and govern aspects of reality. But I doubt they are like what most people would imagine them to be like. I think it's just vibration.
  7. I think I'm reading this correctly in that my understanding of what he means when he says everything is right is possibly like in the sense that all of existence is correct and perfect? Even incorrectness is correct in the sense that it exists and could not exist in any other way and ultimately serves truth...?
  8. I was walking down the street after partying in my city and someone just stopped me and said "hey, do I know you?" I asked them if they were into any meditation or business groups. He said "no, just your energy." I said, "oh that. I study enlightenment, that's what that is." Then told him to look at this website #plug This is not the first time this has happened. There have been at least 2 other incidents where people have claimed to have "dreamed this exact scenario" that I was in close proximity with them. It was like they could literally feel something that was invisible to me but I recognised it. They were like confused. I've had people come close to me and just start describing... Something ... They said "it's a bit weird, but it's good." One guy described me as if I was glitching back and forth.One girl started describing the presence of a grandfather when she was around me. It's just strange cuz this is not the direction I imagined awakening going. Everything feels like it's getting more real, not less real. It's become apparent to me that awakening increases reality not decreases. I suppose it depends what I mean when I say reality. If I mean the physical world then it decreases, but actual reality increases. And the degree to which it seems impossible is the degree to which it is awesome. It's almost like it's calling me to surrender to it, to switch from the perspective of "I'm a human on earth trying to have an awakening" to the perspective "I am not human, nor am I on earth, something else entirely is happening here." And I can feel people's energetic fields. Some are strong, some are ugly and corrupt, some are sick, some are beautiful. It's just this spiritual one liner "reality doesn't exist" seems a bit misleading. My experience is very real. I get the sense that this reality will only increase. I am nearly asking for people to give their opinion on this but it's kinda like... This is happening regardless of anyone's opinion... There's also this "thing" around my head it's like...wide. like my field of vision is carrying itself. And people who enter it can feel it.
  9. A meaningless lump? Have you got any idea how powerful your mind is. You are literally fucking God. Bro go do 150ug LSD, watch in detail what happens. Meaningless lump is imagined by infinite genius
  10. Bro haha I took 300ug one time and I just completely lost control of my bodily movements. I could just about steer my body like a large boat as it paced around and around in circles looking for something. I've never been so confused in my entire life hahaha. I thought It was my clothes getting in the way so I took them all of all while still going in circles. I have no idea what the fuck I was thinking. Lol. Eventually I put my clothes back on, gathering them piece by piece each circuit I done and went for a run. Lol things got better.
  11. Btw man. If your actually going fully into this you miiiiight want to review Leo's cult psychology series just for good measure to completely inoculate you against accidentally starting a cult lol
  12. Ok good beard. Ok I just subbed. I'm in.
  13. Damn. Sorry to hear that bro. Sounds super difficult. Connect with high quality people on the forum for support. Chemo is highly effective and depending on your cancer type, you could get cured and look back on this experience in 20 years and think "this experience was the single most vital experience to my lifes fulfilment." Don't let the mind jump to extreme conclusions. My granda got cured of cancer. He didn't even use chemo. If your strong enough you could even use this experience to face certain possible eventualities head on. But this would require strength and be careful not to overestimate your own strength here. Let me just say this, what we imagine certain experiences to be are extremely inaccurate and what society has called the deepest and worst possible events...are actually not. God is your ultimate friend and ultimate protector. And man, if we're going to be honest...there really is nothing to fear. Your story has just dramatically changed, you could be an incredibly powerful force for helping others in despair. They will respect you 1000x more. You could change lives even just by posting on this forum.