Aaron p

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About Aaron p

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  • Birthday 03/01/1998

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  1. Not falling into the trap of worshipping you Leo, but there comes a point where the reality is, you've changed our lives. Given us a clarity that is very rare, and anchor in life, deeper answers to life's deepest questions. So I say no sir, thank you
  2. In his newest video Leo articulates how even someone who takes the time to watch his videos is a diamond in the dirt. He got a little emotional, as I did also myself at that moment. I would just love to hear more about your compassion Leo and developing greater love and connection with you because the reality is, most of us see you as a greater role model than our own fathers. You are our spiritual father and I think the maturity that you've exhibited in your latest video of wrongness strikes very deep into my own heart and I would suspect the hearts of others in our beautiful little community here. I know I don't know you personally but it feels like we do. And in a way, we do. You pour your heart out in your videos and we respond. In a way we know eachother just the right amount to the point where it's appropriate to say, Leo I truly love you as a spiritual guide and mentor. It seems to be that your selflessness and compassion are increasing. I struggle with anger issues and your latest video is offering me the chance to look more deeply into that. Thank you again for being you. Your truly the best teacher in the world. As far as me and my actualized friends who talk in private can tell. PS: we hope your health condition is ok, we care about you man and it's nice to see that you recognise our support and care and love for you.
  3. such a profound lack of bullshit here, i am truly blessed to have found this community
  4. @bazera this is dope
  5. damn, i'd be tempted by the degree because its free, in the UK you have to pay through the nose to get one. But ultimately this is something that you cannot get a yes or no from us here, you must look within and get guidance from the Guru. God speaks in one way through the peace of the heart, imagine yourself vividly in both scenarios and analyse which situation you feel more peace in. Let the peace of god rule in your heart Colossians 3:15
  6. thank god, thank leo
  7. The only way to get enlightened is to love the devil and love evil. But this is a subtle statement. What it means is there are no barriers between you and it
  8. https://open.spotify.com/track/4vyuKMu7g0QviiOCYzhhjW?si=HEV5AlV-S0ySyKgT2CwmTQ
  9. @QVx thanks anyway man, but yeah I'm looking for a course that makes *me* a life coach
  10. Thanks guys but I have a life coach already