
Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Owen is a worldclass bullshitter. Owen does not get many girls. He struggles to get them. Because of his looks.

You have to understand that pickup coaches are very biased and untruthful people. They either straight out lie to their students or they themselves are deluded by years of pickup brainwashing.

Also, if you notice, most of the successful pickup coaches are good looking extroverts. It's not merely their game that's doing the work. Similar to how successful bodybuilders are also coasting off great genetics and fooling you into thinking that it's all their hard work at the gym. No matter how much a regular guy hits the gym he will never be Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Because Arnold had peak genetics that enabled everything else. But fools think that it was all just hard work. You can't hard work you way into peak genetics. Which is why actors, musicians, athletes, and models get paid so much money. It's not just because they work hard. It's because they have peak genetics which 99% can't have. This makes them incredibly valuable comodities.

Spiritually successful people also coast off their peak genetics, in case you haven't noticed. And so do the best intellectuals. All these things are grounded in having the right genetics. And then these people fool you into thinking otherwise. Many times they themselves are unaware of their innate advatages because they are too close to them.

You can deny this all you want but in the end it's the truth.

Be ware, if you turn this truth into a victim mentality, that's on you. I am not saying to do that. My only concern here is how reality actually works, not how you feel about it and how you need it to be for your sake.

Vadim from Honest Signalz I would say is an exception for pickup coach despite being taller than average. He is the embodiment of attractive masculine behaviours.  

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6 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Most importantly, go out and get real experience I think. Your mind is full of shit and you’re better off going out, getting real experience. And plenty of it.

Bingo. Action over intellect my friends.

Sean Connery has an epic line in a 1996 film (The Rock) in response to Nicholas Cage who says "I'll do my best." His response was, "Your best? Losers whine about their best; winners go home and f*ck the prom queen." Stop strategizing like an air traffic controller and just land the f*cking plane.

4 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Indeed. Much of these assertions are demonstrably false, i.e., people close enough to Owen's circle are well aware of his social prowess.

In general, yes, pickup coaches are biased and often times untruthful, but we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. 

Also, yes, genetics are incredibly important, going along with the examples, in explaining outliers who operate at the peak of their place in society, be it bodybuilders, actors, spiritual gurus or intellectuals. That said, pickup, in contrast to these other areas of expertise which all have sizeable populations of people who have devoted their lives to, is far less competitive. Becoming a top 0.1% (1 in 1000) male at cold approach is in reach for >99% of guys within a couple of years (at worst) if they went as hard as other people do in pursuing, for example, their career in acting or philosophizing. Appearance absolutely matters, but self image and by extension, confidence, reigns supreme and is overwhelmingly the showstopper for most gents.

For myriad reasons, declining testosterone and false societal programming (not least from increasingly "woke" media) among them, women RARELY get stone cold sober approached nowadays, and more often than not when they do, it is a mentally compromised, homeless man, for example, whistling at them.

The bottom line is, because the primary barrier to entry to mastering cold approach is surrendering one's ego and embracing feedback and rejection, it is a game that's easier (relative to "games" that have more "players" such as physique development) to win because nobody else wants to play, and thereby the influence of genetics gets stymied. The question is, are you the protagonist playing the game, putting your own skin into it, or are you still merely spectating? 

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3 hours ago, kamill said:

Such a drastic change. What has change ?



"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You can't hard work you way into peak genetics. Which is why actors, musicians, athletes, and models get paid so much money. It's not just because they work hard. It's because they have peak genetics which 99% can't have. This makes them incredibly valuable comodities.

I’ve met musicians who have no formal training, don’t do vocal practices, yet they sound like saints.

Edited by Yimpa

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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Honestly the main impediment I have seen from people that are not good with girls is social skills. 

Yes, good looks will carry you.

But the average dude doesn't realize how fucking bad they are socially, especially compared to women who are naturally more socially adept.

If you're into pickup that's already an indication of your social ineptitude.

And no matter how hard you work, it might be near impossible to overcome because you're overly smart, overly intellectual, and borderline autistic

That's my observation from what I've seen from dudes who get bad results with pickup

They just don't click with chicks the way neurotypical people do

Edited by PenguinPablo

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@PenguinPablo consider they neurodiverse people communicate in a way that doesn’t compute with neurotypical people and vice-versa. Doesn’t mean one is necessarily better than the other.

its like asking a penguin to make out with a zebra 

Edited by Yimpa

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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@Jason Actualization man I thoroughly enjoyed your video. Didn't regret clicking on that link. You're the real deal. I like how you call it methodical masculinity. Keep up the good work dude you rock. 

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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6 hours ago, Jason Actualization said:

Sean Connery has an epic line in a 1996 film (The Rock) in response to Nicholas Cage who says "I'll do my best." His response was, "Your best? Losers whine about their best; winners go home and f*ck the prom queen." Stop strategizing like an air traffic controller and just land the f*cking plane.

This is an atrocious quote. What if I told you in a month from now you'll be on a plane, suddenly the pilot along with all the crew dropped dead and for inexplicable reasons you're now in the cockpit trying to land the plane without any training? Good luck buddy.

I liked what you wrote after even if I don't unanimously agree with it, but just had to throw this curve ball at ya.

While you're at it why don't you also tell me what your favorite utensil is. I hope it isn't chopsticks because I'd rather eat with my hands.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Think about it.

but thinking is survival

Edited by nhoktinvt

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54 minutes ago, Gnosis said:

This is an atrocious quote. What if I told you in a month from now you'll be on a plane, suddenly the pilot along with all the crew dropped dead and for inexplicable reasons you're now in the cockpit trying to land the plane without any training? Good luck buddy.

Context is king my friend. Under those circumstances, I would seek the assistance of anyone offering it, ideally that of an air traffic controller.

My concern is that you've just illustrated a far-fetched example that doesn't even remotely resemble what we are discussing, which is talking to and attracting the opposite sex. The vast majority of men have and never will, nor should spend time receiving training on how to actually land a plane, but they have, hopefully, interacted with women before, many a time.

To clarify, "landing the plane" means just shut up and get whatever job done that you're doing, and similar to how a pilot already has all of the training that he needs to make it happen, so do you in your intimacy endeavors (assuming you act, not intellectualize).

1 hour ago, Gnosis said:

While you're at it why don't you also tell me what your favorite utensil is. I hope it isn't chopsticks because I'd rather eat with my hands.

A stainless steel spork.

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4 hours ago, Buck Edwards said:

@Jason Actualization man I thoroughly enjoyed your video. Didn't regret clicking on that link. You're the real deal. I like how you call it methodical masculinity. Keep up the good work dude you rock. 

Much appreciated man, that means a lot. In the future I'll be releasing much more methodical content in the form of "sanitized" and streamlined articles that I will also discuss on camera/YouTube for those who prefer that form of content.

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Just now, Jason Actualization said:

Much appreciated man, that means a lot. In the future I'll be releasing much more methodical content in the form of "sanitized" and streamlined articles that I will also discuss on camera/YouTube for those who prefer that form of content.

Please do. Thank you!

You should seek to transcend the limitations of the ego and the mind in order to experience a sense of unity with the universe or ultimate reality. You can do meditation,sef inquiry and contemplating for that. To recognize the underlying oneness that is believed to exist beyond the realm of dualistic perception.



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33 minutes ago, Jason Actualization said:

Context is king my friend. Under those circumstances, I would seek the assistance of anyone offering it, ideally that of an air traffic controller.

My concern is that you've just illustrated a far-fetched example that doesn't even remotely resemble what we are discussing, which is talking to and attracting the opposite sex. The vast majority of men have and never will, nor should spend time receiving training on how to actually land a plane, but they have, hopefully, interacted with women before, many a time.

To clarify, "landing the plane" means just shut up and get whatever job done that you're doing, and similar to how a pilot already has all of the training that he needs to make it happen, so do you in your intimacy endeavors (assuming you act, not intellectualize).


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34 minutes ago, Jason Actualization said:

A stainless steel spork.

Disappointing answer! >:(

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5 hours ago, nhoktinvt said:

but thinking is survival

Not necessarily.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 2/26/2024 at 6:27 AM, Leo Gura said:

Owen is a worldclass bullshitter. Owen does not get many girls. He struggles to get them. Because of his looks.

You have to understand that pickup coaches are very biased and untruthful people. They either straight out lie to their students or they themselves are deluded by years of pickup brainwashing.

Also, if you notice, most of the successful pickup coaches are good looking extroverts. It's not merely their game that's doing the work. Similar to how successful bodybuilders are also coasting off great genetics and fooling you into thinking that it's all their hard work at the gym. No matter how much a regular guy hits the gym he will never be Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Because Arnold had peak genetics that enabled everything else. But fools think that it was all just hard work. You can't hard work you way into peak genetics. Which is why actors, musicians, athletes, and models get paid so much money. It's not just because they work hard. It's because they have peak genetics which 99% can't have. This makes them incredibly valuable comodities.

Spiritually successful people also coast off their peak genetics, in case you haven't noticed. And so do the best intellectuals. All these things are grounded in having the right genetics. And then these people fool you into thinking otherwise. Many times they themselves are unaware of their innate advatages because they are too close to them.

You can deny this all you want but in the end it's the truth.

Be ware, if you turn this truth into a victim mentality, that's on you. I am not saying to do that. My only concern here is how reality actually works, not how you feel about it and how you need it to be for your sake.

I appreciate your thoughts on this. I am just struggling to accept this because that would mean that more than half of the books on your booklist are full of shit. 

It is just hard to accept given that people like David Goggins were once 300 lbs and illiterate and were able to persevere through hard work. That’s David Goggins secret to success. He didn’t have the best genes. In fact, his Sickle Cell held him back and almost took his life according to his book. I don’t know how you would explain that. 

The philosophy of Rocky Balboa is all about hard work. Rocky didn’t have the best genes or anything. His work ethic was the best and that’s what made him the best. Ivan Drago had the best genes and Rocky was still able to beat him because he trained harder. David Goggins was very similar. He didn’t have the best genes in the Seals. But it was his determination that helped him achieve the pull-up record, run ultras, and get through hell week.

Genes without discipline are nothing. There are many child prodigies who get forgotten. Robert Green talks about this concept in his book Mastery. He says discipline is more important than one’s natural talent. That mastery is achieved through deliberate practice.

Of course, a person with Fragile X will probably have limits on their intelligence that would prevent them from being a mathematician no matter how hard they practice. And a person with Anterograde amnesia will never be able to learn a new skill.

So there are limits on consciousness. But from my personal experience, there were people who were more naturally talented than me, and I still kicked their ass at tennis, trumpet, chess, and education through my deliberate practice. 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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45 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

I am just struggling to accept this because that would mean that more than half of the books on your booklist are full of shit. 

What comes to mind for me is a musician who releases albums. An artist’s music catalogue can contain albums that are critically acclaimed, some mediocre, and maybe 1-2 that are downright hated.

So who is full of shit, the artist, the audience, or the critics? 

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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I also like to frame this with basketball. You have streetball, high school, college, WNBA, NBA, etc. It depends on the context… you can be extremely talented in your domain, but not fit in at all or compete in another. For example, you can be the best high school basketball player in the country, but get your butt kicked in the NBA. 

Stop trying to emulate Michael Jordan when you should really be focusing on being the best middle school basketball player!! Also, imagine an alien who can whoop Michael Jordan’s butt any day of the week.

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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6 hours ago, Jason Actualization said:

Much appreciated man, that means a lot. In the future I'll be releasing much more methodical content in the form of "sanitized" and streamlined articles that I will also discuss on camera/YouTube for those who prefer that form of content.

Yes, I just watched it. It was very enlightening and more of us should focus on how to enhance our lives with the things you've said instead of trying to fight systems we don't have any control over. We have the innate ability to make ourselves healthier in more ways than one and to not indulge in the poisons we are so frequently exposed to on a regular basis. We are all suffering due to society's influence not recognizing that we are powerful enough if we use our minds for what it is designed for and not to be a slave to it and the environment that it can so quickly adapt to unconsciously.

Thank you for that video and your service to mankind; and keep going at it because society needs more people like you who are just trying to enhance the quality of life the best you know how and is coming from a place where you know first-hand what it's been like to suffer through your own challenges; and now you're being kind enough to pass on how you made it through the challenges you faced. Thank you.

Thought = Time. Without thought there's no time. Death is the end of the illusion.

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5 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Stop trying to emulate Michael Jordan when you should really be focusing on being the best middle school basketball player

No, you emulate Michael Jordan while you're playing middle school basketball. Thats how you reach to the top and not stay stuck where you are. When I say top, I don't mean literally, because there's always going to be someone better than you at something; but your suggestion is like saying just stay where you are and don't strive to be above that.

Thought = Time. Without thought there's no time. Death is the end of the illusion.

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