Ima Freeman

Most profound episodes

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What are in your opinion the most profound, consciousness-raising episodes of


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Absolute Infinity - Part I

What is Death?

What is Reality?

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Ima Freeman personally Leo’s start here videos. I find the ones which centre around the vision of a self actualised life to be the most profound for me


There is no failure, only feedback

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18 hours ago, Ulax said:

@Ima Freeman personally Leo’s start here videos. I find the ones which centre around the vision of a self actualised life to be the most profound for me

Ok interesting, I didn't expect that.
But yeah, these videos do have a big impact in how one changes his or her live.

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One that I love and that immediately comes to mind is Intro to Serious Philosophy.

Edited by UnbornTao

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This one I listened to multiple times and shared with friends (be careful if they are apt to delusion or in a vulnerable state).

Had a minor breakthrough listening to this one with eyes closed under the influence of Mary Jane.

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 I remember this point on reality really being a big one for me.


The videos on steelmanning liberals and conservatives really brought actualized to the next level. 

You are truly creating and compiling a masterpiece here as well as contributing your own unique insights. Mind blown!



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Ooooo... curious.


Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ultimate structure of reality

What it means to go meta

The science series

The holism series

Guided exercise for god realization

Advanced explanation of god realization

States of counciousness is everything

Understanding infinite counciousness 

And from the political videos my favorite is:

Why liberalism doesn't work/is bullshit or something like that.

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Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe

The Paradox Of Developing Self-Trust

The Power Of Letting Go - How To Overcome Clinginess, Attachment, OCD

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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and some others,

What Is Reality

The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained

Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness

Understanding Bias - Bias, Love, & Mind Explained



Edited by hugoalfven

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Advanced explanation of God Realization

Infinity of Gods

Deleted solipsism video

How to fall in love with life

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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The spiral dynamics series is the backbone of the whole channel. They get referenced in most episodes for good reason.

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For me:


I was really struggling with nihilism and really depressed about it...I was 16 or 17 maybe. I was looking for some inherent meaning to life but missed the obvious that I can create my own meaning! 

I've been always alone and I think that it's really easy to criticise and blame yourself at every action you take especially when you're young.

Just awesome!


It gave me grounding in my own actions and cause.


Painting a picture. 

I remember sitting on my couch when I was around 12 looking for something on YouTube to help me attract girls ?...I watched through dozens of videos and everything was okay-ish.
Everyone was talking about how you have to be confident but they never explained what it really means. "Do I have to act confident? What is confidence? How will I know I am acting confident?" It was too shallow for me and then one of Leo's videos appeared in my suggestion (back when it wasn't great camera quality) and I instinctively clicked on it and when the video started I thought..."'s a strange name for a YouTube channel. This dude looks strange too. Why it there a black background? And then I started listening to him. He was probably talking about self-esteem and how you gotta work on yourself..."hmm...he's different but it makes sense" and it got my wheels spinning and I watched a bunch of his videos (including how to make a girl squirt ?). I lost him after that for a few years and I really searched for him until when I was 15 or 16, he reappeared on my YouTube feed. I'm 20 now and he has been like a father to me and I really look up to him. I am biased but I really Love him.

I've been going to a crematory ground with a friend and looking at burning bodies from a distance and just thinking about it. How the flames look so big and beautiful but a body is burning in it...will be my body someday...and then the flames start settling down and people start leaving in their cars and how the person got left behind (obviously he's dead but psychologically speaking) but also how it's really necessary for them to let go of him. There's peace in an end somehow. Time stops...combined with a river and a's humbling. I wanna see more dead bodies burning but my friend is too scared and dismissive. I'll go there alone and really sit...I wanna gaze at 100 dead bodies burning for a 100 days so I can die with them and fully live on the 101st day...if that makes any sense. Why do we forgot that we'll die? I'll die someday and I can't do anything about it.

Btw, this exists ?. I'll watch it.

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