Phil King

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About Phil King

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  • Birthday 12/28/2001

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    New York
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  1. This would be awesome. Would expose actualized to a larger audience and would also have a chance at influencing JP for the better. I’m pretty sure he’s done interviews with curt jaimungal and with rebel wisdom so it’s very possible that he’ll agree, especially if he takes a look at some of ur work
  2. For nootropics I take Ginkgo Bailoba Huperzine A Omega 3 fish oil Bacopa L- Theanine Alpha GPC Pterostilbene Vinpocetine I got most of the reccomendations from Leos vid I would stay away from brand names and just buy the individual supplements. Looking at that Qualia stuff at $140, thats an insane price for not even a months supply of pills. I could buy a 3 month supply of my whole supplement stack for a little over $200
  3. Yes. Terence Malick is an artistic genius. His movies "Days of Heaven", "Tree of Life", and "Badlands" are also all masterpieces. I actually havent seen this one yet so I am looking forward to it.
  4. RFK is colluding with Trump. He will either endorse trump or try to spread doubt within Democrats
  5. 1. Fight Club 2. The Last Temptation of Christ 3. Synecdoche New York 4. My Dinner With Andre 5. Before Sunrise
  6. ^^^ New video. The first time I recorded it, I watched it back and realized I was blinking so much that it was distracting. Probably a symptom of nerves and me being uncomfortable on camera. I did another take and tried to be more OSHO-esq. Will have to work on that. I was able to hide my eyes in previous videos with sunglasses. I keep switching my plans up and can never commit to anything. I know that if I just stick with trying to make each video better for 90 days in a row, it will actually amount to something great. My plan right now is to release these sub 15 minute vids everyday on this channel and then making a second channel where Ill post longer 1+ hour full guide videos on books or deeper topics. I would probably pay an editor to do some light editing. I had to do some trimming on this vid and it was torturous, idk how people do that for a living. Going to postpone buying the van for a few months and just focus on saving money and grinding on the youtube channel, which involves writing scripts, reading books, and recording vids. Currently reading some really good books. "Democracy is Self Government" by Harold Percieval and "Michael Jordan: The Life" ^^^ One of Sandlers most underrated movies. About being present in your life and not just being on autopilot
  7. ^^^ I played this game while on LSD and had an awakening
  8. lol @quantumspiral is right. Ive seen this guy for the past few months popping up on my instagram feed. Its basically just a joke that got taken really far. I dont doubt that Davis is authentic, but hes playing a character. Check his instagram and youll see him joking about destroying excel spreadsheets at work and never slacking at his corporate 9-5 job. Seems like a genuinely good dude though
  9. Finished last day of work. It was a good season. I got a pay raise and my boss said he really wants me back for the fall and winter. Good to know I will always have a fallback option just in case. Also did more research on home owning and now Im realizing Im unlikely to get approved for a loan because I havent filed taxes ever lol. I never bothered because I never made more than like $25k a year. Will have to put being a homeowner on pause for a year or two so now main options are vanlife or getting apartment in florida. Was looking at Jacksonville, Tampa, or Miami. Tomorrow im completely free so Im going to write some YT ideas and list items on ebay. Also going to look into good video recording setup. Im back at home so Ill be able to record better quality vids rather than just the car rants. Just focus on the few core things that move you forward in life and forget the other BS. 1. Writing 2. Learning 3. Recording "You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way" ^^^ I watched the new Richard Linklater movie that "came out" yesterday. Amazing movie that kept me hooked the entire time, highly recommend. It was actually released last year for a little bit, but they shelved it so they could have better promotion for Glen Powell because he just recently starred in a bunch of movies.
  10. Almost finished with work this season. My last day is on Sunday. Im up to about $6000. After work ends, Im gonna go back on the ebay reselling grind, I made pretty good money doing it last year. Ive been pondering options for my future. Im debating between three main options. 1. Buy a van and go vanlife for 1-2 years. 2. Buy a house in upstate NY for cheap and go hard on creative and artistic career. Houses in Binghamton are actually very nice and you can get a 3+ bedroom house for less than $150k. I would probably just put a 5% down payment. 3. Move to Miami/Tampa and get an apartment. Among all of those, Im leaning towards buying the house in NY. Mainly because I want to have full control over my living space. The past 4 years have made me so aware of how little control I have over my environment. Because of roommates, neighbors, and family, I dont think Ive had a week of peaceful sleep in over 2 years. To do any of these options though, Ill need a more consistent income. My current job is seasonal and needs me to be local. Also need to get back on the YT grind. This summers focus will be developing a location independent source of income that brings in at least $1000 a week, building YT channel, and developing creative skills like writing, music, and film. Lately Ive been obsessed with this song and music video. The video is actually an illusion that makes it seem like the floor is moving, but theyre actually moving the entire room. The director of this video, Jonathan Glazer, is also a feature film maker and was nominated for an oscar this year
  11. Havent updated in a week. Was very busy with work. I now understand the plight of the average person. Its hard to even do any sort of personal development work or life purpose work when you come home from work and are so drained from 8-10+ hrs at my job. Still the pay is pretty good. I now have enough for the van so I am doing more research on facebook marketplace. Ive been listening to audiobooks recently. I finished Matthew McConaugheys biography "Greenlights". Hes a good example of someone who was his authentic self and followed his bliss from a very young age. Also been watching some good movies. ^^^ I watched this yesterday. It was spike lees first movie and it was actually really good. He had a strong style from the beginning of his career. Looking for something like this. My total costs per month would be around $1000. This would give me way more freedom than I currently have now. Also need to get back on the YouTube grind
  12. Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins
  13. Lol thats pretty funny. America is so huge that its hard to generalize. New Jersey does suck, so this would be like me living in a shitty town in Serbia for a month and then proclaiming that all of Europe sucks. Places like NYC, Miami, Dallas, Austin, Tampa, Atlanta, Scottsdale, LA, Denver, etc are USA at its best