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About Cireeric

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  1. lol Law 7: GET OTHERS DO THE WORK FOR YOU, BUT ALWAYS TAKE THE CREDIT - even in his videogames he is playing power-games.
  2. I think Ralstons next book will be well worth studying deeply when it comes out.
  3. We just need to develop humans with capacity to navigate reality better by themselves, self-asses, self-initiate and self-direct their lifes. There needs to be room for individual expression and individualized developmental-paths. That assumes that humans are not capable of directing themselves and need a shepherd.
  4. Sounds like we need some radical revolutionary activism on a global scale. Maybe launched by some strategic genius visionary leader via mass-capturing of state of the art information-technology.
  5. I think both are arguing that we need some shared grammar of value as a basis for global coherence in order to re-establish trust and bind global multipolar-traps. And both Ian and John are trying to reconstruct a case for the sacred/ a shared grammar of value that can survive the scientific-method and postmodernism. I dont see them arguing for divine-intervention, but rather for a re-connection to the divine. I dont see Nietzschean ideas providing a basis for global coherence, the Übermensch seems rather dividing than unifying. But I dont know if I got your point there.
  6. This dude is burning the car of a twitch e-girl and is falling asleep in his car just around the corner of the crime. This is hilarious
  7. I think uniqueness is a fundamental feature of evolution and actualizes itself particularly within the human. A self-actualized human-being is always also a radically unique human-being. So uniqueness is not a function of ego but something way deeper.