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About Staples

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  1. Post-Modernism Part 1 is fantastic. The new direction for Actualized is a great move. I have some questions for follow up episodes: 1. How does a post-modernist effectively communicate with modernists, and pre-modernists? How can they present post-modernist perspectives such that a modernist can understand and get on board, without severe resistance? 2. How does a post-rationalist or meta-rationalist effectively communicate with post-modernists and modernists? 3. What further development exists after post-rationalism? Are we starting to reach the limits of human cognition, requiring a shift into transhumanism in order to further develop? 4. How does a post-modernist+ individual succeed and thrive in a world that rewards modernists and rationalists? Where having a post-modernist+ perspective is quite lonely or even demonized.
  2. That's not what I said. I said the universe is free to act out whatever it pleases. Good and nasty included. As humans, we generally don't like corruption because it causes us suffering. But we are still free to do as much of it as we like. Corruption is a construction because there exists minds that can not and will not ever act it out. Could you expect a goldfish to be corrupt? No. One has to exist at a certain level of conciousness to act out corruption. And yes everything is constructed. You're just going to have to accept that at some point.
  3. Make your own job. Start a business.
  4. If you're engaging critically with whatever you're consuming it could be a good use of time. That's the whole reason I'm on this forum, you guys give me prompts to think and contemplate on (like right now, thanks!) I am working on doing less YouTube/ podcasts and more talking directly to AI models. Bouncing ideas of them rather than unconsciously consuming some content in the background.
  5. By default it's ignorance. Dishonesty requires one to be aware of their bullshitery, and then continue to do it because they will not give up the profit it brings. And of course there are degrees of awareness of one's own bullshit.
  6. Said every HP Lovecraft character, before succumbing to madness 😂
  7. I've even noticed that people can fake being post-conventional. I've met people who are certainly conventional who present post-conventional, but as soon as things don't go their way they demonize and use black-and-white thinking behind closed doors. Sneaky... So definitely don't peg someone at one stage even just going by how they talk. How they act and strategize is an even better indicator.
  8. Totally up to you and your values. Personally travelling interests me very little. People think I'm crazy when I express little desire to travel, but that's just the social matrix trying to worm into my brain. Travelling carries a huge cost, make sure you're travelling for the right reasons if you do decide to pursue it.
  9. Sorry, I draw the line at 3 post-modernisms. After that you're a Marxist devil hell bent on destroying the west. 😂
  10. Sorry bro, real woke people are way beyond that. We're into post-post-post-modernism now.
  11. Both. Human language feels wildy inadequate and nonsensical in that state. It becomes caveman grunts which have no accuracy.
  12. Personally, psychedelics and socializing just don't work together. Language just stops making sense. Do whatever works for you. Just be careful not to go overboard.
  13. You might have to DIY it with a transcription algortithm. Here's a few to try: DaVinci Resolve Studio Descript Swell AI Speedscriber