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About Staples

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  1. Why would you assume God would give you a satisfying answer? Why would you assume God cares about your questions? Questions are a social construct - God is so far beyond the human domain that questions don't make sense anymore.
  2. “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” - Marcus Aurelius
  3. Implications of an infinite universe: 1. There is no undo button, everything is committed to eternity. 2. Absolute completeness. There are no contradictions. The universe is complete self-affirming and perfectly functional. Any conceivable alteration to this system is impossible. 3. On the scale of infinity, any finite thing has zero impact or value. If zero sounds too depressing, say undefined or incalculable. The ratio of any finite thing compared to infinity is 0. Any number divided by Infinity = 0. This is a blessing - it takes a lot of wisdom to not feel defeated by this insight. Any alternative system would not function.
  4. "Chénsī" (陳思) - Classical Chinese term for a "truth-contemplator" or "truth-presenter," often used for court officials who would speak uncomfortable truths to emperors. "Veridicus" - In ancient Rome, this was someone known as a "truth-speaker" or "truth-warrior," often used for respected judges and philosophers. "Sōþcyning" - Old English term meaning "truth-king" or "king of truth," used in some Anglo-Saxon texts to describe righteous rulers. "Satyavadi" - Sanskrit term meaning "speaker of truth" or "truth-warrior," used in ancient Indian texts for those who maintained absolute honesty. "Hakikat Yolcusu" - Turkish phrase meaning "seeker/warrior of truth," traditionally used for Sufi mystics and philosophers. "Parrhesiastes" - Ancient Greek term for someone who practiced "parrhesia" - fearless truth-telling, even at personal risk. Often used for philosophers who would speak truth to power. "Wahrsager" - While now meaning "fortune-teller," its original Germanic meaning was closer to "truth-sayer" - one who speaks genuine truths. "Rishi" - Sanskrit term for seers and sages who perceived cosmic truths and preserved them through oral tradition. "Alethiophile" - From Greek "aletheia" (truth) and "philos" (lover), meaning a lover or defender of truth. Used in some philosophical texts. "Verispex" - A rare Latin term meaning "truth-seer" or "truth-watcher," used for those who guarded against deception. "Sannyasin" - In Indian tradition, one who has renounced worldly life in pursuit of ultimate truth, though this has broader spiritual connotations beyond just truth-seeking. "Pravadāchārya" - Sanskrit term meaning "teacher of true knowledge" or "proclaimer of truth." Created with
  5. OP - Stop torturing yourself with 'I should be doing x' thoughts. Most of life is completely out of your control. If you do decide to force your life in a certain direction, then pick up the cross and work through it. Embrace the struggle because it is a fact of life - but you can improve your relationship with struggle from an abusive one to a fulfilling one.
  6. I'd need to write a whole book to elaborate properly. Suffice it to say if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it, it still makes a sound.
  7. Yes, God is doing billions of galaxies. God is conscious of that if mind is there to construct 'billions of galaxies'. Omniscience doesn't mean what you think it means.
  8. When I was very young, four or five years old, I was learning about Christianity and religion from my parents. I asked: What is heaven like? My mother responded: It's eternal paradise - where you can live forever in joy. I replied: That sounds boring. Eventually I would do everything, then I would be stuck doing the same things for eternity? My mother dismissed it. I went and contemplated some more and realized it would be better to permanently die or wipe my memory than live for eternity. Even a five-year-old can intuit God. It only takes an open mind and a bit of intelligence.
  9. Your 'intuition' is just your bias. A much better tool is strategy. Strategy is not a plan - it is a system for solving problems.
  10. Nassim Taleb Tim Ferriss Daniel Schmachtenberger Peter Ralston My economics professor in university who proved how neoliberalism was dysfunctional. Watching him debate was like watching a Lion tear a gazelle apart. Total domination. He steel-manned his opponents and slam dunked them anyway. and Leo of course Also, some engineering personalities specific to my industry who are geniuses in their niche. There are lots of geniuses out there who just don't find a platform.
  11. Fuck yeah Dems. That slaughter in the hearing was beautiful. RFK's PR training is pretty damn good, but even the best framing can't beat Truth.
  12. The manual on how to fuck up an organisation. Or do the opposite of every point to make it great. It is a hilarious read - sabotaging a fascist regime with this book in hand would be peak human experience.