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  1. Heresy. Spanking is the best medicine. Go see a spankologist immediately.
  2. The way it frames respect is weird. It suggests respect = not attractive, therefore do not give respect to women. That is all the fuel an incel needs to be a freak to women. It doesn't do a good job of defining what respect is, so people with a very immature sense of respect (incels) now have license to disrespect and be a dick to women. But the most respectful thing you can do is kiss a woman at the right time But this video doesn't imply that. It would suggest you just got to let go of that respect and be more neutral or even disrespectful.
  3. These incel videos are so weird man. These internet pseudo-intellectuals are rotting people's brain.
  4. It's hard to take death as anything but personal. - Peter Ralston
  5. Epistemological pragmatism is of course wrong, from a Truth perspective. But it is the most powerful worldview if you care about survival and maximising your experience. All of these paradigms are better thought of as modes we can operate within to achieve specific goals. If your goal is to connect with truth, then go be a good skeptic. If you want to feed yourself, get pragmatic.
  6. Nothing obvious about that. This is theoretical speculation. Only your experience is. Potential experiences if they exist beyond yours are inaccessible. It is impossible to know whether others exist. And if it were true that other conscious minds existed, it would be unprovable. God doesn't care about your claims. It is going to do what it does regardless of whether you are a solipsist or not. I'm a bit worried about the spiritual seekers on this forum. I am constantly seeing fantasy and speculation left unquestioned.
  7. Toy-Oh-Tah ChatGPT voice modulation is pretty good. It was adding 'um' and 'uh'. I could believe it was a real person a lot of the time.
  8. Just here to say I appreciate everything you share. I started buying better cinnamon alternatives, and more cautious when buying other food products. Thanks for the tip.
  9. Check out all the work god had to do so we can sit around all day and read this forum. Can we give some props to the big G upstairs? This intelligence thing is kinda neat.
  10. Just saying you don't have to wait until psychedelics to get it. Go about it however you like. I have not realized any alien stuff. It was just a thought experiment. Everything I have realized is accessible from a sober mind through contemplation, although psychedelics did help a bit. It's opposite day. I think I'm getting good at answering these koans
  11. Don't need psychedelics for that one. A weekend of meditation could be enough, or even just a few moments of contemplation. Imagine you were a hyper-intelligent infinite alien mind. Despite all your mental computing power and knowledge, your experience would still take place on the same stage. It would take place in the now, as an experience. Then imagine you are an ant. You would be very limited and stupid, yet all your experience takes place on the same stage. That stage is consciousness, the dream, being, whatever you like calling it. Then notice that nothing can come prior to the dream. Nothing can undermine it, and it is not dependent on anything else in order to exist. That stage could be any shape or state, but the stage is where everything takes place.
  12. Yep. No matter how good the film is, you're always subject to market forces. That film will probably pay for itself over the next 10-20 years in streaming residuals though. But I got no data there, just speculating. There's a lot of long term profit in owning content. One of the best benefits of making a good film is it's timelessness. It can continue to make money for decades.
  13. That plays a role. It's definitely possible to make a highly profitable and quality film. It's just not the norm of course. Dune, Mad Max Fury Road, Joker, Pirates Of the Carribean are recent examples. It requires insane levels of leadership, creative taste, and systems thinking. The few moments I've spent working with filmmakers of that level are awe-inspiring. Their talent is to use the capitalist machine against itself to create art. There is a fantastic book written about the making of Fury Road that details how George Miller and team beat the hollywood elites.