Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura  

I just have 1 thought. And that is of course you are on about something beyond any teachings in this planet. I don't actually have my doubts about that. And if some of you guys have had high states of awakenings than spiritual teachings like buddhism is seen trough directly as just a low level human game. I have a post about that, which I made months ago. But seriously what more can a human do than actually willfully to be able to leave their body? You have a book about Om Swamis journey. Do you remember his story? He was willing to die for his achievement. Meditated almost 24/7 in Himalayan woods. Till at the end being able to leave his body behind. And that is without any substanses. And what about Santana Gamananas books describing the freedom you can achieve to actually leave your body at will. Of course no human is without some bagage from their personal upbringing, culture etc. And of course God goes beyond any of their spiritual achievements. No doubt. I don't have my doubt about what you on about. But for me personally there are insane levels that a human can achieve sober. 

Edited by PeaceOut96

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They use that approach because that's all meditation and self-inquiry can allow.

Self-inquiry is reductive. But meditation is not. It took me less than a month of self-inquiry practice to reach its conclusion, but I've never gotten to the end of meditation. I've cut down a lot on my practice recently, but I probably will return to it after I move out of my country. Meditation is basically condensed mindfulness. Mindfulness is awareness throughout the day, or your base level of consciousness. Meditation concentrates all of your mindfulness into the timeframe of the session, and it produces profound awakenings. It depends on how you practice it though. If you just try to shut down your mind, it will produce very different awakenings than if you allow and observe. There is value to each, but the latter is a lot more vast and there's a lot to explore. Meditation is by far the single most powerful practice that I know.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The understanding I get from those crazy high states informs how I run my whole life. It allows me to see through all sorts of self-deception in myself and in others. That's the practical value of it. It is a potent antidote to all human bullshit and games. Deep understanding is helpful in all areas of life.

Playing the game is as important as studying it. Playing teaches you what studying cannot, and vice-versa.

Don't hate the players, and don't hate the game.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

My only goal is really just Understanding. I don't care about anything else. 


Under; below, lower

standing; position, status, or 


     Not trying to suggest anything just asking your perspective, don't you think something more along the lines of ultimately just appreciating, is more 'awake'? "Appreciating" including understanding but ultimately 'that's all you care about'?

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But these fucking Buddhists and nondualists are simply not open to it. They have fooled themselves into thinking they can move mountains by hand. But all they move are pebbles and call them mountains. Then they deny that real mountains even exist.

I think you'll find it's because they find this irrelevant. Those traditions were made solely with the goal of ending human suffering.

There is no way a person without serious mental illness is going to go through anything equivalent to a DMT trip while sober. Obviously that is impossible, and people who claim they're going through more intense events by staring at the wall meditating are truly embarassing themselves by thinking otherwise.

What in those twisted states do you personally find relevant though? If you are really keen on cosmically shredding your mind into pieces maybe you should try high strength Salvia extract.

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Basically, yes.

It's impossible for a human to live 24/7 from such states of Consciousness. I would not be able to feed myself, drive a car, or do any work.

My only goal is really just Understanding. I don't care about anything else. Nothing else matters to me. Although of course it is important to also develop yourself in everyday life. I don't neglect that. The understanding I get from those crazy high states informs how I run my whole life. It allows me to see through all sorts of self-deception in myself and in others. That's the practical value of it. It is a potent antidote to all human bullshit and games. Deep understanding is helpful in all areas of life.

Actually this probably answers what I was wondering about.

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@Devin Understanding understanding etymologically is one way to understand understanding.:D

Noticed how you broke the word into 2 parts and connected them and understood it even though you didn't need to know it etymologically in the first place? ^_^

Isn't it amazing?

It's visible and invisible at the same time, but yet it can't be unseen.

Edited by Understander

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Michael Taft once said something along the lines of: If you choose a teacher, be aware that someday if you succeed in her/his teaching, you could become similiar to her/him.

  • In aspects such as general emotional state, happiness,  loving kindness, or living a life free of psychological suffering.  That is possible in realizing your True Nature, as countless enlightened beings have demonstrated. 
  • Or in becoming frequently suffering, unhappy, sometimes not so loving, like every other separate self that is not transcended in Enlightenment.

You can chase your own tail, grasping for as much understanding as possible of the manifestation mechanism of your own infinite creation. And since an infinite Mind/Reality can manifest infinite realms, you can only investigate an infinitesimal fraction of it. An infinitesimal part of it. To say it in a non-mathematical way: Like, really next to nothing of it. Not totally 0, but practically nothing. As low as you can get, before getting at absolute 0.

Thats the first big question mark one could see in that approach. You will never get "there", whereever "there" is. When will you be happy and free? Which understanding will bring that?

But hey, the essence of the separate self is dissatisfaction, which it tries to cure not by deeply looking into its own nature, but by doing something else. That something else varies. Ken Wilber hat written a book on that, "The Atman Project".

There he describes a ladder/pyramid of stages of Atman projects. Something that every separate self does to ease its suffering. It doesnt want to let go of its separate self, or doesnt know how, but something must be done to ease the regularly arising suffering.  I must admit that understanding as much as possible of the manifestation mechanisms of infinite realms (while being assured its only an infinitesimal small are of yourself in your lifetimes) ranks pretty high on that kind of "Maslow-Pyramid" or Atman Project Pyramid. Probably more or less at its utmost top limit of development.

Just an idea: Maybe is the circumstance that you dont get freedom from psychological suffering from that approach of trying to understand as much as possible of the relative manifestations of Spirit, a certain hint from Reality. That you go on trying to understand as much as possible, suffering from time to time all along the way, grasping for understanding indefinitely long, until by whatever influences you get enlightened, and really understand and know your True Nature. And then go exploring and understanding, but happily ever after and lovingly, or go fishing, or whatever you feel like then.

Maybe is the fact that after you have had the Understanding that Enlightenment brings that you can live permanently in freedom from psychological suffering and that you can then literally create your own happiness by just resting in your true nature (without separate self arisings bringing dissatisfactions) a certain pointer? A certain indicator on the value of understanding Ultimate Reality (Enlightenment) vs. understanding relative manifested reality, or its manifesting mechanisms?


And concerning the frog, the following just arose in my mindstream:

A nice Koan would be: Did the frog that we have thrown into the blender had Buddha-Nature?

If not sure on the answer, one can be sold for sure some water by the river.

Disclaimer: While making this Koan, no imaginative frogs were hurt.

Namaste and bon voyage ( :





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37 minutes ago, Devin said:


Under; below, lower

standing; position, status, or

It's a funny word. Overstanding might be more accurate. But I don't want to invent words.

Or, just Consciousness. Understanding is really just Consciousness.


Not trying to suggest anything just asking your perspective, don't you think something more along the lines of ultimately just appreciating, is more 'awake'? "Appreciating" including understanding but ultimately 'that's all you care about'?

Appreciating is nice, but Understanding is more important in my view. You can't appreciate deeply without understanding a thing. Which is why your average human doesn't appreciate reality much. My pursuit of understanding has lead to insane levels of appreciation of the reality.

I sometimes feel like I'm the only creature on this planet who appreciates how utterly Beautiful reality is. Because I understand it's design to deeply.

The levels of LOVE that my approaches leads to are insane.

If if you want to know why we're talking this route is because it leads to insane LOVE. That's what it all boils down to. But you cannot reach that LOVE without insane understanding.

Understanding and LOVE are not in competition with each other, they are ONE.

All I'm doing is leading people to Infinite LOVE and BEAUTY. There cannot be anything higher or better. You cannot want anything more. GOD will give you everything you could ever want.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Water by the River said:

And please nobody say that I am saying it is not worth exploring the Alien Superminds. That is part of the fascinating show.

You’re not saying it’s not worth it. And that’s good. But you are in subtle ways downplaying the value of such an insight.

My prediction is that if you actually experienced Alien Consciousness, your fucking head would explode. And you’d never be able to say that such a thing was just a “fascinating show” or just “another form”. It would change your entire life AND your entire understanding of spirituality.

11 hours ago, Water by the River said:

Why not look deeply into the abyss of your own true being (which contains all form, but never is form, getting to the point where there is so much no center that all perceptions see themselves), learn to keep that ongoing in daily life, and be happy and in bliss, and go exploring these Alien-Minds then?

Why are you assuming that I haven’t done that already? Or that I’m not happy  already?

I’m legitimately one of the happiest people I know. My life is amazing. I almost feel guilty at times for how good it is.

Yes, seeking comes with a certain amount of “incompleteness”. This is not a mistake. I enjoy seeking. Do not denigrate the seeking impulse. That is a monster trap.

The best possible option is actually that our understanding of God and spirituality is continuing to evolve. This is more exciting. This is cutting edge.



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@Leo Gura


Have you ever experienced ego death by slowing down and stabbing your own heart to get into god mode with your own consciousness? And after this death have you also experienced and "seen" how another reality of "you" is created in the same room like you can't die. If yes, are you not scared to do complete ego death by pointing gun at your head and pressing the trigger?

Edited by Jowblob


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5 minutes ago, aurum said:

Why are you assuming that I haven’t done that already? Or that I’m not happy  already?

I’m legitimately one of the happiest people I know. My life is amazing. I almost feel guilty at times for how good it is.

Yes, seeking comes with a certain amount of “incompleteness”. This is not a mistake. I enjoy seeking. Do not denigrate the seeking impulse. That is a monster trap.

The best possible option is actually that our understanding of God and spirituality is continuing to evolve. This is more exciting. This is cutting edge.

Sorry, my paragraph you refer to (below) was not intended for you. It was a general statement concerning the goal of maximum exploration/understanding of form/manifestation mechanism:

"And my only humble suggestion is: Before you go running exploring that which you can never finish [understanding as much as possible of an infinite reality] in this lifetime: Why not look deeply into the abyss of your own true being (which contains all form, but never is form, getting to the point where there is so much no center that all perceptions see themselves), learn to keep that ongoing in daily life, and be happy and in bliss, and go exploring these Alien-Minds then?"

Sorry that this wasn't clear. And great that you are generally very happy!


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4 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Sorry, my paragraph you refer to (below) was not intended for you. It was a general statement concerning the goal of maximum exploration/understanding of form/manifestation mechanism:

Great. But intended for me or not, you are still downplaying what Alien Consciousness could potentially mean.



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If am awake is there a forum?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Appreciating is nice, but Understanding is more important in my view. You can't appreciate deeply without understanding a thing. Which is why your average human doesn't appreciate reality much. My pursuit of understanding has lead to insane levels of appreciation of the reality.

I sometimes feel like I'm the only creature on this planet who appreciates how utterly Beautiful reality is. Because I understand it's design to deeply.

The levels of LOVE that my approaches leads to are insane.

If if you want to know why we're talking this route is because it leads to insane LOVE. That's what it all boils down to. But you cannot reach that LOVE without insane understanding.

Understanding and LOVE are not in competition with each other, they are ONE.

All I'm doing is leading people to Infinite LOVE and BEAUTY. There cannot be anything higher or better. You cannot want anything more. GOD will give you everything you could ever want.

If I understand you correctly, that experience of the brilliant design of Reality brings you joy, beauty and love.

The Good, True and Beautiful. 

Love, Understanding and Beauty.

These experiences have motivated humanity since the beginning. At least a part of it ( :


I can understand you here very well. I feel the same.

Yet... if you mainly feel this love when having a beautiful understanding or insight into Reality, or God, Alien-Mind, whatever, then you don't have these experiences that open your heart on a permanent constant basis in everday life.

And that is exactly the problem, which makes that approach to a high level Atman-Project. If you need these experience of understanding (the True of the triple Good,True and Beautiful) to get the love that is at the core of your True Being, then its something you don't have all the time. That love would also flow fully when you rest in your True Nature without a separate self blocking the flow of this love. 

Resting in your True Being in everyday life brings you this. It really does. The source of this love is your True Being, when the flow is not interrupted by any filter, lense of perception, localized center or separate self.


After writing something tending a bit on the touchy side, I really hesitate to conclude with Selling water by the River. But it needs to be done, to not loose the humour inherent of this great illusion of ours:

Selling water by the river, today including the fragrency of the Transcendetals "Truth, Beauty and Goodness"


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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Alien Consciousness has touches of Omniscience to it. The more conscious you become the closer to Omniscience you get.

A human can seem omniscient from the POV of an ant.

I have many more questions, but I think I’ll leave it there for now. Wait for the course.

15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Psychedelics can take you very far if you use them properly. Which is what my new course will teach people how to do.

But yes, we are all limited by our genetics in the end. How could it be otherwise?

Still, you have not nearly tapped the full potential of what your genetics allow.

Encouraging, thank you.

Assuming you are correct about all this, I actually find this exciting. It means our collective understanding of God and spirituality is continuing to evolve. It’s not just a static, timeless Truth that humans have completely understood 5,000 years ago. This would be the cutting edge.



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21 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

If am awake is there a forum?

There is no forum, there is no Leo. Its all just a dream, wakey wakey. 

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