Terell Kirby

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About Terell Kirby

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  1. @Leo Gura is it fair to say even that Actualized.org teachings can only be realized at the highest level for those with proper genetics? Seems that would limit the amount of people that could get the most value out of your advanced insights.
  2. True. Guess it’s not a matter of associating with the zoo or not, but to what degree. Nuance!
  3. How do you reconcile this with having to play by society's rules? It’s hard to completely transcend survival (as you’ve stated before). Yes, you’re not loyal to humanity-but do you acknowledge how it serves you in various ways? After all, humanity is part of your Dream- so it serves some purpose, even if it doesn’t value Truth.
  4. “Other people dreaming” is never the case, only I can dream!
  5. @Leo Gura- timestamp 1:58:37- thanks for acknowledging the effort and intelligence of your hardcore followers. It feels good to have our work acknowledged and appreciated. Thank you Leo.
  6. Jesus!
  7. Struggling with finding a point in spiritual practice after a profound God-Realization. If the ultimate understanding of reality is the goal, why continue any spiritual practice after it happens?
  8. Curious your definition of an artist. I thought it was mostly grounded in creating stuff.
  9. I went to his free tour in Austin, wasn’t that impressed (plus they try to sell you on boot camp programs starting at $3K). If you are that much of a fan of Owen to want to see him live or find wings (as Leo mentioned) those are good enough reasons to go. As far as theory, his YT does indeed have plenty enough content to save yourself travel expenses.
  10. I wouldn’t base this decision off of the silliness of this forum. It’s not a good representation of those few who are serious and very much looking forward to getting the most out of the course.
  11. Appeals to authority won’t lead to Awakening. You are imagining Leo.