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About PeaceOut96

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  • Birthday 12/04/1996

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  1. Its an Infinite dream. A completely joke. With that said you still have to take care of your human self while alive. Its not complicated ones you get there. You have always known it. Its just a deep remembers. Its the only worth while goal in life.
  2. @PataFoiFoi Here is a video I believe you can benefit from ?
  3. Only you can become conscious of that. But my take is this, the human mind can get itself in a very twisted mode of functioning due to trauma, lack of self understand and lack of love that has taking place in your entire life. So its a difficult, humbling and very hard process to undergoe. Either you try to find your happiness and motivations in mundane things like the rest of the population or you take the journey inwards. Your choice.
  4. I know its super humbling to the ego. But the ego have never been in control. You need to move past that and the only reason for your diffucultity of acceptning this is probaly your desire and the sadness of the failed dream you had. Its okay, you will get the Love back, but let go of whatever dreams, desires and hopes you had in your ego.
  5. @PataFoiFoi You need to examine the cause of your mental decline and burnout and on the same time take it super easy, and truly be good towards yourself. In the end you are the only one that can do it, no one can do it for you. They can help, pin point etc. But its all your Consciousness in the end. So do whatever is necessary to rise again, only this time you throw all the garbage out that you have being filling your mind. Be yourself and shine.
  6. @PataFoiFoi I know exactly what you mean. Think of it as this. Its all inpersonal. Your body-mind and how it functions have never been in your hands, so don't be hard on yourself. Its karma, its something wether you want it or not that you have to go trough. My best advice is Surrender. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to heal or better yourself, but just surrender to the flow of Life. And don't go down the path of suicide. "Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent." Ramana Maharshi
  7. @OldManCorcoran Yeah once you come out of these High States and back to the default stuck state it seems like a distant memory. You're not even sure what happened, how Consciousness works etc. I have some points about that. Firstly off course by you being human you are limited by default, we are speaking about the mechanics of how reality works, its to much Information from the Source. Consciousness is Life. Every state is important, every experience you have and what it means to be you is part of God/Infinity, that why your ego can't will itself to a high state out of thin air, the paradox is its Your Will already, taking 5-Meo, meditating, doing yoga over severals years with no guarantes of what happens in the next moment. That the profoundity of this, and it could be no other way. Absolutly Perfect, Pure Beauty! But notice you're still able to recall your experiences! You are still able to understand. Thats the beauty of this work. Thats why Leo's probably still triping. Like 300 trips and there is always place to a "higher" more clean and crystalized understanding . And there ways to trip to get the correct understanding, this work requires Intelligence, care and the ability to spot self deception. After 2,5 years of integration I am able to understand my highest trips, and its always unfolding to become more clean.
  8. @Vlad_ Profound trip, cheers.
  9. There is no me and you. Thats my experience. And also I am conscious of how my inner is influecing the outer and vice versa. Its constant. There is no control, but the mind always wants to control, and make the best effort to get the best result. So I am learning on a personal level just to be me and let go. Be in a flow with Life.
  10. Lets try again. You trying to figure it out with your mind, you can't. It doesn't matter if you think you're your body-mind, but than you have to submit to the rules of this game. I am God is not a belief. Its a state, a realization and a recognition. You're aware, do you need to think you're aware? No. You're Consciousness always, do you need to put beliefs and meaningless thoughts to that Truth? No.
  11. Didn't do it because of that. Its just my way of expressing and cutting through bullshit, but like you said I did make the conclusion to fast. So no worries.
  12. Its beyond belief. Thats the problem with langauge. You're still thinking and you are stuck at that level of consciousness. All my words are pointing backwards. Look back. It matters because your human mind is always serving itself, and the Universe operates at Selflessness, and God is your entire field of Consciousness. It is You, but you are stuck at a certain level, partly because you're human, but mostly because you are probably stuck at the ego-consciousness level, and you can go much higher while still being in this human. Don't hold my words in too high regards I am just making assumptions about your level of consciousness.
  13. My bad, was too quick. Yeah off course you can discuss relativly how it feels like.
  14. You are not it. You are not the "ego" its your body-minds operating system. A tool for survival. You are God. You are Consciousness. You stop identifiying with it. But it is a deep and long process, and everyone is different. You need to let go of everything, there is no way you can fool God, every emotion, desire, trauma everything needs to come to the surface.