Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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17 hours ago, somegirl said:

Would you say that emphasizing that truth too much comes from the ego? 

It can. But there is also the matter of skill. Speaking truth requires skill, which takes a lot of experience to develop.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 24/3/2023 at 7:11 AM, Leo Gura said:

Anyone here who claims to be AWAKE, or to understand what AWAKE is, or what GOD is, or what CONSCIOUSNESS is -- is fooling themselves.

The only one here who understands these things is ME.

This does not mean, however, that I cannot sometimes be full of shit myself. I can. I am not perfect. But not on this issue.

Enlightenment is not AWAKE.
Buddhism is not AWAKE.
Nonduality is not AWAKE.
No amount of meditation is AWAKE.

There will be a lot of bitching and moaning over this issue. But I simply told you the truth.

You've been warned. This is way more tricky than you ever imagined. My function here is to guide people through every trick. But the problem is, they don't want to be guided because they already think they've figured it out. Don't be that guy.

So? Where is the explanation of that? The truth is that now that post sounds quite delirious to me. especially since after those statements nothing incredible has been seen coming out of the mind of the most awake guy in the history of the human being. Still waiting to make an opinion. 

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@Breakingthewall When contemplated seriously, you’ll realize that this post is absolutely genius. 

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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Just now, Yimpa said:

@Breakingthewall When contemplated seriously, you’ll realize that this post is absolutely genius. 

 and why do you think so? it could be if it was actually backed by something real. is it?

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

 it could be if it was actually backed by something real. is it?

We are talking in the realm of spirituality… what is this “real” you speak about! Humans want things to be real, tangible, and logically sound… that’s what makes humans limited.

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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Let’s get this post to 69 pages so I can finally go back Home.

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

@Breakingthewall When contemplated seriously, you’ll realize that this post is absolutely genius. 

So, why it's absolutely genius?

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@Breakingthewall Pulling out all the hair on top of my skull one strand at a time would be wiser than explaining why this post is absolutely genius. 

And no, I’m not Leo, so I do have a full head of hair.

"Wrongness is the unsung hero of growth, for it is only by venturing into the unknown and risking error that we can expand the boundaries of our understanding and pave the way for groundbreaking insights and innovations." -Claude 3 Opus

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What do you all think?

If you are completely AWAKE, do you even bother to join discussions on a forum? Do you even care to talk about Spirituality? Because Spirituality is the path not the TRUTH.

I don't know what to say, think or assume about that.

I'll contemplate.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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It's sad because humans tend to be pretenders and seekers, never arriving, always chasing Spirituality and other ways of feeling good about themselves.

What a trick path we are triving... oh GOD! :D 

Edited by CARDOZZO

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52 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

What do you all think?

If you are completely AWAKE, do you even bother to join discussions on a forum? Do you even care to talk about Spirituality? Because Spirituality is the path not the TRUTH.

I don't know what to say, think or assume about that.

I'll contemplate.

Ken Wilber, One Taste:

"Monday, March 24. With the awakening of constant consciousness, you becomesomething of a divine schizophrenic, in the popular sense of “split-minded,” because you have access to both the Witnessand the ego. You are actually “whole-minded,” but it sounds like it’s split, because you are aware of the constant Witness or Spirit in you, and you are also perfectly aware of themovie of life, the ego and all its ups and downs. So you still feel pain and suffering and sorrow, but they can no longer convince you of their importance—you are no longer the victim of life, but its Witness.

In fact, because you are no longer afraid of your feelings,you can engage them with much greater intensity. The movie of life becomes more vivid and vibrant, precisely because you are no longer grasping or avoiding it, and thus no longer trying to dull or dilute it. You no longer turn the volume down. You might even cry harder, laugh louder, jump higher. Choiceless awareness doesn’t mean you cease to feel; it means you feel fully, feel deeply, feel to infinity itself, and laugh and cry and love until it hurts. Life jumps right off the screen, and you are one with all of it, because you don’t recoil.

If you are having a dream, and you think it’s real, it can get very scary. Say you are dreaming that you are tightropewalking across Niagara Falls. If you fall off, you plunge to your death. So you are walking very slowly, very carefully.Then suppose you start lucid dreaming, and you realize that it’s just a dream. What do you do? Become more cautious and careful? No, you start jumping up and down on the tightrope, you do flips, you bounce around, you have a ball—precisely because you know it isn’t real. When you realize it’s a dream, you can afford to play.

The same thing happens when you realize that ordinary life is just a dream, just a movie, just a play. You don’t become more cautious, more timid, more reserved. You start jumping up and down and doing flips, precisely because it’sall a dream, it’s all pure Emptiness. You don’t feel less, you feel more—because you can afford to. You are no longer afraid of dying, and therefore you are not afraid of living.You become radical and wild, intense and vivid, shocking and silly. You let it all come pouring through, because it’s all your dream.

Life then assumes its true intensity, its vivid luminosity, itsradical effervescence. Pain is more painful and happiness is happier; joy is more joyous and sorrow is even sadder. It all comes radiantly alive to the mirror-mind, the mind that doesn’t grasp or avoid, but simply witnesses the play, and therefore can afford to play, even as it watches.

What would motivate you if you saw everything as the dream of your own highest Self? What would actually move you in this playful dream world? Everything in the dream is basically fun, at some deep level, except for this: when you see your friends suffering because they think the dream is real, you want to relieve their suffering, you want them to wake up, too. Watching them suffer is not fun. And so a deep and powerful compassion arises in the heart of the awakened ones, and they seek, above all else, to awaken others—and thus relieve them from the sorrow and the pity,the torment and the pain, the terror and the anguish that comes from taking with dreadful seriousness the passing dream of life.

So you are a divine schizophrenic, you are “split-minded” in the sense that you are simultaneously in touch with both the pure Witness and the world of the ego-film. But that really means you are actually “whole-minded,” because these two worlds are really not-two. The ego is just the dream of the Witness, the film that the Witness creates out of its own infinite plenitude, simply so it will have something to watch at the movies.

At that point the entire play arises within your own constant consciousness. There is no inside and no outside, no in here versus out there. The nondual universe of One Taste arises as a spontaneous gesture of your own true nature. You can taste the sun and swallow the moon, and centuries fit in the palm of your hand. The pure I-I, the greatI AMness, breathes to infinity and creates a Kosmos as the Song of its very Self, and oceans of compassion fall as tears from your very own Original Face.

Last night I saw the reflection of the moon in a cool clear crystal pond, and nothing else happened."


Selling Water by the River

Edited by Water by the River

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@Water by the River Ken Wilber is awesome.

Divine Schizophrenic is a perfect name for an AWAKE human :D 

It's hard telling people that they are dreaming when they put their hands on fire and it hurts :/ 

Pain is a feature not a bug.

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17 minutes ago, Water by the River said:

Ken Wilber, One Taste:

"Monday, March 24. With the awakening of constant consciousness, you becomesomething of a divine schizophrenic, in the popular sense of “split-minded,” because you have access to both the Witnessand the ego. You are actually “whole-minded,” but it sounds like it’s split, because you are aware of the constant Witness or Spirit in you, and you are also perfectly aware of themovie of life, the ego and all its ups and downs. So you still feel pain and suffering and sorrow, but they can no longer convince you of their importance—you are no longer the victim of life, but its Witness.In fact, because you are no longer afraid of your feelings,you can engage them with much greater intensity. The movie of life becomes more vivid and vibrant, precisely because you are no longer grasping or avoiding it, and thus no longer trying to dull or dilute it. You no longer turn the volume down. You might even cry harder, laugh louder, jump higher. Choiceless awareness doesn’t mean you cease to feel; it means you feel fully, feel deeply, feel to infinity itself, and laugh and cry and love until it hurts. Life jumps right off the screen, and you are one with all of it, because you don’t recoil.If you are having a dream, and you think it’s real, it can get very scary. Say you are dreaming that you are tightropewalking across Niagara Falls. If you fall off, you plunge to your death. So you are walking very slowly, very carefully.Then suppose you start lucid dreaming, and you realize that it’s just a dream. What do you do? Become more cautious and careful? No, you start jumping up and down on the tightrope, you do flips, you bounce around, you have a ball—precisely because you know it isn’t real. When you realize it’s a dream, you can afford to play.The same thing happens when you realize that ordinary life is just a dream, just a movie, just a play. You don’t become more cautious, more timid, more reserved. You start jumping up and down and doing flips, precisely because it’sall a dream, it’s all pure Emptiness. You don’t feel less, you feel more—because you can afford to. You are no longer afraid of dying, and therefore you are not afraid of living.You become radical and wild, intense and vivid, shocking and silly. You let it all come pouring through, because it’s all your dream. Life then assumes its true intensity, its vivid luminosity, itsradical effervescence. Pain is more painful and happiness is happier; joy is more joyous and sorrow is even sadder. It all comes radiantly alive to the mirror-mind, the mind that doesn’t grasp or avoid, but simply witnesses the play, and therefore can afford to play, even as it watches. What would motivate you if you saw everything as the dream of your own highest Self? What would actually move you in this playful dream world? Everything in the dream is basically fun, at some deep level, except for this: when you see your friends suffering because they think the dream is real, you want to relieve their suffering, you want them to wake up, too. Watching them suffer is not fun. And so a deep and powerful compassion arises in the heart of the awakened ones, and they seek, above all else, to awaken others—and thus relieve them from the sorrow and the pity,the torment and the pain, the terror and the anguish that comes from taking with dreadful seriousness the passing dream of life.So you are a divine schizophrenic, you are “split-minded” in the sense that you are simultaneously in touch with both the pure Witness and the world of the ego-film. But that really means you are actually “whole-minded,” because these two worlds are really not-two. The ego is just the dream of the Witness, the film that the Witness creates out of its own infinite plenitude, simply so it will have something to watch at the movies. At that point the entire play arises within your own constant consciousness. There is no inside and no outside, no in here versus out there. The nondual universe of One Taste arises as a spontaneous gesture of your own true nature. You can taste the sun and swallow the moon, and centuries fit in the palm of your hand. The pure I-I, the greatI AMness, breathes to infinity and creates a Kosmos as the Song of its very Self, and oceans of compassion fall as tears from your very own Original Face. Last night I saw the reflection of the moon in a cool clear crystal pond, and nothing else happened."


Selling Water by the River


One Love....

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And the dream doesn't stop. Even after waking up, the dream/show continues.

  • And if one goes Wake Up, Grow up, Clean Up, Show Up, one can have a happy lucid dream.
  • And if one spiritual-bypasses, one can have a nightmare. And then it is more challenging staying lucid in.

Also, controversial topic, but here is my take:

  • The separate self is an illusion, but appears.
  • And same with the soul. It is an illusion, but appears. So it has "relative" reality as illusion, just like the separate-self.
    • It takes the aspects of wisdom/transcendence and love/compassion of a being/perspective from life to life. At least according to Tibetan Buddhism, at least these two aspects are the soul that don't die with death.
    • The bundle of karmic imprints that goes from one life to the next. It is also just an illusion, but appears. 

Do you think any being that has woken up would cut off his hand just for fun? Do "dumb" things that make life not a celebration, but "hey, today I feel like cutting off my hand just to see the drama of it". Because it is just an illusion? Yeah, very smart.... O.o , and for sure that what the Kosmos wants....

And same with the illusion of the soul and Karma.

This whole universe is growing to more complexity, and humanity is also not going in a circle stone age - industrial age - all gets blown up - stone age - ... - n+1 for the 100s time. No, it goes directly, and fast, from bacteria-plant-animal-human-awakening of some- awakening of more - .... Ken Wilber calls that drive of the Kosmos Eros, or growth to higher integration and complexity.

And then maybe an upload of the whole hive-mind to subtle realities (Andrew Gallimore, "Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game"). That would perfectly explain the Fermi-Paradoxon. But hey, I am rambling on. Luckily, my other posts are rather short.... :P

Ken Wilber also said: When you have seen, and don't tell, your soul gets very very sick.

So, woken up or not, want a celebration or a night-mare? Yours truly just loved the effects of not cutting off his hand for fun so far.... ;)

Selling Water by the River


Although my view is higher than the sky,

My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour.

– Padmasambhava 



Edited by Water by the River

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@Water by the River Beautiful quote from Ken Wilbur, thanks for sharing. ?

We sometimes think of the human form as a single-layered container, but it is more like a babushka doll:


It is a composite of nested forms, progressing in refinement from the gross (physical) to the subtle (mental) and finally to the supra-subtle (soul).

Each of these forms is also made of maya, but progressively brings awareness closer to its formless state. When realization goes deep, even beyond the soul, there is only pure awareness. The witness and the witnessed conflate into the absolute reality beyond both.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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9 minutes ago, Moksha said:

 When realization goes deep, even beyond the soul, there is only pure awareness. The witness and the witnessed conflate into the absolute reality beyond both.

Yes, fully agree. I just wrote about the soul (reluctantly, and highlighting its relative and illusion level), because its quite easy to ignore Karma and cause-effect when flying high on "its all imagined".

Water by the River

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