Migue Lonas

Bentinho Massaro & His Shadows - He could be in some serious shit this time.

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Not sure if this is the right subforum to post in but I just wanted to share that I just learned that there's a serious case going on. Girls throughout the years that were abused and manipulated by Bentinho have started to come out and strong (this time)

I have been following his teachings for a while and so far I have enjoyed it. I have read articles regarding him to cult before but never took them super seriously.

This time tho, to my intuition, it seems very serious and legit. Here are some people's stories. I haven't dug everything out myself yet but seems like there's a few women who broke their silence contract with Bentinho, in order to come out and tell the truth.



What do you guys think? What's going on? Is this what happens when you take the easy path and abuse your power, instead of learning how to get your sexual needs met in a healthy way as a man, aka, learn seduction and game?

What pushes a ''highly conscious'' person to act like this? According to these girls' stories, he seems like a ''monster''. A manipulative, narcissist psycho.

On the outside, to the public, he seems like a completely normal, kind, compassionate, loving person.

How would we analyze and explain his shadows?

The guy could be in serious shit if all the people he has abused in the past start gaining courage and coming out as well. Taking into consideration everything I have read about him (regarding cult) and ignored, there could be way more abused women silenced or too traumatized to speak up so far, but might just come out now.

You can only be a devil for so long. The more you are, the higher the ''debt interest'' rises, and at some point, it will all come out at once at you. I remember a line similar to this from Leo's Avoiding Truth video.

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Some more links regarding (this) case:




I don't mean to make this about blaming, but rather analyzing and about what could we learn?

How could have someone like Bentinho be prevented from walking this dark path? Perhaps if he was taught a healthy way to have his sexual needs met, early on? The guy had all the good stuff going on for him already: status, money, looks. He just needed to be taught a bit of socializing, seduction, and game and tada, he wouldn't be having problems having girls at all.

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Trouble in paradise, eh?

Dude, the whole point of a cult is get hot girls without any work.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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People were stupid to follow him. One look at that dude and he looks like a narc psycho. He runs it like a cult. This was bound to happen. I was actually waiting for this. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

the whole point of a cult is get hot girls without any work.


16 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I was actually waiting for this. 

It amazes me how such a conscious ''seeming'' person can be so deeply into running a cult. I'm probably hella naive yet or the guy is an idiot and had this coming all along.


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4 minutes ago, Migue Lonas said:


It amazes me how such a conscious ''seeming'' person can be so deeply into running a cult. I'm probably hella naive yet or the guy is an idiot and had this coming all along.


Real consciousness is not reflected in words. Heck anyone can say anything to sound "conscious." 

Real consciousness is reflected in intentions. That's where all the action is. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Damn, didn't expect this. 

I have actually spoken to him once in the past during his podcast. The audience could write one question on instagram and I saw an opportunity and he selected my question and called me up to ask him out loud for others to hear and for him to answer.

I forgot which question I asked... It was regarding hate... Funny enough he gave me an example of people hating him and how that doesn't have anything to do with him but with those people and their suffering or something like that. And that was the first time I heard that he actually had people disliking him. Then after that podcast I saw Vice crew making a video about him and trying to figure out if it's a cult and get him to clear his image.

So yeah, I guess when there's a smoke there's a fire. 

Edited by somegirl

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@Migue Lonas

These stories read as incredibely self-biased to me.

Which is NOT to say I don’t believe these women or that they weren’t legitimately harmed. But does that mean Ben is “a walking dementor”,“monster”, and “predator” who “couldn’t be more closer to the devil”?

We need more sides of the story.



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@Migue Lonas Guys will always try to use their power to have sex with girls. It's sad but it is.

I don't think this mentality victim as "This monster did me this". I mean we are all free of our acts. She wasn't a slave as far as I´m concerned.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Trouble in paradise, eh?

Dude, the whole point of a cult is get hot girls without any work.

But Leo, setting up a cult is a shit load of work! 

Tbh this girl doesn't even look any traumatized at all. Feels like she is just looking for some personal gain through this scandal and everything was actually decent when she hooked up with him or whatever

That's the vibe I get at least

Edited by Hello from Russia

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Cant belive ppl likes/liked this guy. The first time i saw him i got immediate crazy vibes from him. I'm happy he is being exposed. The role of the spiritual teacher is the juiciest role of all roles for sociopaths, because it is above every other role. There is a lot of material of this guy acting like an asshole online.

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I can totally believe that this is true. His entire Instagram page is full of pictures of him being physically close to women (in their early 30s i believe)... like, a bit too close. 

I always thought they seemed to enjoy the 'privilege' to spend time with him, but there can obviously be another side to the story and who knows what's going on behind the scenes.


His life is 99% cigars, mansions, pools, travelling, spending tons of money, having 'fun' with 'his girls' (in the plural). In his book he says he wants to deconstruct the stereotype of luxory being unspiritual, which may be legitimate, but he's a bit over the top. 

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I agree that the stories are slightly too emotional. It's obviously an emotional matter and personal, subjective accounts are important here...but their writing is dramatizing what happened, in a way that makes apparent that they are attempting to create a strong narrative (=a 'version' of the truth, as always). It's not all black and white, but right now they have to focus on the black and strongly emphasise it to make their point. 

*Obviously, Bentinho will have his own 'version of the truth', and will deny/already denies what happened. There must be a middle ground, an "objective, non(or less)-emotional" acknowledgement of the injustice and abuse that happened, without getting things out of perspective ("it's all bad", "it was all consensual", "he's a monster").

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Rape is love says Leo. Bentinho is just embodying Leo's teachings. Whats the issue?

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Almost every spiritual teacher is a cult leader these days lol. Or so the internet says so.

One who cannot dance cannot live. Because life is dance

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I enjoy reading stories about these cult leaders.

Makes me feel better about myself.

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8 hours ago, aurum said:

These stories read as incredibely self-biased to me.

Which is NOT to say I don’t believe these women or that they weren’t legitimately harmed. But does that mean Ben is “a walking dementor”,“monster”, and “predator” who “couldn’t be more closer to the devil”?

We need more sides of the story.

Yeah, I don’t want to jump to conclusion from all this either but to me it seems very strong, taking into consideration:

1. The way one of the girls broke down in the podcast (haven’t listened to the podcast, sounded very genuine - but the clip can be found in the second link I posted:  her ig story highlights ’Abuse’),

2. The fact that he has been accused before plenty of times (?) Have you googled? (I mean this is serious shit, I don’t think people just accuse others, especially a spiritual teacher of something like this cuz no one will believe you, unlesss it really happens, somewhat regularly and they gather strenght to come out together), 

3. I was made aware by some commenters in Bentinho’s recent posts (his ig comment section is under attack) that a lot of other girls and people who have been abused by him, are coming out to share their story in the comment section but they are being deleted by him and his team. And there’s many. I mean come on, like once or twice… Yeah sure could be just some girl being all dramatic but there’s plenty.

4. And finally, like Judy said, how would you push something like this out if you are not taking a strong side and bias? People won’t take you seriously against a spiritual teacher whose main teaching for the past 10-15 years has been love and compassion, unless you take a really strong stance. Remember, these girls broke their silence contract, which means they are probably getting in serious legal issues. If I understood correctly, this is ”win or die” kinda situation. What would you do? How would you act if you were in your naive twenties and taken advantage of sexually by a teacher who you are supposed to trust and surrender to? These girls are probably not as conscious as you, nor are they able to forgive like you would. Who knows.

I didn’t wanna believe all these either but it is all starting to seem very strong. As part of a spiritual community, I think we must punish people who abuse their power (to that extent since it is probably extremely hard to completely not abuse your power unless you are very advanced and even then it probably isn’t a given), otherwise advanced spirituality will never reach more people - no one wants to enter a cult willingly.

If I am correct, this forum also generally takes the position that he is abusing his power and running a cult.

Imagine Leo abusing his power to get girls here. He wouldn’t even need to abuse the girls anyhow, there would be chaos.

Anyway, writing on a phone and on the go so my thoughts might not be very sharp and best possible way articulated. Logging off now!




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@Migue Lonas That's the part that confuses me about NDAs. They are obviously used to cover up illegal or promiscuous activity, so how come they have legal value? 

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7 hours ago, Ones said:

The role of the spiritual teacher is the juiciest role of all roles for sociopaths, because it is above every other role

Exactly. He manipulates and scams them and they thank him and feel blessed for his attention. a narcissist's dream

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