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  1. @kenway That is a very interesting theory but problematic and fulled with flaws. What I know is that in the early 2000's Israel was MUCH more hated when the world was quite sure those suicide bombers are actually a freedom figthers. I live here, I was a teenager in the 2nd intifada and the vibe we got from the world then was so different for the worse. From then, a handful of peace negotiations between Israel an the Emirates, Bahrain, Morroco, Sudan. A normalization with Saudi Arabia when for the first time Israeli commercial airplanes can fly upon their country. The world today understand better than ever that the palestinians are serial peace refusal and also have a big part of the responsibility for the problem. Let alone the arab world understands this. The demonstrations are maybe more ebullient these days but this is also more trendy today to be special and fight for your truth. In Israel too the inner demonstrations had expanded quite greatly in their volume over the last decade and a half. Also don't forget Europe today is fulled by arab refugees what wasn't at all the case in 2006.
  2. I get this feeling facing all the complications and the shit we endure in life..isn't it tempting to just jump off a tall building or hang yourself and be done with it all ? Of course the only problem is fear .death is the number one thing we fear .and we also don't know what comes after death .maybe its something worse than our current shitty life . This is all making me sick thinking about those psychological dynamics and the amount of fear and insanity that goes in our lives. My only there Hope ?
  3. i am stage yellow in a 3rd world country. i am suffering from unemployment. its pretty fucked up. people over idealises yellow , which is not good. my situation is pretty fucked up . yellow is a nice stage , but the situation of a person depends on a lot of factors . Spiral dynamics is just another nice cool theory. i hate my life. i am thinking of commiting suicide. fuck this self impovement shit. it has done me a lot of harm than good. i wish i never did self improvement . i hate my life. its miserable . i am suffering . those who idolize spiral dynamics, drop that shit of over idealisation of a theory
  4. Conjectured statement in 2028: "We conclude that the suicide rate in 1850 due to gender dysmorphia was the exact same as today, we assure you social contagion is a myth by anti-American actors."
  5. I find all that harakiri stuff fascinating. Those guys were brave, there's no doubt. Not only did they have to commit suicide, they also had to stab a sword into their guts. a way to demonstrate that willpower defeats the survival instinct
  6. Awakening to a form of suicide. You drop attachment to the body without harming it. It creates the same fear someone will experience say falling to their death. A fear so cannot move.
  7. Interesting prediction, some circles definitely push that perspective. I foresee the opposite, a fusion of both worlds. Look into an increase of spiritual awakenings happening in America. What if I told you that technology and spirituality are not mutually exclusive? What if I told you the screen of a tablet, cell phone, laptop, desktop, and t.v., is a more direct pointer to God than any of these mystical traditions? People who believe that we need some anti-technology/anti-AI movement don't understand that technology and AI actually push humanity to awakening to God faster. Even the financial problems help because it causes more suffering which pushes humans to look inward for answers, it also causes some to attempt suicide and have NDE's. ^^^And yes what I just wrote sounds evil but hey it is what it is.
  8. Death is always avoided on a primal level. An animal doesn't need no beliefs to fight for life. It just does. Same applies to You. You'd know that if You spoke from experience. Anything is considered "good or bad" because of beliefs. But that doesn't mean there isn't such thing as right action. There is and it's purely intuitive, flowing in the moment. If You really tried committing suicide I can guarantee You it wouldn't be right. You'd be going against yourself. In fact You most likely wouldn't be able to do it at all because You'd experience fear so intense your stomach would twist. That's what happens when You go against You. You can test this if You dare. (or better don't) You are under the belief that death being wrong is a belief. Yes, that's still a belief. You've fallen into another trap because You're not doing serious work and You're intellectualizing all the time. Instead of wisdom from experience You get beliefs from whatever thoughts arise. And I'm Donald the Duck.
  9. I like to want death and by like I mean it's painful. I actually prefer to be absorbed in existence. Distraction is the way, because distraction is passion. I am not passionate for death, I simply feel a need to escape what hurts. I do not have a threat to myself because I know that death is not the way. There is no point in telling people to embrace suicide, and you saying it kinda misses the point of suffering to the point of needing escape. you say you "So please understand I'm not advocating suicide or urging anyone to commit suicide. " but then do it, how funny you are! I am not wit the answer though. All I know is what keeps me embracing life.
  10. But aren't I the creator of this video game? So surely I can decide to end it or skip ahead without having to repeat it. But even if I couldn't, what levels are there to complete in actual eternity? Technically I would have already played this one an infinite amount of times and all the potential new ones. No matter which way you put it, if you dig deep enough suicide is absolutely fine and even preferable in a lot of cases.
  11. I agree with you all . I would argue that the central question is: Is there something that is "better" than continuing to exist? Because I don't believe that there is a taboo against suicide..per se. The taboo is against claiming that life is valueless. Which should be so fucking obvious if you dare to contemplate that you gonna die anyways . And life is filled with suffering. So why not end it all already and be done with it all ? Seems better than suffering for fucking 90 years then dying anyways 😆 🤣.
  12. Being serious about suicide is a part of what led me to awaken. If I hadn't thought about it I don't think I would have woke myself up. God said to me not yet let me kill you first. I think eckhart tolle have the same kinda experience where he said God i want to die and God killed him just not physically
  13. But, what if death by suicide will never give you peace? What if you end up in hell/purgatory realm and you will be stuck there for eternity? Nobody really knows what happens after death/suicide... Nobody even knows if this reality isn't actually hell/purgatory realm.
  14. I believe that if you are honest with yourself and look directly at what you are and what this life is, you will know exactly what the path to follow is, and that path can be suicide. In our society people die of illness and old age and that is real shit, it is much better to be eaten by a tiger or shot with an arrow. but dying in a hospital at 80 years old after a 3-year incurable illness....that's huge shit that billions of humans constantly go through. I have always looked for the most optimal option possible in life, taking into account my possibilities. I think that if I see myself like this, the best option would be to jump into the sea with a stone tied to me. Let's see if there are balls. shit, it takes a lot of balls. I am shaking now seeing the real moment of the suicide. the most glorious death. the most worthy, that of the man who decides his destiny, who rises among the flock and walks his way
  15. Israel created the barbaric violence of October 7th, in the same way it created the violence that will with absolute certainty come its way in retaliation for its actions in Gaza today. The official narrative makers always try to restart history at the moment of the last act of violence from Palestinians, because it is only by framing such violence as unprovoked that they can legitimize the idea that it’s possible to bomb a population into submission and obedience. But of course, it is not possible to bomb a population into submission and obedience. Every atrocity you inflict upon them will only increase their desire for revenge — a desire Israelis should sympathize with since it has consumed them and turned them into crazed genocide cheerleaders since October 7. But their desire for vengeance is only made possible by the false mainstream narrative that the attack came from nowhere, completely unprovoked. The actual crime that Palestinians are being punished for is refusal to submit. That’s all this conflict has ever been, from the very beginning. Palestinians refused to accept being thrown off their land and killed and forcibly displaced at the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, and that refusal has seen them hammered with tremendous amounts of violence and oppression from year to year and from decade to decade under the premise that it’s possible to bomb and tyrannize a population into obedience. Nothing will radicalize you toward violence faster than seeing your neighbors and loved ones ripped apart by military explosives supplied by a globe-spanning empire. Nothing will ensure further violent resistance more certainly than murdering Palestinian children by the thousands in plain view of everyone. Which means that nothing but restitution, reparations and return of land to the Palestinians will end this nightmare once and for all. - Caitlin Johnstone Did you know that since the United States brought its “war on terror” to Africa, terrorist attacks on that continent have increased by 75,000 percent? That’s right: 75, then three zeros, percent. I learned this neat little stat from a new article by journalist Nick Turse, who also notes that “according to the Pentagon, terrorist attacks in the Sahel region alone have resulted in 9,818 deaths — a 42,500% increase.” People have been documenting the way attempts to bomb terrorism out of existence actually creates more terrorism for many years. In 2010 Professor Robert A Pape wrote an article for Foreign Policy titled “It’s the Occupation, Stupid” about his study with University of Chicago which found that suicide bombings are the result not of Islamic fundamentalism but of foreign military occupations. Some notable excerpts: “More than 95 percent of all suicide attacks are in response to foreign occupation.” “As the United States has occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, which have a combined population of about 60 million, total suicide attacks worldwide have risen dramatically — from about 300 from 1980 to 2003, to 1,800 from 2004 to 2009.” “Over 90 percent of suicide attacks worldwide are now anti-American.” “Each month, there are more suicide terrorists trying to kill Americans and their allies in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Muslim countries than in all the years before 2001 combined. From 1980 to 2003, there were 343 suicide attacks around the world, and at most 10 percent were anti-American inspired. Since 2004, there have been more than 2,000, over 91 percent against U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries.”
  16. It's so weird being in here, writing stuff he will never read. Because I'm so used to this forum meaning him. Discussions with him and thoughts about him and me checking if he was online regularly if we didn't speak, worrying when his content seemed too much up in the clouds, worrying when he didn't write anything at all. I looked up to him so much, I was so amazed by his mind. But I was also so angry at him for spending so much time being in his own head thinking about God instead of just living and being and breathing with me. There's a memory I had forgotten, but it has kept returning after he has died. I had moved to the other city then, to study, but we talked on the phone, of course, It wasn't during one of the break periods. But I remember I was still surprised that he called me. That it was me he called. He was in shock, he had fallen off his bike, you know he used to drive so fast and recklessly it was insane, with his long-limbed alien-body no one could control - him the least! When I remember it, I can see him as if I am standing next to him looking at his wounds in the bathroom mirror, but it was just a phone call. He was laughing almost, from the shock, he said he probably should go to the hospital. he described his wounded face to me. There's something about that memory, I think it comes up because it felt so normal and earthly and I felt so... Like if by calling me, he said to me - yes, you are the one I call when I'm hurt and don't know what to do. And I felt able to comfort him. And included. I asked if I should come to his city and go with him to the hospital. He of course said no, but I should not have listened. Before he died I don't think I really understood regret. I thought I could go through life without ever regretting anything - because everything happens for a reason right. And the universe has a plan. I do still believe that. I can never not believe that, and he wouldn't have wanted me to. He would laugh at me if I lost faith, I can almost hear him. Rolling his eyes at me - like God in all is the most obvious thing. But fuck, what I wouldn't give to be able to turn back time and take that fucking two-hour train ride to sit with him in that fucking hospital, holding his hand. Pressing my head against his chest. Kissing his shoulder and neck and fingers. And now I'm crying and it's probably better to stop writing now because I really think I should do this in small steps. I think it could be good for me though, to write about it in here. I feel people in here know him in a way that is comforting to me. They know his mind and his words and his empathy and all of his stupid trips and contemplations.
  17. If suicide is the path you take, no one can judge you. However I believe you don't really want to go down that path because you haven't committed suicide yet. I think most people in our lives (not including the folks who responded here) don't understand how difficult it is when we live with our bodies emitting a deep negative energy almost non-stop. In this state our body is in a serious fight or flight mode, trying to defend ourselves from certain possibilities that may deem us unworthy of love, that makes us feel completely ashamed. I understand that some people are just trying not to drown in these waves of emotions, but have you ever wondered if you could change your outer circumstance, what outer changes do you need in order to not feel like living in hell? This might be an interesting question, because it might be the case that no amount of money or success in any area can guanrantee us true satisfaction. Basically what @UnbornTao said above is quite true, however that level of mindfullness is too high for us now. Might have to continue fighting, but do some comtemplation of these types of questions at the same time.
  18. Thanks for all your replys. It does help. The hopelessness comes from the fact that I really struggle and fight and nothing changes. I have chronic physical and psychological pain since something happened to me. I often think about suicide but maybe that is just karma I have to deal with. It is hard for me to imagine that I accumulated so much karma in this life(unless I really have been blind to the full extent of my selfishness) or I’m open to the fact that I am dealing with karma from past lifes. In the end, there’s no much of a difference between dying now or suffering still. So I guess I’ll take the pain.
  19. Do you think that's why they took my phone? And my phone was missing forever . And they bought me a new one. In the hospital, I wasn't allowed to have my phone at all for over a month. They cut my contacts completely. And force me to do ect. For a few weeks. I have a few sessions of it. I never have lost consciousness in my life before. But they did it to me. And during the pandemic , and during these times, I had not wanted to shake hand with my father at all. Or even let anyone touch me, but when my mom wasn't around, (it is just me and my father and on that day, that guest) he touch me with all his heart. Holding my hands. And I felt disgusted by it . I can't remember exactly who's holding what, but I think it was both of them. Why would anyone took my phone? Is it because my phone will be evidence that I'm not crazy? They're evil. What do ect will do to me? It's just evil. It doesn't work for me/anything. It's just pure evil. And I was very much like a saint before that. I don't do anything bad. I never skip my prayer. I read the Quran. I was doing fine. If anything, I don't wanna be dependent on anyone/them. I remembered how I want to walk to buy something. And how I made my own cash on delivery online purchases. (This is a big thing because I don't know how to make online transaction) and I just simply don't wanna be dependent on them. At one point. I was very distant even. Because I don't wanna have anything to do with some thing. I get out of their Whatsapp group. Somehow. I hate to be dependent on my parents and I don't. During the pandemic, I remember that we made certain changes in that we no longer visit others houses. And people became a little distant. We all have our own room. And I don't wanna be close to some of family members. I was put into the mental hospital by force. I got disconnected from all of my social circles. (And it's forever) at this time I had a lot of synchronicities with a lot of people. But cutting me off from my contact and social media really disrupted it. And I was forced to stay in the hospital until about a month. I have missed new years eves and Christmas altogether. And I had to shower and pee in public. It was like a Chinese hospital with a lot of chinese. I get used to it but I despise the hospital. I hate the fact that they're cutting me from my high ground. Cutting me completely. And I have to be really people smart to save myself in the hospital. Because or else they would threaten me. I thought I want to convert everyone in that hospital to save myself or else I'd be really fucked up. Because there is this hospital and on the other side of the spectrum is my light . There is light. There is no such thing as mental illness in my religion. And I just thought that if I wanna save myself I would have to make everyone like myself or I'd be really fucked up. But I am already fucked. I saw people being dragged by female male nurses and was tied to the bed. No one wants to be tied. Even if you're not crazy they would accused you of being crazy. I learned that if you're suicidal you would be put into a mental hospital too. But fuck I was far away from being suicidal. The girl next to me has attempted suicide. There's only four people who are young including me. The others are old people. And a Chinese girl younger than me had been in there for a long time. Probably since she was young. I don't know her case but she seems very sane to me. I don't know when she'll ever get out. When you think about it, you're time wasted in the mental hospital. Your youth. She's even pretty. I wish she would get out as soon as possible but she's not. I just hate the hospital. It shouldn't exist. Heh. It's very old fashioned. Stuck in the past. They had stole my 26yo from me. I had a few days left to celebrate my 26years. And it is my things that are stolen when I was in the hospital. So who's crazy? Who's criminal? Who's at fault here? If anything it was me who lost my things when I was away. And when I'm back my mom keeps accusing me that I wasn't sane.
  20. 3 things that I like that are happening in my experience: Having the freedom to commit suicide. Having the "privilege" of not being locked up and drugged. Having a good nights sleep. 3 things that I am imagining doing right now that I would like to experience: Getting power. Ordering their removal. Sailing around the Medditereanean sea with a boat full of oats and $499,000 dollars on my bank account.
  21. If i would have had a choice i would never have taken the psychedelic route. Having a guru and a natural way is the way to go to god. Psychedelics is like insanity/awe/suicide in 1 word, that's why i stopped with this work.
  22. I know he has a video on nihilism and older videos about depression. But in the light of new levels of awareness he reached recently,I hope that Leo can cover the topic of depression and suicidal thoughts more in depth. Why antidepressants don't work ..and a spiritual advanced solution.
  23. Securing a living space was not what Hitler was looking for. Hitler was a sick individual bent on global domination. He desired to annihilate all other races but his own and to establish complete sovereignty. This is selfishness at its absolute core and why he ended up committing suicide as the world closed in on him - as reality closed in on him.. And no one is playing the chosen people card. They might be a people scorned from ages of persecution- and they react like a woman scorned. But know this - what we are talking about is survival. Survival for Israel is retaining their land and destroying their oppressors. Unfortunately - along the way the have lost their humanity- but this was because their humanity was stolen from them first over hundreds of years of persecution.
  24. Well yeah, it's easier for him to cope with his handicap in America, with all that support, love and a bit of wealth around him. I can show you videos of non handicapped, beautiful people with circumstances that make it unbearable. Sometimes even wealthy people fall into life traps that make them suicidal and ultimately commit suicide. Congradulations to the little man going through this kind of a life. I'd support him as well if I could. Idk what I want to say. I mean, are you recommending I find a black boyfriend, hahah I mean, yeah, that would be great. Asian, black, I love em all.
  25. have seen several videos of terrorists captured on 7/10, it is obvious that they say what they are ordered. They are not in a pleasant situation, they are stupid, how do you go on a suicide mission and allow to be captured?