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About maxpechura

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  1. TLDR. Attaching the audio version you can listen to. Keryo-Koffa-What-Would-You-Do-If.mp3
  2. What strains my body much more than psychedelics is the everyday stresses I encounter while living life. Can I do anything about it? No, because I need to survive i personally find that life in general is bad for your health. when compared to the above, i just get comedowns sometimes on psychedelics. so it’s nothing when compared to the general stress of living. I think Leo is pretty clear about his health issues are specific to him and he doesn’t know anything about you i dont find psychedelics taxing. Yes, you feel bad for days after mdma and yes , lsd is tiresome but nothing eberyone else hasn’t pointed out in terms of Leo’s journey, there are sober means like yoga. im personally no expert on sober practices but if you had special experiences on psychedelics, having them through yoga again should be much easier than to a person who has done yoga and nothing else
  3. Don't listen to Leo on Israel-Palestine. You can't understand an obvious thing cause it's hiding in plain sight. Israel is an nation that stands as a monument of human achievement. Palestinians are not trying to create anything of value to anyone. You really should forget all this nonsense about West Bank settlements or whatever else. In this world you're either something in fact or you aren't. If someone built an advanced civilisation in the middle of nowhere and people around you have lived there for thousands of years and can only produce shit in the morning, you need to understand the significance of that.
  4. From experience, if you want to measure out 50mg of 5-meo-dmt, then you need 7 red 10mg scoops. So, 7x7=49mg. if we want to use scales, then you need more volume. Like, What Am I pointed out 250mg/5mL, which gives you 5mg per 0.1ml of solution in your 1ml syringe. Obviously, 1ml syringe only fits 1ml of solution. So you'll need to store the other 4ml in the fridge. You should add the calibration weight but the mistake I made on the picture below is I pressed TARE button. The scales should read 50.476g (advice from psychonautwiki). Not 0.476 like they do. So yeah, I believe that these weights can measure out 250mg precisely enough for our intents and purposes but no less than that. For less, use scoops.
  5. The thing of the matter is that these weights claim to have precision up to 1mg but it's never true. It's true for industrial scales but I don't have access to them and neither do others. If you can find relatively cheap scales that are in fact correct to 1mg, then let us know. I'll buy them. My scales also claimed to be 0.001g precise but it's just not true. So these claims are more advertising rather than anything true about these cheap scales. I can't be sure about the ones you posted the link for as no one here tested them. That's why I'm saying you can be that person. And remember how What Am I said that 5mg can be a breakthrough dose with SubQ? So it's a game of milligrams. You really want to be serious about this.
  6. Maybe they do but you would need to test them out yourself and if they do, maybe let us know. I’ve got $20 scales and they can precisely measure out 150 milligrams . any smaller, I wouldn’t necessarily trust the measurement
  7. psychonautwiki's article that What Am I referenced has the following to say: So if you have these super expensive scales, do report if they work and if they are a worthwhile purchase.
  8. I'm trying to compile a list of ROAs in this post here. So I added bambi's post about SubQ. I was going to say that a red 10mg scoop from ebay will contain 7mg of 5-meo-dmt. So you can use that for measuring.
  9. It's a service from OpenAI. But you need a little of programming skill to use that particular service. There are others that do the same job but they offer it through apps on your phone or a convenient self-service website. You'll need to google "text to speech" and see what works for you. The services with realistic voices are paid, though. It's not much but they are not free.
  10. For those who are too lazy to read, the audio version of the report is attached. The audio is narrated by an AI-generated British voice to make it closer to the source. Realising-the-infinite-dream-awa.mp3
  11. You will need to filter your ejuice as not doing so will clog up your needle when transferring the ejuice to the tank. Your have several options to filter your ejuice: 1) A blunt tip (“drawing”) needle with gauge between 15g-20g. The smaller, the better for our purposes as 10g has the biggest diameter. So the idea is the needle is so wide it doesn't get clogged. However, ports themselves have a size. So I don’t know if 10g will fit through the fill port. 2) Use a bit of cotton inside the needle hub or at the syringe tip (you take the plunger out and push in a piece of cotton to the needle tip opening from the inside) 3) You get Syringe Filters PTFE Membrane 1.0μm Pore Size 13mm Diameter by Ks-Tek from AliExpress Carriers for your ejuice (on the picture you see Liquify Pro, PEG400 and PG) Minty has an appropriate section on his site for ejuice.
  12. Loading ejuice into a Zeus sub ohm tank The Zeus tank manual contains the following diagram: I want to point out a mistake I have made several times: don't load your ejuice into one of the Airflow Control vents (your ejuice will travel straight to the tank base as these vents are used to draw the air in inside the tank). What you need to do is take off the top cap, which will expose the top of the Top fill chimney. Your needle needs to go inside one of the holes on top of the Top fill chimney. Please be diligent when replacing the top cap. Otherwise, your ejuice will leak through the coil and will gather at the tank base. The vape and tank manuals have the following instructions concerning the loading steps described above: Here's another one:
  13. I’ve gone non-rebuildable atomiser route (‘sub ohm’) and my notes are about that method. So, continuing on the same subject as my previous messages in this thread. Maybe I’ll begin by saying that there’s a learning curve with sub ohm. Problems do arise with this method, like burnt coils, figuring out how to mix ejuice that has just the right amount of spice, ejuice leaking through the coil and other issues. The method is solid but you’ll need to invest some time and thought into it to make it work for you. I would try this method if you tried other methods of vaping (emesh in particular) and didn’t like something about this other methods. For example, maybe emesh produces an acrid vapour which you can’t stand. Vaping with a sub ohm tank always feels nice to me (unless you burn the coil when the level of liquid gets too low). See below an example of a burnt coil: I wanted to contrast sub ohm (the method I use for my own method and which I’m championing here) with rebuildable emesh, which does require a little more initial setup and initial thought but has fewer moving parts. So emesh is easy to use and doesn’t require special maintenance. Emesh is easier for scaling your dose – you measure out a desired amount using a scoop (e.g. 10mg), transfer that amount on the emesh and off you go. With sub ohm, if you dissolve 1g of chemical in 4ml of pg/vg, you’ll need to finish your 5ml of ejuice first before trying a different ratio of chemical to liquid. Alternatively, you could add more spice to the existing ejuice but it only works one way, i.e., you can increase the concentration of your ejuice but you can’t decrease it. I also wanted to contrast sub ohm with vape pens, which don’t seem temperamental and are easier to set up initially. So, both rebuildable sub ohm (which I haven’t tried) and non-rebuildable (with pre-made coils sold at vape shops) sub ohm have their use case but you need to understand their drawbacks in terms of getting everything setup just right. But after you've figured out all the little intricacies, it works very well. Your best source of information for non-RDA Sub Ohm is appropriate subsection on the Minty’s website. I don’t want to regurgitate the same information as in the link I just provided, nor can I do a better job than Minty. However, I want to point out some things that I found relevant after having vaped 5-meo-dmt recently. As previously stated, you can vape hcl (or any other salt) when dissolved in ejuice (found in rebuildable and non-rebuildable sub ohm atomisers and e-cigarettes). So, you don’t need to convert HCL to freebase. In our context, the choices of the principal carrier (to which we’ll add VG and the psychedelic) are PG, PEG400, Liquify Pro. There are others but PG is good enough. Another thing that I recently realised is the same package as the tank arrives in will contain a spare glass, which Minty calls straight glass. There are two types, bubble and straight. Bubble glass is 5ml and straight glass is 3.5ml. Your Zeus tank will arrive in mail with the bubble glass fitted (i.e., the tank comes assembled with a big size glass). Because the straight glass has a smaller capacity, it’s better to swap bubble glass for straight glass as we then need less ejuice to fill up the tank. The reason we want to fill up the tank at least up to a certain point (to cover the coil) is because our coil needs to soak up more ejuice to replenish what we had consumed. So, with a smaller capacity tank, you can fill up the tank fuller with a smaller amount of ejuice to cover the coil completely (coil is upright). So as Minty states for the straight glass you need 2.5ml-3ml of mixed juice. 3ml being max without risk of over-filling. Of that amount, 0.5ml will be soaked into the coil. Example. 1.6ml PG and 0.4ml VG gives 80PG / 20VG solution. Add 0.5g of 5-meo-dmt. So, you get 2.5ml of ejuice with 1:4 ratio. Different types of drip tips: A sample bottle for storing ejuice:
  14. Here are some posts I found about possible Routes of Administration: Spray Plugging Snorting - Self-explanatory. Get a 10mg microscoop (shown in the leo's plugging guide above or the red one from ebay). One scoop contains 7mg of 5-meo-dmt (not 10mg). Smoking a pipe - Vapour Genie and other pipes Intramuscular injection Subcutaneous (SQ or Sub-Q) injection - you can also see What Am I's opinion on the subject. Get a 10mg microscoop for measuring out small doses. One scoop contains 7mg of 5-meo-dmt (not 10mg). Intravenous injection Vaping - see below for different options What are your choices for vaping your psychedelic? Vaping ejuice (liquid carrier) What is ejuice? E-juice, also known as e-liquid or vape juice, is a liquid mixed with a psychedelic substance used in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and vaporizers. It is heated by the device to produce an aerosol (vapour) that users inhale. E-juice can be used with a variety of vaping devices, such as vape pens and box mods. Non-rebuildable 'Sub Ohm' Rebuildable 'Sub Ohm’ E-cigarettes and carts (vape pens) “Dry” vaping (vaporising the substance itself as opposed to vaporising liquid) Emesh rebuildable atomisers (RDA) Dr. Dabber Boost Evo P.S. Read this article about Dosage measurement on psychonautwiki. P.P.S. Get a 10mg microscoop
  15. Now that's what you call a report! Audio version attached (Onyx Text to speech - OpenAI API) shree-Embodying-Christ-on-LSD.mp3