Anton Rogachevski

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About Anton Rogachevski

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  • Birthday 01/10/1990

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  1. You can say what you want, but they made the deal happen, and not the Biden administration that could only pay lip service and talk about how horrible and wrong the conflict was. Biden had 400 days, and Trump did it on day 0. What can you say that about that? I'm not by any means a Trump supporter, and I was shocked that he got elected even after what happened after the previous elections which was just embarrassing, but the effectiveness of making the deal is an objective fact. Which btw is a terrible deal for Israel, and a huge mistake from a security perspective. Hamas promised multiple times to repeat 7.10 as many times as they can.
  2. When an ex-hamas man debates for Israel better than Israel. Counter his points, if you are such pro debaters. The saddest part of it all is that the hope for peace between Israel and Palestine diminished greatly because of 7.10 and the aftermath, but if you only hope for peace when it's easy, you are not really for peace. I guess peace can be very challenging sometimes. It came to the unfortunate point where if you say peace, you are immediately judged for being too left wing. Sad very sad. But I didn't lose hope, and I hope you didn't either.
  3. Illegal building from both sides are demolished.
  4. Yes and it was occupied by Jordan too, but you don't seem to have trouble with that. You just don't like us, and considering all the antisemitism in the world, I'm not even surprised.
  5. But it's not Jordan, but considered part of the palestinian state. You see what's the trouble? There was no claim to the land, and therefore it's legal status is under dispute. In order for the occupation to be illegal the occupier has to refuse peace offers but we signed the Oslo Accords and PLO too, which means they agreed to our presence.
  6. @Raze UN is notoriously biased against us and is considered by many to be antisemitic. Until 67 it was in the hands of Jordan. Why didn't they make it a palestinian state? In order for the occupation to be legal they have to offer them self determination.
  7. Expanding along side PA expansion. I'm no expert in the legal sphere, but those lands are under dispute from what I know (C Areas) which means that they don't belong to either side legally.
  8. @Raze Maybe that would have happened if not for 7.10, which was detrimental for their agenda. Hamas likes all the aid because it means they can save their money for rockets and instead of spending it on infrastructure. The blockade purpose is to prevent militarization, which wouldn't be a problem if the IDF stayed there.
  9. That's one of the reasons for 7.10 They hated that all the world saw that Israel is normal and good, and not evil like they want to imagine. Let's not forget that the "blockade" is also from the egyptian side.
  10. Bc hamas was stealing all the money and buying rockets.
  11. @Raze Until 7.10 the blockade was gradually being lifted giving more permits and fishing areas. As we can see it didn't help. The hateful genocidal attack was a religious one, that's why it's called the El Aksa flood. You can't negotiate with terrorists, their whole existence depends on you being an enemy, and if there's no enemy there's no purpose for them to exist.
  12. @Raze IDF left Gaza and painfully expelled Gush Katif, which resulted in Hamas gaining authority and making the lives of Palestinians miserable. They got so much money from Qatar, but it all went to rockets to shoot at civilians. The people of Gaza are killed and tortured by Hamas. Is that actually what tou want to happen in Yehudia Samaria? (It's a fact that 80% support Hamas and they will be elected) Half a million of Israelis live here peacefully along side the Palestinians.
  13. They never wanted us and opposed violently from day one, they refused all deals which involved any part of land given to us. It's a part of Hamas' amendment to erase us from existence. 67' deal was viable in 67', but no deal is ever viable forever. Of course they regret it! Because every time they refuse the next deal gets worse and worse. I'm sorry but I think it's stubbornness, xenophobia and plain stupidity on their part. Israel is full of left wing activists and peace organisation working to solve this. Gay Palestinians get asylum in Israel. When palestinians get a work permit they feel safe to walk in any part of Israel, but an Israeli can't even enter a palestinian village without fear. (There are many cases where Israelis were killed that way) There's no value for human life for them. Sinnuar said to his dentist in prison in one meeting that he would be ok with tens of thousands of palestinians die for his cause. That's exactly what happened - That was the plan! You ignored my question: why doesn't hamas surrender? So much pain and suffering could have been avoided so simply. The meta problem with your arguments is that you don't offer solutions, but only condemn us. But what the fuck can we do now? What would you do if you were the Israeli government? Extreme shia Islam, extreme homophobia, violent segregation of women and the glorification of death are baked into their culture:
  14. Can't think of one part more relevant than another here.
  15. This debate is newb level, just listen to some pro level Destiny debates. He's a liberal but somehow he sees that Israel is not entirely wrong here.