Something Funny

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Posts posted by Something Funny

  1. I tried 0.38 gramms of dried mushrooms today (I didn't grind them or make a tea, just ate a whole mushroom) and I feel like I got pretty good results. 

    My mood was great and I was able to be productive. So the dosage seems to be about right.

    Now I want to start doing it regularly but I am not sure about what is the best schedule. 

    Also, I am wondering if I should just keep eating them whole like I did to day or grind them down and make pills or something.

  2. @Vytas I see. Of course there are ifferent body types, some people can gain mass much easier than others. But it's not like your body type is bad. You just need to focus on your stengths.

    So maybe instead of purely body building program get into calisthenics or strength training. And instead of having goals such as "I want my biceps to grow by x centimeters" set yourself skill or strength based goals. Like: learning a muscle up / handstand pushup / one arm pullup / deadlifting 100 kgs, etc.

    And focus on achieving those. And as you do that, your body will also become more muscular. You might not become "big", but you definitely can become ripped and muscular this way. And it's more fun in my opinion.

  3. I have just realized that I don't have a humour problem, or a "not knowing what to say" problem, or an awkwardness problem or an introversion problem. I have a fear and insecurity problem.

    It's crazy how I can be the funniest persom in the room and be the soul of the company when I feel safe and comfortable. It's also crazy how I haven't realized this up until now even though it was the case for my entire life.

    I would think that I need to develop humour or somehow improve my speaking skills and stuff like that, becaude I sucked at them. Or I would think that I am shy, serious, and reserved a lot of time because I am an introvert. 

    And none of that is true. I am like that when I feel afraid / anxious / insecure. It's like it shackles my mind and turns me into a social retard. 

    So, if only I was able to free myself from fear, anxiety, and insecurity, it would probably solve all of my "social skills issues". 

    I know it's not some incredibly profound insight  but it has been a big mindest shift for me that has happened just now, so I wanted to share.


  4. Wow, it's crazy that has existed for so long and, unlike many other channels, didn't become stale, repetitive, or irrelevant, but is constantly evolving and going deeper. All due to Leo's vision, idealism, dedication, and hard work over all those years.

    Leo's dedication to his life purpose is something that I personally look up to.

    Seriously, thank you, Leo. You have created something that is truly unique and life changing. 


  5. I hope everything goes well. But no matter the outcome I think you shouldn't blame yourself, there are things that we can't really control in life.

    And it's also not nice of your husband to let all his frustration out onto you.

  6. @Intraplanetary haha okay. 

    51 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

    This sounds to me like a masculine way of approaching things. Courage doesn't have to relate with gender, but in the examples you're giving, I think you want to become more masculine and confident man.

    Specific examples or gender are nit the main point though in my opinion.

    It all boils down to experiencing fear and then running away from it.

  7. @HMD do you have any resources or can you explain in detail whay process did you follow, please?

    Also, I love the quotes.

    @Identity thanks, that's encouraging. I know that this is the most straightforward approach. And I guess I am doing it bit by bit. But I feel like I am too inconsistent with it, lack patience, give up too quickly, etc.

    For example I did pickup for like a week. I even found people to do it with. I had a week off from work so I would spend almost the whole day outsude trying to approach girls. But after a week I just quit and haven't done it since. And it's not just pickup, it's like that with almost everything that I do.



  8. @Sincerity @Intraplanetary but what if I want to live my life bravely as a whole, not just have courage around "must have" things?

    For example a few days ago I was at a post office and a drunk/high/crazy guy was bothering an old lady because she "took" his spot in a line that he previously "reserved". I felt like I should step in but instead just walked out like it's none of my business.

    Yesterday it was raining heavily and I had an umbrella with me and I thought how it would be cool to offer some girl to walk with her. But I didn't because I was too afraid.

    @Intraplanetary thanks for sharing the book, I will check it out.