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About HMD

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  • Birthday 11/30/1999

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  1. @Princess ArabiaHey I have seen you have this sort of “Nothing really matters” attitude. I am not saying there anything wrong with it, or that you do in-fact have it, but if you do; how do you get things done? Like if at the end you just die, then why do anything at all?
  2. @YimpaI wonder what happened to people that got a glimpse of it. @LSD-Rumi This was comforting to read. Thanks for the powerful message, brother. I watched one of leo’s videos where he talked about how easy it is to bastardise spirituality, and that’s why advanced teachings are advanced; the ego will almost always corrupt it and make things worse for you.
  3. @Ramanujan I am Dietician and I write Youtube scripts on the side.
  4. @Paradoxed Thank you you for the detailed response. It really boils down to judgment doesn’t it? That’s one hell of a trap to escape. And the thing about blindly following gurus. Leo has warned against it several times and yet, we have a strong tendency to fall into that trap. I have been forgiving myself now and honestly I feel a stronger connection because of it. Focusing on basic self help and ensuring the fundamentals is another thing that has helped me tons.
  5. @Francis777Thanks for pointing that out. The sin of pride. I was hesitant to write that last paragraph because of this, but I didn't want what I wrote to just be a rant without purpose. @Spiritual Warrior Definitely, the first step was getting awareness over it. I have my trust in the principle that awareness alone is curative.
  6. Make Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday your bible for a few months. You need to develop your stage blue (among other things).
  7. I have been doing personal development ever since I can remember. I was very young when I was practicing the letting go technique and also doing various forms of self inquiry. But then I stumbled upon Leo’s work. Things were going pretty well initially, I was having insights left and right. I was having mystical experiences I can’t explain with words. But then I reached a point where I had to take care of my survival and couldn’t focus too much on personal development and spirituality. Ever since then I started using Leo’s teachings to fulfil my own desires and needs. If I was doing something that was wrong I would rationalise it away by saying something like “there is nothing wrong or right”. Slowly it all started adding up and I started justifying bad habits, addictions, and being an asshole to others around me. And only recently it hit me what have I really become. I was fully aware of this trap and yet I was knees deep in it. Because of all this, I had locked myself deeper in my addictions, become harsher to those around me, and strayed farther away from God than I was prior to following Leo’s work. I am writing this to humble myself and also as a warning to those around me. Perhaps you think you have gone very far in this work, but you’re actually just fooling yourself. I am still on my way to recovery, and it’s a painful path.
  8. During my time in university, I came across various opinions from different teachers, which made it challenging to discern what was right. Over time, I realized that creating a good nutrition plan cannot be entirely generalized. While there are principles to follow, each person has unique physical and mental conditions, leading to individualized needs. This is why we underwent thorough training in conducting assessments. Additionally, we were taught that a balanced diet is a good general recommendation. I haven’t read that book yet. Sounds interesting though, I’ll give it a read soon. And the problem of identity is huge when it comes to nutrition. Food for some reason is very tightly knit with culture, and subsequently with people and their identities. And I believe we have to respect everyone’s culture, but at the same time helping them make changes they comfortably can.
  9. During my time in university, I came across various opinions from different teachers, which made it challenging to discern what was right. Over time, I realized that creating a good nutrition plan cannot be entirely generalized. While there are principles to follow, each person has unique physical and mental conditions, leading to individualized needs. This is why we underwent thorough training in conducting assessments. Additionally, we were taught that a balanced diet is a good general recommendation. I haven’t read that book yet. Sounds interesting though, I’ll give it a read soon. And the problem of identity is huge when it comes to nutrition. Food for some reason is very tightly knit with culture, and subsequently with people and their identities. And I believe we have to respect everyone’s culture, but at the same time helping them make changes they comfortably can.
  10. I am so relieved that you made this decision. Last I logged in you were talking about making an Alien consciousness course. I think this decision to go for a more practical course, which most of us need a lot more, shows your wisdom.
  11. I have a bachelor's degree in Nutrition, and when the topic of Veganism arose, the prevailing opinion was that while it may be a good spiritual practice, it is considered mediocre at best for meeting the body's nutritional needs.
  12. He seems like a rational person but for some reason, he’s killing himself. It’s slightly disturbing to watch him talk about the way he eats and then there is his breathless way of speaking. I am not sure if he is doing it for the love and attention. Because if that’s the case then he’s probably a narcissist with an under-developed ego that might have endured some trauma. And because of this he needs massive attention to sustain his sense of self.
  13. Similar thing in the Quran: After Musa came to Us according to his appointment, and his Lord spoke to him, he said: “My Lord, let me see You.” Allah said, “You will not be able to see Me, but look towards the mountain; if it stays in its place, then you will be able to see Me.” When His Lord appeared in His glory on the mountain, it crumbled, and Musa fell unconscious as though struck by lightning. When Musa regained consciousness, he said, “Glory be to You! I seek Your repentance, and I am the first believer.