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  1. @Gennadiy1981 I understand that one person has a right to speak on the forum, but many people who view the forum choose not to speak because they can't really genuinely attempt to contribute to a thread in a new way. So if one person repeatedly expresses their view it really skews a conversation in a way inauthentic to the community. These people should be called out.
  2. But Leo, why not post your paid content as a donation and allow people to pay what they feel they can afford? Are you worried that monetization wouldn't net you enough to make it worthwhile? Your patrons would ultimately leave you high and dry?
  3. Why is falling from a great height terrifying? If you knew you'd be okay, what's scary about it? As in, you weren't going to die because you were capable and alacritous. You've been able to survive all this time, yet no time was different than the fear you felt. And it did not end your life, you're okay.
  4. Cold approach in any city in the GTA is viable, there's tons of people and many are outgoing. You'd have to travel far (2 hour+) to find a small enough town where that'd get weird fast. Most people are in groups but sometimes that can work out to an advantage as people might actually be more willing to engage with strangers while grouped up. Since you're only there for 4 months, you can really get a chance to appreciate the city and a new environment without the drawback of being forced to make it work. You're not forced to move there forever or are planning to, so don't fret. Do you have a job lined up, are your finances prepared? That's the biggest factor that will ensure your security. What's your style of musicianship? In general live music is hotly contested and secured by regular performers even over a year in advance. You'd need a very special portfolio and skillset to shoehorn your way into a bar or club <4 months. That being said, you could immerse yourself in rehearsal spaces/jam zones, meetups, open mics, busking, and freebie gigs. You could try to attend as many music related events as possible to work on networking + pickup (keep it separate from the band though). You may wish to take the time to do a music style retreat, where you regiment your practice and plan it out in advance, so you're always making progress regardless of social hits.
  5. How can Biden "do well" in the future? His health has deteriorated and it's at the point where he is really, really struggling to meet his obligations. If you can't see that than I imagine you assume they've got him cranked with some special benjamin button juice? He didn't just discover breathwork or something to make a life and death defying stunt. It's like asking someone to vote for Trump but in this case Trump's a good guy. It just doesn't feel right to people because they are voting an incompetent leader into office who just isn't as funny as donald. If they want to have an impact on the system, they may believe voting for the bad party would have the best chance of causing an uproar that would hopefully result in competent leaders stepping up to the plate. There's no real plan, it's a tear it down strategy based in an ideology that things would be better changed and the resulting change would surely be better because of how bad it is now. But they won't rationalize it, or talk about it. But they will either not vote or vote to "expose" the joke. Exposing it seems more crystal clear from the irony of Trump but this is a donkey looking in the mirror type situation.
  6. @Chadders What did or did not happen will ever elude you but when you look back or project it takes a nebulous cloud and condenses it into a story that you recall, as it's recalled. What that is is consciousness, which is your gift. But as for when it happened, this is a contrivance. It exists, but not only in the way you remember it.
  7. My father showed me this video and explained to me how he resonated with non violent communication as a paradigm shown here. My response was to tell him when violence is received viscerally, the response leads to violence against violence, or at least intolerance. And that this intolerance delivered an apathy towards a violent individual that would lead to the inability to reverse the cycle of judgment leading to a cruel sentence, mimicking the violence. I'm an asshole for doing that but I don't know what other anecdotes to use to stop discord
  8. Imaginary numbers are interesting because they imply numbers are not imaginary. As in, how to represent the square root of a negative number, only being possible with a combination of numbers that aren't mathematically possible. The nomenclature imaginary was established because of how insulting an early mathematician found the concept to be. There is a statistical bias on real numbers existing.
  9. @Keryo Koffa When you reference it as a possible trap in a survivalist sense, I like to comfort myself by believing something like Outer Wild's story regarding the end of the universe (during our substitute's lives), and potentially extending the result to occurring an infinite amount of times at all times. **COMPLETE SPOILER FOR THE OUTER WILDS VIDEO GAME AHEAD** In essence, the suffering may be analogous to the dissipation of heart and heat, the dissolution and dispersion of energy. Don't fret, every moment was encapsulated and will be returned to form anew, a new chance and the continuation of the race that we all love to run.
  10. Sounds like you're not a fan of reconciling duality existing as a part of non duality, or that you're targeting duality as false while non duality gets a special favour as being unknown, including things that may have not been seen or imagined (yet). Duality is just your ability to make observations of any kind. If you observe something that has no discrete quality then it's non dual. But the truth is all observations are non discrete, which doesn't make it false nor does it make it true. The truth is superposition. If you want to make distinctions you have to "break" it. But if it works it works! Insane that science works at all seeing as it's just our impression of a system.
  11. @Leo Gura The differences between Male and Female are significant in most animal species. But what makes them masculine or feminine is not dependent on a species sex. I'm implying there's a bias that's happened here historically due to our species' biological differences granting survival favorable for men = the enabling of pursuits beyond baseline surviving (i.e. spirituality pursued), defining Male and Female's characteristics as a product of primitive survival mechanisms. The different hormone's "reaction" might not be a result of the hormone but of social conditioning and other such programming sort of molding it in a way that survives naturally within the given circumstance provided to it.
  12. @Brittany We're talking about tendencies to move towards (maximum masculinity or femininity) when taken to their extremes, also known as stereotyping. There are innumerable counterexamples of Woman and Man having different spiritual personalities and dispositions. Creating a Masculine vs Feminine dichotomy is inherently a caricature because it's just an imaginary framing of perceived polarities. Which is true for all language, but even especially in this case seeing as gender is ephemeral. You can perceive them or not in any way you like, they aren't real and our opinions are just experiences. It may very well be unfair to categorize a man or a woman for having a natural gender motif based on their sex. This is a pragmatic survival mechanism that is a tradition that has allowed us to grow as a species, based on very harsh realities. So undoing that can be very dangerous. But these survival needs change in history which in turn changes how people define masculine and feminine energies which perhaps makes it not rooted very well, not a reliable anchor to create a strongly held paradigm out of
  13. @Jannes Would you describe such an act as the penetration of an axe to a neck in the same way a boot heel mutilates a bug without even the slightest flinch or recognition? You must understand, killing and eating is not wrong. There's something else that could be said towards killing for fun, I agree it's not my preference either. But foundationally the opposition to eating meat is immoral (moreso than the acceptance at least). If you want to talk about food waste, environmental damage, overconsumption, horrible living and slaughtering conditions in animal farms, I'm all ears. All that stuff is bad and where we should be focusing our attention. Not the anthropomorphization of particular animals we relate to in order to make an argument sweeping all animal killing/eating as gross.
  14. Outside of consistent commitment, weight lifting can give you the grounding that will make you feel good about your ability to work your body. It's not about unlimited strength, it's about the capacity to not be woefully weak because you don't practice. Everyone is "riding a bike" - standing sitting walking, existing as a human. But because our vehicle is ourselves we consider it taken care of for granted. If you stand with good posture and you can lift yourself (that's it, no feats of strength) you can't help but feel good about existing without needing to prove anything to anyone or worrisome conditionals of happiness
  15. Often times the people that walk into Goodness Me or whatever health conscience store look like like fuckin ghandi. They are bony, taught skin and veined. This is not my model of health. The body uses strength to stand and sit, not just for lifting arbitrary and unneeded excess weight. If you think the mass gained from strength negates the "floatyness/weightlessness" feeling it's actually the complete opposite. It's like loading your body with springs. You don't need to eat different, it's a Personal body choice with many viable styles. But I would caution lack of nourishment and lack of weight training resulting in atrophy and decay of strength and health.