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  1. My Life After 150 Experiences of 5-MeO-DMT
    My Life After 150 Experiences of 5-MeO-DMT
    Well, you basically said that not only do psychedelics not help you, but all spiritual techniques don't help you.
    Clearly then you've explored enough of this approach and have discovered it doesn't work for you.
    Time to try other approaches.
    Sounds like what you need is some long, hardcore meditation retreats. Not sure if you tried that.
    The problem with doing short meditation sessions is that they tend to not lead to any breakthroughs.
    It's hard to suggest a solution to you because you basically said no techniques work for you. My guess is that you're not doing the techniques seriously/rigorously enough. Or maybe you're just not at a point in your life where spirituality is right for you. Maybe you got more basic material stuff that needs attention.
    I suggest you focus on whatever is working for you.

  2. Deconstructing Buddhism: Simple Reasons Why Buddhism Is False
    Deconstructing Buddhism: Simple Reasons Why Buddhism Is False
    Reality is an Absolute Self-Deception.
    You navigate it by realizing that everything is your mind reflected back at you because there's nothing else.

  3. Should you want to be the BEST of the BEST? (David Goggins, Micheal Jordan..etc)
    Should you want to be the BEST of the BEST? (David Goggins, Micheal Jordan..etc)
    Be God. That's the best.
    What you want is happiness, not social status or "being the best".
    All these famous high-achievers are obsessive and neurotic.
    Which does not mean you cannot be ambitious. But stop doing work to be better than others. This is so silly. Just do the work you enjoy for its own sake.

  4. 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-MALT & 5-MeO-MiPT - Which is the most gentle and euphoric?
    5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-MALT & 5-MeO-MiPT - Which is the most gentle and euphoric?
    5-MeO-MALT is most gentle. Lowest body high of the 5-MeO class.
    5-MeO-MIPT has fairly significant body high, very heightened sense of feeling through the whole body which can be both beautiful but somewhat uncomfortable. Most euphoric for me.
    5-MeO-DMT is least gentle. It is nauseating for most people. But you can also get used to it such that it's not a problem. The simplicity of it is nice.
    DMT is best consumed orally with harmalas rather than vaped.
    But your experiences might vary from mine.

  5. What's dating in 30s like?
    What's dating in 30s like?
    If a girl is attracted to you and you lead her properly she will be more than happy to do slutty things for you.
    These are not slutty girls, these are just girls. All girls are slutty for the right guy.

  6. Psychedelic Satori Vs Meditation
    Psychedelic Satori Vs Meditation
    Good stuff.
    I think he's generally right. Especially the part about preparation to get satori. Just popping a pill isn't likely to give you profound existential insight. I feel that I get extremely deep existential insights on psychedelics because I've spent much of my life caring about metaphysical questions. Whereas most people haven't. Psychedelics tend to amplify one's intent and one's natural questions. So if the deepest question one has is how to get laid, then that's all one's probably gonna get.
    What astounds me the most is the degrees of depth of satori possible. It's beyond all words.
    And it might be the case that some enlightened masters have gone far beyond even the highest states of the most powerful psychedelics. Beyond 10 tabs of LSD or 30mg of 5-meo.
    Which to me is just jaw-dropping.
    The problem is that such degrees of insight are so paradoxical, so beyond our everyday world that they cannot ever be communicated to anyone. So 99.999999% of people pursuing enlightenment will never know about them.
    I can hardly believe myself what I have seen. And I've seen it! How can I possibly communicate that to another? I can barely communicate it to myself.
    The beautiful thing is that these substances can open you up like a motherfucker. Then you are really prepared to put in the long hours and go deep. Of course it's possible to abuse it.

  7. Sweden Has now Higher Crime Rate than USA
    Sweden Has now Higher Crime Rate than USA
    preferences arn't racism
    you don't control the former; it is hard-wired
    how you treat people determines the later

  8. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    Not sure. I have no frame of reference for how DMT would be for me prior to 5-MeO.
    I think the way it works is that as you become more conscious and pure, your trips increase in clarity no matter what the substance until every trip is crazy lucid, like crystal.
    For me DMT is crystal lucid, more powerful and clear than 5-MeO. It is the purest form of consciousness imaginable.
    It's the only psychedelic I will consume from now on.
    I realize now that all my 5-MeO-DMT trips was preparatory work to lead me to DMT. The best was saved for last

  9. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    Roughly 50mg of harmala extract and 50mg DMT. That results in a very mild trip.
    To boost the trip I also vape DMT. It hits like a motherfucker.
    For a solid trip without vaping you'll probably need 100mg harmala + 100mg DMT. But be careful. That might be a serious trip which lasts a few hours. You can also try it orally. Taking that much harmala and DMT up the butt isn't so nice. Plugging works best with low volumes.

  10. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    @nowimhere Yes, you want the HCl harmala extract. Seeds are crap.
    You plug the harmala mixed with a few drops of vinegar + light coconut milk. Wait 30 minutes. Then plug the DMT mixed with a few drops of vinegar + light coconut milk. The larger the dose the more it will sting.
    To get a breakthrough this way you'll need quite a lot of DMT. 50mg+ or even 100mg+
    But the trip will last much longer.
    I actually prefer to vape DMT because it stings the ass too much given the needed dose.
    But you can experiment around and see which you prefer.

  11. What's dating in 30s like?
    What's dating in 30s like?
    He's 51 but he looks way younger, so that is part of his trick. Many girls think he's 30 and never even ask his age. Last time he was in town a girl he was pulling thought he was 25. We laughed about it. It's fucking hilarious.
    But he is able to keep girls long-term too. He has girlfriends fly from Eastern Europe to NYC to sleep with him. Yes, he has money, but he's also just a cool guy to be with. Very smart, charming, friendly, sweet.
    He lives in Eastern Europe and pulls 20 year olds all the time. He can also pull from any major city in the US. He pulls way more than me because he has way better game than me. This guy was fingering a girl's asshole after 10 minutes of meeting her in the club.

  12. Pedophilia= the love of children?
    Pedophilia= the love of children?
    God only creates Good. Evil is just your lack of intelligence in comprehending God's Goodness.
    If you were as intelligent as God, you could not see evil.
    What you consider to be evil is just a speck of dust on your glasses. If you bothered to wipe off your glasses the evil would disappear. But instead you go fighting the "evil" out there in the world. How silly is that?

  13. What's dating in 30s like?
    What's dating in 30s like?
    All the 30s guys I know are pulling girls in their early 20s.
    I have a friend who is 51 and pulls 20 year olds regularly.
    Being a man with game is nice.

  14. The ultimate game is just love
    The ultimate game is just love
    All every girl wants is a man who can lead her into profound Love. And a man cannot do that unless he loves himself.
    Of course! It's so simple.
    "Hey girl! You are lovely, but I am more lovely. Which is why I can lead you to Love."
    Try that pickup line

  15. Sweden Has now Higher Crime Rate than USA
    Sweden Has now Higher Crime Rate than USA
    Actually my default instinct is to not like immigrants. But I try to not act on this bias because I know it's just a silly xenophobic instinct that most humans have. If I was truly honest I would prefer to live in white neighborhood. However I am not going to allow such biases to affect my politics. Diversity is uncomfortable but it is good for mankind overall.

  16. Dating Strategy...
    Dating Strategy...
    It's certainly a lot easier to get laid in 3rd world countries. But do you want to live there?

  17. Pick up at different stages of the spiral
    Pick up at different stages of the spiral
    @Hello from Russia The most important thing is that there is values alignment and openness to grow and learn. All you really need from a girl is that you are physically hot for her and that your personalities get along well, and she values personal development. That's enough to build something great. You can find that in an Orange/Green girl.
    And it's not so much that you're gonna sit down and school her, you will just plant seeds and show her things and grow together over the years. Trip together, etc. She does not need to know all the Actualized theory.

  18. Infinity
    Now go deeper. Realize that all POVs but your own are a fiction.

  19. Best cities
    Best cities
    Madrid! The best city in the world, where everyone is foreign, and where the energy is always high 

  20. Best cities
    Best cities
    Italy could be an interesting one for you to consider. 
    The country has a wonderful balance of good weather, access to sea, mountains, lakes, forests and natural parks as well as ancient history and culture. Socialisation-wise, Italians are very welcoming even to foreigners. 
    You'd have to learn the language but it is not a difficult language, perhaps in 2years you could be semi-fluent with some tutoring and study

  21. Pick up at different stages of the spiral
    Pick up at different stages of the spiral
    @Hello from Russia
    1) You assume that pickup works on only some type of girls. This is wrong.
    2) The reality is that most girls in big cities are Orange/Green. Occasionally you bump into something higher, but that does not mean physical attraction will be there. If I only dated girls at my level of depth, I would be a virgin forever. I don't need a girl to be my spiritual guru. That is not her function.
    3) Be careful what you wish for with those witch girlfriends. They can be batshit crazy and impossible. A lot of New Agey type girls have all sorts of New Age brainwashing which is less appealing than just a simple materialist girl who knows nothing about spirituality. I would rather teach a girl spirituality myself than have to fight a decade of New Age brainwashing.

  22. I Hate Beautiful Women
    I Hate Beautiful Women
    Yeah, well, that's like 1 in 50 women.
    Being born spoiled into an easy life is actually a curse. You shouldn't want it.
    Also, a woman's value goes down, a man's value goes up. So you should be glad to be a man. It's way better to be a high value male at 40 than a high value girl at 20.
    Hot women usually have very shallow existences. Sure, they get lots of sex easily, but sex gets old quickly and it does not satisfy the soul.

  23. I Hate Beautiful Women
    I Hate Beautiful Women
    Of course. And these hot women struggle with finding love.
    It's not good to be too good-looking because it makes your life too easy to the point where you are not forced to seriously develop yourself. It spoils you.
    The amount of development I got from learning how to pursue sex is worth more than all the sex in the world. A hot woman is missing all that development. And pretty soon she will lose her good looks and wind up with very little.

  24. LGBTQ+ SJW's BLM - Left Extremists - Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh-Gender
    LGBTQ+ SJW's BLM - Left Extremists - Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh-Gender
    Dude, I would not have sex with most women.
    I have extremely high standards.

  25. LGBTQ+ SJW's BLM - Left Extremists - Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh-Gender
    LGBTQ+ SJW's BLM - Left Extremists - Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh-Gender
    It's like plastic surgery. It can make some people feel better, but it can also be abused.
    In general, trans people are pretty confused about themselves.