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About Majed

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    beirut lebanon
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  1. @Leo Gura and isn't it also an infinite number of things that turn you on ?
  2. @Leo Gura why not leo ?
  3. i think we're all bisexual, those who say they're straight or gay lack experience.
  4. @Jannes i don't think so, i think any person can get attracted to any other person regardless of gender.
  5. i've been contemplating the nature of sexuality and i've come to the conclusion that we're all bisexual.
  6. i was contemplating and i've discovered that a better approach than pick up and getting rejected thousands of times is to have friends, males then females, then going out with your friends then partying with your friends then at a party one night you'll hit on a girl that you like and make it your girlfriend, and have her sleep with you a lot of times. i think this is much more intelligent and doable approach than pick up.
  7. i can empathize with your situation i advise you to watch leo's series titled: how to get laid. it helped me make progress in solving this problem.
  8. he sounds legit to me. but yeah dating is really fucking not easy. plus he said in the video that successful men don't do traditional dating because it requires too much time and energy, which they would rather put it to work to earn more money. he also said that very successful men work like 80 hours a week. i think here the solution is to have more spiritual values like growth, learning, and self transformation. instead of doing traditional dating just for the sex. plus at some point working 80 hours a week to earn more money is for fools. wise people invest their time in themselves and prioritize work life balance instead of workaholism.
  9. @NoSelfSelf i recommend you try some crazy openers just for fun, next time tell a girl i love your thighs and see how it goes.
  10. @NoSelfSelf what is your craziest opener, and how it went afterwards ?
  11. @NoSelfSelf she was attracted to me, but told me she was talking to someone so i couldn't further our relationship.
  12. hey guys share your craziest pick up openers, for me it's "i love your thighs" i once opened a girl with that line it went pretty smooth for me.
  13. obvious example of richard dawkins being self deceived about jordan peterson.