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About Yali

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  1. Be Careful With Owen Cook
    Be Careful With Owen Cook
    Paying $10k for a bootcamp is absurd.
    Get decent wings and you will have a free bootcamp every week.
    Watch out, the whole pickup coaching industry is full of grifters doing lazy, half-assed, overpriced bootcamps and other add-on products. It's shameless grifting. They cheat you like they cheat on girls. These are low-integrity humans you are dealing with.

  2. Leo, why do you socialize?
    Leo, why do you socialize?
    That's the best description of socializing that I've ever heard.
    Exactly! Now go enjoy some ping-pong
    Stop being so serious. Be deep on your own time, and be goofy when out in public. Be a wise goofball.

  3. Difficulty Socializing & Making Friends
    Difficulty Socializing & Making Friends
    Sounds to me like you just need much more experience socializing.
    Socialization is just like tennis. To get good at it you must have many opportunities to practice.
    So very practically you need to change your life around so that you have more socialization opportunities on a regular basis. The rest will mostly auto-correct.
    You can't get good at socializing if you're alone most of the time.
    There is no specific way that you must be when you socialize. You can basically be totally natural unless you're some kind of psycho, in which case you'll have to reign that in. Be chill, friendly, pleasant, playful, honest, expressive, and relaxed. That usually works best.
    You'll be amazed at how often people just accept you exactly for how you are. Perhaps the biggest mistake of learning to socialize is to try to act a certain way to please people or meet their expectations. Just be you. Not everyone will jive with you, but that doesn't matter.
    Be comfortable in your own skin. Act with strangers the same way you'd act with close family. Assume everyone already knows each other. Don't try to act cool or impressive.
    As simple as all these things are, it can take years to learn. Especially if you've developed bad habits.

  4. Beware of Dropping All "Low Conscious" Friends
    Beware of Dropping All "Low Conscious" Friends
    You should definitely be willing to just kick back and watch a football game and drink a few beers.
    When an enlightened bud comes to town, we go to the strip club. Enlightenment isn't about being ultra spiritual. Ultra spiritual is how you should be on your hardcore meditation retreats. But in everyday life you want to kick back.
    There's really no reason to talk about spirituality with your friends.
    As long as the person is positive and gives off a good vibe, you should be friends with them. Definitely don't judge people based on how high they score on your consciousness scale. LOL.
    "Sorry bro, your consciousness is at level 495, and I only hang out with 500+"

  5. Did I misunderstood Wittgenstein or he is actually super-overrated, useless to study?
    Did I misunderstood Wittgenstein or he is actually super-overrated, useless to study?
    Not only are they not superior to you but if you learned even 30% of what I taught you, you understand reality way deeper than them. So don't sell yourself short.
    What I taught you guys will make you better philosophers than anyone alive today at MIT. Just learn and apply what I taught you. I gave you the best philosophy education on this planet. Don't squander it. It's all there. Mine it deep.

  6. Did I misunderstood Wittgenstein or he is actually super-overrated, useless to study?
    Did I misunderstood Wittgenstein or he is actually super-overrated, useless to study?
    None of these Western academics is within a 1000 miles of understanding reality. None of them! NONE! NOT A SINGLE ONE!
    All their profound questions are horseshit! Their priorities are utterly deluded and corrupt.

  7. Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    Most of those "geniuses" are overrated. And any genius they had did not come from those universities but despite them.
    Many intellectuals have no choice but to work through the university system because they have no financial independence.

  8. Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    It's a status pyramid game full of insane group-think. It is not concerned about truth-seeking or consciousness.

  9. Help vaping N,N DMT - no effects
    Help vaping N,N DMT - no effects
    Of course it's not good for your lungs. All vaping is terrible for the lungs.
    Yes, DMT vapor is very harsh when it is very concentrated. Although I find weed way worse.
    Also keep in mind that if you burn the DMT by overheating it, it produces a very nasty harsh burnt vapor. You need to avoid that. It is not easy to always vaporize the DMT properly. This takes skill. Proper inhalation also require skill.

  10. Help vaping N,N DMT - no effects
    Help vaping N,N DMT - no effects
    Lol. Yeah, of course! That's the real shit right there. To get high you gotta inhale that thick white vapor deep in your lungs and hold it for 60 seconds until your eyes bulge out of your head. And you do that multiple times in a row until you're dying.
    Or you can be wise and just take it orally with harmala.

  11. Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    And I thank GOD I did. What a racket. Dodged a bullet there.
    Compare me to Lex Fridman and you see the clear difference. I would kill myself before trading places with him.
    That's the whole problem. The definition of corruption.

  12. Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    Affirmative action: US Supreme Court overturns race-based college admissions
    One of the best things that could ever happen to you is getting rejected by one of these Ivy League idiot schools.
    The whole Ivy League system is run by corrupt human fools.
    Going to Harvard or MIT is a curse I would not wish upon my children.
    Seek a decent education but do not chase after status. Status has nothing to do with proper education. People have utterly lost sense of their priorities in chasing these Ivy Leagues. It's embrassing. You should feel better about telling Harvard to go fuck themselves than actually going there. If you don't, you got things backwards. Have some respect for yourself, for fuck's sake.

  13. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    I have heard a chemist say that only white DMT is pure. All yellow DMT comes from extracted sources and contains impurities. At least if he is to be believed.
    I wouldn't say that yellow DMT is bad, but if you can get white, I would go with white.
    Most pure sythesized tryptamine chemicals are white. Most DMT is not synthesized, it is extracted from Mimosa bark.

  14. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    Found an interesting community on reddit. They have a cool collection of DMT related communities in the sidebar. If it's good enough for Reddit, I hope it's good enough for this site and doesn't fall under sourcing or something.
    And here is also a photo of my vape, Ain't it pretty? 


  15. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    OMG! This is THE method. Flawless, one-click launch. It was all true, no exaggeration, the best thing.
    My setup is iStick Pico + knock-off Digiflavor Mesh Pro RDA + VandVape mesh 150 316L + I have had to buy 510 to Ego/510 adapter to make space for the RDA, because the Digiflavor is too big for the Pico. It's better to buy Aegis like in the photo posted by @TheAlchemist, but if you have another brand of vape it's good to know that maybe you can fit the RDA on it with an adapter. Found some glass tube and mounted it with a rubber on top.
    The smoke has no taste, nothing, just goes into your lungs, puff, it's gone. Like breathing normal air. You can see through the glass pipe exactly when to stop inhaling. No recrystallization. Digiflavor is easy to load, can't vouch for other RDAs.
    My settings on Pico are standard TC-SS mode, I don't know what TCR value is set in that mode, but not the right one for that 316L steel mesh, for sure, haha. But it works when set to 160C degrees
    I am kind of sad when I think about how much spice I have wasted by trying to make the ceramic cup method work. But there's no reason to be sad anymore because I have found Love. 
    eMesh gang unite! Make yourself visible and comment on your experiences.
    I have bought my stuff from AliExpress. Works in Europe, might be not available in the USA.

  16. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    Oil pipe and torch lighter is so simple and easy. The only challenge is holding that shit in your lungs as it stings.
    Work on your inhale technique. That's key if you want to take big doses. You need to fully exhale and then inhale very slow but deep. The DMT is useless in your mouth, you must suck it deep down into the lungs until it stings so bad you can barely stand it.
    I think the inhale technique is more important than the pipe you use. A tiny oil pipe can generate more vapor than your lungs can stand.
    Work on your inhale technique. That's the key. Practice taking inhales through a straw for 30-45 seconds straight, and deep into your lungs.
    And then hold that shit in until you are dying. Do not let it out of you until you are gasping for air.
    Watch out! Deep inhales are a whole new ballgame. You will blast out of your skull.

  17. I vaped 70 mg of 5-MeO-DMT
    I vaped 70 mg of 5-MeO-DMT
    Sounds about right.
    Welcome to spirituality.
    The trick is getting over your fears and exploring ever deeper. All the coolest stuff is blocked off from you by walls of fear that must be broken down, if you dare.
    Be careful though. Going that deep gets dangerous.

  18. How often should I do 5 Meo DMT ?
    How often should I do 5 Meo DMT ?
    I've done it daily.

  19. Leo: Why not DMT?
    Leo: Why not DMT?
    I don't like brewing some nasty vomit-inducing sludge.
    You can eat pure N,N-DMT + harmala, but that requires observing the MAOI diet.
    DPT gives a solid 3 hour trip and it's super visionary. I imagine it's similar to Aya. And you can plug DPT and it has no tolerance.

  20. Leo: Why not DMT?
    Leo: Why not DMT?
    I haven't done DMT yet in large doses, only small doses.
    I have been busy exploring and integrating other molecules.
    No doubt DMT is awesome. But 5-MeO-DMT is awesomest
    One of my biggest gripes about DMT is that I don't like vaping things. The trip is too short and it's bad for your lungs. So I was looking for good methods of taking it rectally or orally, but that presents complications. I have yet to perfect my DMT method.
    Also, once you discover the power and perfection of 5-MeO-DMT, you will be so happy you will want nothing else. It is literally perfection. I have to force myself to explore lesser molecules.

  21. What are the main reasons people don't succeed?
    What are the main reasons people don't succeed?
    #1 reason: Lack of ambition

  22. Simple test to check whether Leo is biased against Trump
    Simple test to check whether Leo is biased against Trump
    In the case of Trump the problem is not his actions but the core of the man himself is utterly rotten. Any good actions from him are just a dangerous masking of the monster underneath. That's what bad character means. No amount of pointing out some of his good actions will ever compensate for his rotten character.

  23. I hate women because of too much negative experience
    I hate women because of too much negative experience
    after every interaction with attractive women I get frustrated to the max. In my opinion women are dumb, too emotional for proper communication and extremely arrogant, especially attractive ones. I think that our society is fucked because of social media. Attractive women get way too much validation from stupid needy men, so they don't even have to work on themselves. No one cares when they behave like assholes. But men have to bring so much to the table to stay attractive and this pisses me off.
    Until I was 19 I had nothing sexual going, no kisses, nothing. I rejected many girls because I wanted the first one to be "perfect".
    First girlfriend with 19 then was extremely toxic to me, she had borderline, bulimia etc. Long story, but I guess you can image how she behaved with the mentioned disorders. 14 months pure torture, I was way too needy because I thought she was perfect. But the only thing that was perfect was her looks.
    After that I was dating about 10 other women through tinder because I was too shy to approach women in real life. But this was just for fun, I didn't want a relationship. Then there was another attractive woman with borderline and she broke me again. And after that I was dating a woman who was relatively thick and I thought that it was impossible for me to be with someone like that in a relationship, but we matched really well and I was surprised. I wanted to start a relationship with her and she broke me as well. She had red flag written all over her like all the other women I have dated before. But I was naive, nobody told me what red flags are. She basically went into a relationship with a "friend" of her.
    Only my second and last girlfriend was able to communicate good. She wasn't doing too many shit tests and our relationship was easy-going as it should. Unfortunately I had to leave her because of some things that disturbed me, frequent weed smoking and other drug consumption. Plus I didn't find her attractive because of the way she behaved and her looks, I'd say she was a little too "masculine" for me. I just got into the relationship because she forced me into it and I thought why not. After six months I had to end it and we are still really good friends, feels like a brother and sister connection, nothing sexual, she even has a boyfriend who really loves her and I'm grateful that they have found each other.
    I've done many therapies, had three months of coaching for 3000€ and it went pretty well. I can finally approach women when I really want to.
    I've finally come to the conclusion that I am not the issue, that's what I always thought before. I feel like society is only getting worse as I mentioned above. Women did not have any rights in the past, now I feel that they have too much power, it's unbalanced. We went into the other extreme. I think it should be 50/50, but it isn't. And I'm not sure if this is going to balance out while I am still alive.
    That's why I have suicide thoughts way too often. I've never tried killing myself and I hope that I never will but if that does not change in the next few years, I'm not sure how I'm going to feel in the future. All this work, all this self improvement and pain, I really have made much progress the last few years, especially the last year but it hurts that it does not get recognized by women. Only by myself and my friends, you may think that this should be enough but for me it isn't.
    I know that there are really beautiful women out there with top tier character, but I feel like they are way too rare or most of them already in a relationship. At least in the cities I've lived in, in Germany.
    I just want to be more attractive to women so I can have some fun, go on dates and finally have a girlfriend that fits me.
    I'm eating well, I do sports, built some muscle, look good and I try to approach women here and there. But somehow I'm not attractive enough for them, I either get no response via chat or they annoy me because of too many shit tests and I know they wouldn't do as many tests if they were sure that I'd be good enough for them.
    So... enough crying, let me ask a goal oriented question: How can I accept this mean and unfair world? Or how can I change the way I think about the world? I'm missing positive experience with women.
    Sorry for this negative talk, but this is my mind and I have to live with it every day.
    I just want to be more of my higher self and connect more with women. Thanks for reading.
    Best regards,

  24. is porn like real sex ?
    is porn like real sex ?
    It's very different.
    You might be surprised to discover that porn can be better than sex. Because sex is not nearly as visual as porn. But sex has other great qualities you cannot get with porn. The tactile feel of a naked girl is hard to beat. You can't get that with no amount of porn.

  25. Should you hot approach women if you're broke?
    Should you hot approach women if you're broke?