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Posts posted by Advocate

  1. @mojsterr Seems like “overdoing it” is in itself a topic to be looked at. I’ve got the impression that that something draws you to overdoing it on psychedelics as well.

    What you need is not a more intense trip but exactly the opposite, more of a step-by-step process. And weaker psychedelics as used in  microdosing. 

  2. @Tim R @Leo Gura @Nahm @Space  Thank you, guys. I really appreciate your work in this forum.



    1) I have never done MDMA by myself, although sometimes I felt like being alone during the trips and so the others leave me alone for 20 mins or so. Actually, I'd consider doing it by myself, just as an experiment.

    2) There is something special about communicating with others on MDMA. It feels totally natural to talk about stuff you would normally hesitate to share with others. Sometimes my brother's guidance can be too much, then I'll tell him to give me more space. At other times his guidance is super valuable, because he can see through the mind's blind spots (projection, distraction etc.).

    3) The experience is relatively "normal", especially if you take very pure MDMA. Your body feels warm and you feel love. I did not experience the side-effects you mentioned except a bit of jaw clenching in one or two trips.

    I used to feel very tired after the trips, it felt like I did not have any remaining serotonin in my system. It has gotten better because of the more pure MDMA, and I guess because of the mushrooms which I did not take during the first couple of trips. 5HTP and Magnesium supplements after the trips also help.

  3. Hello everyone!

    Just like many of you guys, I used to struggle with a lot of emotional baggage. I mediate every day since 2017, plus I had quite some mushroom trips. And I still felt miserable, I could not integrate my insights. At the beginning of 2021 I discovered MDMA and I'd like to document my results after about eight trips in the course of this year.

    My Situation in January, 2021:

    • I lived with my parents, lots of conflicts with them.
    • I considered myself a highly sensitive person, constantly feeling overwhelmed by basically everything.
    • I had a crippling fear of other people.
    • I could not set boundaries: I would work too much, eat too much,...
    • I could not focus on one thing at a time.
    • Working would trigger fear of death.
    • I could only work for 2 to 3 hours per day and would feel totally miserable while working.
    • I had an underpaying job as a language teacher, could not support myself.
    • I was well-educated, but had no idea what to do with my life.

    The Healing Process with MDMA

    I weigh about 65 mg of MDMA plus a microdose of magic mushrooms (about 0.16 gr). This is an ideal combination for me, I get more creative with the mushrooms.

     I am sensitive to these substances, so I don't need much. Regarding MDMA it's especially important not to take too much and not to trip too often. Nowadays I trip about every six weeks, the periods of abstinence have become longer.

    I meditate in the living room with my two roommates (one of them is my brother). Then I take the substances, set an intention, and continue to mediate. As soon as the MDMA kicks in, I'll lay down in my bed. I talk about stuff which moves me, and my roomies are my "therapists". It works like in this manual by MAPS:

    After about 2 hours, as soon as the effects start to fade away, I take the second dose of MDMA, about 30 mg.

    The experience is just incredibly nice. I never felt fear in the process, MDMA is far from being as scary as other psychedelics. It's like psychotherapy on steroids: You talk about stuff that bothers you, deep-seated trauma. In my case it was mainly my birth. It was tough and confusing to have a near-death experience back then, already feeling you're back with the Absolute and then abruptly being born in a Cesarean; I was born after only seven months in my mom's womb and with only a third of the weight babies usually have when they are born. One of my core beliefs was that I did not deserve to live.

    In the MDMA sessions I could access the trauma easily and feel more and more love for all my past suffering. I could see the intelligence behind it. I could accept it. In the weeks after the sessions I integrated the insights.

    My Situation in December, 2021:

    • I live with two roommates in a great apartment. We love self actualization and support each other on our paths. Good relationship with my parents.
    • I wouldn't consider myself highly sensitive anymore. This was just a label, an identity which has been perpetuating itself. I still feel intense emotions but I guess that's totally normal and I can deal with them.
    • I feel a much broader spectrum of emotions. I finally begin to understand what joy and bliss are.
    • Minor fear of other people.
    • I can set boundaries automatically in most cases. If my boundaries are crossed, I'll notice it relatively quickly.
    • I can focus on things and get them done.
    • I love working.
    • I can work long hours, 8 to 10 hours per day if necessary.
    • Relatively well-paid job in teaching, I can support myself and afford some little luxuries. 
    • I'm on track with my career in journalism. I already write about one to two articles per week for the local newspaper, and started networking within the organisation and with local politicians and activists. I'll be working full-time for the paper from April onwards. 

    So here you go, these are my results. For those of you doubting if personal development works: It does definitely work, you just need to find the right method. As for emotional healing, I prefer MDMA over all other psychedelics, because you can go very deep and integrate your learnings relatively easily. And yet it's not scary. You don't drift off into madness. You simply talk about everything that's important to you, and it feels like you got God's support in the process.

    Much love <3

  4. @Gabith I used to try that, acting a bit like a douche. It doesn’t work, it will probably just hurt the girl and backfire. You gotta ACTUALLY don’t care what other people think about you instead of  acting as if you did. Solve the root cause and you don’t need to act, you can simply be who you are authentically and girls will respect you for who you are automatically, without any effort from your part. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Guru Peter Jordanson said:

    Also Eckhart Tolle talked about this collective pain body. He said when he entered Russia he would feel this strong pain body energy in the air. He talked about Switzerland and Canada as having less painful atmosphere because they did not participate in wars. That is one reason why he moved to Canada.

    Interesting. I’m from Germany, studied Russian studies and have been living for some time in Russia. Honestly, when living there I almost became suicidal, not only because of the cold winter, but also because of the depressing energy in this city of Voronezh. I think I felt so attracted to Russia exactly because of its strong pain body - it resembled my own pain body. 

    This was about four years ago and it was then when I discovered and got really motivated to change my life and face my traumas - which I did :) 

  6. A friend of mine's got Asperger's. I'd like to support him, but he is extremely anxious and risk-averse, does not want to try almost anything. He is scared of MDMA, THC-free CBD oil and even meditation. Basically anything that slightly alters his consciousness - except caffeine and alcohol, because he knows the effect that these substances have on him. He says he is hypersensitive and can easily have "hallucinations". Can you guys relate to this? Any advice? 

  7. On 15.9.2021 at 8:31 PM, Girzo said:

    Self-employed, part-time, tutoring kids, Math and English.

    Easiest self-employed gig to start BTW, I recommend it for students who have no source of income. Doing it full-time you can easily earn more than an average wage. I mean average, not minimum. Quite a lot of income, much more than a McDonalds employee or an entry level IT job.

    Same here. I'm tutoring kids and teaching English, German and Spanish as foreign languages. Plus writing articles for the local newspaper. At the beginning I made the mistake to work for a language school as a "freelancer". Now I'm slowly getting more students without any intermediaries and that pays a lot better.

  8. In addition to the incident with your mom - trauma may also come from the time when your mother was pregnant with you or during your birth. It may also be from a past life or something that was genetically (and socially) transferred to you from your parents. In my experience there are often times layers of traumatic events that you can trace back, for instance: childhood memory X -> birth -> life Y -> life Z. 
    The good news is that the more conscious you become, the more you get to the root cause of your behavior. Psychedelics are very useful in order to deal with trauma, especially MDMA has helped me a lot. Good luck! :):) 

  9. @thisintegrated Thanks for bringing up the topic. I discovered a similar issue about a year ago.

    I would identify as a highly sensitive person which basically means that I take in more information from the environment and process it deeper. High sensitivity as a genetic trait is sometimes conflated with autism.

    For a long time I’ve been totally disconnected from my body - which is typical for a highly sensitive person who has not learnt yet to deal with the sensitivity. I could understand every perspective and loved exploring different perspectives. I’ve always been a very abstract thinker. However I just couldn’t feel what “my” perspective or opinion in a certain situation was. And up until this day I sometimes struggle with this. 
    I guess the disconnection from your body is the key here. Once I met a heavily traumatized woman, supposedly totally in denial of her bodily sensations. She put forward an angry stage yellow ideology, saying that she hates everybody who cannot understand different perspectives.


  10. Practically speaking, grounding means working with the lower chakras and the issues connected to them, especially the first one. It is related to bodily survival and being grounded - well, your feet are your most direct connection with the earth. If you’re firmly standing on the earth, you’re grounded which in turn is reflected in your thoughts and actions. 
    There are visualizations and guided meditations as well that help you connect to the earth. 

  11. @Spence94 @dflores321 Consider working part-time on a project or job that will earn you cash more reliably than your Life Purpose (though it could also be related to it). For instance, I teach foreign languages and give guided tours in my city. It’s interesting and gives me peace of mind that I can survive. At the same time I write and explore my Life Purpose. 

  12. There is a disorder called POIS (Post-orgasmic illness syndrome). My brother's got it which means that he feels severely sick for at least a day after an ejaculation... brain fog, fatigue... That disorder may be a factor that explains why some people benefit from no-fap.

    Also, the second chakra gets triggered by an ejaculation in my experience, so my energetic baggage from the second chakra would show up after an orgasm - which is not exactly pleasant. I'm working on cleaning that chakra so that I will feel better after an ejaculation.