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  1. What I mean is you, God, is everything/nothing (those two are the same thing) and everything is God’s dream. We are its finite parts and the sum of those finite parts is infinity. The thing I’ve said about God imagining itself is a paradox, just like this drawing from M. C. Escher.
  2. Sure. You’re God and you’re imagining yourself.
  3. Thoughts are illusions just like anything else.
  4. @Sugarcoat 🙏🏻 Does anyone else have an idea on how to deal with this?
  5. Is soul real? How is it different from the life force within us? Is it possible to experience it? Where does it go when the body dies? Does it reincarnate?
  6. @Sugarcoat what’s your experience with psychosis?
  7. Hello everyone. Last year I had a partial Kundalini awakening which developed into a spiritual psychosis. I spent almost 2 months in a psychiatric hospital and experienced insanity with some paranormal phenomena. After taking some antipsychotic medication for months things have settled down and I don’t feel much kundalini symptoms besides some shaking (kriyas) and spontaneous mudras which occur everyday. I believe my previous ketamine use and my psychotic break damaged my receptors and even though I don’t feel depressed I feel directionless in life and experience anhedonia. My sex drive and creativity is very low, I don’t feel like doing anything, I spend my days laying in bed scrolling social media. I don’t even watch YouTube videos because I lost interest very quickly. The only thing I enjoy is talking to people but I should be spending my days more productive. I have an upcoming exam for a course which will be a turning point in my career journey but because of the said reasons I can’t find the will to study for it. I need to find a way to rebuild my damaged receptors after this psychotic breakdown before it gets too late. Thanks in advance for your help.
  8. Interesting. So how do you break the cycle or karmic thoughts?
  9. How can you get this sober? I've had a kundalini awakening (or just prana activation, I stopped caring) and I have spontaneous mudras on my hands everyday. It feels like a gentle electricity is running through my arm and fingertips. You made me kinda scared of the energy. To be on topic, I had experienced the technology glitching for a bunch of times when I'm on acid. Phones and computers behaving and glitching in unexpected ways different from how they do in my sober life. Also one time on ketamine I realized I'm god and I'm the only being in the entire universe. I'm infinitely alone and there's nothing but me. Everything, including myself, is my own imagination. I'm nothing and everything. My ego freaked out on the loneliness part, it was not nice to realize that I was imagining my loved ones. That was profound, I wish it was a full awakening though, it wasn't full because I haven't discovered Love yet.
  10. God is everything and it’s imagining itself. That’s my take on it.
  11. @Kokorec I’m also interested in this. Following.
  12. @Davino would you like to share how you experienced it? It’s hard to forget isn’t it 😄
  13. From Bursa, Turkey 👋 Send me a message if you also reside in TR