Princess Arabia

Female Masturbation

67 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Something Funny said:

Npfap doesn't work. Literally, never saw someone who got any success from it.

I agree and disagree. Nofap as an ideology is problematic in that it revolves around sexual shame and telling guys that they have to force themselves to abstain from their needs. I think guys who're trying to do "nofap" are doing it for unhealthy reasons, using unhealthy methods.

However, there was a 2 month period in my life where I had literally zero desire to masturbate. I did feel horny, but I didn't feel the need to do anything about it, as the horniness felt perfect as it was and there was no reason to do anything about it at that moment. I definitely felt a difference towards the end of those 2 months. I felt much more social and had lots of extra social energy (I'm pretty introverted and social settings usually deplete my energy quiet quickly), I felt far more confident and comfortable in my own body and women definitely noticed. All of this went back to normal when I went back to masturbating regularly.

I just think that saying "Do A and DON'T do B!" is too simplistic here. That goes both for "nofap", but also for what you've said. Telling men that they should abstain can lead to a lot of unnecessary suffering for these guys, but saying that there is NO WAY in the INFINITY of this existing that abstaining from masturbation can work is actually ridiculous to me and you're bullshitting yourself with that. Freedom isn't found in masturbating as much as you want, freedom isn't found in mastering your own urges, freedom is whatever you want to make it, because you ARE freedom.

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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There is a Seinfeld episode about sex. Not the episode about the masturbation contest. But in the sex episode, the plot is when men abstain we become geniuses and we develop. But when men have sex we stay drugged and stupid. And it is the opposite for women. So when women have sex they have clarity and become geniuses. But, when women abstain, they get foggy and drugged and stupid. There is truth in jest. :)

Edited by Soul Flight

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9 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Oink, oink. Must have grown an extra finger.

LOL I deserve that one... What can I say?... Genetics!

(been waiting for weeks to use that trendy word, perfect timing!)

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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We actually don’t have evidence if nofap helps men. There is some evidence watching porn is harmful though.

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Some men get a bit of exhaustion or depressive like mood after ejaculation. Me i do get some symptoms sometimes as i’m already a bit chronically fatigued, it also messes with my sleep sometimes. But after about a week of no ejaculation i start to feel weird and sleep also deteriorates. But who knows what’s going on theres also placebo etc

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@PurpleTree A lot of these symptoms can relate to underlying health issues (both physical and mental). I think a lot of men who're into no fap struggle with such issues, the problem then becomes that these issues remain unaddressed. Making changes to your diet for example can have a significant effect on how you feel after ejaculation. Shame and guilt can also play a role.

I don't believe that this is true for all men who do no fap, but I still think that it's a big part of the demographic.

beep boop

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25 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

@PurpleTree A lot of these symptoms can relate to underlying health issues (both physical and mental). I think a lot of men who're into no fap struggle with such issues, the problem then becomes that these issues remain unaddressed. Making changes to your diet for example can have a significant effect on how you feel after ejaculation. Shame and guilt can also play a role.

I don't believe that this is true for all men who do no fap, but I still think that it's a big part of the demographic.

Yea i agree that it’s mostly probably health related, maybe a dopamine or other issue etc. Or some inflammation, lactic acid or underlying infection or something. And most of those issues will stay unaddressed as most doctors can’t find them and don’t know much about it same as with chronic fatigue. Theres also a thing called PEM (post exertional malaise)

Edited by PurpleTree

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I would say no fap is a more so a consequence of mental clarity rather than a cause 


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First of all thank you for bringing it :D

I see nothing wrong with masturbation.

Especially for women, we have so many ways to orgasm, we can do that with stimulating our clitoris only, we can do that with stimulating our vagina, we can do that with with stimulating both (which creats powerful orgasms) and we can do this even with our nipples or low tummy (for those who have enough time and patience lol).

Our sexual pleasure and orgasms are existing for the sake of 100% pleasure and healing, there is 0% reproductive value to the female orgasms, unlike men- their orgasms are conditional to creating babies.

It's as if nature encourages us and wants us to feel pleasure for the sake of it. Which is the essence of the feminine, being for the sake of being. Creating for the sake of creating. Having pleasure for the sake of having pleasure.

What makes masturbation so fun? Than I can dictate the rythm and reach peaks that I never reached by having sex with men (but they were close, not gonna lie).

But it's important to point that there are various types of masturbating with different intentions.

For example, I believe that it's healthy to masturbate when we are horny or as a form of healing or spiritual growth but it's not healthy to masturbate as a form of distraction. Sometimes I find myself seeking to masturbate in order to distract myself from difficult emotions but then I become consious to that and stop.

I also think that masturbation with vibrating sex toys harms the vulva so I don't use them and never recommend them.


Edited by Lila9

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What I've learned from neotantra (spiritual & sexual shamanism) workshops and people, comes down to this:

  • Every man has a frequency at which it is ideal to ejaculate. This can range from daily to monthly to even biyearly.
  • This frequency depends on age, but also on the person. It's something everyone has to experiment and find for himself.
  • Exceeding that results in lack of energy and sluggishness. (I can confirm this is true for me. My ideal frequency is about once every 2-3 weeks)
  • Ejaculating too little results in unbalanced energy, being out of touch with feeling and empathy, and obsessiveness.
  • Breaking the ejaculation habit and building up some sexual energy makes it easier for the man to have full-body orgasms (I can confirm this is true) instead of the superficial sneezes we usually have.

That's for the penis owners.

Now for the vagina owners, it is said that:

  • Only clitoral orgasms drain your energy (Some women can confirm this is true for them, others don't notice it)
  • Other types of orgasms (there are 12 types for women and 8 for men) only increase your energy
  • Therefore, if you want to feel more alive and live your life with more vibrant sexual (= life) energy, it is recommended to not focus on the clitoris when having sex or masturbating, and get other types of orgasms instead, like full body orgasms, valley orgasms, womb orgasms, vagina wall orgasms or what have you.
  • Sometimes you may want to drain your energy by having a clitoris orgasm, so that you can sleep, release tension, or alleviate painful period cramps. There's nothing unhealthy or wrong with that.

Then for everyone, it is true that:

  • Not ejaculating/clitoris-orgasming every time you have sex, has massive benefits for one's sex life.
  • Because the sex becomes less goal-oriented and more meditative, there isn't this end goal to always automatically work towards
  • Therefore, people are less in their head and more in the present moment when having sex
  • But also when cuddling, stroking, touching, kissing or hugging anyone.
  • The enjoyment is felt in the moment, no matter the intensity of the interaction, and one becomes more sensitive to pleasure without release.
Edited by flowboy

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@flowboy :o

Quality post. ?

Edited by Salvijus

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2 hours ago, Lila9 said:

First of all thank you for bringing it :D

I see nothing wrong with masturbation.

Especially for women, we have so many ways to orgasm, we can do that with stimulating our clitoris only, we can do that with stimulating our vagina, we can do that with with stimulating both (which creats powerful orgasms) and we can do this even with our nipples or low tummy (for those who have enough time and patience lol).

Our sexual pleasure and orgasms are existing for the sake of 100% pleasure and healing, there is 0% reproductive value to the female orgasms, unlike men- their orgasms are conditional to creating babies.

It's as if nature encourages us and wants us to feel pleasure for the sake of it. Which is the essence of the feminine, being for the sake of being. Creating for the sake of creating. Having pleasure for the sake of having pleasure.

What makes masturbation so fun? Than I can dictate the rythm and reach peaks that I never reached by having sex with men (but they were close, not gonna lie).

But it's important to point that there are various types of masturbating with different intentions.

For example, I believe that it's healthy to masturbate when we are horny or as a form of healing or spiritual growth but it's not healthy to masturbate as a form of distraction. Sometimes I find myself seeking to masturbate in order to distract myself from difficult emotions but then I become consious to that and stop.

I also think that masturbation with vibrating sex toys harms the vulva so I don't use them and never recommend them.


My girl, Lila, I knew you would bring it.?. My clit is my erogenous zone. It's where I derive the most sexual pleasure. To have an orgasm, for me, my clit has to be stimulated. The best position for me when having intercourse with a man and for me to have an orgasm is if I'm laying on my stomach, him behind me and either him or me stimulating my clit at the same time he's inside. It's the best. My nipples are very perky and distinct and very sensitive too, so that's another area. Ok, enough of that incase I'm turning on any of you guys, it's not my intention, just expressing to Lila and responding to her comment☺️☺️?.

I think God invented sex because he knew how selfish we are as humans and we needed some major influence in order to reproduce. It had to be the number one pleasurable experience for us or else it wouldn't be able to successfully replicate itself over and over if it didn't provide something as enjoyable as sex for us to engage in. You're also right about the vibrating sex-toys being harmful as years ago when I used to use vibrators in my clit, I started to notice how it was becoming desensitized by just using my fingers. Didn't feel as stimulating and could barely feel anything. Luckily, I realized it early on and stopped using them. Only once in a blue moon if requested and provided because I don't own any. I don't even own a dildo. Lol. I don't own any sex toys. Only my fingers.

I eat a lot of plantains and, according to google, they are an aphrodisiac. I notice my drive gets stronger after eating them, green or ripe. I'd be like, why do I feel so horny today, oh, I had plantains for breakfast or dinner and all week. Oysters and sushi ain't got nothing on plantains, so eater beware.

Thanks, Lila for your input.

One Love....

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Masturbation gives pleasure and pleasure is addicitive, for me at least. When the urge comes, it's nearly impossible to not masturbate, which is almost daily and sometimes several times in a day.

I've noticed a pattern. There's expectations of high level satisfaction. You feel nearly forced to act to get there, but when you finally do, nothing really happens. The peak was not as high as expected, so you stay unsatisfied and you want to do it again and again and again, only to notice that the peak is lower and lower everytime you get there, but you're still urged to keep doing it.

I don't know about nofap, but it could be possible that limiting the amount you masturbate and doing it more mindfully could result with more satisfaction from it. If that counts as benefit. I haven't been really able to test this idea, because I've had issues with resisting expected pleasure in general.

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26 minutes ago, Rainy Sparkle said:

Masturbation gives pleasure and pleasure is addicitive, for me at least. When the urge comes, it's nearly impossible to not masturbate, which is almost daily and sometimes several times in a day.

I've noticed a pattern. There's expectations of high level satisfaction. You feel nearly forced to act to get there, but when you finally do, nothing really happens. The peak was not as high as expected, so you stay unsatisfied and you want to do it again and again and again, only to notice that the peak is lower and lower everytime you get there, but you're still urged to keep doing it.

I don't know about nofap, but it could be possible that limiting the amount you masturbate and doing it more mindfully could result with more satisfaction from it. If that counts as benefit. I haven't been really able to test this idea, because I've had issues with resisting expected pleasure in general.

Hi. Thank you for your input. Pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin and both can be addictive. Orgasms can be used as a creative tool and can bring manifestations to light if used properly. Most people only engage in sex to fulfill a need and because of that, the feeling afterwards can be unrewarding since Infinity is already complete and lacks nothing. If we seek pleasure to avoid pain we are denying a part of us that is trying to come to the light so it can be healed. 

We are looking for highs and avoiding lows when both are a part of the dual nature of Reality. It is not until we can drop our expectations and just enjoy ourselves as we are and realize that resistance is part of the evolution process and to not resist resistance, that we grow and start to enjoy the process rather than trying to benefit or gain from anything. 

I'm starting to understand that it's not so much what we do or don't do but how we process what's arising and if we have the desire to release some pent- up energy that way, to just go ahead and do that without thinking too much about it as long as were not harming anyone in the process and understand it's a bodily function which also can be used as a creative tool.

One Love....

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The only way you're gonna know is to try it out. It works for me. 


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