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  • Birthday 07/28/1985

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  1. To summarize.. your statement. “You are right, but here is why I am right for feeling/doing what I am doing/feeling/thinking… I have a right to feel this way because of what happened to me” Power can be defined as the ability to maintain a position in space. To have a space, to have a path. You lose your power, when you consider that you can be knocked off your path… the feeling of being forces away from what you know damn well is true from you. The feeling that someone has power over you, that you can't control. Well, you can give up that power or surrender that power. When you do that, you are declaring that I am weak… I am effect and he/she is cause… I am weak, and they are strong. Then to prove yourself right, you look for reasons to confirm why this is so. And you always find what you were looking for… Someone has power over me, so I must avoid the pain. Anything you can confront(face something comfortably and fully), you can handle. You can have. Anything that resists, persists and the less of you exists. Whatever you can confront, you can have… whatever you can’t/or prefer not to confront you want. What hurts you is the loss of Havingness. Your justifications… sound good. They sound very, very good. And please keep them if they serve you. You decide your fate, and your life. Good Luck. I honestly wish you the very, best.. and am sending you lots of love.. I sense you are a very good and beautiful person. And you are certainly right in your viewpoint. I see you as a caring and loving person, and I hope you continue to be the awesome person you are. You have a lot to contribute to the world, and don’t stop… keep going. LOVE JAX
  2. Being spiritual is being able to be exterior to the dualities of existence. And the compulsive need to prove yourself right, and not be wrong... is definitely one of the biggest problems and difficulties to be exterior to. It's not just my and your "cross" to bear, but everyone as well. Really contemplating that it is one of life's biggest traps that everyone is a "victim" of including myself. It is helpful to understand and realize that everyone is "right" in their viewpoint. Ever heard the phrase, "whether you can or you can't... you are right?" Any person can create millions of reasons to prove they are right... it is one of our natural abilities (infinate creation creates infinite "proof"). So, your mother is "right" just like you are "right" as well. So you are looking for someone to validate you and agree with you that you are right? Fine, you are right. You are completely and totally right. You have never been more right in your life. You are perfect, and everything that isn't perfect.. isn't you That's unfulfilling isn't it? I am not being sarcastic; I am being totally sincere. It is just you know God is no separation, but you want to feel justified in your decision to disconnect. Sorry but truth and force never mix... and whether I understand your suffering and validate it or not, you will still have that pain of separation "burning your soul". Though I am God... I cannot absolve you of your sins. Only you can do that. Just get comfortable with the idea that you can be right... and everyone else can be right too and you don't have to be wrong because of this. (and like Leo said in the blog, you are wrong, and that is all right) Of course, as you read this, your drive for survival will scream at you, telling you how wrong this statement is... I am not going to judge you for how handle your family. Just know you are the harshest judge of yourself... Just keep practicing love, and go easy on yourself, ok? LOVE
  3. Wow, I am very proud of you for creating the idea of 100% responsibility. That is a very powerful and advanced concept, that will really help you on your path… Super well done. I am super happy I was able to help you, even minutely! Yes, unconsciousness means hidden pain. Fear is simply a state of imperception, in that someone is unwilling to look at, or interact with something, be open to it. Perception is important to existence. So if you tell yourself not to perceive, to prevent the pain, you will be holding on to that fear of looking, touching, keeping it in your space… and since you are “always’ right in your viewpoint(survival mechanism); you wish shift your reality to prove you are right in some way, shape or form, even if it means limiting your abilities. Very, very, very well done for realizing that survival is the pleasure/pain dichotomy. Indeed, the simplest ideas have the most truth to them. There is only an ingenious of simplicity after all! Lol We all look through a “lens” which is “your own” viewpoint… this viewpoint, can see infinite viewpoints or a limited amount of viewpoints that create our reality. To embrace limitation, we must believe in the idea “the Truth Hurts” … even if it is unconscious. Of course, that is a lie. Only lies hiding the truth hurts, but unconsciously we avoid the truth in the area, because we identify the Truth with Lies and with pain. However, seeing the most simple things as true, will increase “your own’s” viewpoint to assume and take and handle any viewpoint even the ones they don’t prefer… because simplicity cleans up pain. Now its time for one of my simply simple phrases... lol.. Truth is an absence of… it is an absence of lies. So, to “find” Truth, you must address and remove the thing preventing it, lies. Anything not purely simple and beautiful is a lie. Because purity, simplicity and beauty reflect what you really are… and in you, the spirit doesn’t change… so with this idea in hand, you know that anything NOT purely simple and beautiful is LESS than the whole truth. Since it is less than the whole truth because you can not see it as purely, simple and beautiful… you know that there are some lies in your viewpoints… and they need to be handled before you see more truth… again... the truth you see is relative to the lies you are unconsciously holding on to that you “know” (falsely believe) to be true. “All that glitters is not gold” Now with this viewpoint in mind… look at this pop phrase again…. “Know the truth, and you shall set yourself free.” How does this apply to trauma again? Well, simple! Confess! Just imagine this for a moment. Some people say that the reason “ghosts” haunt houses is because they have “unfinished business.” Well, when you lose someone or something, you too become haunted… haunted by the past due to unfinished business. Everyone has said and done things they wish they didn’t do. Even if it is something they could have done but didn’t. There are things you did or didn’t do that you consider are not ok. So, confess… you don’t have to tell anyone. You just have to admit it, truthfully… remember the truth sets you free? So, write down a confessional of your “sins” include what you did, where you did it, when you did it, and how it happened (don’t include the why… the why is a lie). These 4 things help show the truth that can free you. This can stimulate feelings of pain, fear, procrastination, avoidance… because the more you look into the past, you dramatize those feelings into the present… its just a show.. a dramatization. Courage is the ability to face the lies, to face up to the pain and see the truth for what it actually is… which frees you. It’s not easy, of course as your natural preference and directive of survival is to avoid painful situations. When you do that, you will still miss the person from time to time… but now you don’t have that separation that you unknowingly created by your dirt. Remember truth is the absence of. So a relationship is an absence of separation… our “sins” is keeping one separate. Of course, they on only sins because you say they are, but they are barriers to unity after all because you are putting them there. Why does trauma often continue to persists? Because you are creating it, by not taking responsibility, and admitting to yourself what you yourself did or didn’t do for/to that person. You could have lied, or stole, or talked lies behind their back, or maybe you listened to some jerk and cut off your relationship with them, you could have cut them off… you could have denied them, you could have refused to help them when you should have… these are all hauntings in your mind… the hauntings of past “sins”. (whether they are real or not, they are real to you at the moment because they exist in your mind)
  4. Survival is reaching for pleasure and withdrawing from pain. People have a tendency to hold on to something (like a bad memory/experience) to prevent anything like that happening again. So if an experience reminds me of something they are holding on to, they will withdraw from it, because the other half of survival is withdrawing from pain. However, depending on what is going on in your life, especially if you are active, productive and involved and participating in life, the experience you were previously holding on to, is less harmful to you because your attention units are on other things. You could say the definition of insanity as attention stuck in the past. The handling is being able to redirect your attention units toward the present and your purpose. (Where to go/do and how to effectively get there.) After all, who is putting the attention units in the past? It's me, I am responsible... it doesn't matter what happened to me, I am the one that is recreating the events, I am the one that is creating the current suffering at the time, because it is my own inability to redistribute my attention units. It's me I am responsible. Since you are responsible, for what is currently happening to you..(never mind the past), you must handle that part. The definition of responsibility is the ability to be source of what you did and the willingness to admit cause. Or in other words, admitting and acknowledging and owning the things you yourself did. You don't have to admit to another person, unless you are willing to go that far. But you do need to face up to then things you did to create the situation. Make a list of things you did to put yourself there. Be willing to admit what you did wrong... even write down, where it happened, when it happened, how it happened and what exactly happen. Try to be as accurate as you can. (don't write why, as that will likely be a justification, denial or excuse) It doesn't matter what someone did to you, your are the one that is currently stuck... you know inside, there were things that you did that were wrong too... remove those things by taking responsibility for them and you will be able to free yourself easier from attention stuck in the past... Why do people have trouble moving on? Because there are some vital things about the situation, they didn't take responsibility for. Beyond that there are denials, justifications and excuses...
  5. Who's illusion? Who is thinking that doubtful thought?
  6. That is an idea beyond SD Turquoise, and I can understand your Pov. You are right,.. You, yourself can't. I most certainly am. lol Your understanding is proportional to the amount of complete, thorough, and accurate definitions you have. I can suggest one thing, though I doubt you will do it... which is fine. You can call the ability to admire as a divine particle. For example, if I feel a little out of it, I do this exercise. 1. Make a list of all the people you have a close association with. 2. Right 25 things you can admire about the person. 3. Find 3 people and tell them 3 of these things. 4. Repeat step three for at least a week. I for one will do the same process to the excess of 100 people or more a day, if I am in a particular funk. For me, it's effortless to make a conscious decision to be attracted to them. The ability to practice pure admiration, on people and things around me is one of the keys. Believe it or not, you choose. LOVE
  7. Lol. I just have to say it. I don't imagine a gay guy has much bedroom experience with straight women in the bedroom department. But seriously, the more you communicate about something and talk about it, you have a better understanding of it. So, that indicates that they are probably speaking more openly and freely and having a diverse array of conversations of many sexual related topics.
  8. **Facepalm** I guess even God can make mistakes... I have no words... humanity is fucked.... seriously fucked... There is no way in hell, this shit is real... we are in a cartoon and are entertainment for the Overlords... change my mind... There should be an adult Sex Ed class... because too many students were too busy jerking off nonsense. Lol, clearly I am in a bad mood. But, people need education about sex and relationships... badly... so badly. Badly, badly badly...
  9. You are right of course with your viewpoint. I can agree that it is a sign of weakness and a potential red flag.I am one of those that do pay, after all. Chilli, from TLC perhaps said it best, from the song, "No scrub" when she said... "Can't get wit' a deadbeat ass". I get it, I do. You definitely got some Jersey in you. lol I would invite you to consider that it is hard to find a diamond, or a beautiful amethyst on the street. A diamond has to be mined, found, cleaned, polished, cut and formed into something amazing a beautiful... you have to see the potential and then see if you can do something with it. Many men have suffered years of trauma, pain and torment, and betrayal... they are in poor condition. A diamond in the rough, buried in the mine.. in the muck and mud and mold... but there could be something there? I have found it quite profitable to look where those dare not peek. You find what you are looking for. What if there is more than you immediately see? An open mind is the seed of understanding.
  10. LMAO, very, very, very well done... The story of infinite stories... the dog with a head on both ends, looking for its tail... If I will spin just... a little more... I will find my damn tail! Lol, it's so fun to play around!
  11. You know what.. yeah, you are both right in your viewpoint (about the bill debate)… on one side getting dates from guys is often a hustle with some women. On the other side, don’t be petty and do these silly tests.. it’s confirmation bias… If it’s a big deal, just do a cheaper date… if the girl/guy is not into that… screw them. As for me, I am Italian… old school, not paying is a sign of weakness… I will pay… I don’t care, I am confident in my ability to generate money… it’s a matter of pride. I’m not a bum. I take the viewpoint of the boss in my life... dropping a few hundred… fuck it, it’s no problem. You wanna be scared like a rat? Some kitty gonna take a little of your cheese and you gonna be broke? Oh boohoo, what some more cheese with that whine? Well damn, get off that milk bottle and grow TF up. Produce more, be results oriented… be more Abundant, don’t be scared of shortage. When you play a video game, you don’t care if you lose… you may throw a temper tantrum, but you can easily reset and do it again… no problem… is especially if you like what you do. So you feed some lady bum, so what, forget about it (you did your charitable deed for the day, you're a saint)… reset and try again. Call it what you want, it’s a game. And you win by being able to win and loss with a good attitude, enthusiasm and joy of the game. Yeah a relationship is an exchange… you just have to have the right viewpoints… it makes all the difference in the world. You have the viewpoint of some sort of vision of what you want to create in a relationship… the viewpoint, of looking for ways to help the partner with what you have, and for ways for her to help you… Help is the medium of exchange and both of your willingness to help each other should be the measuring tool of the condition of the relationship. Help is not for free, sure you should give freely, and expect and receive freely as well… but one must be aware of the many and infinite forms of help…including, communication, companionship, affection, a smile, a hug… whatever.. (don’t be a shite and invalidate these) You bring light into a relationship in finding the good and bringing out the good, which reduces the effects of the bad. Machines you find what is wrong with them and fix that, People you find what’s good about them and nurture that. Bonus viewpoint- anything physical is dual. So you must recognize the cost of doing something and the cost of not doing something. You can’t have one without the other… one way or another you pay the piper… the best way to solve a problem is to increase the size of the problem, therefore lesser problems lose their power over you. And remember, any time you can't laugh you are off the track... Income (anything good that comes your way), favors the unserious, lighthearted and carefree... because that is survival... reaching for pleasure and withdrawing from pain... how serious can you be? Dead Serious... The more serious you are, the more dead in the water you are... a log floating on the water is pretty dead... so is a turd lol don't be a turd, drop that turd in the water and have fun! LOVE
  12. Awesome, super powerful! Don't agree to the limitations you imposed on yourself. The Physical Universe(or dimension if you want to call it that) is a sinkhole, pulling things into the void... into darkness... only light generated by you reverses the downward spiral. Something out of nothing. God makes a way out of no way... light, like love must flow freely and can't be possessed or captured... it is constant and never-ending expansion... Beautiful post!
  13. Nothing exists unless you put it there. I am talking about awareness, thought, and activity. If something is not in your sphere of perception, you are not being with that thing... you are not being present with it. You are not there (I am talking about awareness, thought and activity,) Love is simply the urge to share the same space with someone or something. Love occurs at zero time, and if you are not constantly putting it there, it ceases to exist. Imagine if the sun stopped shining for a few moments...The life on this planet would cease to exist. Again, love occurs at zero time... or before time... it takes no time to love something, just the intention(idea) to love for no reason at all and the removal of extraneous and counter intention. It is a mistake to think that love simply happens, no... you put it there and it only exists to the extent that you put it there and keep putting it there. The good feelings is a result of you putting it there, not the other way around. You have it backwards. What is a relationship? It is simply the pureness of the connection between particles. If the connection is not pure... there is some "dirt" some interference that you are putting, there or not putting there... or there is someone or something putting a barrier between you too. You could say a manifestation of strength is to love purely without any excuse to do otherwise. That is what makes a person, great, mighty and good.
  14. The spirit can’t resist. To have existence is to resist. It is something you put there to have a game. Something to resist, and something that resists. As I frequently state. Truth is what you put there. It is what is real from your viewpoint. The problem comes when you have fake realities…. By which I mean something that you have assigned as cause and consider yourself the effect of. It’s not delusions… it’s simply the mechanics. You find what you are looking for. In the end, the only thing a person really objects to is their lack of choice. It is interesting that “want” has a double meaning. Something you wish to obtain and something that you consider that you lack, or deprived of. Interesting, isn’t it? Truth and force do not mix. Why because you put it there, and when you try to put something else there, it changes because you find what you are looking for. The spirit creates something out of nothing. It’s most basic characteristic is ultimate reflectiveness. What does it reflect? The basic characteristic of the viewer that you put there. You put admiration there, you see admiration there, you put confusion and admiration there, that is what you see… as the spirit does not resist it uses existence to reflect what it sees. So what you put there is what is true, because you put it there. The number 1 spiritual law is that you are a nothingness that creates something out of nothing. Therefore, truth cannot be seen, or observed without knowing that you are the one that put it there. Define happiness. It is simply an effect, something that happens after you do something, or decide something. You put the idea that there is something called happiness and then decide that it is happening to you. This is what the spirit does(form something out of nothing). To the degree that you are capable of causative effects, you can decide where happiness is or it is not. You are a spirit. That is the most important thing that you can know. A spirit is the one that creates something, you put it there. Beauty in something only exists because you put it there. It’s not limitations, it you that put beauty and decide that it is beautiful… things are dead, just particles until you put the beauty, joy and life into things. Of course, having a game is important… there are infinite amount of games. First this masculine/feminine dynamic isn’t very real to me. Neither is transcendence. What is considered normal, is agreeing with other points of view as what is normal. However, in your native state.. the component parts are no space, no time, no agreement, source, knowingness, cause and creation. These are what are used to construct something out of nothing. It doesn’t matter if you are in your native state or not… they are the parts that are used to create “life particles” Which are used to create something.. to create the conditions for existence. Your most basic Freedom is the ability to assume any possible viewpoint. Having the ability and willingness to admire anything for no reason at all. These are native abilities, not defined by such lesser considerations of this so-called masculine and feminine. To tell the truth, I could not even define the idea of masculine and feminine.. so we do not share a reality regarding this. Anything physical of course is a shared reality. But, first I would have to create the reality and then agree with what others consider to be reality… You see you can not escape this so called, transcendence whether you want to or not. It is a decision to be or not to be, or to agree or not to agree. These are simply excuses and justifications. If you consider life is complex, unfair or ugly… you simply don’t understand enough of the rules. There doesn’t need to be a reason to choose a path. It was nothing before you decided that it is something. Just a thought, a consideration. Reasons are simply self deceptions. They are a substitute for knowing something. To put is succinctly… all the freedom and slavery you will ever experience is found in the midst of your considerations. When you break down a decision it goes like this.. First you have a miscommunication with something... Then you have a misunderstanding of something... that there is something out of alignments of what you consider to be true, a disagreement, a separation, a barrier to the interchange between ideas, as well as apparent pull away from that thing.. such as trying to force two identical magnetic polarities together. Then, we get into the realm of limitations… you consider you failed, or lost something, that something is non optimal… it is the realm of control.. the consideration that there is something there that you did not intend, or doesn’t belong or something that is unwanted.. something related to your survival, that challenges your considerations… the introduction of a counter intention… Which causes you to consider something is an unwanted effect… since it is unwanted… you drop responsibility for it which is to lie to yourself and say you are not the cause of it (responsibility is simply the willingness to accept cause)… which assigns importance… something you must do about it… whether if it is to avoid it prevent it, or to stop or change it, fight it, drop it or in any other way react to it. In this way to drop it and put it on something else… It is the decision to say I am weak and you are strong… but I am right and you are wrong.. but since I decided I am weak I must prove myself right and confirm so, so I will act as if I am so… that something other than… It is a beautify and amazing mechanism. As I say repeatedly… You find what you are looking for. Since you create something out of thin air, you will find what you put there. The problem is removing what doesn’t belong. It is like an artist painting, you add and detract from your portrait as it is yours… to the degree that you consider it is something or someone else is the author, you will know tragedy and devolve into thinking, rationality, looking for confirmation, forcing something that doesn’t belong in your personal portrait which causes pain. Why are you considering as God as something as external to you? Do you not make something out of nothing. You are your viewpoint on others, you put love, beauty and admiration into existence and that is what you are… you put imperfection ugliness, confusion, complexity and impurity that is what you are because you can not be wrong as truth has the characteristics of ultimate reflectiveness… your viewpoint makes it so.. it’s not something you see it is something you put there. There is no human experience, only your ideas about human experience that you reinforce and create… something out of nothing after all. You are perfect and anything that isn't perfect isn't you. Winning and losing is relative to your viewpoint on whether you can maintain the same level of enthusiasm and joy from it regardless of the form it takes... which is a godly action in its self... not a human consideration... consider that... There really is only one “law” that is really worth knowing. That is that you are the source of your thought, awareness and activity. You have the ability to create something out of nothing. It is this certainty, not knowledge, that makes possible. It is the ability to know you put it there, and that you can create something out of nothing, and that you are the decider of your willingness exorcise this power or not, by your choice and your choice alone. It is simply a matter of preference. And preference is a beautiful thing. For it is your game. Its not about a path. A path is just something you do through your own personal viewpoint. As I mentioned, Truth is simply an absence of… it’s not even one… The spirit is this “thing” that knows and creates something out of nothing. What you put there is true… I like the idea of a postulate being an “ithere”, as in I put it there… I-there! Lol As for your path, I consider it very valid for you. My objection is your assertion that objective truth cannot be known. Truth is an absence of… therefore, it is the removal of.. rather than the seeking of… how in the world can you seek a “nothing”. It is not even one as one signifies quantity… when a particle comes together it ceases to exist after all… truth has no continuation because it is not existence… you put an idea and existence forms around it. Of course the greatest pretense is that it is not all a pretense... I have no intention to force you off your own road of truth, far from it… I simply wished to engage in an interchange of ideas, just for fun. I created a reason because there is no reason… an interchange is just the consideration that there is something one does not know and wishes for an exchange, thank you for participating and indulging… it is a mockup of a disagreement as it is the vessel of and exchange to balance an imbalance. My point, is you don’t have to have a reason to decide to embrace a human experience. It simply is. That is our “gift from god” to postulate without confirmation and to decide to confirm and limit ourselves in this confirmation… there is no need to “surrender” just decide to embrace for no reason at all other than just to do it. Love your idea about expanding and contracting… beautiful pure and simple and it is true because you decided to create it! LOVE LOVE LOVE
  15. Nonsense... You were simply unwilling to confront. Confront can be defined as what you put there, that stretches time ( motion and change of particles and the reaction pulled in by an action) and results in existence you can(amount you are willing to...) face. That is a very technical definition so here is a more simple one, which is more useful and workable. Confront is the ability to fully and comfortably face without having to flinch, avoid, react or do anything but be there... Another way of saying it is being in a location without having to do anything but be there. Truth is an abscence of all falseness... So to confront is to "Be without" "then you can truly communicate (again... Truth is an abscence of... Which is duplicating another idea WITHOUT interference) So your post reveals that you confronted to a limited degree, but you didn't fully confront... And then foolishly concluded that you can't confront or know. You have massive resistance... As you admitted. Definition of resistance? "Holding close in an effort to avoid what you consider you are not willing to experience, what you consider you don't like, what you consider you are not willing to admire. Resistance is an effort to confront by force(a thinkingness). (Truth and force don't mix... When you try to force it, it changes it's appearance not itself basic characteristics.) The result is a forced confront which is resistance. Anything that increases your willingness to experience,to like or admire increases confront. Here are some indicators of resistance: Randomities - anything that happens not under the control of you... Assigning source to anyone,anything but you.. this includes shame, blame and regret. Confusions- anytime you have a situation where you don't have an immediate solution for something. You don't you... You claim we can't know, but we can create solution use them and know the work... Part of the game of life is to solve problems and if you are confused, you have something to solve or a problem, just because someone considers one can't know, doesn't mean the are unable to know a great amount of things they assume they can't. Justifications- anytime you open mouth to explain anything... Explaining away the most obvious wrongness... Humans number one fear is to fully confront they were wrong... They will say... "Oh, I didn't know" "or it was an accident, or I didn't mean to.. " or say... I am wrong... But...." "It only happened because.... Or some other denial or excuse to explain or cover up being wrong. Excuses- giving "reasons" instead of knowing... People insist on having a reason for something... And it is almost always wrong... If you don't know the exact reason which solves the problem and gives the solution it's a false reason, this an excuse. Traps- Everytime things happen to you, that you do not realize it is going to happen to you...( Often manifestations of the above) Insanities- every time you look for knowingness through looking at the past...( Oh, this will spark something in a lot of people). Fear is a state of imperception and unwillingness to look, know, confront, perceive, communicate... and yes you have a massive degree of fears, doubts and resistance that you are holding on for dear life.... It's not that no one wants to know truth... They simply have too many things they are unwilling to let go of... PS - emerald I dont usually bother to comment on posts, as I generally allow others to believe as they choose but I like and respect you, I hope this isn't too harsh. And to get back of topic, that's the issue... You can say it's money, women, or your dream car... Those are just "reasons" and if you actually knew the reason you would not have a problem but know the solution instantly... Truth is an abscence of.... The more your viewpoint has an abscence of unwanted problems and effects, the more truth you will know. LOVE