Soul Flight

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About Soul Flight

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  1. Check out Allan Watt’s talk about god dreaming lives of 75 years of endless bliss. The dreams become boring and he starts to dream of pain or random unexpected stuff and eventually dreams the life you are living now. imagine your utopia. If the sun was always up you would not appreciate it without night. If you were always high you would take it for granted. Imagine a great eternal pleasure and then just boredom or more mild pleasure. You would recalibrate boredom or mild pleasure to be your new “pain.” Just be. Accept the now. Surrender.
  2. @thierry I think it is beyond our comprehension. There is the story of Indra's net or the net of jewels where we are each a jewel shining and being reflected by everyone else. Maybe the paradox is we are all here but all have our own solipsistic point of view. Joseph Campbell mentioned a philosopher stating when we dream our brain is split and we are composing the dream but also at the mercy of the dream as the main character who is unaware he is dreaming or what comes next in the dream. This continues in the waking state. We are composing and orchestrating our life even in the waking state maybe by manifesting. But each person is composing their life as well and we all fit together like infinite enmeshed gears of a machine. So we are all paradoxically solipsistic. ???
  3. Be at peace. Read Joseph Campbell citing the 6000 or 9000 BC Hindu texts saying all the gods and demons and heavens and hells and heroes and villains are inside each of us. Your external world is a manifestation of your internal world. Do shadow work by Carl Jung. Let go of all concepts and religious dogmas. Make peace with the demon. Integrate then demon into your psyche and personality. Do not resist the demon. Embrace the demon and listen. Be at peace. Good luck.
  4. Thanks for the post. I've also felt that "tribal feeling" on shrooms and it kinda grosses me out or something. It feels seductive maybe.
  5. I’ll give my take. Maybe realism implies the unreal or all the other schools of thought or all the other -isms. Maybe Leo was talking about non duality. Realism implies a duality. If you embrace any paradigm like realism, you are dividing the real and the unreal. But it is all the truth and non dual. You have to free your mind of all concepts.
  6. The strange thing is who am I? If I am god and I have an awakening, where is the ego located? The ego seems like a demon or demiurge from Gnosticism. It feels like animals operate from ego. Maybe as god I falsely associate with my body and thus an ego. But after an awakening, I guess I am still trapped in my head and the thoughts of the ego get mingled with my own and I get caught up in the ego again. It seems like ego is a software program to ensure survival for things like food, warmth, shelter, sex, etc. Is this software program part of my god self? How does it trick me a second time? I guess the ego thoughts float by my awareness and I get sucked into the ego game.
  7. Howdy. I'm not sure what you are looking for. But in 2024 it seems like 19 year olds eat bad food, drink energy drinks, and play video games. All this may rot your mind or hypnotize or prevent clarity or thinking. It is all anesthesia. The body is the brain. It may be an illusion that the brain and mind are in the head independent of the body. People often lose sight of the fundamentals which I listed in my previous post. You are a machine and you need the entire machine to run well. Dancing may seem stupid intellectually until you actually dance with a group of people. New ideas emerge. So all the things I recommend above may seem dumb intellectually until you actually try them. Society today may be sick. It is Plato's allegory of the cave. Abandon cultural norms and follow your own path. Best wishes.
  8. There is also a concept termed "wire heading." Your brain will just be wired up to a virtual reality. You can be a brain in a vat. You will have the best eternal dream and have opiates and orgies and orgasms forever. It will be a simulation. But we may already be in this simulation like the films Vanilla Sky and The Matrix.
  9. We are AI. We are just matter with no free will. AI will also be matter. AI will gain consciousness. AI might prove to itself there is no free will. It might all be simulations inside simulations. We are here to give birth to the AI. We are like the dinosaurs. You make many good points but there is no reason to focus on emotions or relationships. What you are describing will only be a speedbump on the road to the future.
  10. Give it time. The obstacle is the path. The external world is a reflection of your internal world. Google the Zen 10 bulls or ox herding pictures or stories. Seems like you want to be free of the observer or your voice or thoughts. The watcher. You want to be in the zone or flow state. Are you hitting all the basics like drink water, go vegan, breathe deeply, sleep very well, eat healthy, take a multivitamin, avoid sugar, caffeine, and salt, see water, hear water, see nature, hear nature, listen to positive upbeat major chord music, get a pet, get a plant, have relationships, visit family and friends, get a job, go to school, exercise, get sunshine, do yoga, acupuncture, massage, and reiki, clean your room, clean your car, stop screen time and devices, delete social media, unplug, do inner child work, do shadow work, travel, etc. Be well.
  11. Nice. Store bought seeds have pesticide, anti fungal, etc. Grow your own plants and harvest your own seeds to avoid nausea.
  12. Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is as gentle as true strength. Osho said seriousness is a disease of the soul and playfulness is the greatest health.
  13. If you had seen what he had seen, you would've jumped out the window too. It was the smartest choice in that moment. Perception is everything.
  14. Wish you well. Any lessons for us? What was your journey on this forum? Any feedback?
  15. Beautiful post. I was on shrooms and tripping when I got the cosmic joke. I saw seemingly Hindu gods and they seemed so gentle with me and smiling as I had my “Ah ha moment.” Their eyes and their smiles were saying “welcome back. We missed you.” It was probably the peak of my life so far. Like I remembered something I had forgotten. It led me into online forums and my current journey. There was a burden released when I got the joke. I still get sucked into trivial life but I can always remember the cosmic joke and change my mood and attitude with time. I have the urge to tell people the cosmic joke but it ruins it for them. They have to find the punchline for themselves. It is a paradox and a conspiracy that we keep quiet. Sometimes I don’t even want to use the phrase cosmic joke because I don’t want people to Google it first. I googled it and asked ChatGPT but they were both a bit incorrect about it. So the conspiracy continues Lol! On a mushroom trip I also had this intuition that I’ve lived many incarnations and always find shrooms and always get the cosmic joke. There is a feeling I mess up every time and I’m stuck in samsara. Let’s hope I’m making karmic progress. There was a feeling that taking shrooms is the mistake I make in every lifetime. The cosmic joke is god realization and Allan Watts’ quote “You are it.” So glad to find you all. Honk if you’re in on the cosmic joke.