
Write down your opinion about alcohol

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How bad is alcohol? Im on school trip and it left me to be more curious how does a person should react to alcohol. How many bad effects are there, is it worth it in the end, should i drink with my friend? How does it affect mental health? How should i try out alcohol, what should i drink first to get a taste? What are your experiences with alcohol?

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I used to think it was really dumb, because I would drink a lot and it would taste bad and I wouldn't feel much different. Plus, it's a diuretic, so all it would really do for me is make me piss a lot for no reason. It turns out I just have a high tolerance, so I needed to go for harder alcohols (20% alcohol or more) like vodka and whiskey. I like having them combined with some kind of soda or something sweet. But, I've also noticed that my tolerance for exogeneous stimulants in general is very high, even caffeine doesn't have much of an effect on me, so you shouldn't expect to have the same tolerance as me. I would start off with a 5% alcohol drink like a White Claw or something and see how it affects you. 

If you're normally very introverted, you'll probably find its effect on your state very interesting. I think it's worth experiencing. It will make you more social and easy-going, there will be less filters on what you think and speak. It's a nice feeling.

I still don't like wine or beer, they taste awful and don't do much for me. 

I know that people get addicted to alcohol, but I don't find it to be addictive at all. Maybe because I'm already very health-conscious. I only ever drink it if I'm going to some social event and they happen to have it there, otherwise I've never purposefully gone out and bought it for myself.

As for health:

Edited by Osaid

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There is zero reason to drink. It destroys people.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Best to drink as little as possible, if at all.

There are some studies that suggest that red wine in moderation can have positive health affects but this is far from certain. 

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I only drink it when clubbing because it gives me so much value in terms of confidence, having fun and letting go. The poison is worth it. 

Edited by StarStruck

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It's little change in consciousness for a lot of side effects.

Not worth it, imo. Maybe if I were out in the city with a girl then I would drink one portion of something, but otherwise no.

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It’s very bad for you, but it’s also fun as fuck. That’s why people do it, no point denying that it makes socialising 10000 times better. 

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There exist many worse things than drinking. It's a rigid state of mind to be completely against it. Don't listen to anyone telling you there's zero reason to drink - that would be like someone telling you there's zero reason to drink coffee because they don't feel any effects or don't like it. 

That being said, any substance comes with this problem - will you like it too much? 


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I kinda like it. If MDMA is Love, DMT is Consciousness, Coffee is Productivity then for me alcohol is Fearlesness. It has certain lessons to teach. But the thing is, as @Girzo said - for the amount of change in perception that it produces it has HUGE consequences. Like no other substance it really makes you so tired the next day. Makes you fucking sick literally. So there is no point in using it. 

Edited by Arthogaan

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19 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

Like no other substance it really makes you so tired the next day. Makes you fucking sick literally.

Personally never experienced this

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55 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

. It has certain lessons to teach.


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4 hours ago, StarStruck said:

I only drink it when clubbing because it gives me so much value in terms of confidence, having fun and letting go. The poison is worth it. 

I agree. Yes even though Im all for my health, alcohol is my guilty pleasure. I dont drink often but like the confidence and temporary good feeling it gives you.

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There are reasons to use alcohol. But - in my mind - for every one of them there's a better substance for it.

Alcohol just has a really bad side-effect profile.

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DMT is far superior.

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It's poison.

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I personally think excessive alcohol consumption destroys a lot of lives but if you actually look at a county by county map at least in the United States of which counties drink and then look at another map of the lifespan of counties you'll notice that the counties that drink the most alcohol have the longest lifespans. It's a curious anomaly that I haven't fully explained yet as a guy who tries to figure out how everything works and enjoys these types of statistics.

My theory would be that the alcohol might dilate the blood vessels lowering one's blood pressure or that the positive emotions generated from its consumption actually have some tangible health benefits. There are also antioxidants in certain alcohols such as wine and dark beers.

I would say everything in moderation and be careful with this All or nothing mentality when it comes to any issue just use common sense. Life is not black and white it's literally an infinite number of shades of Gray.  I grew up in eastern Wisconsin and now live in eastern South Dakota and both of these areas and all the land in between is full of drinkers.




Edited by sholomar

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Not a fun drug.

Pretty toxic. 

It's great for making extracts and tinctures.

Isopropyl is useful for sanitization. 

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It's poisonous. Don't drink, preferably.

But I'm a hypocrite. I drink occasionally but when I do it's a lot; I stay just below the line of blackout. I only drink beers so I can track my alcohol intake precisely when drunk.

I mostly utilize it to bond with people I already know. I rarely drink outside my house or at parties. The interactions I have or "friends" I make while drunk seem very fake afterwards and I can't shake that feeling off. I like being authentic when socializing and I don't feel like that's the case when I drink with people I don't know.

Adding to that, I'm one of the rare people that have the "hangover effect", where you feel better the day afterwards. So it's cool.

Edited by Espaim

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