
Andrew Tate changed me in two weeks

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32 minutes ago, thisintegrated said:

A reference to the AMA!???

An easter egg??  Now I'm expecting a sequel that involves a cat and a coyote.

Cat eats mouse? That was my experience :D 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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11 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Cat eats mouse? That was my experience :D 

Leo was a mouse. ate Leo?

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This is why I taught you Spiral Dynamics, so that you can understand what level which teaching was at.

There is value in teachings at every stage. But also tradeoffs, limits, and unhealthy manifestations of each stage.

Tate got cancelled because he went overboard with the unhealthy parts of his stage.

The problem with teaching selfishness is that selfishness boomerangs. And so it has for Tate. As it should. And so it will for you one day if you are not more careful.

You teach men to be stage green mostly but stage green without healthy stage blue-orange is weak. Unhealthy stage green is bad with women, bad with business, suicidal, aimless (because of solipsism or similar beliefs) and you can see here on the forum from the amount of questions asked.  

Masculinity of stage blue-orange is needed to build upon that. You could say that Tate is toxic and that is why he is canceled but why did he got popular in the first place? Thanks to toxic green and oppressing femininity of stage green. Obviously Tate said a few toxic things but mostly it is cut out of context and for click bat. In his programs there is no toxicity.  I can tell from direct exp. 

I’ve studied a lot of stage yellow and that is why I can say these things. Stage green has to learn from stage orange to move up to stage yellow. I just extract what is useful and incorporate it. 

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1 hour ago, thisintegrated said:

Leo was a mouse. ate Leo?

I only eat p-cat.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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9 hours ago, thepixelmonk said:

oh god here we go again -__-



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I see a lot of parallels with these Dan Pena, Jason Capital, Derek Moneyberg etc. characters. It seems these guys attract insecure men who want to overcompensate by becoming some pseudo "alpha male", based on some unrealistic views of what masculinity is. A lot of these men will accept some literal exploitation, not getting paid for years and getting fired in one moment for being late two minutes to meeting with Derek or having Dan Pena yell face red in anger at them how much of a loser they are, all in the name of "toughening up". Jason Capital I don't know much about, but seems to have somewhat of a similiar approach. All these guys also of course have some positive elements to them, but the underlying theme seems to be similiar to what it is with this Tate character. They are marketing a dream of becoming some greek god, total embodiment of a skewed idea of masculinity. 

Probably the signal is something like many men feeling like they lack a place in society and the world and then choose to overcompensate by attempting to become some mythologized version of a man, some hyper masculine character that gets what they want and does what they want with some God level powers. But as long as it's coming from insecurity, those outside "accomplishments" will not fix the lack of self-worth inside. At best these practices will allow for a conditional sense of self worth, where the person comes to depend on being that character to get their needs met, instead of turning inwards, becoming more in touch with themselves and going about getting their needs met in a much more healthy and sustainable manner in the outer world as well.

It is very good to deeply embody masculine energy and to integrate it and also express it. But what many of these guys are presenting is not that. I wish people like David Deida, even Tyler and some "pua" teachers that have some integrity and integral views would become more popular, it might actually transition society to a healthier, more balanced place. But of course that is a pipe dream, wisdom is rarely mainstream. Even with these healthier teachings, likely the less wise and more toxic aspects and interpretations would flourish and go mainstream, especially with the current state of social media algorithms.. but the rewards for a more balanced approach will be felt at the level of the individual also of course, so there's still lots of incentive to go the more balanced path.


Edited by TheAlchemist

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@KH2 Obviously no one took money from his pocket, but being banned from social media for life is a huge blow to business.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@StarStruck Yo dude.

One other thing you might find value in is to think about the potential consequences of your watching Tate's videos and also recommending Tate's message on the forum in what seems to me to be strong. My understanding of my intention is not to demand you think in the way I describe or agree with it. Instead my intention is to offer you a perspective.

I'm not, at least to my primary understanding, attempting to change your view. However, I do want to encourage you to tate what I see to be a more conscious perspective on the effects of your actions. I've made an attempt to be relatively non-bias in the questions I've made to you below.

I note you said you have some stage yellow, and so I am of the understanding that you are able to think in the way i describe below.

Is it possible that by watching Tate's video you will inadvertently pick up ideas around women that will mean that you unconsciously are more hostile towards women?

Is it possible that by recommending Tate's videos on the forum other folks on the forum will follow Tate, and have negative experiences and repercussions in their own lives? Perhaps, but for your post another person would have chosen Stephen Covey as their masculine identity. 

Is it possible by recommending Tate's videos on the forum some other people will actually have some positive experiences they otherwise wouldn't have had? Perhaps, a few people have found a masculine role model now that they otherwise wouldn't have had, and they end up with a loving, beautiful girlfriend.

To what extent do i care about the effects of my actions? I.e. do i care about how another user might act differently in consequence of my actions? Do I care about how that user might act in their relationships?



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@Ulax totally appreciate your input.  Tate is not a role model for me for the record. I see him more as an alter ego. He is the exact opposite of what I'm and I'm using Tate to balance myself out if you know what I mean; and with good results.

I will definitely look into Marshall Rosenberg and Stephen Covey but from my google search: they don't really tap into the masculinity aspect of stage blue/orange. I've had my fair share of weak sauce stage green content. It really feminizes people. This forum has to get a reality check. I'm not saying this forum is a cult but there is definitely a bubble effect going on on this forum.  Leo is too much feminized and prone to pleasure and leisure. He misses the masculine traits to be fully actualized. And a lot of people are following his lead which is destructive. If read posts of this forum crying for help it says more than enough.

I'm aiming to be full yellow so I know the dangers of Tate. I won't fall for it. I'm just saying that people on this forum are prejudiced about him.  They make accusations without having followed his programs. 

5 hours ago, KH2 said:

If you mean tens of millions in lost opportunity, then maybe. He didn't lose shit though. Just cause Meta, couple of other social media, Uber and a couple of UK based banks with payment processors banned him, doesn't mean he suffered much of a loss. He doesn't even need his own social media accounts anyway. And his main ways of making money remain untouched - if cashflow is untouched, then there's really no loss. Plus he's got a lot of his money in crypto. PLUS, he's making his own, new platform in the middle of november.

Personally though, I think it's dangerous that people celebrate him getting banned. People don't seem to realize that this barely affects people like him, because his assets and ways of making money are so diversified. If this happened to them, they'd go completely bankrupt, and cry their eyes out every night, before they go to sleep.

He being banned is one of the best things that happened. It will only make him bigger. Now he has the victim card.

The conjuncture will be in his favor.  Society is too feminized, weak and fragile. Men are looking for answers and Andrew Tate is there to understand them.

Just fumbling these men away and suppressing their voice won't make anything disappear. Toxic stage green is desperately trying to suppress blue/orange but this will blow up in their face in a major way:


Edited by StarStruck

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26 minutes ago, evgn said:

@StarStruck what excatly program your are refering to? Could you please share?

It is not allowed to advertise it on this forum

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26 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

This guy had to step down from his CEO position because he posted a ten second clip partying with Tate the censorship goes DEEP

that's fucked up.

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15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   OMG, came across this video, both really sad and funny, and somehow Andrew Tate's in it. Guys, please don't let this happen to you, develop yourself into a strong guy, the only strong guy in existence in her eyes, okay boys? Don't mind slightly misleading title and thumbnail.


That was funny af

16 hours ago, Yarco said:

I think we run into a problem with figures like this, where we make perfect the enemy of the good.

Yes, we should be striving as a whole to do better than Andrew Tate.

But if you come from a stage blue society like the Bible Belt of the Southern US, a country where Sharia Law is practiced, or a place in Africa where female genital mutilation is still commonplace and albinos are killed for witchcraft.... Andrew Tate is a big step up.

Maybe the odd person can skip an Spiral Dynamics stage. But you can't take people en-masse who are listening to everything their Imam is telling them as truth, and move them straight up to Noam Chomsky or Eckhart Tolle. You need a figure like Andrew Tate to bridge that gap.

If someone is going to admire and model themselves after Andrew Tate or a mafia boss, I think we should help them gravitate more toward Andrew Tate. Maybe someday they'll transcend that to something better, or at least their children will.

You gotta meet people where they are. Otherwise you end up just demonizing everyone below you. That doesn't help them, and actively makes society worse for yourself and your kids.

True that. My whole point of this thread was what you said. But people got their panties up in a bunch when they read Andrew Tate in the title.

My whole point of this thread is this in a nutshell: if you don't have a strong blue-orange, and go straight to heavy duty spirituality and psychedelics you end up like an egg that hatches to early and you end up with a weak sauce chick.

Healthy blue-orange masculinity gives responsibility, integrity, discipline and maturity that is needed for higher spirituality.
If not people end up like a chick that hatched too early, become aimless, suicidal or crazy. That one guy that ended up crazy (famous youtuber: I forgot his name) is basically a Frankenstein created by Actualized dot org and is chasing Leo's legacy. And Leo still doesn't get the memo.
Only people who have a strong blue-orange can handle heavy duty spirituality and psychedelics.

Edited by StarStruck

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11 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Only people who have a strong blue-orange can handle heavy duty spirituality and psychedelics.


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 minute ago, Thought Art said:
13 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Only people who have a strong blue-orange can handle heavy duty spirituality and psychedelics.


I would phrase what he said differently. It is not that people that are in stage green or even yellow can't explore psychedelics and awakening properly. Rather that for most people, it is important to actually go through stage orange, and not just skip it. I feel that many people force themself to be stage green or yellow when they just aren't, that's where the problem is.

I don't think there is any problem with being stage orange, and in my mind, I am really trying to explore this stage, so that I can properly transition to yellow, which is most definitely a better stage to be. 

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@TheAlchemist love your take on Tate and the new masculinity movements. Agree nearly 100 percent. But I have to say that sculpting a great physique is quite intrinsically satisfying. it's just nice to occupy that body :) if you use it for your sense of self worth however, it's toxic of course.

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28 minutes ago, Thought Art said:


With all respect, did it work out for you? I have been following your journey for a while now.

18 minutes ago, UpperMaster said:

I would phrase what he said differently. It is not that people that are in stage green or even yellow can't explore psychedelics and awakening properly. Rather that for most people, it is important to actually go through stage orange, and not just skip it. I feel that many people force themself to be stage green or yellow when they just aren't, that's where the problem is.

I don't think there is any problem with being stage orange, and in my mind, I am really trying to explore this stage, so that I can properly transition to yellow, which is most definitely a better stage to be. 

For the record, people can do whatever they like. If they want to zonk out their mind and they are adults they can exercise their rights.
In my opinion it will fuck up their lives.
It is like reading the end chapter of life while you are in chapter 3/10.
Why would you do that? What kind of person would want that?

I mean I do LSD on a regular basis but I'm not against it. I'm building myself up for the big questions, and that is how it should be in my opinion.

Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck I didn’t know what you meant. Your stage has nothing to do with how you handle a trip. I thought if you were at lower stages it would be harder to handle if anything. 

Yes, psychs have improved my life and mental health a lot. Them, in combination with Qigong, journaling and reading. 

But, getting orange and blue down in a healthy way is important. It’s actually what I’m doing now. Mostly orange. 

I am in the best place in my life.

Though, I has residual negative thoughts from when I was younger that still bother me. That has nothing to do with drugs though. 

Not really sure if your Judging me or something. I don’t care what you think anyway. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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7 minutes ago, Thought Art said:


But, getting orange and blue down in a healthy way is important. It’s actually what I’m doing now. Mostly orange. 

Haven't you been reading the post on this forum? I have come across countless threads in which people explaining they realized solipsism and afterwards lost their motivation to work on their life purpose (for which a strong SD blue-orange is needed)


I didn’t know what you meant. Your stage has nothing to do with how you handle a trip. 

Study spiral dynamics more carefully. The stages are build up, you can't cheat the stages. It is highly unproductive.

Edited by StarStruck

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