
I refuse to participate in Capitalism and it's destroying me

76 posts in this topic

@Dinkle64 Be very careful with this kind of thinking. You don't comprehend what capitalism is. It's not what Marxists think it is.

You don't have an option to leave capitalism so long as you're alive. Even if you build that cabin in the woods you will still be inside of capitalism. You will still have to trade for resources somehow. You are like an ant who says that he refuses to participate in the ant colony and it's destroying him. Yeah, of course it's destroying you. You are an ant. You cannot survive outside the colony. That's something you have to accept.

Rather than rejecting how civilization works, leave to operate effectively within it. This doesn't mean you have to sell out.

You can run a higher consciousness business and enjoy it and help people as well. This is the way.

Stop consuming Marxist ideology. It's poisoning your mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Go watch the movie Into the Wild. That is serious advice for this situation. 

In general, the probability that you’ll actually be happier separated from society is quite low. 

You don’t want to participate in capitalism but likely are already participating in capitalism to some extent in nearly every action you take. The problem is that many of these actions give money to people with likely less integrity, depth, and compassion than you possess (assuming that you’ve been doing the work promoted by Leo since you’re on this forum in the first place). Rather than creating value through a higher conscious business, you do pretty much nothing to impact society by postponing starting a business out of what I personally would interpret as a mostly false sense of virtue. 

Creating a business that solves real-world problems and creates value for many others while doing so from the vantage point of a higher conscious position is of incredible importance for our modern era. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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10 hours ago, Dinkle64 said:

@Bobby_2021 It's not Delusional, someone later said that it's still possible in the far future but there is a strong possibility that my ego is using this conundrum as some sort of shield to hide from something 


@SamC Maybe, but I do also want to seperate self-love from ego-love, I think moreso than anything else being out of touch with love and living in angst because of NOT wanting something


Why should you not want something? That's also an attatchment;) what you are ultimately lacking is clarity and conciousness. Watch Leo's new video about making decisions.

Gain more clarity, objective perspective of what you want and what you are afraid of regarding not wanting to participate in something evil and the problem will melt away. Leo also despised marketing.. yet he still has saved and enhanced so many lifes. You need to play the game consciously and when you do that and then get the neccesary success to stop doing " heavy' marketing it will naturally fall of. Also watch Leo's " conciousness alone" is curative

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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15 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

This is called lack of responsibility.

You write: "I'd rather venture to the woods and build my own cabin FROM SCRATCH" and yet you haven't.

You say you have plenty of business ideas, and there are plenty of ways to enact them consciously, and yet you haven't.

Leo himself has multiple episodes on how to do this; this entire Actualized.org website is a living example of it; and yet you chose to whine.

If you're really not lazy, then go make it happen.

Calm down bro

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Dinkle64 Be very careful with this kind of thinking. You don't comprehend what capitalism is. It's not what Marxists think it is.

You don't have an option to leave capitalism so long as you're alive. Even if you build that cabin in the woods you will still be inside of capitalism. You will still have to trade for resources somehow. You are like an ant who says that he refuses to participate in the ant colony and it's destroying him. Yeah, of course it's destroying you. You are an ant. You cannot survive outside the colony. That's something you have to accept.

Rather than rejecting how civilization works, leave to operate effectively within it. This doesn't mean you have to sell out.

You can run a higher consciousness business and enjoy it and help people as well. This is the way.

Stop consuming Marxist ideology. It's poisoning your mind.


I've worked in companies that treat me bad and ones that treat me well.

Capitalism involves exploitation but some are businesses are better than others. 

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15 hours ago, Dinkle64 said:

This guy looks like a good example of a free spirit, by our standards he's just a homeless man living on an island but nonetheless, he seems like he is okay with that, so that's great.  However, the more I realize it I am a long ways off from that person, my ego is still heavily involved in societal matters

In the end, the old man is just doing what he believes what he should be doing. He walks his talk, and that's integrity. It's also philosophy in action. Luckily for him, he is satisfied with living alone on the island, and that's what matters. It would have been better if he was completely self-sustainable, which means he doesn't need to receive money from his sister to shop on another island for survival needs once a month.


15 hours ago, Dinkle64 said:

but I think instead what I truly need is to start taking pride and seeing the beauty in what this system has done and could do.

Yes. I think the best way is to have both worlds. You can participate in this current civilization and its systems in your own way. Enjoy your PC, internet, coffee, pizza, brothels, bars, cars, stupid sports, museums, parks, and wage slavery (if possible ?). And from time to time, you can go camping or glamping alone in the wild for 1 month. Doing so is synergy. Participating in the current civilization highlights the beauty and simplicity (though it's actually complex if you deeply investigate it) of the wild and nature. Being alone in the wild and nature highlights the beauty and complexity of the current civilization.

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55 minutes ago, ZenAlex said:

Capitalism involves exploitation

This is a much deeper problem than capitalism. This is SURVIVAL!

Survival is finite by definition. Survival cannot ever be fair. Survival must be accepted and embraced with all its limits. If you want something beyond survival then what you seek is awakening. But you must still master the art of survival even if you go for awakening.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, ZenAlex said:

Calm down bro

Sorry for caring about him in a way that nobody else dares to. I'll try to be more uninvolved next time!

It's Love.

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@Leo Gura So the path of outgrowing capitalism goes along with the path of outgrowing survival? 

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20 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

LOL that's rich.

I wasn't joking, lol.


20 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

But they still want to selfishly survive. Tough.

Toxic Orange mindset right here.

No one asked to be born.  Life is forced upon us.  If you want to force everyone to work to live, then you better provide legal suicide booths in every city, and somehow find a way to eliminate trauma for all affected by the suicides.

Each person on average contributes something like a few million to the economy during their lifetime.  People are profitable.  Why do you think suicide is illegal?  You're killing the government's livestock by committing suicide.

Is Trump less lazy than OP?  He's lazier than the lowest paid members of society, yet somehow he gets a pass because he's rich and successful in the eyes of Oranges.  If you actually looked at the effort rich people have to put into their work, it's not much different to a homeless person sitting on a street holding a cup.

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12 hours ago, bazera said:

@Leo Gura So the path of outgrowing capitalism goes along with the path of outgrowing survival? 

Something like that. Which is why communism failed.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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All of you who have problems with capitalism - what you need is a Life-Purpose. You see survival for its own sake as meaningless, which is what you're projecting onto all of capitalism. That's not necessarily the case!! Capitalism is not just this rat-race for money. It can also be a venue for great contribution to society. 

For example, Mark Zuckerberg. He created facebook, one of the most prolific social-media sites in the world. Yes, he is a reptilian lizard-guy who wants to make as much money as possible. But, facebook is a huge contribution to humanity! I mean, can you imagine your life without facebook?! If you're getting addicted to it, you're using it wrongly. Facebook can be used to really bring people together and connect with them. 

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Cry me a river.



Then find something to devote yourself to, that fills you with so much meaning and passion that you forget about this entire tantrum. (because that's what this is. You're throwing a tantrum.)

Maybe build a bridge over the river.

Then help other people build that bridge for themselves too.

Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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4 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

I mean, can you imagine your life without facebook?!

Haven't used Facebook in 10 years and my life is just fine.

Anything should make you hate capitalism, Facebook would be it. A scourge on mankind. :D

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Haven't used Facebook in 10 years and my life is just fine.

Anything should make you hate capitalism, Facebook would be it. A scourge on mankind. :D

Could you please elaborate? 

I can kinda understand, I have similar opinions of twitter. :D I just want to know your reason for totally stopping to use facebook. As far as I can tell, it's the least toxic, most milk-toast social-media. 

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I'd still argue that facebook has done more good than harm. Twitter - that's debatable. I like to call it the trash-bin of the internet. 

Facebook has been a huge tool for me to make friends and meet and connect with them offline in the future. You can reach people anywhere in the world using it. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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I would say do it. The function of your being/radiance is much more important than what you do physically in the world. Even if you withdraw from the system you will still participate in the metaphysical social mind with you energy. I would not say it is lazy. It is actually pretty fucking hard work to get out of the system.

Maybe you will inspire others. Maybe you will someday meet with your family and you will make it more normal for your nieces and nephews to leave the system.

I have similiar feelings as you but I don't care to abandon system completelly, rather use it enough to be free. Gather enough money to be able to live frugally and in a minimalistic way somewhere in the woods. Isn't it great?

I started to wonder why are people so fucking stuck in their mysery, and I've came to appreciatate that as long as you don't have kids in this system then the system is not that bad.

You will be able to work half a year and save enough money to be totally free for the next half of the year. In the past you would never be able to do that. I appreciate the ability that money gives you. Like when we were the cavemen we could not save enough of food and shelter to be able to trully meditate for half a year and understand the structure of reality. Now you can easily do that. Save money, go travel to the cheap country, meditate, repeat. Chances are that in the process the trauma of that awful (yet beautifull) system will be healed. That's what I see for myself. 

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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On 7/7/2022 at 5:30 PM, Leo Gura said:

But you must still master the art of survival even if you go for awakening.


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On 7/5/2022 at 5:48 AM, Dinkle64 said:

I haven't posted here in a long time but I'm really struggling with this problem and I feel like someone spiritual would understand this issue more so than someone who isn't spiritual so hence after 2 years, I'm here:

The Problem

I have a lot of business ideas and I've saved up enough money to survive for about a year and successfully start my own business, there's only one problem, I really don't want to.  As a matter of fact, I really don't want to do anything, I don't want to work and I don't want to start a business.  Now I know you might be thinking "well that's just lazy" but it's more like, I'd rather venture to the woods and build my own cabin FROM SCRATCH than have to participate in this miserable money pyramid scheme greedy ass bullshit.  As you can see I'm very frustrated by it and a part of me feels like I'm going crazy but I also just really hate the idea of chipping away at someone's livelihood, I truly believe there's no reason why the world shouldn't be free, honestly if we can make up all this payment bullshit I feel like we could make up an excuse to give away most of the things that we pay for just as easily, yet I'm powerless to make that call and I still need to eat and Survive, so then the cycle repeats itself and I'm stuck.

The Solution

I've already thought of a few options for a solution to this but I would also like to hear from all of you, mostly to see if anyone is feeling the same way?  Or if you just have any advice on whether or not I should just drop this thought process or if I'm on to something, mostly looking for advice here though. 

   Maybe do the opposite, and participate in capitalism fully. I mean fully, like investing in stocks, real estate, small business, side gigs, managing your finances, energy and time, make maybe a YouTube Channel. Really master time management and setting goals. So fully participate that you'll intuitively need to grow out of capitalism without having to make a story in your head about why you should want to avoid or grow out of capitalism, your intuition will let you know. Also not all capitalism is that exploitative, like you can collaborate with other talents, like say if you want to do an online business, you're good at writing and coding, but you're mediocre at design, you can cold email over at say upwork or fiver and search for illustrators to do the work for you. Vice versa, you've got excellent art skills, but suck at calculating and editing your videos, it's ok to hire a video editor to do it for you. That's part of business, most of it isn't solo work but a team work. However, it's possible to do solo work it's just even more time and energy consuming than if you delegate a few areas in that process to others instead.

   It sounds like you've got an unhealthy self image of yourself, I'd look into NLP and work your visualization skills more, get it more multi sensory, rich and big that you're really motivated to go do the work needed and set goals for yourself. I've done some subconscious training like positive affirmations and visualizations about business and art, and I say it is pretty effective in changing my habits and attitudes about art and business. Maybe for you, go do subconscious training to get comfortable and secure in viewing yourself as a marketer/promoter or business person. Also go try the life purpose course, as it's actually really good at this. Even if you are not 100% sure you discovered your life purpose, you're 80-60% more clear about your values, which is actually a significant advantage you've gained over your competitors who don't know their values. The sooner the better.


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On 7/7/2022 at 5:30 PM, Leo Gura said:

This is a much deeper problem than capitalism. This is SURVIVAL!

Survival is finite by definition. Survival cannot ever be fair. Survival must be accepted and embraced with all its limits. If you want something beyond survival then what you seek is awakening. But you must still master the art of survival even if you go for awakening.

Let's be real. The survival problem can be solved with great intelligence and technology.

We can provide shelter and food for every human being. We can print 3d houses affordable for eveyone. We can automate farming with robots and AI to end famine worldwide. But the governments dont want that. Because this is a menace to the status quo of the pyramidal society.

And as we know the governments work for the rich's interests firstly. Scarcity is man-made so the powerful can keep being powerful and the poor being poorer.

And the only way the government will give everything free for everyone will be at a high cost: personal freedom.


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