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About bazera

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  • Birthday 02/01/1996

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    Tbilisi, Georgia
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  1. @Leo Gura A game you've been developing? Or something else? A little sneak peek maybe
  2. @Leo Gura In my experience, a combination of cardio and some weight lifting (not anything extreme, like 30-45m training), plus healthy eating, and as a result losing the weight and being fit improved my self-esteem and self-image and as a result that improved my social interactions, including with girls. Do you call that a delusion or some other thing?
  3. @Leo Gura I remember you working on this course a long time ago. Like years ago. Did you make changes to its content in these last years due to your own development and new life experiences? Or the Awakenings that you've had after your initial mentionings of this course have nothing to do with it's content?
  4. Will the course be as long as LP course in length? Or shorter?
  5. This should be good. Comes on July 2nd.
  6. @Leo Gura In my mind it all interconnects, like for example, health and fitness not only for the sake of having a good body but also to perform better in other areas of life. Also, something like reading books helps me to expand my understanding of how the world works, and pushes me in some directions, to get at least theoretical guidance from reading more or less meaningful books (maybe from your book list). But yes, I'd agree that one needs to have something higher, and health, books, spiritual practices, along with all the other stuff you talk about for example, can be used for deepening that thing. I don't have that at the moment, and that's why all the things I do seems shallow. Not all the time, but sometimes I think why do all these. Without a higher meaningful framework, it's easy to lose day-to-day meaning, at least for me.
  7. @Leo Gura Would you consider working on health and fitness, spirituality, or maybe just reading books and education as mediums to create meaning? Or do you mean creative work with that here?
  8. @Leo Gura By contemplating reality, you mean that you contemplate the metaphysics or include all the human stuff there too, such as emotions, fears, stuff like that. I'm trying to integrate this into my life as well, but mostly what I'm interested in contemplating is directly linked to my survival, like emotions, traumas, planning the future, etc. I guess that depends on where you are in life, and how much contemplation and development have you done so far.
  9. @Leo Gura The difficulty is that work, survival, being human, and social life take so much energy, time, and resources that existential truth-seeking becomes hard, or sometimes irrelevant, or even counter-productive. I guess if one really values truth, it can be done by designing survival in a way that allows existential truth-seeking easier than most humans can. What actions would you consider taking during the truth-seeking phase? I'd guess, daily contemplation on different aspects of reality, maybe some meditation and yoga practices, occasional psychedelics, and occasional long retreats. How and in what form would you fit truth-seeking into your schedule, if you had a full-time job at the office + commute, went to the gym, had a social life, and all that stuff?
  10. Even in that dream, God could awaken to itself, right? And if it could, then it would realize that it's dreaming, so Christianity becomes relative again, isnt it?
  11. @Leo Gura Will your Awakening course still revolve around psychedelic use? And if so, will you be talking about those dangers?
  12. @Javfly33 How much time do you think is necessary to more or less achieve what you describe? Like a year or two? Also, when I do asanas, my mind is very distracted. As I understand, awareness is critical during the process. Am I right?
  13. @Leo Gura Please do it, it's always refreshing to challenge our fantasies about how things work. You plan to do a separate episode on that, right?
  14. @Leo Gura How did he do that? Was he born with some of that?