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About mr_engineer

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  1. @Princess Arabia ✌️
  2. @Consept Out of all the girls you come across on an everyday basis, how do you choose whom to approach? What's the ultimate goal here? And, what are we trying to get better at? What is the KPI of our so-called 'game'?!
  3. So, the choice of method doesn't depend on the goal?
  4. @Consept Should I want to approach every woman I come across on the street? To 'get good at approaching'? Or, should I be allowed to pick and choose? If I'm not actually interested in her, there never really were any stakes on the approach to begin with, right?! I understand doing 1-2 practice approaches. But thousands is an absolutely ridiculous number.
  5. Let's say, you go to a church. They give you a prayer, that you have to chant for a thousand times every day. Would you just blindly do it?! Or, would you be asking yourself 'Why should I do this?' Also, if you ask the priest 'Why?', they say 'Why do you care?! You're not chanting!' So, am I supposed to be passionate about chanting the prayer?! Am I supposed to be passionate about approaching itself?! Or, are we supposed to just grind through it, no matter how much it sucks?!
  6. @Leo Gura What does 'success' even mean in this context? Surely you've gotta have a definition for 'success' to come up with a process to get it.
  7. If there is no answer to the 'why', this tells me that it's a dogma. Like a church. 'Thou shalt approach thousands of women'.
  8. The last point in this article is 'you can become a dating-coach if you do this!' Is this what this is?! A pyramid-scheme?! 'Get good at approaching women, so that you can teach other guys to get good at approaching women!' Where does this all lead to? What is the point of doing it? And, why thousands?!
  9. The church of pick-up states 'If thou shalt approach thousands of women, thou shalt get laid'. Here's my question. Why thousands? Why not tens, or hundreds, or tens of thousands, or millions? Is there any reason to have this specific order of magnitude of the number of women you should approach?
  10. No, it does not count as experience and it won't be valuable in the future. Negative experiences don't have value. Hindi movies romanticize heartbreak and 'one-sided love' too much. It's total nonsense. You should focus on rising out of negativity and moving towards positivity. You're in college right now, you're very young, so you have very little opportunity to meet girls. Once you start working, though, you will have your own money and you'll be able to travel and meet a lot more people. P.S. To everyone else reading, we Indians have a cultural pattern in which we glorify negativity and crappy circumstances and pain and suffering, because it 'makes us grounded/realistic' (cynical). If we tell him that 'negative experiences are valuable', he'll deliberately go out and seek out negative experiences, instead of doing something that'll improve his life!
  11. Most of your clicks are not going to come because they manually enter the URL into the search-bar. They will be clicks from backlinks and from the links that you share with people.
  12. Simps aren't of any use to hot women where it actually matters. They will just parrot feminist talking-points when it suits them, socially. Or, they will put hot women on a pedestal in social contexts. They don't actually give a shit about women's safety! But, it's very easy to play women when you parrot feminist talking-points. They will only be seen to us when we say something like 'Women need men to protect them because the average man is physically bigger and stronger than the average woman'. There, they'll be like 'REEE!!! Equality!! Women can do everything a man can do!!' And the problem is that women lap up this rhetoric, until something like this happens. Then, the 'you go girl' simps are nowhere to be seen!
  13. Let's say you've gone through some traumatic shit. Now, self-blame is a common coping-mechanism when that happens. And, the 'take responsibility' rhetoric often-times reinforces this issue. To break a cycle of self-blame, you have to blame others for your problems. You have to 'put the blame where it belongs', so to speak. In the short-term situation, someone else is to blame. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, this blame-game is pointless and it doesn't matter who is to blame, now fixing it is your responsibility. But, to get to that point, you have to get the facts straight relative to the short-term situation. I don't know about you, but I would rather hate someone else than hate myself. If OP is going to publicly own that they hate some group of people, they think it's the right thing to do. Meaning, they think that the only alternative is to hate themselves. Now, the problem here, is that if you're going to hate the wrong group of people, those who aren't actually to blame for your short-term issues, you will get stuck. So, in my opinion, it helps to give some perspective on who is to blame and where the high-leverage points are in this whole equation. Then, you can direct your negative energy to constructive ends, as opposed to destructive ends. If I could snap my fingers and get him to stop hating people, I would. But, I can't do that. And, he is trying to get laid with hot women. So, hating them is counterproductive. But, if you see who the real problem is (the simps who enable the pedestalization of hot women), you can do something about that. You can stop following IG models, you can quit porn, you can stop thinking with your dick around hot women. You can channel your sexual-energy towards constructive ways. And, for the record, I did say that his problem is not with women, it's with simps.
  14. Well, we're not talking about me here, we're talking about OP. And, if he wants to be sexist, that's his choice. What we can do, though, is point out that it's not productive and what would be a more productive way of solving his problems. (And not just our projection of what 'his problems' are, actually looking at his definition of 'his problems with women' and showing him the solutions) Obviously, women aren't the problem. No matter how toxic they get, we shouldn't blame them for our problems. OP does have some aggression, though. If channeled in the right direction, it would actually get him somewhere! It does pay him to see that these rules have been set by simps. And that simps suck with women! So, the question arises - how should you treat women? And, who should be given the right to answer this question?
  15. There is a social reality, that when you get into a fight with a hot woman, the hot woman will win. Why? She has simps siding with her. This can make it seem like hot women have all the power in the world. When, in reality, it's the simps enabling it. If you find a way to hold the simps accountable, you won't be so intimidated by hot women. Something's probably happened in his past and the point of the aggression is to defend against that thing happening in the future. What I am trying to get him to see, is that a lot of the rules around 'you should treat women with respect' and 'put women on a pedestal' and stuff like that have not been set by women themselves. They've been set by simps!! So, if you have an issue with following these rules, your fight is not against hot women, it's against simps.