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About mr_engineer

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  1. Okay. Good to know that this is your stance on it. @NoSelfSelf was hugely guilty of it in the dating section. My theory is that he was a normal self-actualizer in the beginning, then he had some awakenings, then he went off the deep end and started to bypass practical reality. Very easy to do when you have your first few awakenings. I really wouldn't know how to predict who will fall into this trap in the future when you recruit a mod. Maybe you could set higher standards for existing mods relative to bypassing? Because if @NoSelfSelf really was as good as you're saying he was, it's possible that just educating him about this issue of bypassing may have helped him improve as a mod.
  2. @Leo Gura What do you think of spiritual bypassing? Is it okay? Is it problematic?
  3. I'm not telling you 'how my life is' after your first post in this thread was to copy-paste ChatGPT. However my life is, it's clearly better than yours.
  4. This is not 'misfortune'. That's my entire point, you have zero excuses for losing to Trump. This is your own damn fault! I talked about the rhetoric-issues, and I'd argue the progressive rhetoric has the exact same issue. Kicking people when they're down. So, by your own logic, the progressives need to have a long look at themselves.
  5. I mean, you people are no strangers to the joy of virtue-signaling. I am enjoying the turning of the tables when it comes to virtue-signaling, that's for sure.
  6. @Buck Edwards Alright, serious talk. If your opponent is Donald Trump, you have no excuses for losing to him. This was the left's election to lose moreso than the right's election to win. Especially since you had 8 years of media-attention on the MAGA people to understand where they're coming from and what their genuine concerns are. My analysis is that you people learned nothing from the loss in the 2016 elections and you doubled down on the exact mistakes you were making in terms of rhetoric. And this is what cost you the 2024 election.
  7. @Joshe When you call someone out, it's a 'kind gesture' but when I call someone out, it's an 'attack'?! Not fair!!
  8. @Joshe @Consept The important issue of this thread is that Trump won. And the reason is the progressive rhetoric. You people think the rhetoric doesn't have consequences, right?! Turns out, it does.
  9. @Consept thought it would be funny to let AI think about what I'm saying instead of himself. I explained that the joke's on him, cuz Trump won! I'm not any happier about it than you are. I'm offering an explanation, to help you understand it. Now, if you're going to troll me for doing that, the joke is on you, because Trump won.
  10. @Consept Anyways, Trump won. So, joke's on you.
  11. I didn't argue with the AI. I called you out for not using your brain. I actually agreed with the AI when it said that you should critically engage with the insights to make up your own mind. I called you out for not doing that!
  12. If you were talking about professional writing, what you're saying would make sense. However, this is personal-development. It is very important to separate those ideas which are your own original ideas, from those that are second-hand ideas. You have to be a real person talking to real people, you have to think through everything yourself. AI is not human, therefore it deserves no credibility when it comes to personal development. Who is this AI to tell us what's ethical/what's high-consciousness and what's not?! Get it out of here!
  13. This is a personal development forum. If you're not even willing to express your own opinions, it's a waste of content-space. Content generated by AI is garbage content for personal development. You need content generated by people because role-modelling is everything for personal-development.
  14. See? The AI said it itself. So, you might want to stop with the copy-pasting and start using your own brain.
  15. @Consept All hail the almighty ChatGPT. The fact that you couldn't be bothered to write out a reply of your own, shows that we're dangerously close to the Matrix reality. We all know that ChatGPT has-been programmed with SJW ideology. It has not come up with this shit on its own!