Leo Gura

Taking Down Solipsism Video

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He is teasing you, just wanted to make sure you love him.

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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@Leo Gura 

Dude, you released the advanced explanation of God-consciousness video... I can't see anything else being more radical than that. You have been promising a vid on solipsism for years man... can you at least put it on your blog or something? 

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I've actually downloaded it cause I wanted to watch it without an internet connection...now I'm not sure if I should. :(


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I don't believe in solipsism as my NDE direct experience had other bubbles in it.  I became aware of them, there were so many.  Like ingredients in a soup.  I trust my direct experience.

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4 minutes ago, DManKee said:

I've actually downloaded it cause I wanted to watch it without an internet connection...now I'm not sure if I should. :(


Delete it right now or something something

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That video was gold. Hit the nail right on the head. The awakening to the self/other illusion is unbelievable. 

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1 hour ago, Niko7a said:

I thankfully watched the full video, i dont want to make you feel bad but i want you to know that this was not just worth watching, this was one of the best videos that i have ever watched, extremely understandable and practical, i feel sorry for people that did not have the opportunity to watch it fully, I kinda understand why would he delete it, if you dont have a healthy mind this content might be extremely damaging, but i have an idea for you leo, what about this; you start making videos about emotional healing, emotions in general, where you would give down to earth practical advice on how to achieve a healthy mind state, basically making a newer and more advanced versions of your old videos where you would talk about things like, accepting your emotions, how to overcome fear, how to be authentic, how to accept your(HUMAN)self, Trauma Work etc etc.. and after a decent amount of time you start uploading videos about vanilla spirituality again, there is a reason why i am telling this, i stopped watching your videos and doing spiritual work after your video about karma, that was not that long ago but listen to this, every single day up to that day, i would be literally spending almost all of the time, contemplating, using psychedelics, rewatching your videos, journaling, meditating, watching other peoples videos, reading books on the topic,i just felt exhausted and things weren't moving anywhere and a video about karma clicked for me and thats when i stopped, i started working on my emotional body, i actually asked myself what do i really want first time in my life, i actually accepted the emotions in me, the thougths in me, i talked to more people i started focusing on money more, i started facing my fears and suddenly, i came back, watched your video and got an epiphany so fucking easy, it was extremely easy , it was so easy that i felt actually sorry for me back then when i was literally forcing and burning myself out just to understand something THAT WAS LITERALLY IN FRONT OF ME, AND I JUST HAD TO LET GO FOR SOME TIME, and i actually dont just cry over the fact that i am alone and that the only thing i am is actually experience, i actually feel non resistant to it and i am slowly integrating everything together, there is no reason for me not to be happy if i am aware of this, there is no reason for me to kill myself because of that, that is an unhealthy bias, THERE IS A HEALTHY WAY TO UNDERSTAND ALL OF THIS AND TO BE HAPPY IN LIFE, so this is my advice to you leo, shift your topics to health and wholeness for some time, that is the sticking point in this whole story, and then after you do it you can easily post any video you want and deeply know that you did everything you can to make people more prepared to hear what is meant to be heard, i know that you did not post it because you want to protect the weak and unstable ones, but i think that you are able and capable to do more than hiding shit under the rug. Basically let's let go of spirituality, so we can focus more on ourselves, so we can let go of ourselves easier, so we can understand spirituality even more, not fighting the urges, wants and needs, being in resistance to your needs is too painful for it not to affect your spiritual progress, make progress in illusion understand it from inside and then from outside , there are infinite ways to get enlightened, but there are more healthy ones and more unhealthy ones, i think that wholeness approach is always the wisest one.

Holy moly. Is this one of those optical illusions? Because I only looked at it for 20 seconds, and when I looked away the room was spinning.


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Those who didn't see the video watch his old Life is a dream episode and you won't miss anything

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3 hours ago, Trickyp said:


Is it though? There's too much ambiguity to say. The people who post on this forum make weird negotiations with Leo through their low-tier bitching about how Leo isn't towing the line they want, and then Leo himself has his own ideology about God.

The presence of retards means that any explanation or post Leo gives will get retarded responses by someone, and then Leo will be expected to reply to that. If we turn back the clock though, when Leo had his supposed breakthroughs into infinite love and god, he changed the forum slightly in influencing whether people could question God or infinite love. 

It's the same spiritual coonery whether you're discussing buddhist principals or God, the spiritual ideas are here, the point is how they're negotiated with or used. The ideas we communicate are indeed beliefs and beliefs serve their function of negating other beliefs. When negation is over it's no longer a question of continuing with said thing, but some of us may try to continue it anyway and run into confusion. Speaking from experience here. 

For example, some people will debate whether physicalism is true, whether consciousness comes before or after material. After the belief scientism or physicalism is negated, what use is there for pondering the same framework for debate over and over again? There is none, the thorn is plucked 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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spirituality is about to transcend the ego, to go beyond the concept, to expand the mind to understand what cannot be expressed. and here they are all begging the teacher for more concepts to put on their hard drive. and he gives them to them but then takes them away, and everyone is left desperate without their dose. Hilarious

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No spoilers this time huh.. Guess I’ll have to see for myself 

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The trick is to say many times that you are the one who knows the most in history multiplied by a thousand, said with great confidence and poise... and people believe you. it is wonderful

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Idk that, but I do know that Leo is one of the best at communicating high-level, abstract metaphysical shit on a conceptual level that has a platform to do so or cares to do so. It is def easy to get lost in the concepts, which is the opposite problem of zen devilry(they call it wild fox zen))... but that has been a problem with spiritual teachings since the beginning of spiritual teachings. 


@Leo Gura you have been talking about solipsism for years on this forum... I doubt your vid would have had anything in it that you didn't say here, bro... I think a vid to coherently break things down and build it up would have been great to facilitate my understanding. If you are so worried about people misunderstanding your teachings, I don't know why you even bother teaching the topics you do at all(please don't get inspired to remove all of your content and retreat into a cave though!!!!!!). Pretty much everything you teach will be misunderstood by 95% of people anyway. The same shit happened to every philosophical paradigm shifter in history. 

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28 minutes ago, DManKee said:

I've actually downloaded it cause I wanted to watch it without an internet connection...now I'm not sure if I should. :(

In my experience, if you can entertain a thought without attaching to it, then go for it.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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6 minutes ago, louhad said:


@Leo Gura you have been talking about solipsism for years on this forum... I doubt your vid would have had anything in it that you didn't say here, bro... 

You haven't watched it, so you don't really know.

This video can literally induce deep awakening for the open minded. It is what all the spiritual teachers or gurus are hiding from seekers, because they fear they will run from them. Thus they feed them on meditation and contemplation practices, shadow work and what not. All those teachers were not capable to sell their Programs/Workshops/Intensives/Retreats/Apps if they told seekers that the teacher itself is a figment of mind.

I'm actually glad that Leo took down the video. It is too good. 

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have decided to take down my latest Solipsism video because people are not mature enough to handle it.

Don't ask me questions about solipsism any more. I will not be teaching it because people cannot handle it. I will no longer publicly teach my deepest awakenings.

If you want the highest truth, you will have to discover it on your own, not via my explanations.

I get an immature vibe from this post. It feels like you got annoyed by something and now you are "Well, bad luck you idiots now I won't share my treasures with you! See who will laugh last!".

It is fine to not share it but why can you not explain this in a more reasonable manner? I don't know what happened, but if there was a negative reaction that hurt you feelings so now you don't want to expose yourself like that anymore than just say that, it's fine. Or if you think it could be damaging to some people then say that. But the way you frame it, it looks more like you are too immature to handle the backlash.

I agree you shouldn't be teaching solipsism, but probably for different reasons.


Also Leo, I think you need to watch out for your own ego here. Because if people want the highest truth, they will have to discover it on their own anyways. Your explanations are fantasies, as you well know. It's not like you are giving people "truth", you are giving them concepts and ideas, nothing more.

I also disagree with the way you frame reality, as if there were lower and higher truths. That just seems to be the monkey-mind talking.

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5 minutes ago, Batman said:

You haven't watched it, so you don't really know.

This video can literally induce deep awakening for the open minded. It is what all the spiritual teachers or gurus are hiding from seekers, because they fear they will run from them. Thus they feed them on meditation and contemplation practices, shadow work and what not. All those teachers were not capable to sell their Programs/Workshops/Intensives/Retreats/Apps if they told seekers that the teacher itself is a figment of mind.

I'm actually glad that Leo took down the video. It is too good. 

Are you diagnosed with a mental illness? I've noticed that people with specific mental illnesses have a very easy time having epiphanies just from things like watching a video.

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IDK why people are so offended by solipsism.

To me this insight has always been relaxing to the core. It brought me serenity. It is not that hard to get either. Once get it it so obvious. How can it be otherwise.

You can definitely teach solipsism, you just hace to word it properly. Maybe the problem is you have dumb audience members who want cool soundings ideas and don’t take self-development seriously.Your style attracts those types of people. 

Honestly Leo, you don’t even need to have a solipsism video. All your other videos basically imply that it’s true. Sometimes you have straight up said it. Like, what do people think when he say, you are God? You are everything? Lol They ignore this and cherrypick what they want to hear. 

Edited by Derek White

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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