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Solipsism, if defined as the view that nothing can be known aside from what seems to be, whatever that is... is basically a correct view. Solipsism as it’s colloquially defined distracts from that reality, as it seems many define it in terms like “I am the only human being that exists,” or “my mental state is the only one and there aren’t (even just apparently) others like me.” So if people speak as if solipsism is true, maybe don’t aloofly out dismiss it out of hand. They might just be referring to unknowing, which is the truth. I don’t know though.

From the perspective of liberation, even the belief that you actually live as a human being on a planet called earth, in a universe... would essentially be seen as: as deep an entrenchment in delusion as someone who believes and apparently knows they’re a fundamentalist Christian.

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Seeming just means consciousness or I am. It’s just that until knowing drops, I am will refer to something unreal-yet-believed-in, yet after liberation it will just be referring to nothing at all really, except for your character, since it’s all you’ve got.

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There are many different ways people interpret solipsism. So depending on which partial perspectives you accept, you will have a different experience with solipsism. 

The issue is people see some truth in solipsism and then they cannot let go of the untruths that are also a part of what they believe solipsism is 

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3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

There are many different ways people interpret solipsism. So depending on which partial perspectives you accept, you will have a different experience with solipsism. 

The issue is people see some truth in solipsism and then they cannot let go of the untruths that are also a part of what they believe solipsism is 

Perhaps. Well, definitely, yeah.

The reason I posted this is that I remember many of my awakenings and how the later ones were for the most part very solipsistic. That’s all. It’s not even really a pointer. Not exactly trying to help anyone. The only thing that’s going to do anyone any good in the realm of enlightenment is basically total fearlessness in the face of fear, and true solipsism is rather scary to an individual.

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2 hours ago, The0Self said:

view that nothing can be known aside from what seems to be

Notice how the sentence contradicts itself, hahaha

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It is an interesting topic. For me, awakening is not solipist, it is: I am the limitless emptiness full of existence, but there is no "i", only "am", there is no loneliness since infinity is the opposite of loneliness, I am the potential of everything what is possible, but .... also, apparently, I am a limited structure that creates a subject that perceives (apparent) objects. this subject is unreal, like a mental creation. then ... are there other apparent subjects with their apparent universe? the logic tells me that yes, obviously you, who is reading, apparently exist like me. in fact, you are me, with another form, other nuances, and we are both only apparent constructions (perfect and artistic) in the fabric of existence. But many people say: no, only you exist, others are only in your imagination. In part it is true, but on the other hand I would say that it is not. I would like someone, for example I read, to explain their point of view in depth, not just saying: wake up and find out. that answer could be applied to everything

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It helps to understand the difference between two different ways people define solipsism.  I use solipsism and Solipsism to make this distinction.

solipsism- I am alone, and everything else is a figment of MY imagination. 

Solipsism- I am alone because there is no 'everything else', it's all me. Everything is being imagined, including distinctions, and this 'imagining' is the ONE thing I am.. Everything.  ALL-ONE.. Al-one.. alone. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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6 hours ago, Mosess said:

Notice how the sentence contradicts itself, hahaha

Not really. “What seems to be” just means (non-relative, undefined) consciousness. Relative to objects, this would just be “I am” — no other absolute knowledge is possible. Any other seemingly actual knowledge, including causality, context, time, space, universe, or anything else, is simply belief. Might as well believe things that help you get by (willing suspension of disbelief), but they are just beliefs.

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2 hours ago, Gregory1 said:


Is there a good episode on Solipsism from Leo? Thanks


No way? he’s not ready to plough people with that yet. I mean, you can take all other episodes from the last few years and pretty much work out his stance for yourself. But I’ve a feeling there’s so much more to solipsism than meets the eye. At the highest level it’s definitely solipsistic. But I’m not quite sure most of us here in the forum are getting the true definition of the solipsistic nature of reality.

For instance I’ve had solipsistic awakenings. Usually every time it now ends in solipsism. But what truly is solipsism. At present I see it as becoming the god head, where no other exists. But paradoxically I see that as all others exist but I am them, they are me. I feel that everything is an absolute reflection of my current concept of self. But those reflections can, have and will be taken on from those perspectives, from those concepts of self, that I see this concept of self, as a reflection from those view points. It seems and sounds linear. But I don’t mean it in a linear way, as in this one, then that one, and then another one. Because I’ve collapsed time before to realise that it is all now. So there’s no interval. I may be straying off track a little here, but I see all finite forms as fragments of one whole. So as the whole it’s ultimately solipsistic. But when fragmented there’s many finite minds. All though from the one singular infinite mind. Limited. As if the brain acts as a filter, which is backed up against infinity, pulling from infinity through a limited lense. Hence your finite limited mind. But it can be blasted open, for you to realise that your actually the whole thing in total. All supposed others too. At some point you will take on every perspective. But again that sounds linear, and I don’t mean it in that way. Because when that POV or perspective is taken, it will just be now, as in its now now, the same now. There was never any interval in between, other than the interval you as God imagined. Starting to feel a little stuck as I try to explain. Language is deficient. Even still though I realise I havnt got all the answers because it’s too difficult to explain through both language and through my own mind. Although I certainly understand more than my vocabulary can explain. I know I’ve not the full on total answer to this though, because if I did, I would 100% know, and I don’t. 
Feel free to pick apart what I’ve said. I’m completely open to all opinions??

Edited by Dazgwny

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One can never convince anyone else of solipsism, only themselves, because according to solipsism, there really isn't anyone else who isn't being imagined by the convincer.. 

It would be tantamount to me convincing the characters in my dream that I am dreaming them up.. what a silly endeavor... and when 'others' try to convince me of Solipsism, that is tantamount to the characters in my dreams convincing me I'm dreaming.. what a silly dream that would be. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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27 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

One can never convince anyone else of solipsism, only themselves, because according to solipsism, there really isn't anyone else who isn't being imagined by the convincer.. 

It would be tantamount to me convincing the characters in my dream that I am dreaming them up.. what a silly endeavor... and when 'others' try to convince me of Solipsism, that is tantamount to the characters in my dreams convincing me I'm dreaming.. what a silly dream that would be. 

That makes sense unless one actually looks up the definition -- it states that solipsism is "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist." That is true. It doesn't mean there aren't apparently others, just that their actuality is unknowable.

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When we recognize all perspectives is One perspective .. the notion of solipsism then makes sense.

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30 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

It would be tantamount to me convincing the characters in my dream that I am dreaming them up

I’ve done this though. On many occasions. In lucid dreams. As lucid as lucid gets from my own experiences. I’ve told them I am dreaming them, that as this is happening I’m actually laying in my bed asleep. And when I wake up they will cease to exist. No character in the dream though will have it. They continually try to explain to me that this is not the case. That they have a life. That their name is this or that, that they have a life story, and that I am talking shit. Then I begin to wake up, slowly see the visual cubic reality start dissolving, knowing that I’m seconds away from waking up in my bed, and try to console them that this is the end of their existence. Sometimes if I can get it out before I wake up, I’ll say don’t worry, you live in me for all of eternity, you’ll never cease to be. I’m bullshitting in a sense because I know, I know that’s them, history. But then at the same time I feel compassion, and think, well actually, I’m not lying, because whatever it is they were, does exist inside of me. It feels like they have lives though, that I end when I wake up in my bed. Is the same thing happening here and now? I don’t know for sure. This is why I know full well I’m far from being awake, no matter how many deep awakening experiences I’ve had. Until it’s glued with 100% knowing without doubt what is the case. Then I’m still searching

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11 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

 This is why I know full well I’m far from being awake, no matter how many deep awakening experiences I’ve had. Until it’s glued with 100% knowing without doubt what is the case. Then I’m still searching

yeah but don't be so sure you didn't wake - you may have had a profound awakening but now you are pulled back into the dream so deeply where you completely forgot you woke up..its a mindfuck.    The ego does not want you to remember you are God, because it will mean the dream ends, and with it so does the ego.  So the ego needs to keep you deceived and in the dream for it to persist.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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21 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

yeah but don't be so sure you didn't wake - you may have had a profound awakening but now you are pulled back into the dream so deeply where you completely forgot you woke up..its a mindfuck.    The ego does not want you to remember you are God, because it will mean the dream ends, and with it so does the ego.  So the ego needs to keep you deceived and in the dream for it to persist.  


Awakening can be really really profound and weird ? and obvious.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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2 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

Solipsism seems to be true if we say that God is alone and not the person. 


“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

yeah but don't be so sure you didn't wake - you may have had a profound awakening but now you are pulled back into the dream so deeply where you completely forgot you woke up..its a mindfuck.    The ego does not want you to remember you are God, because it will mean the dream ends, and with it so does the ego.  So the ego needs to keep you deceived and in the dream for it to persist.  

But that implies the ego is something else than God.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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11 minutes ago, Shin said:

But that implies the ego is something else than God.

Exactly - which is the deception the ego wants to keep you in :)  the ego's very existence stands as a separate entity

Otherwise the God/ego duality collapses and bye bye ego......


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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