If I am God then why I don't control anything

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The ego has no control over Reality. I get that. But let's put the ego aside. If I am the creator of the entire universe I would expect to have some insane mind boggling powers and being able to create anything I desire with nobody limiting me. Instead of that I find myself being a human with 0 free will. I find myself being the character of the video game instead of the creator of the video game. Basically it's like I am God and not God at same time. This is how it feels like. Will I ever actually start creating stuff and being more involved into the creative process of God? All of that part seems hidden from us. I want to experience being God proper and not just a character. 


Edited by SQAAD

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That would be hell though. Can you imagine how pointless it would be? You can create sandcastles in the air but nobody to laugh and share with.

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This is because God secretly likes limitation and struggle.

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I don't know about you, but I prefer going in a rollercoaster myself than watching a video on youtube.

More fun.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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You are being a marvel, a creation from the mind of a genius, a work of art with sublime nuances. But it seems like ordinary nonsense to you because you are not able to take a step back and see what you really are

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The control, free will, death, ego, God, universe, yada yada is all conceptualizing. Thoughts, believed or not, but focused upon.. Notice, thoughts arise, are focused upon, threads are created by you. 

If you want to create something else, allow those thoughts to come & go. Thoughts about what you want to create will arise in the same manor. 

In focusing on those thoughts, momentum ensues just like with the threads, and that, whatever that is, is underway, manifesting. 



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Imagine your favorite movie.

How much would you pay to forget everything about it and see it as if it was the first time again ?


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Imagine this world if all of these body minds were developers of existence hahaha

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12 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Basically it's like I am God and not God at same time. This is how it feels like.

@SQAAD You're like a finger saying "I'm the body, 'I get that', but why don't I have control over the body? I feel like I'm the body and not the body at the same time."

I'll be blunt with you today; you don't get it. 

You ARE the universe. But you don't know that (yet). You ARE creating the entire universe, but you are still identifying yourself with a finite self. 

There is no finger, only the body. But "the finger" (the body) has fallen under the illusion of being a finger. And now thinks that "its not in control of what the body is doing". 

You can enter a state of consciousness where you are completely aware how you are creating the entire universe, this moment, spontaneously, on the fly. And that you are not some separate agent, but the whole damn thing. 

But there's nothing going to be left of  "you", you know? You will have melted into the cosmic dance. 

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God = Love = Trust = Freedom. God doesn't give a fuck about control, there is nothing, no other, to control. God loves and trusts every facet of it's own self expression 100% and has no need for control. Notice that much of what we call "evil" is predicated on control and uses control as a primary means of expression and interaction.

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Falling in love with yourself an infinite number of time, by forgetting that you are God almighty, the beloved and the lover.

The creator of all, telling itself it's just a poor sad human who has no control, just to remember it did it all to be amazed again of its infinite capacity to create, enjoy and love itself,



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Maybe God wants to experience human life with all its limitations. That is only possible if it forgets about its powers. There would be no fun in all of that if God mode was turned on while in this form.

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God = you is a one way street.

A leaf is never going to be another leaf or control the growth of the tree's roots. But the leaf will always inescapably be the tree. All leaves are the tree.

You are a leaf (an expression) of an unlimited tree.

If you were to ever stop being a leaf the leaf just straight up stops existing, because it is you. The tree is You capitalized. When the leaf ceases there is no you left to do anything, you cease to exist. Only You remain.

A car is metal. Metal is not a car.

Edited by RMQualtrough

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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

The ego has no control over Reality. I get that. But let's put the ego aside. If I am the creator of the entire universe I would expect to have some insane mind boggling powers and being able to create anything I desire with nobody limiting me. Instead of that I find myself being a human with 0 free will. I find myself being the character of the video game instead of the creator of the video game. Basically it's like I am God and not God at same time. This is how it feels like. Will I ever actually start creating stuff and being more involved into the creative process of God? All of that part seems hidden from us. I want to experience being God proper and not just a character. 


You have no insight into what Will is and what Free Will is. You are confusing some fundamental aspects of reality. Your question is basically why Objects do not have Free Will, why Manifestations, why Creation, has no Free Will. This is the issue.


Free Will is that which gives rise to all things, to all Creation, to all Manifestation. Free Will is the First Cause, the Groundless Ground.

Your Humanity, your limitation, that is the Expression of your Free Will.


You have all the Power, you have All Wisdom, you have All Love. And what you did with all this wisdom, with all this power, with all this love, is to create this.

This very Moment, your state, your suffering, your joy, whatever it is that Is. That is what you are creating out of pure Free Will, out of Infinite Wisdom and Love, including the very issue you are struggling with. You are the Creative Process of God, you are Free Will.


This is God proper. This is it. There is no more. That is what you can realize. You cannot look for it anywhere, because this is it. The tail you are chasing is attached to you, all you must realize is that it is already a part of you, that there is no point in chasing it.


The Hiddenness you describe, that is it.


You are looking at this all wrong. You think there is something special that is underneath all of this, that is behind all of this. That somehow, there is a hidden substance that you must discover.

That beyond all of this mundane stuff, there is a core more Truthful, more Pure, more Real.

It is precisely the opposite. That which you confuse for the most mundane, that which you call "being a human with 0 free will", that is the Godhead. That is Pure Freedom. That is the Ultimate, the Absolute, Truth, Pure Divinity, Pure Love.


See, you look at the color red, and you go "Argh damnit, this boring color Red, I have seen enough of it. I want to get to the juicy stuff, I want to get to God, to Love! I want the special sauce! I want Strangeloops and Explosions of Infinity and Multidimensional Fractals!". But Redness is the Special Sauce. That is what you are blind to. You just have to realize that what you have is already all there is.

Glory to Israel

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Here's the secret they didn't tell you: You do. You actually do. You assume you're some simple human with no control of the world beyond your skin and bones. Anything outside of that you chalk it off to chance and chaos in a dumb and lifeless universe.

But the notion of a controlled body/uncontrolled universe is just an illusion. Your ego can't manipulate reality thanos style the way you want it to because it can't even control it's own body. It can't stop a finger from being lifted and it certainly can't stop cancer from killing you, if you're unlucky for it to mutate and spread. 

Really, the 'you' I'm referring to that's in control of everything is God. From your heart beating, every any colony on Earth to every rotating planet in the galaxy, that's all the product of your own mind. It's something you're doing right now at all times and places, constantly whether you shine awareness on it or not.

For a few brief moments in time I've became directly conscious of this very real possibility. Everything synchronized into one flowing motion, from the sunsetting to people walking in the street. It doesn't last for long, but gosh it's a beautiful experience everytime. Just a feeling of awe, joy and acceptance. It's a cosmic dance.

That's my take on it anyway.

Edited by BeHereNow

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Since God is Love, you cannot be otherwise.

You've chosen to be Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, SQAAD said:

The ego has no control over Reality. I get that. But let's put the ego aside. If I am the creator of the entire universe I would expect to have some insane mind boggling powers and being able to create anything I desire with nobody limiting me. Instead of that I find myself being a human with 0 free will. I find myself being the character of the video game instead of the creator of the video game. Basically it's like I am God and not God at same time. This is how it feels like. Will I ever actually start creating stuff and being more involved into the creative process of God? All of that part seems hidden from us. I want to experience being God proper and not just a character. 


you already are creating IT. This is what you created.

Anytime "I" wants to change or create something, it is ego and misidentifying who you actually are.


Edited by SgtPepper

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16 hours ago, SQAAD said:

If I am the creator of the entire universe I would expect to have some insane mind boggling powers and being able to create anything I desire with nobody limiting me. Instead of that I find myself being a human with 0 free will.

perhaps finding yourself being a human with 0 free will is the 'anything' that you desire?? 

"I am not trying to sell you on this idea in the sense of converting you to it, I want you to play with it. I want you to think of its possibilities, I am not trying to prove it. I am just putting it forward as a possibility of life to think about. So then, let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time, or any length of time you wanted to have.

And you would, naturally, as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each you would say “Well that was pretty great. But now let’s have a surprise, let’s have a dream which isn’t under control, where something is gonna happen to me that I don’t know what it's gonna be."

And you would dig that and would come out of that and you would say “Wow that was a close shave, wasn’t it?”. Then you would get more and more adventurous and you would make further- and further-out gambles what you would dream. And finally, you would dream where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today." - from, The Dream of Life, by Alan Watts. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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You do control everything. You are all there is. If you wanted to dispel this illusion right now you would, but you want to keep playing.

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