
I’m a fraud (exposing my fake enlightenment)

19 posts in this topic

This thread is created with the intent to help those who explore it to better know themselves. Learning intimately about others is the only thing that has ever taught me about myself, because the eye cannot see itself

Recorded December 6, 2021 — My Intense Journey from Stream Entry to 3rd Path (Theravada Buddhism) — Part 1

Recorded April 10, 2014 — Pleasure is Everything


Those are the first and last recordings I still have access to from my YouTube account. I really wish I had my first popular video to share, but it was deleted. It was a 12-14 year old me giving a guide on how to train melee combat stats in the most effective way in RuneScape 2 with a whiny high-pitched voice I was incredibly self-conscious of.

Here are two amazing videos made by a couple of the people I’ve imitated the most. They are the highest creations accessible that the two individuals have ever made, in my flawed and humble opinion. Remember though, even my humility is a complete lie a front regardless of how genuine and authentic it might feel to me at the time of writing this. I’ve spent hundreds of hours watching both of these people, their journeys, and their teachings over many years.


All you can ever do is imitate. 

The entire journey from egoic consciousness to Absolute Divinity, Full Enlightenment, and God-Realization occurs in every micro-moment of time. Find more Time. No power or force can ever escape this process. God has trapped itself in an eternal prison. The only worthwhile thing to do is to find a way to enjoy the prison which will not work for anything longer than a micro-moment of time. There is no such thing as a present moment. 

The most effective thing I can do personally to reduce this arrogance is to repent my sin which is the exact same sin Lucifer committed before we came to earth. I repent to God/Heavenly Father/Heavenly Mother/Tao through the impeccable vehicle of Jesus Christ as I was raised in a Mormon church, grew up in America, and other cultural factors. Regardless of this, I really do urge you to consider why the Bible is the most popular book ever written and Christianity is the world's largest religion with only Islam coming close and even that encapsulates Jesus Christ directly into the religion when studied properly. The Buddha is a real mutha-fuckin’ G in my eyes as someone post-stream entry, but I don’t consider him to be anywhere as pure of an example as Jesus. Jesus transmitted the Dharma by bringing the Highest Teaching to the most downtrodden of society in a public setting to his ultimate demise and supposedly took the FULL WRATH OF GOD IN THREE HOURS. Like I kind of said already, it’s a preference of mine, but hey, what is not a preference at the end of the day? 

This describes the Natural State rather impeccably which I have verified through direct experience:

"Quite surprisingly, upon reentry, life becomes very simple and ordinary. We no longer feel driven to have extraordinary moments, to have transcendent experiences. Sitting at the table in the morning and drinking a cup of tea is perfectly adequate. Drinking a cup of tea is experienced as a full expression of ultimate reality. The cup itself is a full expression of everything we have realized. Walking down the hallway, each step is a complete expression of the deepest realization. Raising a family, dealing with children, going to work, going on vacation — all of it is a true expression of that which is inexpressible."
— The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment by Adyashanti

One more boat to use until you reach the shore: Memory is just a commonplace deja-vu. 

With “love,”


Brandon Rohe ?

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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"nobody" cares 

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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1 minute ago, Iesu said:

"nobody" cares 

Nobody is aware of caring.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles that's the joke

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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1 minute ago, Iesu said:

@Rilles that's the joke

Nobody is laughing. There is just the experience of laughter happening.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Degree of awakening = degree of awareness of your own inauthenticity.


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58 minutes ago, Iesu said:

"nobody" cares 



57 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Nobody is aware of caring.


56 minutes ago, Iesu said:

@Rilles that's the joke


55 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Nobody is laughing. There is just the experience of laughter happening.



50 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Degree of awakening = degree of awareness of your own inauthenticity.



“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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You ain’t awake mate. It’s clear to me u ain’t. These posts. Over and over. Your always at it. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the place your at. But u ain’t awake. Your a bloke with bipolar, mental illness, as you tend to like to put it. That’s not a dig at you. But I’m afraid to say that anyone who believes Jesus Christ was a man in the past rather than Jesus Christ just being the being that you are, the only being, God, consciousness, then you can’t possibly be awake. The bible points to the fact and the one and only fact that you are Jesus Christ, not that there was a man, a teacher, a human called Jesus Christ. I like you man, I enjoy your posts. But until you realise the pointed to Jesus Christ is yourself, and only yourself, then it’s impossible that you understand the interpretations of the bible and impossible also that you can be ‘awake’

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Let's go Brandon!!!


....and I mean that in the genuine encouragement of you way not the other way being bandied about lately...

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I dig the general vibe, but I don't necessarily agree with the "God has trapped itself" aspect. This is still an egoic framing of ultimate reality. You will find a way out of the aforementioned "prison." :)

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I knew you weren't, but didn't care.  You'll get there someday, your heart is in the right place.  Good luck.

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53 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

You ain’t awake mate. It’s clear to me u ain’t. These posts. Over and over. Your always at it. Don’t get me wrong, I respect the place your at. But u ain’t awake. Your a bloke with bipolar, mental illness, as you tend to like to put it. That’s not a dig at you. But I’m afraid to say that anyone who believes Jesus Christ was a man in the past rather than Jesus Christ just being the being that you are, the only being, God, consciousness, then you can’t possibly be awake. The bible points to the fact and the one and only fact that you are Jesus Christ, not that there was a man, a teacher, a human called Jesus Christ. I like you man, I enjoy your posts. But until you realise the pointed to Jesus Christ is yourself, and only yourself, then it’s impossible that you understand the interpretations of the bible and impossible also that you can be ‘awake’

Agree. God realization is the only thing one obtains on the path.

For people on the forum that refuse to acknowledge this, I have a hard time understanding why someone would follow Leo’s teachings or even be on his platform. God realization is fundamental to his spiritual insights.

Those who are God realized can easily see through those who are not.

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2 minutes ago, Loba said:

 I am there today, my heart is in the right place. 

Good luck. 

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Yes!!! That’s the Stuff!!! 

You’re not a fraud though my man. You’re perfect. You’re the O.M.F.G. 

Glad to see you shedding the skins. Warms the soul. Much, much love sir ?? 



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16 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I really wish I had my first popular video to share, but it was deleted. It was a 12-14 year old me giving a guide on how to train melee combat stats in the most effective way in RuneScape 2 with a whiny high-pitched voice I was incredibly self-conscious of.

Good luck out there.

I'm going to win deadman mode without throwing a single punch.


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17 hours ago, Iesu said:

"nobody" cares 

And for everything is nothing, and everybody is nobody, everybody cares ?

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@BipolarGrowth It's as much a part of the journey as anything else. It just show you that you've evolved spiritually. Respect and Love ?<3

Edited by WelcometoReality

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11 hours ago, MuadDib said:

I'm going to win deadman mode without throwing a single punch.

Is there a new deadman already? ? I fought in the 1v1s last time and got humiliated first round ?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Aready knew "you" were a fraud....

There's no one there ?

Happy holidays ❤ 

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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